(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[300]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[Korondo]PB[kghin]WR[9d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-09]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[kghin [8d]: hiKorondo [9d]: hi]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[293.783];W[dp]WL[298.089];B[pq]BL[287.579];W[dd]WL[283.094];B[qk]BL[286.246];W[mq]WL[280.731];B[po]BL[274.313]C[Portal2 [1d]: hi];W[jq]WL[273.427];B[jd]BL[272.31]C[Chrille [2k]: hiGon00bs [7k]: hi];W[cn]WL[250.34];B[fc]BL[264.951];W[df]WL[248.276];B[qd]BL[250.612]C[daladim [1d]: hinoned [2d]: :oTurtleDove [5k]: ^^noned [2d]: kyumovehandshake [2k]: kghin must be afraid of korondo's strength?hockey [1d]: the power of koreans is scaryhockey [1d]: except for handshake];W[di]WL[184.932]C[handshake [2k]: i must be an anomaly...JeansebL [4d?]: Korondo is one of my teachers at BIBA];B[nj]BL[227.849]C[JeansebL [4d?]: he is very nice :)treinando [?]: your nick`s fault];W[nh]WL[155.312]C[xevad [-]: JeansebL how is BIBA];B[lh]BL[208.452]C[handshake [2k]: jeansebl are you the israeli or the german?handshake [2k]: or american?JeansebL [4d?]: a new studenthockey [1d]: frenchmanJeansebL [4d?]: canadian];W[mi]WL[123.329];B[kj]BL[206.534]C[xevad [-]: how much did the arrangement cost youhockey [1d]: awwhandshake [2k]: oh you're one of those three canadians Ootakamoku [1d]: canadian, american, same thing..hockey [1d]: you should have let us guess some moreOjisama [4k?]: Hockey or baseball same thing too =)hockey [1d]: ojisama or whalehockey [1d]: same thingJeansebL [4d?]: it's about 800 euro per months, but we got some discount since we're a gropup of 4];W[lk]WL[48.568]C[bolbi [-]: focus on the game, please];B[mj]BL[186.967]C[hockey [1d]: biba is korondo related];W[li]WL[46.793];B[lj]BL[185.899];W[ki]WL[45.858];B[ji]BL[184.812]C[handshake [2k]: bolbi was that about advertising biba?];W[kh]WL[44.042];B[oh]BL[183.508];W[og]WL[41.025];B[ng]BL[181.929]C[bolbi [-]: i'm not talking about thattreinando [?]: I can`t focus on the game, it`s too difficulthandshake [2k]: or hockey baseball same thing <-- this one];W[mg]WL[31.247]C[Javitxu [4k?]: bolbi, are you moderator or something similar?];B[nf]BL[178.893];W[oi]WL[30.218];B[ph]BL[177.626]C[bolbi [-]: yes];W[ni]WL[29.218]C[Moin9 [2k]: Oh they are playing again..];B[pi]BL[170.064];W[oj]WL[27.501]C[handshake [2k]: so if i ask about biba is that okay bolbi?CandD [1k]: how can I write in bold?bolbi [-]: you were right, handshakeOjisama [4k?]: @handshake: u can ask in a private message =)bolbi [-]: yes, off courseJavitxu [4k?]: this is in blod];B[jj]BL[133.783];W[le]WL[22.435]C[Javitxu [4k?]: bold*handshake [2k]: thx bolbi ^^];B[ld]BL[114.398]C[handshake [2k]: so 800 for the group or 1 person?];W[md]WL[8.647]C[xevad [-]: might be per person, but I think they got a group discounthandshake [2k]: and does it take care of plane tickets, place to stay, and meals?];B[me]BL[93.964]C[hockey [1d]: well if it is enjoyablehockey [1d]: and you learn a lotCandD [1k]: handshake are you in korea?];W[ne]WL[30]OW[5]C[handshake [2k]: right now i'm in beijing];B[mf]BL[85.262]C[xevad [-]: probably like China trips where the money covers living expenseshandshake [2k]: i'm i'm leaving soon];W[lf]WL[30]OW[5];B[of]BL[83.591];W[kd]WL[30]OW[5];B[lc]BL[82.466];W[kc]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: I am glad to see];B[kb]BL[72.501]C[hockey [1d]: more and more asian teaching westernershandshake [2k]: soon leaving for korea and going to america september];W[jc]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: to help spread goxevad [-]: good luck];B[ke]BL[64.848]C[saikosan [7k]: he he that'll be fun!!!saikosan [7k]: I'm in Japan... so far I can't find many people who play XDhandshake [2k]: thx :)daladim [1d]: complicated stuff here];W[kf]WL[30]OW[5]C[renni [14k?]: japan popular ];B[je]BL[63.126]C[Cail [1d]: i play, i'm in japan!];W[ic]WL[30]OW[5]C[saikosan [7k]: WHERE!!??cloudo [2k]: b is good here];B[id]BL[50.347]C[saikosan [7k]: lol near tokyo?Javitxu [4k?]: and b still no byo yominickmicyok [8k]: m18 ??saikosan [7k]: do you go to any go shops?Cail [1d]: yes, tokyo, on keio line, but nevermind that];W[hd]WL[30]OW[5]C[saikosan [7k]: XDnickmicyok [8k]: m18 for w polopol: black fail];B[he]BL[28.601];W[jf]WL[30]OW[5];B[ie]BL[27.53]C[Rocker [3d]: die!cloudo [2k]: i see no fail yet];W[hc]WL[30]OW[5]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: w m18 not sente,or just aji keshi?Unicornz [1k]: if you can't see the fail then the fail must be on you];B[gd]BL[7.348]C[handshake [2k]: you'll see soon cloudoMXHero [3d]: aji keshi for nowhandshake [2k]: lol unicornznickmicyok [8k]: m18 :DMXHero [3d]: w would like to play n17];W[ge]WL[30]OW[5]C[hoof [1d]: b looks hopeless];B[ig]BL[5.131]C[hockey [1d]: wow];W[lb]WL[30]OW[5];B[mc]BL[3.499];W[mb]WL[30]OW[5];B[nc]BL[2.554]C[hockey [1d]: what choice will w makenickmicyok [8k]: f18];W[ih]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: nicehockey [1d]: this should be the end for bmorph8 [3d]: yaJavitxu [4k?]: i dont see b quite desperate at allKanin [-]: g14];B[hg]BL[30]OB[5]C[hockey [1d]: then you are not seeing the obvious];W[jh]WL[30]OW[5];B[fe]BL[30]OB[5];W[gf]WL[30]OW[5]C[Javitxu [4k?]: maybe, look at my rank];B[hh]BL[30]OB[5]C[tchan001 [5k]: your rank makes you a questionable personhandshake [2k]: korondo won];W[hi]WL[30]OW[5]C[Javitxu [4k?]: no it doestnt, it makes me a questionalbe go playermorph8 [3d]: nohandshake [2k]: wanna bet? ;)];B[ii]BL[30]OB[5]C[Javitxu [4k?]: nblack99 [9k]: wuuu];W[ff]WL[30]OW[5];B[gi]BL[30]OB[5];W[hj]WL[30]OW[5];B[fh]BL[30]OB[5]C[saikosan [7k]: whats black gonna do about p10 exit XDsaikosan [7k]: poor black XD];W[ol]WL[30]OW[5]C[saikosan [7k]: XD];B[gk]BL[30]OB[5];W[hk]WL[30]OW[5]C[tchan001 [5k]: p10 exit looks a bit slow to 9dcloudo [2k]: ok, now];B[nl]BL[30]OB[5];W[gj]WL[30]OW[5]C[cloudo [2k]: it looks like fail];B[fj]BL[30]OB[5];W[fk]WL[30]OW[5];B[ej]BL[30]OB[5];W[gl]WL[30]OW[5]C[XSpanier [1k]: painfulrenni [14k?]: wow their games are so toughPolemil [3k]: not jusst exit.. attacks n10renni [14k?]: black must n8 ?Rocker [3d]: i own you all];B[nm]BL[30]OB[5]C[Tim5d [5d?]: uu rockerTim5d [5d?]: not 4d anymore ?];W[eh]WL[30]OW[5]C[renni [14k?]: guess i fail loltchan001 [5k]: then play korona even afterwards];B[dj]BL[30]OB[5];W[gh]WL[30]OW[5];B[gg]BL[30]OB[5];W[fg]WL[30]OW[5];B[fi]BL[30]OB[5]C[hockey [1d]: yes you play against korona afterwardsjdaniels [5k]: hey, dont bash the 9d of kibitz];W[jg]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: D:renni [14k?]: resignLola [4k]: oups ^^'nickmicyok [8k]: d8 for w Rocker [3d]: timmy!renni [14k?]: so painful];B[if]BL[30]OB[5];W[cj]WL[30]OW[5];B[ck]BL[30]OB[5]C[Javitxu [4k?]: ouh];W[ci]WL[30]OW[5]C[Javitxu [4k?]: going for allcloudo [2k]: b has good shapeJavitxu [4k?]: so does mean that black still wanna save allataraf [7k]: b lostJavitxu [4k?]: and he think he can];B[dl]BL[30]OB[5];W[dm]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: hehhockey [1d]: d7 awesomeblack99 [9k]: yupRocker [3d]: resign like a kid!?];B[cm]BL[30]OB[4]C[Javitxu [4k?]: attack g9 for the winXSpanier [1k]: and if w doesnt caputre b he just plays m13];W[em]WL[30]OW[5]C[Javitxu [4k?]: xdTulkas [12k]: but even if he does isn´t w getting more and more easy territory?shaguarhan [3k]: ko];B[bn]BL[30]OB[4]C[cloudo [2k]: its just a illusion];W[bl]WL[30]OW[5]C[cloudo [2k]: an*shaguarhan [3k]: ohhockey [1d]: korondo is greatRocker [3d]: b winssaikosan [7k]: ?hockey [1d]: not just win to show how great he isshaguarhan [3k]: b9jdaniels [5k]: why does someone always scream ko when obvious stuff is happening?hockey [1d]: crush kghin too];B[bm]BL[30]OB[4]C[Rocker [3d]: i m greatterhockey [1d]: too show superiority];W[bk]WL[30]OW[5];B[cl]BL[30]OB[4];W[co]WL[30]OW[5]C[Unicornz [1k]: KO!hockey [1d]: to*shinte [4k]: seki];B[lg]BL[30]OB[4]C[shaguarhan [3k]: resignMirana [3k]: seki lol];W[ql]WL[30]OW[5]C[Gthueber [5k]: M13!juxtapose [5k]: lol];B[pk]BL[30]OB[4];W[ok]WL[30]OW[5];B[pl]BL[30]OB[4];W[om]WL[30]OW[5]C[handshake [2k]: white winsshinte [4k]: if it's not a ko, it must be sekishinte [4k]: :)];B[on]BL[30]OB[4];W[pm]WL[30]OW[5];B[qm]BL[30]OB[4]C[juxtapose [5k]: despreate time];W[qn]WL[30]OW[5]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: massive semeai];B[rl]BL[30]OB[4]C[TurtleDove [5k]: same guy who shouts "yo the man" at the golf];W[pn]WL[30]OW[5]C[Unicornz [1k]: it's always koverystoned [?]: i was expecting w to play h14hockey [1d]: w confident on libertiesGon00bs [7k]: b is getting cut all to hellhockey [1d]: so would be weird if he has not read this yet];B[dc]BL[30]OB[4]C[verystoned [?]: and then throw in and d9handshake [2k]: white wins];W[hf]WL[30]OW[5]C[renni [14k?]: o9 juxtapose [5k]: lol gave upUnicornz [1k]: b is a trooper];B[cd]BL[30]OB[4]C[hkg00229 [13k]: w is very strong.];W[nn]WL[30]OW[5];B[oo]BL[30]OB[4]C[saikosan [7k]: XDKorken [2d]: h14 says please resign ? ];W[mn]WL[30]OW[5]C[verystoned [?]: b should resign now];B[lm]BL[30]OB[4];W[ln]WL[30]OW[5];B[kn]BL[30]OB[4]C[nickmicyok [8k]: heheheh :Dhockey [1d]: great win for wPortal2 [1d]: if this isnt the finishing blow...what is];W[km]WL[30]OW[5]C[hockey [1d]: easily +50];B[jp]BL[30]OB[4];W[ko]WL[30]OW[5]C[isbhal [-]: lol];B[jn]BL[30]OB[4]C[hkg00229 [13k]: kghin is a good player but before W, he is playing like a kid];W[jm]WL[30]OW[5]C[pegen [6k]: what are you doing kghin :)];B[im]BL[30]OB[4];W[il]WL[30]OW[5];B[kp]BL[30]OB[4]C[saikosan [7k]: Why can't black kill center group... it seems like he could XD];W[jo]WL[30]OW[5];B[lp]BL[30]OB[4]C[ataraf [7k]: no wayshinte [4k]: losing like a bosshkg00229 [13k]: come on kiddo, ];W[ip]WL[30]OW[5]C[cloudo [2k]: kids a good at playing, u know];B[iq]BL[30]OB[4]C[verystoned [?]: if b can live in bottom centre game is salvagable];W[io]WL[30]OW[5];B[hq]BL[30]OB[4]C[juxtapose [5k]: never give up never surender, lol];W[mp]WL[30]OW[5]C[HiVariance [8k]: kghin is the kind of guy who will blink even after you cut off his headjdaniels [5k]: wow, korondo is like 9,5d];B[cq]BL[30]OB[4];W[bo]WL[30]OW[5]C[XSpanier [1k]: omg];B[dq]BL[30]OB[4]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: just resign];W[kr]WL[30]OW[5]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: c'mon kghinChemBoy613 [-]: havle the board is deadsarinja [2k]: hugehandshake [2k]: lolUnicornz [1k]: b will have a haeart attack if he keeps playing lsot games like this];B[bp]BL[30]OB[4]C[shinte [4k]: W only got centerIRONBALLS [1d]: I think b is in trouble!];W[ap]WL[30]OW[5]C[shinte [4k]: but huge center :)];B[aq]BL[30]OB[4]C[TurtleDove [5k]: now for the other half ..];W[ao]WL[30]OW[5]C[Rocker [3d]: korondo'is a rude dude! H14!lockelaton [4k]: L3 and L2Broken [7d]: better stop kibitz];B[ep]BL[30]OB[4];W[eo]WL[30]OW[5];B[fp]BL[30]OB[4];W[rp]WL[30]OW[5]C[lockelaton [4k]: what good?verystoned [?]: c15Chrille [2k]: ur corner huge!isbhal [-]: +1kghin [8d]: thxKorondo [9d]: thxtchan001 [5k]: w has the center and lots of captured stones. hugehandshake [2k]: thxKorondo [9d]: ggsaikosan [7k]: awwwhandshake [2k]: review?sarinja [2k]: total distractionKorondo [9d]: okayverystoned [?]: white is ALphaxevad [-]: and the OmegaPortal2 [1d]: just in time for the roln game])
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Korondo    kghin
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