(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[300]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]PW[SunnyLucky]PB[kghin]WR[9d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-09]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[daladim [1d]: goooooo sunnyluckyyy !!! :Dkghin [8d]: hiSunnyLucky [9d]: hi]RE[B+Resign];B[qd]BL[283.739]C[gotcha [1k?]: thats the sh**];W[dc]WL[288.724];B[qq]BL[279.901];W[dq]WL[284.643];B[nc]BL[272.581];W[qj]WL[278.734];B[ql]BL[263.343]C[Arhiman [1d]: stuff ! he said stuff];W[qg]WL[274.949];B[co]BL[233.368];W[ck]WL[260.605];B[de]BL[209.791]C[xevad [-]: very loose play from both players];W[dg]WL[247.931]C[albemuth [9k]: interesting opening];B[fe]BL[181.174]C[xD [2k]: i like black];W[gc]WL[242.717];B[he]BL[167.778];W[id]WL[226.317]C[xD [2k]: to push or not to pushGrisGris [1k]: not to pushxevad [-]: push wheregotcha [1k?]: g3 ];B[cc]BL[110.897]C[xD [2k]: everywerPUSHandCUT [?]: to push and then cut];W[cb]WL[221.984];B[ec]BL[109.768];W[cd]WL[218.088];B[dd]BL[108.169];W[bc]WL[215.798];B[db]BL[107.191];W[ce]WL[197.64];B[cc]BL[105.053];W[df]WL[183.254];B[kc]BL[98.89];W[ie]WL[173.534];B[if]BL[94.304];W[kd]WL[167.23]C[xD [2k]: this black plays like a 13 year old];B[ld]BL[78.283]C[Hellhuman [-]: not funny xD];W[ke]WL[163.904]C[Arhiman [1d]: indeed];B[jb]BL[66.742]C[Unicornz [1k]: it was pretty funnyUnicornz [1k]: 6/10Juan03 [10k]: isnt he 12?PUSHandCUT [?]: noJuan03 [10k]: or 13?cork [6k]: black is 9d killerxD [2k]: born december of 1997];W[hf]WL[129.827];B[hd]BL[63.037]C[bratac [5k?]: nice hellhuman xD [2k]: based on my math, thats 13 and a half];W[hc]WL[117.042];B[gf]BL[57.964];W[hg]WL[110.887];B[ic]BL[51.886];W[fd]WL[100.707];B[ge]BL[50.22];W[ee]WL[99.726];B[ed]BL[48.987];W[ef]WL[98.711];B[gg]BL[48.105]C[nickmicyok [8k]: f18];W[fb]WL[88.224]C[Unicornz [1k]: w is being greedyUnicornz [1k]: naughty w];B[jf]BL[20.831]C[Hellhuman [-]: koHellhuman [-]: :>];W[hh]WL[81.211];B[lf]BL[8.755];W[gh]WL[66.178];B[jd]BL[4.243];W[je]WL[60.867];B[kf]BL[20]OB[3];W[jc]WL[57.987];B[ib]BL[20]OB[3]C[nickmicyok [8k]: m17daladim [1d]: no threatsdaladim [1d]: has to create threats firstplein [1d]: impossible koxevad [-]: was letting white have g12 a good idea?power [4k]: j18 goodbratac [5k?]: e18?];W[dc]WL[21.542]C[msyrver [1d]: Why did b not fill?Arhiman [1d]: why did b play k16 instead of simply m15 ?];B[fq]BL[20]OB[3];W[fp]WL[9.534]C[n0thing [4d]: y, b could avoid the ko I think];B[gp]BL[20]OB[3];W[ep]WL[7.039]C[xevad [-]: could have];B[bq]BL[20]OB[3]C[daladim [1d]: indeed];W[lc]WL[20]OW[3]C[st21 [1d]: m17 very huge koArhiman [1d]: should have];B[jd]BL[20]OB[3];W[br]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: what does black gain from itblack99 [9k]: oh, 9d alrdy];B[cq]BL[20]OB[3];W[jc]WL[20]OW[3];B[kb]BL[20]OB[3];W[le]WL[20]OW[3];B[me]BL[20]OB[3];W[md]WL[20]OW[3];B[jd]BL[20]OB[3];W[cr]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: maybe black does not plan on losing it];B[ld]BL[20]OB[3];W[cm]WL[20]OW[3];B[go]BL[20]OB[3];W[en]WL[20]OW[3];B[fn]BL[20]OB[3]C[nickmicyok [8k]: g4];W[em]WL[20]OW[3]C[st21 [1d]: g3st21 [1d]: o4];B[cc]BL[20]OB[3]C[Arhiman [1d]: n4];W[jp]WL[20]OW[3]C[st21 [1d]: ohnickmicyok [8k]: k4 :Dst21 [1d]: k3 painst21 [1d]: k4*Cail [1d]: can b d2?];B[lq]BL[20]OB[3];W[iq]WL[20]OW[3]C[Arhiman [1d]: d2 e2 ?ugtuzu: UH OH!];B[in]BL[20]OB[3];W[ko]WL[20]OW[3]C[Cail [1d]: d4, e3, e5?];B[km]BL[20]OB[3];W[jm]WL[20]OW[3];B[jn]BL[20]OB[3];W[kn]WL[20]OW[3]C[awabi [3k]: no point e2];B[lm]BL[20]OB[3]C[msyrver [1d]: w can still cut with f5, has a liberty too manynickmicyok [8k]: L3Arhiman [1d]: what's the point ? :/awabi [3k]: c3 wouldnt last long];W[jl]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: miscounted liberties];B[mo]BL[20]OB[3]C[Cail [1d]: ah, oops];W[mp]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: it's okay Cail, it happens];B[lp]BL[20]OB[3];W[mn]WL[20]OW[3];B[ln]BL[20]OB[3];W[lo]WL[20]OW[3];B[no]BL[20]OB[3];W[nn]WL[20]OW[3];B[on]BL[20]OB[3]C[Arhiman [1d]: seems like all-in];W[ml]WL[20]OW[3];B[mm]BL[20]OB[3];W[nm]WL[20]OW[3];B[nl]BL[20]OB[3];W[om]WL[20]OW[3];B[ll]BL[20]OB[3]C[st21 [1d]: o3 there lifest21 [1d]: or not?];W[mq]WL[20]OW[3]C[nickmicyok [8k]: m9];B[mr]BL[20]OB[3];W[oo]WL[20]OW[3];B[np]BL[20]OB[3]C[ssc [1k]: drive :)daladim [1d]: w will losexD [2k]: black wants too much];W[nq]WL[20]OW[3];B[op]BL[20]OB[3]C[st21 [1d]: o3 dont worked?];W[lr]WL[20]OW[3]C[plein [1d]: he gets a lot thoug];B[kr]BL[20]OB[3];W[ls]WL[20]OW[3]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: black takes what he can get, and them someOotakamoku [1d]: wow, good luck reading that messGoprince [3d]: b looks okcompendium [?]: p3Warfreak2 [4d]: haxxevad [-]: black got mind hackedPUSHandCUT [?]: w looks more ok];B[kq]BL[20]OB[2];W[oq]WL[20]OW[3]C[plein [1d]: u sure about w?plein [1d]: i like b];B[pp]BL[20]OB[2]C[xevad [-]: and will probably lose on time.. if white has moe tricks like that];W[hr]WL[20]OW[3]C[hockey [1d]: hehwhatwhat [5k?]: wow.. nice move];B[ks]BL[20]OB[2]C[matomatala [5d?]: moe tricks are the best trickshockey [1d]: b gets the small fishxD [2k]: nice by white];W[gq]WL[20]OW[3]C[plein [1d]: if g5 lives b good];B[mk]BL[20]OB[2]C[daladim [1d]: funky tradepower [4k]: w stongPUSHandCUT [?]: I hope the are gonna make 2 huge mega giga territories];W[hl]WL[20]OW[3]C[beluga [3k]: B have enough?xD [2k]: berry stongmadigouf [1d]: it's not so smallwhatwhat [5k?]: still b has lot of cash.. w is not ...nmwhatwhat [5k?]: is cash nowPUSHandCUT [?]: R13 is deadOotakamoku [1d]: w left side is urm.. hugeUnicornz [1k]: r10 is gonna die nowPUSHandCUT [?]: kill R13];B[rh]BL[20]OB[2]C[Rothmans [?]: last fightjasonsing [3k]: white got half the board alreadyxD [2k]: ive been waiting for thisverystoned [?]: is the kid getting spanked?comfort [4d]: looks too hard to kill all for bGoprince [3d]: for sure w dies];W[qk]WL[20]OW[3]C[verystoned [?]: looks hard for w on the right];B[qh]BL[20]OB[2]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: p7 contains enough aji to keep w alive?];W[pl]WL[20]OW[3]C[comfort [4d]: m7 is not completely settled hockey [1d]: r9];B[qm]BL[20]OB[2]C[hockey [1d]: heh];W[ph]WL[20]OW[3]C[verystoned [?]: left right split nicely...top battle is the decider];B[rg]BL[20]OB[2];W[pn]WL[20]OW[3];B[qn]BL[20]OB[2]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: i don't get h2xevad [-]: wow..Warfreak2 [4d]: o2 seemed to work];W[oj]WL[20]OW[3];B[mi]BL[20]OB[2]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: ur not reading deep enough warfreakbeluga [3k]: r5?PUSHandCUT [?]: it didnt warfreakGoprince [3d]: b had j2 no?];W[ni]WL[20]OW[3];B[nj]BL[20]OB[2]C[awabi [3k]: if O2 b kill L5whatwhat [5k?]: b j2 was sente for sureALOALO [-]: ███████████hockey [1d]: hahabeluga [3k]: r5];W[ok]WL[20]OW[3]C[xD [2k]: aloalo just said a bad word...hockey [1d]: KGS censorship function takes a different path];B[nk]BL[20]OB[2]C[donGoku [2k]: kghin geting stronger day by day];W[nh]WL[20]OW[3]C[power [4k]: ███ you!whatwhat [5k?]: is aloalo a hawaiian word?ALOALO [-]: zes];B[pi]BL[20]OB[2]C[ALOALO [-]: y*Unicornz [1k]: ALOALO is a british sitcom about world war 2 Francexevad [-]: I like this new feature kgs has];W[qi]WL[20]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: a lot less distracting from the gamexD [2k]: if he becomes stronger by day, what does he do by night?];B[oh]BL[20]OB[2]C[hockey [1d]: batmanmatomatala [5d?]: a dan kgs doesn't deservexD [2k]: he does batman?beluga [3k]: aliveGoprince [3d]: cool censorship];W[pg]WL[20]OW[3]C[power [4k]: xevad, your a ███ ██████];B[og]BL[20]OB[2]C[Goprince [3d]: so much styleALOALO [-]: I am René Artoismiae [5k]: omg...stop thatplease];W[of]WL[20]OW[3]C[Unicornz [1k]: I thought you were dead?];B[pf]BL[20]OB[2]C[hockey [1d]: hmKorondo [9d]: hellohockey [1d]: about time w resigns?Warfreak2 [4d]: perhaps you can tell me what black's response to o2 is, instead of asserting that i didn't read enoughUnicornz [1k]: hello korondoxevad [-]: hi Korondo];W[qf]WL[20]OW[3]C[xD [2k]: hello!daladim [1d]: hey seki adagio !Warfreak2 [4d]: i read it and it seemed to work];B[rf]BL[20]OB[2]C[ssc [1k]: hi korondo :)Korondo [9d]: hipower [4k]: ███, Korondo];W[pe]WL[20]OW[3];B[qe]BL[20]OB[2]C[xD [2k]: bad power bad!daladim [1d]: nice bGoprince [3d]: w vvery deadKorondo [9d]: ^^donGoku [2k]: n12 for wpegen [6k]: b wins?];W[pf]WL[20]OW[3];B[ng]BL[20]OB[2]C[lebron8 [3d]: yabeluga [3k]: resign];W[oi]WL[20]OW[3]C[daladim [1d]: dont hesitate to give us comments korondo :)];B[nf]BL[20]OB[2]C[liusasori [3d]: n12 ?hockey [1d]: korondo is lacking in the english departmentawabi [3k]: 0 eyes )ChemBoy613 [-]: w looks dead to me?hockey [1d]: but good in korean];W[mh]WL[20]OW[3]C[lamalama: n12power [4k]: what about UL?];B[li]BL[20]OB[2]C[xevad [-]: just extend across now];W[lh]WL[20]OW[3]C[beluga [3k]: r5HiVariance [8k]: I'd even talk with Korondo if he only knew a few words.lamalama: q5];B[ki]BL[20]OB[2]C[atiyah [1k]: does kgs have new censoring technology?Goprince [3d]: deadhockey [1d]: that's not the point];W[pj]WL[20]OW[3]C[power [4k]: yephockey [1d]: korondo hardly understands uswhatwhat [5k?]: ?gote?];B[ol]BL[20]OB[2]C[miae [5k]: its really annoying ..tyhe blackbarsUnicornz [1k]: nobody understands menickmicyok [8k]: s8];W[oc]WL[20]OW[3]C[lebron8 [3d]: lol];B[qc]BL[20]OB[2]C[handshake [2k]: black windaladim [1d]: res in a few movesChemBoy613 [-]: B+++handshake [2k]: white is all dead];W[ne]WL[20]OW[3]C[msyrver [1d]: Not sure, Warfreak. b l1 h2 does not connect, and b j2 h3 looks like small mutual life for both while j6 still diespower [4k]: 안녕하십니까];B[nd]BL[20]OB[2]C[power [4k]: ^^tcr [5k?]: is it possible to mute the whole chat?];W[od]WL[20]OW[3]C[HiVariance [8k]: Gatekeeper gonna gatekeepin];B[oe]BL[20]OB[2]C[Goprince [3d]: chance!MrZNF [4d]: white can't see the chat];W[jg]WL[20]OW[3]C[xD [2k]: drag window to the rightDrZoom [4k]: handshake: white has a little territory on the left];B[jh]BL[20]OB[2];W[ne]WL[20]OW[3]C[msyrver [1d]: No, but you can clone this game to watch it in silencewhatisgo [2d]: just close your right eyexD [2k]: and the chat window disappears];B[pb]BL[20]OB[2]C[miae [5k]: you can put chat on silence if you are playingmythical [1k]: if white lives , all those who said its dead will look stupidkghin [8d]: thxdaladim [1d]: cool !FraTeoX [1k]: youhougotcha [1k?]: ggSunnyLucky [9d]: thxFraTeoX [1k]: kghin the bestwhatwhat [5k?]: exciting game..pegen [6k]: lol mythical :)gotcha [1k?]: clap clapKorondo [9d]: sorry i am not good at Englishwhatwhat [5k?]: w tesuji magic in beginning was awesome..HiVariance [8k]: Korondo, your English is good enough.whatwhat [5k?]: b has sharp tools too... exciting gameKorondo [9d]: thxKorondo [9d]: ^^HiVariance [8k]: :)handshake [2k]: korondo wants to talk moreHiVariance [8k]: If we use simple English then Korondo can understand.handshake [2k]: yeahKorondo [9d]: yeahHiVariance [8k]: See? :)hockey [1d]: coolwhatwhat [5k?]: wish i could get google translate to see this page.. then he could speak korean.. and it would translate on the flyxlREDlx [?]: google translator for korean suckswhatwhat [5k?]: mmmhandshake [2k]: i'll translatehandshake [2k]: korondo can say what he can say in English in Englishmetroport [12k]: translate from eng to korea?handshake [2k]: that too yeshandshake [2k]: and whatever he can't say in english i'll translatemetroport [12k]: i think korondo is a japanesexlREDlx [?]: he is koreanwhatwhat [5k?]: thxhandshake [2k]: i think your mom is africanmetroport [12k]: how come?handshake [2k]: no reasonmetroport [12k]: then you are wrongmetroport [12k]: racism?hockey [1d]: metroport obviously korondo is koreanmetroport [12k]: well, his name looks like a japanese namehaltija [2d?]: maybe he can say something in korean so these translators could show their skillsmetroport [12k]: what skill, language skillmetroport [12k]: ?haltija [2d?]: well sure that's needed in translation])
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