(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[300]OT[3x20 byo-yomi]PW[SunnyLucky]PB[Hutoshi4]WR[9d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-10]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Hutoshi4 [8d]: hi]RE[B+Time];B[pd]BL[294.204]C[HiVariance [8k]: Way to goSunnyLucky [9d]: hi];W[dd]WL[293.636]C[HiVariance [8k]: Go Hutoshi4! :)];B[qp]BL[289.888];W[dq]WL[291.527];B[oq]BL[287.212];W[qj]WL[288.889];B[cf]BL[283.266];W[fc]WL[283.505];B[co]BL[278.977];W[ep]WL[279.21];B[cl]BL[265.8];W[cp]WL[253.576];B[do]BL[260.465];W[jq]WL[246.024];B[ql]BL[230.439];W[qf]WL[240.624];B[nc]BL[227.863];W[rd]WL[238.763];B[qh]BL[225.565];W[of]WL[235.767];B[pi]BL[213.785];W[qc]WL[233.193];B[kc]BL[212.078];W[pj]WL[224.307];B[ni]BL[206.595];W[oj]WL[221.509];B[ng]BL[199.385];W[ol]WL[218.486];B[nf]BL[190.232]C[RobertT [-]: go sunnylucky! shatter the cup!];W[mk]WL[207.621];B[bd]BL[173.551];W[ic]WL[192.058];B[cc]BL[171.393];W[dc]WL[176.388];B[pn]BL[143.479];W[eo]WL[159.727];B[jo]BL[110.492];W[np]WL[120.008];B[nq]BL[95.074];W[lp]WL[117.744];B[ln]BL[52.977];W[on]WL[99.921];B[pm]BL[38.952]C[tenletters [1k]: w is 9dSilchas [1d]: b is 8dkonut [1d]: tenletters is ten letterskgs1d [1k]: W was 8dtenletters [1k]: toucheAnarsul [10k]: this is 10d kibitzing];W[om]WL[35.154]C[HiVariance [8k]: SunnyLucky didn't pass the 9d testKotonoha [2d]: this is the1st 9d taiwan cilent ?Kotonoha [2d]: ah chennsMaslov [3d]: l3];B[hp]BL[20]OB[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: no...chenns is chinese cilent :Ppatrickn [2k]: 我不擅长中文gaxx [2k]: such a peaceful gametenletters [1k]: maybe w is that taiwanese fella from wagc];W[po]WL[20]OW[3];B[qo]BL[20]OB[3]C[RobertT [-]: or maybe there are other strong players besides the ones sent to the wagc];W[mq]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: i dont see points for white though...];B[iq]BL[20]OB[3]C[RobertT [-]: whites points are where blacks groups used to be];W[jp]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: lol];B[io]BL[20]OB[3];W[gq]WL[20]OW[3];B[gp]BL[20]OB[3];W[fq]WL[20]OW[3]C[BenSenTen [4k]: fight coming soonKotonoha [2d]: dame filling soon];B[jr]BL[20]OB[3];W[kr]WL[20]OW[3]C[gaxx [2k]: looks to me like it will be peaceful the whole gameTenJack [12k?]: passing soon?];B[ir]BL[20]OB[3]C[RobertT [-]: whites wildest dreams is to chase blacks center into blacks left sideKotonoha [2d]: 1 of them will win and 1 will lose soon];W[ip]WL[20]OW[3]C[TenJack [12k?]: 11d kibitzing soon? :-)andrewgr [3k]: can't be peaceful whole game, both players strong enough that the one that's behind will know it and try to complicate things];B[hq]BL[20]OB[3];W[ho]WL[20]OW[3]C[patrickn [2k]: who will win and who will lose, its what were all here to determineKotonoha [2d]: Taiwanese attackkkkkkkkkkkk];B[lr]BL[20]OB[3]C[RobertT [-]: 11d kibitzing = mid strength pro kibitzingBenSenTen [4k]: who win not important at all];W[ks]WL[20]OW[3];B[mr]BL[20]OB[3]C[patrickn [2k]: it is if you are rooting for hutoshi];W[kq]WL[20]OW[3]C[BenSenTen [4k]: i just want an exciting gametenletters [1k]: hutoshi not playing... ?gaxx [2k]: that doesn't mean you can't root for him];B[go]BL[20]OB[2]C[tenletters [1k]: tru];W[hn]WL[20]OW[3];B[gn]BL[20]OB[2]C[Kotonoha [2d]: wow....];W[hm]WL[20]OW[3];B[ko]BL[20]OB[2];W[mp]WL[20]OW[3];B[ll]BL[20]OB[2];W[il]WL[20]OW[3];B[gm]BL[20]OB[2];W[gl]WL[20]OW[3];B[fl]BL[20]OB[2]C[tenletters [1k]: who won?];W[lk]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: Kgs wongaxx [2k]: SE wonRobertT [-]: person who wins at end + resTenJack [12k?]: Hu(toshi)'s on first?];B[op]BL[20]OB[2];W[oo]WL[20]OW[3]C[tenletters [1k]: he's on fourthKotonoha [2d]: cup get cooked];B[kl]BL[20]OB[1];W[jj]WL[20]OW[3];B[gk]BL[20]OB[1];W[hl]WL[20]OW[3]C[metroport [12k]: how many game have sunnyluck played today?gaxx [2k]: cup also has huge left];B[jk]BL[20]OB[1];W[ij]WL[20]OW[3]C[tenletters [1k]: a millionpatrickn [2k]: 70-1huhi5 [6k]: 12 gameRobertT [-]: this is 8th];B[bp]BL[20]OB[1];W[bq]WL[20]OW[3]C[metroport [12k]: i saw him in the morning and i see him nowKotonoha [2d]: SunnySucky so stronghuhi5 [6k]: so smoothRobertT [-]: 8th in my time zone :p];B[fj]BL[20]OB[1];W[hj]WL[20]OW[3]C[metroport [12k]: here is at night now];B[en]BL[20]OB[1];W[dg]WL[20]OW[3]C[go4fun2010 [3k]: sunnysucky?];B[cg]BL[20]OB[1]C[RobertT [-]: that isnt punny];W[di]WL[20]OW[3]C[tenletters [1k]: this ice cream i just et tasted like mayonnaiseKotonoha [2d]: poor taishi ];B[df]BL[20]OB[1];W[eg]WL[20]OW[3]C[RobertT [-]: hutaisha];B[ch]BL[20]OB[1]C[Kotonoha [2d]: huge dream doesnt works];W[ob]WL[20]OW[3];B[fe]BL[20]OB[1]C[metroport [12k]: what kind of serious disease can cause dizziness, i felt like so dizzled when i stand up];W[gg]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: black gets desperate nowtenletters [1k]: eat less saltCyclone001 [?]: tenletters: that would leave some pretty bad aji, I imaginecraig [4k]: were you wearing a diving mask teiletters?Anarsul [10k]: i think thats normalRobertT [-]: metroport, that means your about to die.];B[fh]BL[20]OB[1]C[yrodro [6k?]: mayonnaise = 10 letters... oh! I get it! 10 letters...patrickn [2k]: AIDS];W[ei]WL[20]OW[3];B[fi]BL[20]OB[1]C[metroport [12k]: no i am seriousgaxx [2k]: compulsive explosive disorder];W[ef]WL[20]OW[3];B[ee]BL[20]OB[1]C[gaxx [2k]: or low blood pressure, either way];W[gf]WL[20]OW[3]C[RobertT [-]: spontanious combusion disordertenletters [1k]: chocolate mayonnaise is indeed bad ajiPlasmaFlux [3k]: metro, we are go players not doctors.tenletters [1k]: metro, consume less sodium];B[gd]BL[20]OB[1]C[PlasmaFlux [3k]: ask us about joseki, not dizzinessRobertT [-]: I'M A DOCTOR NOT A MAGICIAN!metroport [12k]: but i do eat salt];W[hb]WL[20]OW[3]C[tenletters [1k]: i get dizzy when playing josekihuhi5 [6k]: i'm doctortenletters [1k]: who do i talk to?WWSD [1k]: eat more potassiumFi [4d]: i have an MD in cardiotrology, and your symptoms indicate to me that you have STD metroportmetroport [12k]: me];B[he]BL[20]OB[1]C[huhi5 [6k]: i think u lose too much go games];W[ig]WL[20]OW[3]C[metroport [12k]: notenletters [1k]: too many*yrodro [6k?]: Single Tigit DanRobertT [-]: metrosport, could you turn your head and cough for me?];B[je]BL[20]OB[1]C[andrewgr [3k]: white likes good shape];W[cb]WL[20]OW[3];B[bb]BL[20]OB[1]C[Kotonoha [2d]: lol];W[cd]WL[20]OW[3];B[bc]BL[20]OB[1]C[metroport [12k]: when i stand up, i felt i am going to pass out and my heart start beatingPlasmaFlux [3k]: then stop standing uptchan001 [5k]: and who doesn't like good shape];W[dk]WL[20]OW[3]C[tenletters [1k]: metro doesn't like good shapeandrewgr [3k]: judging by their play, virtually everybody else];B[dl]BL[20]OB[1]C[craig [4k]: it's a good thing your heart started beatingtenletters [1k]: he is obviously in horrible shapeyrodro [6k?]: dr! dr! I feel in bad shapecraig [4k]: maybe the dizzyness will go awayKotonoha [2d]: lol.....metroport [12k]: really?GeorgeW [-]: If your heart doesn't start beating unless you stand up, I'd recommend always standing up];W[ek]WL[20]OW[3];B[fk]BL[20]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: lol];W[nb]WL[20]OW[3];B[jb]BL[20]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: sage like advice from g dubCBlue [1d?]: so, what's up with the new "KGS Meijin" featureRobertT [-]: w seems to be pwningmetroport [12k]: so is it a good thing that my heart start beating when i stand up?];W[db]WL[20]OW[3]C[CBlue [1d?]: any meijin arrived yet?];B[gc]BL[20]OB[1]C[GeorgeW [-]: YesPlasmaFlux [3k]: this is exactly why one should not seek medical advice in kibbitz.];W[gb]WL[20]OW[3]C[RobertT [-]: kgs meijin?craig [4k]: or sitting, or any old timetenletters [1k]: i think the question is "is it bad my heart doesn't beat when i sit down"Goprince [3d]: wth kgsd meijin?Kotonoha [2d]: just alive..metroport [12k]: sitting is fine];B[kg]BL[20]OB[1]C[Fi [4d]: it is a good thing metroport; and a better thing is to stop talking about your medical problems herePlasmaFlux [3k]: metro - do you have two eyes?Cyclone001 [?]: metro: that it starts beating when you stand up is normal - the problem happens when you don'tHiVariance [8k]: "Get strong at medical advice"];W[mc]WL[20]OW[3]C[PlasmaFlux [3k]: if so, you're alive. nothing to worry about.];B[ed]BL[20]OB[1];W[ec]WL[20]OW[3]C[xzc [1k]: unless MM's play the new 9d's it feel it is just another of his 9d's account, he do own 90% of KGS 9d's account:)];B[md]BL[20]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: KGS is good place to ask for medical advice, the G stands for Gynaecology ];W[nd]WL[20]OW[3]C[Kotonoha [2d]: he have no time to play go because he is using the public computers in hospital while on duty :P];B[lc]BL[20]OB[1]C[lexansoft [2k]: w g15?PlasmaFlux [3k]: tenletters - Kisedo Gynecology Server?];W[oc]WL[20]OW[3];B[ca]BL[20]OB[1]C[Kotonoha [2d]: reason behind his 12k rank storyCyclone001 [?]: has a girl ever been on the server?tenletters [1k]: well Kiseido is defunct so the K is reflexivetenletters [1k]: but otherwise, yesGoprince [3d]: ohmetroport [12k]: i saw the doctor on tuesday, he said i was dehydrated. But i did not beileve him as i drink a lot of fluidPlasmaFlux [3k]: well, so long as it's reflexive and not recursive, i can live with it.kgs1d [1k]: w dead?];W[fa]WL[20]OW[2]C[drueknmstr [3d]: n9 pretty awesome];B[ha]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: n9 holding the whole thing together?tenletters [1k]: recursive, reflexive, whichevertchan001 [5k]: h19?TenJack [12k?]: I have trouble believing that a 9d would let e17 diegaxx [2k]: well you came to the right place. It's always better to trust fellow online go players than a professional doctor];W[ib]WL[20]OW[2]C[kgs1d [1k]: looks w deadBenSenTen [4k]: seldom see 9d die like this];B[ia]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: um yeah, w looks deadRobertT [-]: looks can be deceivingGoprince [3d]: w is finegodango [6k]: this is a SDK problem];W[jc]WL[20]OW[2]C[PlasmaFlux [3k]: kgs1d, you're not reading deep enough...watch for m16tchan001 [5k]: wow, kgs1d is [1k] lolRobertT [-]: this is sdk when the player has no where to run];B[kb]BL[20]OB[1];W[ge]WL[20]OW[2]C[billlin [6d]: prob cause 9d played 4 and 5d s to get to 9d...];B[hd]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: wow, niceGoprince [3d]: and lifegodango [6k]: 9d was SDK at one pointgodango [6k]: lol];W[fd]WL[20]OW[2]C[Kotonoha [2d]: not nice...];B[de]BL[20]OB[1];W[ie]WL[20]OW[2]C[slowcooker [1d]: nice life];B[id]BL[20]OB[1]C[RobertT [-]: 9d where never sdks...CBlue [1d?]: huuutoto!Cyclone001 [?]: poor b - never a goodidea to try a kill a 9dbilllin [6d]: white's left side is dead thoughtchan001 [5k]: hope we see a wonderful tesuji soonGoprince [3d]: not clear thoRobertT [-]: this is the tesuji];W[jd]WL[20]OW[2];B[if]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: hm w still looks deadbilllin [6d]: still deadfuzydunlop [1k]: i love how someone had the nerve to call this convoluted situation a SDK problem..Mendigo [9k]: hi, does anybody use cgoban under Linux?Kotonoha [2d]: w deaddddddddddddddddd];W[ke]WL[20]OW[2];B[kf]BL[20]OB[1]C[konut [1d]: looks like w still has a problemtenletters [1k]: metro stopped talking, good night sweet princeTenJack [12k?]: actually I use the downloadable client under linuxRobertT [-]: this is ddk problemPlasmaFlux [3k]: here comes m16, as promisedBooster [2k]: what is sdk ?];W[kd]WL[20]OW[2]C[Goprince [3d]: ohGoprince [3d]: cool lifewaterfox [6k]: youCyclone001 [?]: sdk - single digit kyuGoprince [3d]: m14Goprince [3d]: nextKotonoha [2d]: cool wife better];B[ih]BL[20]OB[1]C[Goprince [3d]: n15Mendigo [9k]: Tenjack I have a problem I want to know if you experienced that.];W[hf]WL[20]OW[2]C[HiVariance [8k]: It's a software developer kit problem];B[jf]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mendigo [9k]: I listen to stones. then suddenly sound comes outTenJack [12k?]: what's the problem? (I don't know if I can help, but I'll try)godango [6k]: m16];W[hh]WL[20]OW[2]C[Goprince [3d]: omg w so stornggodango [6k]: m16Mendigo [9k]: when I re-establish sound cgoban closes.TenJack [12k?]: hmm, I don't hear the stones falling on the boardTenJack [12k?]: hmm];B[jh]BL[20]OB[1]C[CandD [1k]: lol is w going to merc it alltchan001 [5k]: hm n15 looks goodTenJack [12k?]: have no idea :-(];W[hc]WL[20]OW[2]C[kgs1d [1k]: w strongbilllin [6d]: w lacking reading skillsgodango [6k]: what is merc?];B[ie]BL[20]OB[1]C[Mendigo [9k]: ok. thanks anywayCandD [1k]: killgodango [6k]: ohBooster [2k]: turn speakers on againGoprince [3d]: m12Mendigo [9k]: may be a java issuegodango [6k]: as in mercenaryTenJack [12k?]: nplyt [5k]: m16Mendigo [9k]: speakers are on Booster :)PlasmaFlux [3k]: stupid java];W[me]WL[20]OW[2]C[TenJack [12k?]: maybe, try asking the modsHiVariance [8k]: It's the deadly slug shape];B[hi]BL[20]OB[1]C[PlasmaFlux [3k]: i have to re-dl cgoban.jlp every time i sign on];W[mh]WL[20]OW[2]C[Kotonoha [2d]: the top look bigger...Kotonoha [2d]: why not b play it CandD [1k]: download the other version of cgoban];B[nh]BL[20]OB[1]C[Goprince [3d]: not biggerPlasmaFlux [3k]: there's another version, CandD??Goprince [3d]: couldnt kill j18];W[ii]WL[20]OW[2];B[gi]BL[20]OB[1];W[lg]WL[20]OW[2]C[waterfox [6k]: there's the nfa versionGoprince [3d]: semedori it semsbilllin [6d]: ?RobertT [-]: death it seems];B[lf]BL[20]OB[1]C[CandD [1k]: yes the nfa version doesnt mess up as much'Mendigo [9k]: I have the version actualizad dayly through the server.billlin [6d]: ??];W[bo]WL[20]OW[2]C[billlin [6d]: misread?Goprince [3d]: yes];B[bn]BL[20]OB[1]C[billlin [6d]: :D failGoprince [3d]: lol];W[li]WL[20]OW[2]C[hkjhkjhk: hikgs1d [1k]: W back to 8dgodango [6k]: wow, lost w left side];B[mf]BL[20]OB[1]C[billlin [6d]: can't believe 9d so badGoprince [3d]: iw gained top thoGoprince [3d]: wGoprince [3d]: not so bad];W[pp]WL[20]OW[2]C[CandD [1k]: who is leadingBooster [2k]: j12 weirdbilllin [6d]: it is enough?Goprince [3d]: and its a semedori];B[pq]BL[20]OB[1]C[RobertT [-]: white is still ahead];W[ap]WL[20]OW[2]C[CandD [1k]: by how muchikami [6d]: yea big semedorifuzydunlop [1k]: j12 weir?];B[ld]BL[20]OB[1]C[fuzydunlop [1k]: weird*];W[le]WL[20]OW[2]C[gaxx [2k]: SE can make an amazing kill right nowtenletters [1k]: rather damezumari?];B[ne]BL[20]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: impossible for to losegodango [6k]: SE reckons w middle all dead, lolKotonoha [2d]: SE use the 7 black stone inside and killed w surrounding groups Kotonoha [2d]: so strong];W[od]WL[20]OW[2]C[Goprince [3d]: surely w cant chicken out];B[mb]BL[20]OB[1]C[Kotonoha [2d]: what tesuji SE is reading i wanna knowBooster [2k]: bl looks okkcharris12 [2k]: m19];W[ma]WL[20]OW[2]C[billlin [6d]: b 111+billlin [6d]: se];B[la]BL[20]OB[1];W[lb]WL[20]OW[2]C[tenletters [1k]: se is accurateRobertT [-]: w+6];B[no]BL[20]OB[1]C[Kotonoha [2d]: SE plays better than themwaterfox [6k]: se is 12dTenJack [12k?]: se is 10p?yrodro [6k?]: SE is DDD];W[mo]WL[20]OW[2]C[ChipMonk [2k]: se is lee sedol];B[mb]BL[20]OB[1]C[hoof [1d]: if b+111 then B is at least 15dKotonoha [2d]: timesuji koKotonoha [2d]: ah no];W[em]WL[20]OW[2]C[CandD [1k]: haahKotonoha [2d]: sememaigolgo13 [7k]: LSD is lee sedolikami [6d]: w should have m19 ?];B[dn]BL[20]OB[1];W[lb]WL[20]OW[2]C[Dlayn [9k]: B dead?Kotonoha [2d]: so long to go but w sad..gaxx [2k]: I was thinking m19 too, so it must be wrong];B[nn]BL[20]OB[1]C[PogoGo [?]: SE on LSD is lee sedolbilllin [6d]: this ko determines the winner, I thinklamwu [4k]: i think who win ko who win];W[mn]WL[20]OW[2]C[yrodro [6k?]: Low Single Digit?];B[mb]BL[20]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: i think the winner of the ko wins the gamespheres [8k]: if sunny beats hutoshi he is a true 9d];W[el]WL[20]OW[2]C[RobertT [-]: I think w is still slighly ahead even if he has to kill in semidoriwaterfox [6k]: you know what I think guys?spheres [8k]: huto is the most solid 8d on kgsbarty [1d]: if white win ko black can still winTenJack [12k?]: so we can just say "b+ko" or "w+ko"?];B[fm]BL[20]OB[1];W[lb]WL[20]OW[2]C[RobertT [-]: w+godango [6k]: no ten, we cannot say thatPogoGo [?]: technical ko.];B[kj]BL[20]OB[1]C[barty [1d]: white for shure gife somethinkbarty [1d]: when take ko];W[ki]WL[20]OW[2]C[tenletters [1k]: i agree, that is never to be saidbarty [1d]: thats whtslowcooker [1d]: w is toasted];B[mb]BL[20]OB[1]C[billlin [6d]: ???????slowcooker [1d]: :)TenJack [12k?]: ah, but does "ten" refer to me or tenletters? :-P];W[na]WL[20]OW[2]C[Dlayn [9k]: why not K19 for W?billlin [6d]: l9?alexanderp [?]: good ko for b and a lot of threatsRobertT [-]: ya w still ahead by 10 even without ko];B[ja]BL[20]OB[1];W[lb]WL[20]OW[2];B[kk]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: !? weird];W[ji]WL[20]OW[2]C[Kotonoha [2d]: big cooooooooooooooooooo];B[mb]BL[20]OB[1]C[Goprince [3d]: 4 step?lyt [5k]: poor blackmetroport [12k]: F5billlin [6d]: poor w, actuallyRobertT [-]: fillikami [6d]: o17 PlasmaFlux [3k]: as w i'd be tempted to accept seki for now with hopes of killing 012 lateryrodro [6k?]: poor SElamwu [4k]: d19 firat?barty [1d]: P11spheres [8k]: 4 groups fighting for live on one ko ...];W[mi]WL[20]OW[1]C[Goprince [3d]: well 4 step much better thyan no step loGoprince [3d]: lolRobertT [-]: no way he is going to let a huge ko for the entire group happen...alexanderp [?]: i would o17];B[nc]BL[20]OB[1]C[spheres [8k]: what is this, a 200 point ko?RobertT [-]: dirrect ko nowKotonoha [2d]: wow.....godango [6k]: lol wowjw1983: w was counting?tenletters [1k]: wowKotonoha [2d]: what is w's mind];W[dm]WL[20]OW[1]C[godango [6k]: that's what she saidgodango [6k]: lolPlasmaFlux [3k]: uh oh. sh** just got real];B[cm]BL[20]OB[1];W[mc]WL[20]OW[1]C[RobertT [-]: fill.... the.... koMendigo [9k]: why w not filling the ko? b is dead.];B[mj]BL[20]OB[1]C[Kotonoha [2d]: very danger ko,....spheres [8k]: w is messing with b];W[lj]WL[20]OW[1]C[spheres [8k]: being cocky];B[nc]BL[20]OB[1];W[ck]WL[20]OW[1]C[tenletters [1k]: kocky?rainydays [1d]: i don't think sobarty [1d]: black still have 2 threat in localPlasmaFlux [3k]: i don't think so, spheres, w f18 still in troubleKotonoha [2d]: lolChipMonk [2k]: ko-cky];B[bk]BL[20]OB[1];W[mc]WL[20]OW[1]C[kcharris12 [2k]: hockey?];B[hk]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: l12 is a good ko threat for w, right?];W[ik]WL[20]OW[1];B[nc]BL[20]OB[1];W[bj]WL[20]OW[1];B[bl]BL[20]OB[1];W[mc]WL[20]OW[1]C[barty [1d]: no really];B[nm]BL[20]OB[1]C[godango [6k]: um threatents to make the whole group alive?godango [6k]: that's huge!barty [1d]: black answer k13 of course];W[mm]WL[20]OW[1]C[Timk [2k]: for me, this is insane :)];B[nc]BL[20]OB[1]C[Cyclone001 [?]: w could make a ko threat out of t1 if he wanted togodango [6k]: of course, it's just a ko threatbarty [1d]: but then this is last threat for this groupGoprince [3d]: c11barty [1d]: thats whyRobertT [-]: I dont understand why white made this a real ko....yrodro [6k?]: is g14 dead?];W[fo]WL[20]OW[1]C[godango [6k]: lo lT1 ko threat??lyt [5k]: f5HiVariance [8k]: Is this madness?];B[mc]BL[20]OB[1];W[fn]WL[20]OW[1]C[Timk [2k]: ohPlasmaFlux [3k]: !barty [1d]: L12 after all ko threat for white left grouplamwu [4k]: oUkasuhs [2d]: w diesCyclone001 [?]: doesn't work for us - but 9ds manage somehow :pMendigo [9k]: good trade for wspheres [8k]: w + res?];B[ci]BL[20]OB[1]C[Ukasuhs [2d]: not complicatedbilllin [6d]: ?];W[cj]WL[20]OW[1]C[Goprince [3d]: oh no bad order c11 firsttenletters [1k]: if he kills it good trade];B[ej]BL[20]OB[1];W[dj]WL[20]OW[1];B[eh]BL[20]OB[1];W[dh]WL[20]OW[1]C[godango [6k]: haha not enoug hlibsKotonoha [2d]: b cooked?];B[fg]BL[20]OB[1]C[Goprince [3d]: w cookedspheres [8k]: w cooked];W[ff]WL[20]OW[1]C[spheres [8k]: deep friedslowcooker [1d]: noodle time?alexanderp [?]: dead as Elvis];B[bi]BL[20]OB[1]C[Ukasuhs [2d]: tenuk ilolspheres [8k]: dead as osamawerra1217: w deadbilllin [6d]: cookedwerra1217: wootPogoGo [?]: w is a forgetting gamer pizzaspheres [8k]: wowtenletters [1k]: but elvis isn't deadkgs1d [1k]: W back to 8dspheres [8k]: too badPlasmaFlux [3k]: b+timeHiVariance [8k]: This! Is! Hutoshi!handshake [2k]: wasn't so lucky this timeBenSenTen [4k]: ohHutoshi4 [8d]: thanksKotonoha [2d]: lolspheres [8k]: yep hard to beat hutospheres [8k]: he's a real 8dCandD [1k]: nice game sunny!qwazidan [5k]: nice oneAroundOneD [2d]: b deadKotonoha [2d]: he just have Sunny but not Lucky this gameKotonoha [2d]: lolHiVariance [8k]: Hutoshi just did what real friends are for and quickly took over kghin's job for a secondBenSenTen [4k]: w just too relaxSunnyLucky [8d]: thxKotonoha [2d]: so sad SunnyKotonoha [2d]: you lose LuckyHiVariance [8k]: But the game was quite awesomespheres [8k]: we get another?CandD [1k]: play again sunny! your fun to watchHiVariance [8k]: Thanks to SunnyLucky and HutoshiBenSenTen [4k]: gg anywayspheres [8k]: another preaseKotonoha [2d]: not so good w throw out chances because so greed in the end])
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