(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[GOZIRA]PB[ikami]WR[7d]BR[6d]DT[2011-06-10]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[ikami [6d]: hi]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]BL[1195.681]C[GOZIRA [7d]: hi];W[dp]WL[1196.884];B[pp]BL[1192.693];W[dd]WL[1193.652];B[fq]BL[1187.452];W[cn]WL[1190.68];B[dr]BL[1176.712];W[nc]WL[1184.395];B[pf]BL[1171.334];W[jd]WL[1178.078];B[cf]BL[1167.185];W[ch]WL[1170.492];B[cc]BL[1165.734];W[dc]WL[1168.046];B[cd]BL[1164.996];W[de]WL[1166.854];B[bf]BL[1164.257];W[eg]WL[1164.886]C[gogalaxy1: gogogo godzila];B[cq]BL[1100.494];W[qk]WL[1137.163];B[qi]BL[1092.041];W[qn]WL[1135.284];B[qo]BL[1090.799];W[pn]WL[1133.555];B[np]BL[1090.183];W[go]WL[1128.602];B[oj]BL[1075.545];W[pi]WL[1103.398];B[pj]BL[1071.466];W[qj]WL[1101.806];B[qh]BL[1070.612];W[ol]WL[1100.043]C[Unicornz [1k]: I don't know anything about w but there's no way I could not want him to win with that name];B[lc]BL[988.387]C[domie [1d]: ah ? ];W[ld]WL[1095.842];B[kc]BL[986.877];W[kd]WL[1093.662];B[jc]BL[985.657];W[mc]WL[1086.171];B[hc]BL[984.296];W[id]WL[1083.941];B[gb]BL[977.791];W[lb]WL[1081.898];B[ka]BL[974.012]C[Fraser [5k?]: i know hes a 7d lolmsyrver [1d]: In this situation, I feel m16 should be k17];W[ge]WL[1035.084]C[kenshinlt [1k]: white 0 cashManOfLOL [6k]: white is poor? DxJOTA [2k]: ja jaManOfLOL [6k]: so he's playing go for money right?Unicornz [1k]: as I understand it the pros avoid the position alltogether because m16 and k17 are both bad];B[cb]BL[921.846];W[gq]WL[1031.038];B[fp]BL[918.724]C[msyrver [1d]: So if b m17, w tenuki?Unicornz [1k]: dunno];W[fr]WL[905.31]C[Rocker [3d]: resign at same timebstem: did people say if you have all 4 corners, you're bound to lose?Unicornz [1k]: if you havew all 4 corners b is bound to losecoolbabe [5d]: g4Denmla11 [2k]: 2 corners are still openmarkjgc [7k]: I like w's position betterccsco [1k?]: but if black has all 4 corners and the centre, he will probably do ok.];B[gp]BL[845.852];W[hp]WL[901.447]C[markjgc [7k]: time for a cut?Unicornz [1k]: a fun little problem, can w take t1 if b is determined to stop him?coolbabe [5d]: just g2];B[gr]BL[806.562];W[hq]WL[898.306]C[lupin3 [7k]: h5coolbabe [5d]: nocoolbabe [5d]: e2coolbabe [5d]: patiencecoolbabe [5d]: is a virtuebstem: y not h2?Rocker [3d]: f5 coolbabe [5d]: h2 doablecoolbabe [5d]: butcoolbabe [5d]: leave w f5coolbabe [5d]: it is a choicebstem: h2 may creat h5 followup.];B[fo]BL[677.574];W[er]WL[894.915]C[Rocker [3d]: itold u];B[eq]BL[669.598];W[hr]WL[892.908]C[coolbabe [5d]: ergh];B[cp]BL[666.46]C[Rocker [3d]: m3 easybstem: e6markjgc [7k]: isn't this move gote? w d5, b d3Broken [6d]: w short of cashDenmla11 [2k]: b wont play d3];W[or]WL[766.804]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: what a surprise movemarkjgc [7k]: not really, w was short of cash, and it was availableOnlyTenuki [5k]: n3pururun [4k]: d3 is self atari >..< *shameful facemarkjgc [7k]: why r2 and not n2 or m2?pururun [4k]: r2 saves corner, b lives easilycoolbabe [5d]: count how many guys u havecoolbabe [5d]: and how many white haveManOfLOL [6k]: r2 n3 ?Rocker [3d]: o2 easyhssh [5d?]: S6ManOfLOL [6k]: o2 r3 Broken [6d]: s6 playablecoolbabe [5d]: usually q3 or r2];B[oq]BL[454.57]C[Rocker [3d]: bad cjoicezhishu [2d?]: i agreehssh [5d?]: R3 now I guess];W[qq]WL[740.819];B[rn]BL[439.888]C[zhishu [2d?]: i did not expect direct r3];W[rm]WL[728.732]C[Broken [6d]: o2bstem: yeah o2 is better than co2Mooshiiro: s6 first and n3 would have produced better result for blackirukasan [8k]: co2?hssh [5d?]: O2 or Q2markjgc [7k]: how come b played this hane?hssh [5d?]: not surehssh [5d?]: O2 then w S5];B[nr]BL[367.811]C[Bogin [-]: B made a tick :)zhishu [2d?]: what's this about carbon dioxide?hssh [5d?]: S5ryot [2k]: Black made a bloodsucker?bstem: life and deathapoplexy [1d?]: @markgc: disconnect whiteOnlyTenuki [5k]: d9 ?markjgc [7k]: rightOnlyTenuki [5k]: c9?];W[pr]WL[687.597]C[hssh [5d?]: gwwwBroken [6d]: o2 does not have carbonManOfLOL [6k]: s2 ?pururun [4k]: co2 is at least 71 x 71 gobanzhishu [2d?]: co2Bogin [-]: a check mark^^ Maybe it does suck blood, idkzhishu [2d?]: someone said];B[rp]BL[344.787]C[ryot [2k]: t4 coolbabe [5d]: if i were w];W[mq]WL[684.466]C[coolbabe [5d]: i would r4 then o2];B[nq]BL[333.606];W[rq]WL[682.07]C[irukasan [8k]: no];B[rr]BL[321.329]C[markjgc [7k]: cool, L&D];W[sr]WL[670.055];B[rs]BL[317.655];W[sn]WL[667.189];B[ro]BL[311.794];W[os]WL[661.56];B[qs]BL[299.729];W[mr]WL[658.212];B[ns]BL[298.372]C[uneedkomi [1k]: v.nicehssh [5d?]: N5];W[mp]WL[650.378]C[irukasan [8k]: sekiirukasan [8k]: :-sszhishu [2d?]: not seki ^^ryot [2k]: Not sekiBroken [6d]: sacrifice?ryot [2k]: Never sekimarkjgc [7k]: ? it looks like seki to me tooMooshiiro: why not n5 instead of n4pururun [4k]: b can extend at o5ccsco [1k?]: but it'll take a while to capture it, no?ryot [2k]: b r2 is not sekiKotonoha [2d]: SEKI if w is 99dryot [2k]: black can r2 and t1 inside];B[nn]BL[247.56];W[mo]WL[644.319]C[ryot [2k]: *and/orKotonoha [2d]: or he phone to ikami and order him make a seki irukasan [8k]: :))irukasan [8k]: lolBroken [6d]: o5 only movezhishu [2d?]: b gets sealed stronglyzhishu [2d?]: hahamarkjgc [7k]: p6?LeFarceur [2k]: WTH he knows Ikami phone number? He is stalking him or whatCurvature [1d]: He could bribe B into playing Q1. :)];B[no]BL[201.307];W[mm]WL[639.456]C[ryot [2k]: They apparently don't want to play o5Broken [6d]: q3markjgc [7k]: will b have enough libs?Broken [6d]: after o7Kotonoha [2d]: b enough w is 5 libs];B[pq]BL[151.498]C[Kotonoha [2d]: after q3 t4 ];W[qr]WL[636.08]C[Kotonoha [2d]: no 7 vs 6ryot [2k]: why not t3?Broken [6d]: l2msyrver [1d]: q5 looks nicepururun [4k]: w got more than 3 stones in bottom rightcoolbabe [5d]: o7 then g6PartyCrshr [4d]: t4ryot [2k]: t3 t4 t5 and... it looks a bit favoarble, considering white is so loose on the leftcoolbabe [5d]: or o7 t4];B[nm]BL[43.863]C[Kotonoha [2d]: i thought white is Zen19D for a moment ];W[nl]WL[632.733]C[irukasan [8k]: :))irukasan [8k]: 19dxgw09 [3d?]: no need to T4?coolbabe [5d]: probably notPartyCrshr [4d]: b wins the racecoolbabe [5d]: g6];B[mn]BL[30]OB[5]C[Warfreak2 [4d]: w can pretend to have a ko ;-)];W[ln]WL[630.254];B[gn]BL[30]OB[5]C[Mooshiiro: black is killedapoplexy [1d?]: T1 = fake koWarfreak2 [4d]: noWarfreak2 [4d]: w t4 and fight that koapoplexy [1d?]: what ko?];W[ho]WL[603.54]C[handyman [1k]: why n6?goren2 [6k]: 012Warfreak2 [4d]: the ko at t4...apoplexy [1d?]: t4 t5 then black t1apoplexy [1d?]: oh duhPartyCrshr [4d]: b lostOnlyTenuki [5k]: c10 ?apoplexy [1d?]: <-- well deserved ?Broken [6d]: f6msyrver [1d]: Heheh. Nobody expects the self-atari!];B[cl]BL[30]OB[4];W[do]WL[596.448]C[katil [1k]: where is zen19d ? .. i miss that bot.. ];B[es]BL[30]OB[4];W[gs]WL[594.025];B[dq]BL[30]OB[4]C[Kotonoha [2d]: she is sick todayirukasan [8k]: yesryot [2k]: Bots get more love than I do :(ManOfLOL [6k]: i married zenManOfLOL [6k]: we are at our honeymoon];W[dm]WL[569.431]C[ryot [2k]: See?WayaGo [1k]: zen is made by a guyWayaGo [1k]: and zen is a guy botcoolbabe [5d]: f7Kotonoha [2d]: thats why she sicked , you laughed whole the night in her bedManOfLOL [6k]: no];B[ek]BL[30]OB[4]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: zen is a female botryot [2k]: guys are made by girls though ;ouneedkomi [1k]: e9 is not good for white];W[dl]WL[539.377];B[dk]BL[30]OB[4];W[fn]WL[537.194]C[Kotonoha [2d]: wow ryot perganant girls];B[fm]BL[30]OB[4];W[en]WL[535.125]C[ryot [2k]: pregnant girl is still a girl];B[gm]BL[30]OB[4]C[coolbabe [5d]: this is called stipid];W[ck]WL[532.275];B[cj]BL[30]OB[4];W[bk]WL[530.715]C[coolbabe [5d]: stupidmarkjgc [7k]: e6 doesn't look happyzhishu [2d?]: bump];B[ci]BL[30]OB[4]C[Kotonoha [2d]: hold ryot 's hand and get pregananted];W[bl]WL[523.726]C[msyrver [1d]: Stupid for whom?irukasan [8k]: zenhssh [5d?]: B5Kotonoha [2d]: all watchers on Kgszhishu [2d?]: white bad result hereMorkrumbo [13k]: >.< it's "impregnated"];B[bo]BL[30]OB[4]C[bstem: b12 and b gets a free run into the centre];W[ei]WL[508.458]C[xgw09 [3d?]: w seems ok - outside b is bad shapezhishu [2d?]: strong moveTokidoki [-]: q11];B[gk]BL[30]OB[4];W[bh]WL[504.223]C[ryot [2k]: Wowryot [2k]: If white kills this....];B[jl]BL[30]OB[4]C[zhishu [2d?]: kill too hard i thinkJoseQi [5k]: no way...ryot [2k]: Wait... If white kills this, the proverb will come true?];W[jj]WL[490.663]C[markjgc [7k]: so b doesn't care about c10markjgc [7k]: ?pururun [4k]: what proverb ryot?zhishu [2d?]: c10 trash nowJoseQi [5k]: proverns always come true... It is writtenzhishu [2d?]: useless for eyes and territory];B[kk]BL[30]OB[4]C[irukasan [8k]: white is a chicken];W[nj]WL[484.184]C[ryot [2k]: White meat, I hopemarkjgc [7k]: yes, but I thought b was trying to killFujihara [3k]: so w has to kill to win this game?apoplexy [1d?]: white is connected or alivezhishu [2d?]: lol..Tokidoki [-]: no];B[kj]BL[30]OB[3];W[ji]WL[474.349]C[zhishu [2d?]: b5 was to live, and with a small pressure to white];B[ki]BL[30]OB[3]C[markjgc [7k]: oh, I thought it was to threaten w's eyespace];W[jh]WL[467.778]C[xgw09 [3d?]: left w either live or connect - ok];B[ni]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: it was too, but no prob for white];W[oi]WL[459.209];B[mj]BL[30]OB[3]C[ryot [2k]: b12 guarantees life];W[nk]WL[456.765];B[nh]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: black lives easyzhishu [2d?]: sad white];W[ms]WL[444.43];B[sp]BL[30]OB[3]C[ryot [2k]: You talk like a yukkuriirukasan [8k]: lol];W[sq]WL[441.449]C[msyrver [1d]: Now b will win as long as he does not secure the UR cornerBroken [6d]: m7zhishu [2d?]: i talk slow?];B[qp]BL[30]OB[3]C[JoseQi [5k]: p12 before m7?markjgc [7k]: I think b could have a problem hereBroken [6d]: m7 m5ryot [2k]: n8 potent?JoseQi [5k]: ic];W[qc]WL[398.356];B[pc]BL[30]OB[3];W[pb]WL[396.427]C[ryot [2k]: Black winscoolbabe [5d]: game over];B[ob]BL[30]OB[3];W[qb]WL[393.301];B[oc]BL[30]OB[3];W[re]WL[392.058]C[ryot [2k]: White just gave black the win by playing r17...];B[md]BL[30]OB[3]C[irukasan [8k]: ikamiirukasan [8k]: :))bstem: w saved b so he didnt have to grab 4 cornersJoseQi [5k]: w has lower rightzhishu [2d?]: uh noJoseQi [5k]: oop\];W[fj]WL[285.227];B[fk]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: oh, i think w is actually aheadzhishu [2d?]: surprisingbstem: w's ahead going homezhishu [2d?]: w more potential in endgamezhishu [2d?]: i think w will win];W[om]WL[222.659];B[ss]BL[30]OB[3];W[ps]WL[220.008];B[rs]BL[30]OB[3]C[tangyscone: no komi. b probably ahead; no obvious territorial or great strategic edge];W[lm]WL[184.78]C[zhishu [2d?]: i did not include komi, and if u count the board, i think w aheadzhishu [2d?]: n 17 stones are nothing, and still ajiModoc [7k]: rrrrrrrrrrrrWayaGo [1k]: I think so too];B[in]BL[30]OB[3]C[Jarndyce [2d]: m7 = w thinks he's ahead?tangyscone: oh, u countedzhishu [2d?]: w can at least p 17 before atariing on outsiodeModoc [7k]: I was hopeing to find out if B M7 would workTenJack [12k?]: se says w+27.5, and I think se might actually be pretty close this timeJoseQi [5k]: w one lib short to kill q4?];W[jo]WL[164.88]C[xgw09 [3d?]: se crazyzhishu [2d?]: nope, se is way off thenzhishu [2d?]: ;pibd [5k]: SE is usually rightibd [5k]: especially this late in the game];B[gj]BL[30]OB[3]C[WayaGo [1k]: no >.>];W[gi]WL[161.548]C[zhishu [2d?]: 27.5 is ridiculous, not trueseishiro [1k]: just estimation WayaGo [1k]: NEVERWayaGo [1k]: trust it ;Pmsyrver [1d]: n17 should die, that is SE's mistaketangyscone: no way 27.5TenJack [12k?]: yeah, se will always be wrong after 5 moves, but not after 148 moves];B[me]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: this is bigWayaGo [1k]: SE saysWayaGo [1k]: n17 is aliveWayaGo [1k]: ..zhishu [2d?]: now b in the gameWayaGo [1k]: yeah noshad [7d?]: ho yeaccsco [1k?]: unless it reads life and death incorrectly, zhishu [2d?]: cant believe black got n 15WayaGo [1k]: B+69.5 now according to SWayaGo [1k]: SE*];W[lg]WL[130.366]C[Hotaru1993 [3k]: b +70 nowWayaGo [1k]: gonna trusst it?tangyscone: how did w not get n15?Jarndyce [2d]: B+popular demandTenJack [12k?]: ok, se is way off nowzhishu [2d?]: w wanted to keep aji thereibd [5k]: SE will have her reasons];B[rf]BL[30]OB[3];W[qe]WL[126.71]C[WayaGo [1k]: Black had sente];B[qf]BL[30]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: I don't judge SE];W[qd]WL[124.824]C[WayaGo [1k]: thats howJoseQi [5k]: SE is not a her, it's an itibd [5k]: not to me];B[oh]BL[30]OB[3]C[WayaGo [1k]: 5 pts>?zhishu [2d?]: SE= Essy, a girlmarkjgc [7k]: 8 pointsbstem: d18 big or notWayaGo [1k]: No 10 pts];W[bn]WL[89.225]C[ibd [5k]: she has a very sensitive personality and gets disturbed quite easilyhbjnk: not all girls are essyzhishu [2d?]: hehemsyrver [1d]: I don't think so, bstem];B[eb]BL[30]OB[3]C[nFo [5k]: funnyzhishu [2d?]: nicebstem: ok, b wins now];W[fc]WL[78.121]C[msyrver [1d]: *eats words*JoseQi [5k]: yummm];B[fb]BL[30]OB[3]C[Ateares [1k]: b up about 11 i think];W[pk]WL[62.69]C[WayaGo [1k]: White seems ahead stillzhishu [2d?]: what the, when did b eat two stones lol];B[se]BL[30]OB[3]C[zhishu [2d?]: wasnt paying attention];W[sd]WL[59.6];B[sf]BL[30]OB[3]C[arttle [4k]: D10 is how big?];W[sb]WL[57.439]C[croll [6k]: s8 ?WayaGo [1k]: k B+5~10 for memsyrver [1d]: With b h11 looming, w dare not play itibd [5k]: d10 about 8 pointsAteares [1k]: by end b+4.5 is my estimatecoolbabe [5d]: h11ibd [5k]: no less because of e10arttle [4k]: oki dokiMsha [3k]: d10 e10 not really goodMicMac [1k]: d10 not a lot of point];B[ph]BL[30]OB[1]C[zhishu [2d?]: f10 big, however ^^ bot h 11 firstJoseQi [5k]: bot?zhishu [2d?]: hmmm. too early bnFo [5k]: f10nFo [5k]: ?zhishu [2d?]: should h 11 etc. firstirukasan [8k]: s8irukasan [8k]: :))zhishu [2d?]: s8 r 8 what nextTokidoki [-]: no where for W to catch up];W[ri]WL[30]OW[4];B[rh]BL[30]OB[1];W[rj]WL[30]OW[4];B[hd]BL[30]OB[1];W[he]WL[30]OW[4];B[jn]BL[30]OB[1];W[kn]WL[30]OW[4];B[hi]BL[30]OB[1];W[ik]WL[30]OW[4];B[hj]BL[30]OB[1]C[zhishu [2d?]: painful];W[il]WL[30]OW[4];B[im]BL[30]OB[1];W[hh]WL[30]OW[4]C[ibd [5k]: nice high dan play: both too stubborn to answer :p];B[ih]BL[30]OB[1];W[gh]WL[30]OW[4]C[zhishu [2d?]: l 12];B[kf]BL[30]OB[1]C[MicMac [1k]: d10 big nowikami [6d]: thanksGOZIRA [7d]: thxirukasan [8k]: thxtangyscone: just because a move isn't abjectly supine doesn't mean it isn't ana nswerzhishu [2d?]: irukasan, which color were u?irukasan [8k]: redzhishu [2d?]: i was rooting for uzhishu [2d?]: thought u had thisirukasan [8k]: :Dzhishu [2d?]: but white resigned for uGoprince [3d]: coup g7])
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