(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[600]OT[3x40 byo-yomi]PW[kghin]PB[Hutoshi4]WR[8d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Hutoshi4 [8d]: hikghin [8d]: hi]RE[W+Resign];B[qd]BL[591.934]C[fg4w [4d?]: who is aheadSheeple [1k]: bfg4w [4d?]: thanksSheeple [1k]: w doesn't resign though];W[dd]WL[583.317];B[pq]BL[574.168];W[dp]WL[581.561]C[hkhkj: hi];B[oc]BL[566.435];W[po]WL[579.068];B[qo]BL[544.559];W[rd]WL[575.288];B[re]BL[541.155];W[pp]WL[571.572];B[qp]BL[536.255];W[oq]WL[569.693];B[qn]BL[534.055];W[pr]WL[567.167];B[qq]BL[532.288];W[np]WL[563.699];B[iq]BL[484.718]C[aqua11 [12k]: what was s16 about?];W[kq]WL[554.985]C[Rower [6k]: probe to see what black wants];B[fq]BL[474.823];W[eq]WL[551.695];B[fp]BL[471.726];W[dn]WL[550.593];B[kp]BL[470.375]C[aqua11 [12k]: ohh i see. thanks];W[lp]WL[525.193];B[jp]BL[461.943];W[lo]WL[512.681]C[Rakuten [2k]: an all time best kgs rivalry :D ];B[fc]BL[408.061]C[mooooo [-]: i always root for kghin];W[df]WL[499.383]C[Rakuten [2k]: me too. but I love huto style];B[id]BL[391.465]C[Rakuten [2k]: he's so...proper];W[qe]WL[483.419]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: huto=nice example of the japanese style on kgsRakuten [2k]: yes];B[qf]BL[364.262];W[pe]WL[480.838];B[rf]BL[362.919];W[pd]WL[478.6];B[qc]BL[360.557];W[pc]WL[477.161];B[qb]BL[358.284];W[pb]WL[476.127];B[md]BL[356.613]C[Rakuten [2k]: its understandable to people like me who learned from Japanese games and translated Japanese books ];W[ne]WL[467.269]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: i like the japanese and chinese styles of go];B[og]BL[332.671]C[Rakuten [2k]: I hope kghin gets out of his slump ;( saikosan [7k]: luckily kghin has a lot of time to get out of his slumpManOfLOL [6k]: yeah];W[ng]WL[439.32];B[nh]BL[315.431];W[mg]WL[431.524]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: give him 5 years and he'll probably win the wagc];B[of]BL[310.43]C[leachy [3k]: i don't really get that there are national styles...though korean > chinese > japanese on a violent > peaceful scale, generally speaking.];W[nd]WL[427.174];B[mc]BL[293.65];W[me]WL[412.082]C[zum [-]: drunken monkey style is best];B[kd]BL[284.764];W[li]WL[409.781]C[leachy [3k]: that's my style on tygem where my avatar is a monkey...saikosan [7k]: a move like d17? is soon better then later for white? or is it still way to small right now?];B[kg]BL[246.378];W[ni]WL[395.198]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: it looks very small right nowaqua11 [12k]: koreans are very agressive, every time i play on wbaduk i get the crap beaten out of meRower [6k]: urgent before big];B[mh]BL[241.193];W[lh]WL[391.291]C[leachy [3k]: too small when there is life and death at stake];B[mi]BL[237.916];W[mj]WL[389.796];B[oh]BL[236.329];W[lg]WL[387.764];B[lj]BL[235.135];W[mk]WL[385.648];B[kj]BL[219.777];W[jh]WL[375.383]C[leachy [3k]: white needs to escape first];B[ll]BL[184.715];W[ml]WL[366.392];B[ji]BL[172.105]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: in any case, I think left will be played out before topleftRakuten [2k]: Japanese style especially in the past has a little more focus on aesthetic imo Rakuten [2k]: and less on winning lol ];W[kf]WL[341.043]C[Unicornz [1k]: not really];B[ch]BL[151.178]C[leachy [3k]: yeah c10 is bigger than what remains in the top left and i think connecting or not n8 is also biggerbigfatcat [5k?]: one should compare the numbers of people and money and state funding];W[ql]WL[311.715]C[bigfatcat [5k?]: and the years gone bybigfatcat [5k?]: that should makbigfatcat [5k?]: never mind ];B[pn]BL[104.113]C[SteelyDan [6k]: white lostUnicornz [1k]: i guess i will never know what word beginning with 'mak' you were gonna sue];W[ol]WL[290.913]C[Rakuten [2k]: ill sue youbigfatcat [5k?]: itz has 28 syllables :)];B[pk]BL[73.065]C[Unicornz [1k]: damn, I was sure it was gonna be a misspelling of mackrelguestttttt: yea W in difficult position I findbigfatcat [5k?]: haUsF [6k]: it was probably Makkaroni];W[qk]WL[255.238]C[Rakuten [2k]: if w can come away with sente...Rakuten [2k]: but seems hard terra [-]: b o2leachy [3k]: makkadachinesischdabesteithinkemaybedunnorealjack [2d]: .....................Mukti [3d]: Makkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkintosh - 28 syllables (I hope)DaniFilth [-]: fix your space barRakuten [2k]: no its one word Rakuten [2k]: learn englishSandmann [-]: makizushirealjack [2d]: are you sure it's english?leachy [3k]: trying to get a word with 28 syllables necessitates little use of the space bar.guestttttt: makaroniancheez?Mukti [3d]: My word was one word...Unicornz [1k]: pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is only like 18];B[bf]BL[40]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: white plays something a little more normalsaikosan [7k]: floccinaucinihilipilificationMukti [3d]: Nice one unicornz];W[ii]WL[212.649]C[movingcrab [5k]: fear the cupRakuten [2k]: its hard for white now bigfatcat [5k?]: or was 28 kb....Rakuten [2k]: need an unexpected result somewhere...];B[ij]BL[40]OB[3]C[Unicornz [1k]: not really, it doesn;t even start with mak];W[hj]WL[204.763]C[DaniFilth [-]: Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygonMukti [3d]: he needs the Spanish inquisition. Noone expects them.];B[hk]BL[40]OB[3];W[hi]WL[196.255]C[saym [4d]: please keep the spamming to a minimumJye [4k]: so what's better for w? top left corner or left side?Rakuten [2k]: it might be time to break out t19 ];B[il]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: I would rather be brobotosan: left side];W[gk]WL[182.897]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: topleft wont contain any points for w, but his group is difficult to kill, so w wants probably a move like c9 before topleft];B[gl]BL[40]OB[3]C[Wiggum [10k?]: the opening on the right looked really familiar];W[fl]WL[180.003]C[Rakuten [2k]: w really wants both lol ];B[fk]BL[40]OB[3];W[gj]WL[176.231];B[gm]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: why does that look horrible for white?];W[cj]WL[166.981]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: doh, c10 obv not c9 :Pterra [-]: w +15Sutekh [5k]: b k13];B[ce]BL[40]OB[3];W[de]WL[163.036]C[martin3141 [3d]: white took influence to be able to fight];B[cc]BL[40]OB[3];W[cf]WL[158.362]C[Rakuten [2k]: but b can settle ?Blaubaer [5d]: white os ok?];B[be]BL[40]OB[3];W[dc]WL[157.099];B[cb]BL[40]OB[3]C[robotosan: yesying888 [19k]: maybe........leachy [3k]: imo white went wrong with r8 etc...he should have just connected to the group below and then he can reduce the right later. he lost too much of the left/top left with those moves r8, r9 robotosan: h17 Ootakamoku [1d]: w b13 Balladeer [4d]: w doesnt have enough points it seems to merobotosan: thoughOotakamoku [1d]: and seal off c12?];W[fr]WL[138.004];B[gr]BL[40]OB[3]C[gokgs1: r8 r9 looks perfect to meUnicornz [1k]: b13 b12?];W[dh]WL[129.261]C[masek [-]: good news;) for fans:) http://gokifu.com/player/kghin <--- starting from June all recent games can be found here:)];B[ci]BL[40]OB[3];W[di]WL[125.916]C[smileface [13k]: black l6];B[bj]BL[40]OB[3];W[bk]WL[124.199]C[lapindix [5k]: W leading to meBlaubaer [5d]: hm c9?martin3141 [3d]: black take the ponnuki!Unicornz [1k]: they can all be found in the kgs archives easily enough no?Ootakamoku [1d]: blaubaer, can b rly live with the ponnuki?leachy [3k]: definitely c9];B[ck]BL[40]OB[3]C[Thoravatar [2d]: white is looking for a fight ;)];W[dj]WL[118.84];B[bl]BL[40]OB[3]C[Thoravatar [2d]: ponnuki can die?];W[bi]WL[116.744];B[ak]BL[40]OB[3]C[Balladeer [4d]: nah];W[bh]WL[115.689];B[co]BL[40]OB[3]C[terra [-]: w is lost nowBalladeer [4d]: ponnukis dont dieSteelyDan [6k]: W never winsmartin3141 [3d]: this lives easily];W[cp]WL[98.643]C[Blaubaer [5d]: y this looks good for brobotosan: invade topcroll [6k]: O.omartin3141 [3d]: c12 was smallThoravatar [2d]: well either ponnike dies or w resigns ;)martin3141 [3d]: to captureLuthier [8k]: good for black leachy [3k]: r8, r9 etc was an expensive waste of timeRakuten [2k]: capturing the ponnuki is like 160 points though Balladeer [4d]: maybe he can play D18 ten H17 now];B[bo]BL[40]OB[3]C[Unicornz [1k]: b might be ahead but surely resgination is too early hereBalladeer [4d]: but that wont be enough it seems];W[bp]WL[89.806]C[martin3141 [3d]: c7 aliveOotakamoku [1d]: so w b13 instead of d12 to avoid the ponnuki? or does it have some other weakness I miss?crock [2d]: yes the exchange seem bad for wThoravatar [2d]: only one move at the time ;)];B[db]BL[40]OB[3]C[aqua11 [12k]: w better kill something];W[cm]WL[75.975]C[martin3141 [3d]: uh d18Thoravatar [2d]: c7 surel7 kills ;)];B[bm]BL[40]OB[3]C[daladim [1d]: huge move d18martin3141 [3d]: black is brave];W[do]WL[63.634]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: and w captures another 2 stones..masek [-]: black alive:)];B[cl]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: is black dead?];W[bn]WL[56.197]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: no, black is fine, just lost b5 stonespaulcodiny [5k]: b livesrats [2d?]: r2 seems bigger than b6jytsao [8k?]: alivesaikosan [7k]: ahhhjytsao [8k?]: =(];B[dm]BL[40]OB[3]C[Jakex [6k]: reduce abit];W[cn]WL[53.973];B[el]BL[40]OB[3]C[Toge [1k]: I like black's styleying888 [19k]: b lives];W[qr]WL[49.119];B[pl]BL[40]OB[3];W[pj]WL[47.935];B[ok]BL[40]OB[3]C[rats [2d?]: still sente for white thoughRakuten [2k]: that's because black is stylish];W[oj]WL[37.593];B[nl]BL[40]OB[3];W[qh]WL[29.659]C[ying888 [19k]: ow];B[rh]BL[40]OB[3]C[martin3141 [3d]: s12Thoravatar [2d]: hmm this looks slightly dangerousmartin3141 [3d]: oh too late xD];W[qg]WL[13.705]C[terra [-]: r3 is dead?saikosan [7k]: aaahhhsaikosan [7k]: this looks like a fun fight];B[rg]BL[40]OB[3]C[Blaubaer [5d]: hm w p7 a threat?ying888 [19k]: rightThoravatar [2d]: hmmAbleOrange [8k]: re is alivecrock [2d]: this look like a bad exchange for w again];W[ri]WL[40]OW[3]C[ying888 [19k]: Q14ibd [5k]: wow I went away for 130 moves and now w is so far ahead?ibd [5k]: how's that possible?Thoravatar [2d]: nopeying888 [19k]: b's aheadmartin3141 [3d]: lol don't believe in SEThoravatar [2d]: black is leading];B[pf]BL[40]OB[3];W[mm]WL[40]OW[3]C[leachy [3k]: it's not possible it's wrongSteelyDan [6k]: white never wins];B[nk]BL[40]OB[3]C[Mukti [3d]: i do not think w is far ahead, but still, i think the game is quite close - contrary to the common opinio that b is coasting.];W[nj]WL[40]OW[3]C[Luthier [8k]: i'm not sure about that GoUniverse [6k]: oh that, my friend is hilariousManOfLOL [6k]: white never resingsManOfLOL [6k]: resigns];B[nn]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: I think white is doing awesome but my rank isn't high enough to really matter lol XDmoyoAGA1k [1d]: once he sings something he's donexevad [-]: saikosan don't say such thingsleachy [3k]: yeah b ahead but not by more than about 10 imo];W[qa]WL[40]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: as a 7k you have also have the ability to make a valid pointGoUniverse [6k]: I dont think W ever sees a point in resigning];B[rc]BL[40]OB[3]C[Mukti [3d]: The value of an opionion is independent of rank.saikosan [7k]: he he well thank you ^^leachy [3k]: mukti is rightThoravatar [2d]: black livesibd [5k]: what everyone said];W[rb]WL[40]OW[3];B[sd]BL[40]OB[3];W[rm]WL[40]OW[3]C[xevad [-]: now if you were 30k...ying888 [19k]: hmmsaikosan [7k]: lol ^^saikosan [7k]: ooo look at the pretty stones ^^ying888 [19k]: yeah well 30k.... is differentGoUniverse [6k]: ....lolleachy [3k]: there's no such thing as a 30k though...they're just sandbagging.moyoAGA1k [1d]: g16 for whitexevad [-]: my focus would be more on the fact that you are a trolling sandbagger..jytsao [8k?]: 30k is the strongest of all!];B[rn]BL[40]OB[3]C[Thoravatar [2d]: why not s2?];W[qm]WL[40]OW[3]C[ying888 [19k]: s3?Mukti [3d]: This is really painful for black.zum [-]: k30?indyra [3k]: therating will p7GroovyM [11k]: 400 observersying888 [19k]: k30?];B[pm]BL[40]OB[3];W[rq]WL[40]OW[3]C[robotosan: s2 dont seem to workGoUniverse [6k]: Guess what......];B[rp]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: 409 observersGoUniverse [6k]: Bird is the word];W[rr]WL[40]OW[3]C[leachy [3k]: 19k opinion is strong!paulcodiny [5k]: s2 sente];B[mn]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: kghin for kgs president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!moyoAGA1k [1d]: ba ba bird bird bird bird is the word....Lambic12 [2k]: white does really good reducingying888 [19k]: really?GoUniverse [6k]: lol, moyo's got it lol];W[ln]WL[40]OW[3]C[ibd [5k]: the bird is always the wordleachy [3k]: s3 is sente here because white has threat of s5saikosan [7k]: but black is def alive though right?!GoUniverse [6k]: nosaikosan [7k]: no?];B[sn]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: noGoUniverse [6k]: okay, nowJuin [?]: yes];W[kl]WL[40]OW[3]C[ibd [5k]: maybeying888 [19k]: nowsaikosan [7k]: ok XDibd [5k]: I think it's ko nowGoUniverse [6k]: now he's aliveThoravatar [2d]: looks like white is aheadibd [5k]: no, it's ko. I'm 1 stone strongerSteelyDan [6k]: almost];B[jl]BL[40]OB[3]C[leachy [3k]: no ko...black captures q4GoUniverse [6k]: and? lol I just beat a 5k by 36.5mascaron [4k]: stronger and wrongerGoUniverse [6k]: lolgruen [3k]: troll = kyumovingcrab [5k]: bragging takes away strengthibd [5k]: I think that was only a statistic anomaly];W[km]WL[40]OW[3]C[ckrit [11k]: bragging equals naggingmartin3141 [3d]: white needs the g14-areackrit [11k]: *cough*GoUniverse [6k]: psh, Okay dude. Back to the game];B[fe]BL[40]OB[3]C[xevad [-]: these arguments only add to the stereotypeKantid [3k]: guys, you make us, kyus, look bad infront of dan players ^_^leachy [3k]: black got there firstWiggum [10k?]: big];W[je]WL[40]OW[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: hey!];B[jd]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: i object to that!];W[he]WL[40]OW[3]C[GoUniverse [6k]: lolmatomatala [5d?]: yes, you ruined my view of kyus for foreverjytsao [8k?]: i don't need other people to look bad in fron to dan's!];B[ie]BL[40]OB[3]C[terra [-]: w is winningying888 [19k]: object to what?];W[if]WL[40]OW[3]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: w losing it looks likemovingcrab [5k]: kghin is a tigersaikosan [7k]: stupid scoreestimator!!! be more accurate!moyoAGA1k [1d]: how does he play the stones then without fingers?Wiggum [10k?]: >score estying888 [19k]: what does it say?];B[gf]BL[40]OB[3];W[hf]WL[40]OW[3]C[Wiggum [10k?]: >accurate pick one];B[gd]BL[40]OB[3]C[UsF [6k]: he plays with tiger mouth of course :pThoravatar [2d]: why not let zen estimate the score];W[ma]WL[40]OW[3]C[ibd [5k]: zen doesn't run on javaThoravatar [2d]: ow he cant...ying888 [19k]: ow];B[nb]BL[40]OB[3];W[na]WL[40]OW[3]C[Ootakamoku [1d]: I always thought, kgs should let bots compete as score estimator, and which ever bot makes best predictions over the last week can predict the result for next week, or whatever.martin3141 [3d]: does wf14 work?Thoravatar [2d]: can only predict who has best chance of winning];B[la]BL[40]OB[3]C[martin3141 [3d]: work to get territory I meanying888 [19k]: I think close];W[ob]WL[40]OW[3]C[ibd [5k]: monkey jump is played out in so many variations];B[mb]BL[40]OB[3];W[oa]WL[40]OW[3]C[Lambic12 [2k]: what is zen ?];B[kb]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: monkey jump?koticgood [4k]: 26 core se, brilliant ideacoarray [-]: zen19Dying888 [19k]: 5dibd [5k]: ying, q18 to n19 is a monkey jumpmoyoAGA1k [1d]: g13moyoAGA1k [1d]: who has smoked g13?Thoravatar [2d]: senseis.xmp.net/?zenibd [5k]: it's a large knight's move from the 2nd to the 1st lineterra [-]: j6ying888 [19k]: w O17crock [2d]: f14 ?];W[er]WL[40]OW[2]C[SteelyDan [6k]: o17 hugeMongoose11 [9k]: O17 really small compared to other movesibd [5k]: lolMongoose11 [9k]: really?];B[fj]BL[40]OB[3]C[Wiggum [10k?]: o17 goteSteelyDan [6k]: noibd [5k]: steelydan is right, 3 stones strongerMongoose11 [9k]: looks like about siz points, no?];W[fi]WL[40]OW[2]C[Mongoose11 [9k]: six];B[gh]BL[40]OB[3]C[Mongoose11 [9k]: not even thatMongoose11 [9k]: threeibd [5k]: mongoose, e2 was six pointsrobotosan: 0 points reverse gotecrock [2d]: e 7 tooying888 [19k]: w's fightingsaikosan [7k]: so close right now XD];W[fh]WL[40]OW[2]C[martin3141 [3d]: o17 two points or am I missing something big?Blaubaer [5d]: e2 more than 6pSteelyDan [6k]: now is 017Wiggum [10k?]: k6 looks decent];B[fg]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: yeahibd [5k]: ja blaubär, danke];W[eg]WL[40]OW[2]C[Kamaksi [2d?]: H2jytsao [8k?]: i like cake tooBlaubaer [5d]: ahoiying888 [19k]: lol 421 observersmartin3141 [3d]: bl2Koios [6k]: 421 is not that much];B[hg]BL[40]OB[3]C[Mongoose11 [9k]: huto/kghin are famous folksying888 [19k]: *433Nefeste [4k]: 420 normal obs and 1 lol observerindyra [3k]: B+Resign not more than move 190moyoAGA1k [1d]: j6?compendium [?]: j12lapindix [5k]: Nefeste, :=) ... good one];W[ki]WL[40]OW[2]C[ying888 [19k]: j6];B[jj]BL[40]OB[3]C[petraube [1k]: close game];W[ih]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: close?ibd [5k]: yes, you can close the game nowibd [5k]: because b winsNefeste [4k]: hahaSteelyDan [6k]: O17!];B[bg]BL[40]OB[3];W[cg]WL[40]OW[2];B[kr]BL[40]OB[3]C[Wiggum [10k?]: there we goying888 [19k]: K6saikosan [7k]: ouchBackflash [9k?]: not by much];W[lr]WL[40]OW[2]C[leachy [3k]: steelydan, o17 one of the smallest moves on the boardNefeste [4k]: thats called "close"];B[jq]BL[40]OB[3];W[lq]WL[40]OW[2]C[ying888 [19k]: K6moyoAGA1k [1d]: k6Backflash [9k?]: close is less then five?Koios [6k]: steelydan is just trolling leachy:PMicMacAngl [3k]: why o17? , o17 and g11 would be even miailapindix [5k]: W +Nefeste [4k]: k6k6 play 19k move now )lapindix [5k]: close gameNefeste [4k]: j6 too small];B[ke]BL[40]OB[3];W[jf]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: nobody is trolling in here, there are admins!leachy [3k]: i see...it's hard to tell sometimes...Sutekh [5k]: can w e7 save f8?albbis [1k]: admins are trolling here?Koios [6k]: yeah:)Nefeste [4k]: oOSteelyDan [6k]: how can you think i was serious?ying888 [19k]: dpmjytsao [8k?]: admins need to troll too!];B[en]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: don't discriminateleachy [3k]: 6kalbbis [1k]: i dontying888 [19k]: *don't see any admins?ibd [5k]: yes but admins use unfair tools for trolling, like banhammeralbbis [1k]: i only do trolling];W[cd]WL[40]OW[2]C[moyoAGA1k [1d]: admins are everywhereMukti [3d]: w seems ahead by about 2 points to me.crock [2d]: j6mooooo [-]: b still ahead with 10?];B[bd]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: white should attack that center near h6?gomugomu [4k]: f5albbis [1k]: this is a police server!Luthier [8k]: w ahead jytsao [8k?]: pshLuthier [8k]: me too jytsao [8k?]: w+33.5!saikosan [7k]: that is fairly large right?];W[in]WL[40]OW[2]C[Kantid [3k]: admins trolling me not only here, but every where ... "enjoy your ban" they saysaikosan [7k]: LOLleachy [3k]: b acupmartin3141 [3d]: k6 lapindix [5k]: W+2saikosan [7k]: the r3 group not dead];B[jn]BL[40]OB[3];W[jm]WL[40]OW[2];B[im]BL[40]OB[3];W[jo]WL[40]OW[2];B[io]BL[40]OB[3];W[kn]WL[40]OW[2]C[jytsao [8k?]: -_-'''''Backflash [9k?]: b plays terrible yose =\];B[hn]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: internet fails at sarcasm];W[ho]WL[40]OW[2];B[jn]BL[40]OB[3]C[moyoAGA1k [1d]: kosaikosan [7k]: aaah yay koalbbis [1k]: there is no sarcasm on the internetying888 [19k]: big?];W[oo]WL[40]OW[2]C[moyoAGA1k [1d]: kokonutBackflash [9k?]: ko =\ying888 [19k]: big ko?gokgs1: ko];B[on]BL[40]OB[3];W[in]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: tsss peolpe, im 9k i MUST scream KOBlaubaer [5d]: w h2?];B[ip]BL[40]OB[3]C[leachy [3k]: not really that bigmartin3141 [3d]: no ko ying888 [19k]: is it a big ko?SteelyDan [6k]: O17 ko threat?];W[hr]WL[40]OW[2]C[gokgs1: h2 goodying888 [19k]: yesRakuten [2k]: no its sushidori];B[hq]BL[40]OB[3]C[martin3141 [3d]: why did black not o5 in answer to p5?];W[gs]WL[40]OW[2];B[gq]BL[40]OB[3]C[gokgs1: sushidori ^^nicrome [5k]: what is your fixation with o17?jytsao [8k?]: no, it's sushiramenNefeste [4k]: ramenboya or sushidori?,.,ibd [5k]: o17 is really big now, should play immediatelyterra [-]: 0:0zum [-]: o17 sushiKamaksi [2d?]: o17 small, forget about itying888 [19k]: o27 NOW];W[nm]WL[40]OW[2]C[ying888 [19k]: *o17];B[no]BL[40]OB[3]C[petraube [1k]: T7 biggersaikosan [7k]: how about h16 and m15?jeremyS [3k]: it's takoyaki ];W[op]WL[40]OW[2]C[Luthier [8k]: h16 sense Nefeste [4k]: kobayashi's tokoyaki];B[om]BL[40]OB[3]C[Kamaksi [2d?]: d9jytsao [8k?]: isn't k2 kinda big? (though gote)terra [-]: o17 issnt bogger than m9];W[jr]WL[40]OW[2]C[Zahlman [1k]: :)];B[ir]BL[40]OB[3];W[ks]WL[40]OW[2]C[terra [-]: *biggermoyoAGA1k [1d]: ?leachy [3k]: *buggerZahlman [1k]: gj jyt];B[sm]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: XDterra [-]: *burgerThoravatar [2d]: beggerjytsao [8k?]: blubberying888 [19k]: h1saikosan [7k]: ouchJoostvdPol [2d]: t7 is painfulzum [-]: sushiying888 [19k]: why?gokgs1: no more painBackflash [9k?]: oh];W[lk]WL[40]OW[2]C[gokgs1: and stop to say sushijytsao [8k?]: ying, try to read it outZahlman [1k]: because it can't be answered with t8leachy [3k]: t8 t9 s8 s10 r10 t11 is whyibd [5k]: sushi will never replace PIZZA];B[rj]BL[40]OB[3]C[Kamaksi [2d?]: so painful that not even senteBackflash [9k?]: it isThoravatar [2d]: isK9 sente?Backflash [9k?]: w just ignored];W[qi]WL[40]OW[2]C[Nefeste [4k]: it was sente ) m9 just the answer )];B[rk]BL[40]OB[3];W[qj]WL[40]OW[2]C[Zahlman [1k]: and it cost several pointsKamaksi [2d?]: obviously you don't understand this game];B[si]BL[40]OB[3]C[realjack [2d]: sushi's more healthyBackflash [9k?]: surely you doMukti [3d]: That endgame was just huge. jytsao [8k?]: ramen tastes good];W[jk]WL[40]OW[2]C[Thoravatar [2d]: i think K9 is sente nowrealjack [2d]: pizza makes u fat..SteelyDan [6k]: W can combat T7 with O17!jytsao [8k?]: apple pie is sweet];B[ik]BL[40]OB[3]C[gokgs1: k9 is goteManOfLOL [6k]: i like apple pie];W[kk]WL[40]OW[2]C[moyoAGA1k [1d]: mmmmm pie...ibd [5k]: apple pie is only sweet with the right kind of applesManOfLOL [6k]: bacon stripsibd [5k]: have to be sweet applesjytsao [8k?]: how about a tort?ManOfLOL [6k]: and bacon stripsmartin3141 [3d]: white has h7 h8 g6 nextFKD8492 [7k]: o17];B[jn]BL[40]OB[3]C[zum [-]: pie sushileachy [3k]: sente ain't always what it's cracked up to be. reverse sente is underrated.ManOfLOL [6k]: and bacon strips o.osaikosan [7k]: h16 seems pretty big now and so does m15 XD];W[dk]WL[40]OW[2]C[CFrog [5k]: why not ignore k9?hkhkj: hi];B[dl]BL[40]OB[3]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: what do you know about breakfast hater?];W[in]WL[40]OW[2]C[martin3141 [3d]: white has h7 h8 g6 nextmoyoAGA1k [1d]: what if we all type the word 'apple pie' on the count of threeMukti [3d]: b clearly ahead now. That right hand side ensgame looked decisive.martin3141 [3d]: or even g6 moyoAGA1k [1d]: one...Nefeste [4k]: e5];B[fm]BL[40]OB[3]C[moyoAGA1k [1d]: two...moyoAGA1k [1d]: three!!jytsao [8k?]: apple pie];W[hs]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: sushisaikosan [7k]: sushiibd [5k]: PIZZAjytsao [8k?]: =(Blaubaer [5d]: beerying888 [19k]: o17realjack [2d]: sashimi..];B[fs]BL[40]OB[3]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: beer :D];W[es]WL[40]OW[2]C[zum [-]: beer sushi];B[is]BL[40]OB[3];W[fs]WL[40]OW[2]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: pizza beerleachy [3k]: stinky tofuHeoBeo [4k]: the de a down veHeoBeo [4k]: roi ti nua chung minh xem nhejytsao [8k?]: canteloperealjack [2d]: sashimi on pizza...ManOfLOL [6k]: tofu on beerleachy [3k]: e17 Kantid [3k]: sushi only good with beer];B[le]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: irn bruWiggum [10k?]: w+2 or did I miscount?saikosan [7k]: ouch black in end game with sentekoticgood [4k]: inherently incorrect wiggumBlaubaer [5d]: o17?realjack [2d]: sushi good with soy sauce and wasabi...Backflash [9k?]: boar cattles!jeremyS [3k]: natto with beer jeremyS [3k]: x_Xying888 [19k]: o17saikosan [7k]: eeeew natto XDDL2 [1k]: g6 ?jytsao [8k?]: stinky tofu];W[nc]WL[40]OW[2]C[ying888 [19k]: o17FraTeoX [1k]: h16SteelyDan [6k]: yes!bot117 [30k]: S8?CFrog [5k]: j13 martin3141 [3d]: white should play the sente-moves at e17 and h16 SteelyDan [6k]: i told you it was big];B[an]BL[40]OB[3]C[Blaubaer [5d]: :-)saikosan [7k]: it is now XDleachy [3k]: dog with stewed kitten stock];W[ao]WL[40]OW[2];B[am]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: h16saikosan [7k]: !!!!mkeller [6k]: yummyibd [5k]: steelydan, o17 was always bigDL2 [1k]: k1 ];W[hd]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: it's part of the joseki usually evenFraTeoX [1k]: ^^jytsao [8k?]: kitten with stewed dog stock....and rabbit];B[hc]BL[40]OB[3]C[Kamaksi [2d?]: g6 h5 works ?];W[ec]WL[40]OW[2]C[realjack [2d]: who's ahead , i was wonderingFraTeoX [1k]: wpotimarron [4k]: blackrealjack [2d]: ...];B[eb]BL[40]OB[3]C[lockelaton [4k]: e15moyoAGA1k [1d]: ooo nicerealjack [2d]: and se says watibd [5k]: white for surejytsao [8k?]: greyjytsao [8k?]: orangeciaso [-]: 492 visitors o.Ojytsao [8k?]: yellowiceweasel [?]: f14 ko?lockelaton [4k]: big KOjytsao [8k?]: blueNefeste [4k]: p15 big for bWiggum [10k?]: I counted, w/eFraTeoX [1k]: e5Backflash [9k?]: b+2 my betmartin3141 [3d]: s8Nefeste [4k]: but he didnt need to play this ko threat right now];W[sp]WL[40]OW[2]C[GoatCheese [2k]: it doesnt workGoatCheese [2k]: because k1 is a libert];B[so]BL[40]OB[3]C[GoatCheese [2k]: liberty];W[sq]WL[40]OW[2];B[jn]BL[40]OB[3]C[koticgood [4k]: impossible backflash, i'd be my life against b + 2martin3141 [3d]: s8 nowKamaksi [2d?]: e15koticgood [4k]: bet*];W[rl]WL[40]OW[2]C[saikosan [7k]: Don't believe in Kghin, believe me who believes in Kghin!];B[sl]BL[40]OB[3];W[in]WL[40]OW[2];B[oe]BL[40]OB[3];W[od]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: oh old one];B[jn]BL[40]OB[3]C[FraTeoX [1k]: meGoUniverse [6k]: ehhhh wowibd [5k]: this is ko for the gameibd [5k]: OMGmoyoAGA1k [1d]: g15GoatCheese [2k]: no it is notFraTeoX [1k]: non w winBackflash [9k?]: that KOibd [5k]: so exciting];W[ko]WL[40]OW[2]C[Blaubaer [5d]: e5?Backflash [9k?]: i thought it was closed =\jytsao [8k?]: who was it who predicted a B+R 190?martin3141 [3d]: t9 lockelaton [4k]: w g15?Backflash [9k?]: ah it is nowmartin3141 [3d]: oh joossy [2k]: b winsaikosan [7k]: every one saying white was gonna resign... silly people!!! it's much to close!Kamaksi [2d?]: w knows he leadsWiggum [10k?]: people who can't countjytsao [8k?]: by my calculation, we are about 60 moves over];B[ep]BL[40]OB[3]C[Slykun [2k]: j13 k13 g11 e10 Slykun [2k]: for b it's +1SteelyDan [6k]: t18Nefeste [4k]: e5 was bigger?jytsao [8k?]: t18 for who?jytsao [8k?]: not for w];W[eo]WL[40]OW[2]C[martin3141 [3d]: t18 is bad due to s19FraTeoX [1k]: e5 k1saikosan [7k]: this seems so simple... black is taking his time with this!Lambic12 [2k]: e4 gives ko threatZahlman [1k]: don't understand e4GoatCheese [2k]: black is looking at a seki in there with the cut aji i think];B[fo]BL[40]OB[3]C[Lambic12 [2k]: e4 -> d3 ko threatibd [5k]: d3 d2 c3 c2 b3 b2 blackman [1d]: 1 point minusBlaubaer [5d]: hm w needs c2?ibd [5k]: not seki?GoatCheese [2k]: he would not play d3 nowGoatCheese [2k]: that is sillyZahlman [1k]: surely the ko threat is not worth more than just taking the point with e5?FraTeoX [1k]: nno*nurc: w win by 4.5];W[ig]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: c2 you mean?];B[mo]BL[40]OB[3];W[mp]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: come on, to many!];B[js]BL[40]OB[3];W[kr]WL[40]OW[2]C[realjack [2d]: i think black is better...Zahlman [1k]: a13JoostvdPol [2d]: b+1,5 i thinklockelaton [4k]: i love KO at f15Tree [4k]: I would try c2 as blackmoyoAGA1k [1d]: black needs to start ko in upper rightKamaksi [2d?]: w looks aheadReAtum [3k]: e15];B[ej]BL[40]OB[3]C[ying888 [19k]: b+ 0.5];W[ei]WL[40]OW[2];B[ek]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: black is utilizing his time hardcore... I like that!blackman [1d]: s19Ojisama [4k?]: we shoule havea betting system in here like tygemmartin3141 [3d]: there is no ko at f15-areajytsao [8k?]: a13 looks big];W[ag]WL[40]OW[2]C[jytsao [8k?]: (and gote, as usual)ibd [5k]: black is da illest];B[af]BL[40]OB[3];W[ah]WL[40]OW[2]C[Backflash [9k?]: nono no betting systemDL2 [1k]: w+1.5?Backflash [9k?]: we would loose kibitzibd [5k]: lose**];B[aj]BL[40]OB[3]C[saikosan [7k]: so many score estimates XD it will be over soon loljytsao [8k?]: B+0.5FraTeoX [1k]: j6Jye [4k]: I think he means s19 ko and that would just be recklessibd [5k]: I lose, you lose, s/he loses, we lose, you lose, they losesaikosan [7k]: what?ibd [5k]: THE GAMEGoatCheese [2k]: s19 is a possible ko for black if he was behindmooooo [-]: w+2.5moyoAGA1k [1d]: white wonplsbkind [12k]: t18?martin3141 [3d]: w s19];W[ee]WL[40]OW[2]C[ying888 [19k]: time.....GoatCheese [2k]: s19 give black a lot of ko potentialsaikosan [7k]: why is it whites turn?GoatCheese [2k]: with the bottom rightGoatCheese [2k]: ewrrlockelaton [4k]: g15];B[ge]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: S19 sente no?GoatCheese [2k]: bottom leftsaikosan [7k]: Whats up with the time XDblackman [1d]: s19 for kojytsao [8k?]: but no points i thought];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[saikosan [7k]: eeeek Vincent [2d]: ko for the victory];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: triple koGoatCheese [2k]: s19 is worth points];W[ra]WL[40]OW[2]C[ibd [5k]: no result!GoatCheese [2k]: oh wellblackman [1d]: d3 big ko threats];B[sb]BL[40]OB[3]C[jytsao [8k?]: not for w];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[indianayk [4d]: s19 will ensure of win];B[nf]BL[40]OB[3];W[mf]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3];W[hh]WL[40]OW[2]C[Wiggum [10k?]: I keep counting B ahead];B[gg]BL[40]OB[3];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2];B[cr]BL[40]OB[3]C[ReAtum [3k]: 3 said no ko?!GoatCheese [2k]: black has so mant threats on bottom ];W[cq]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[Kamaksi [2d?]: b17];W[bc]WL[40]OW[2];B[bb]BL[40]OB[3]C[ReAtum [3k]: 3d];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[Zahlman [1k]: j6, two kos? >_<];B[bo]BL[40]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: two kos means jigokoticgood [4k]: this ko is for a point and the koZahlman [1k]: no, this one bigger, I'm sillykoticgood [4k]: ...GoatCheese [2k]: well this is worth moreGoatCheese [2k]: than j6martin3141 [3d]: j6-ko is less pointsxevad [-]: why did kghin intentionally discard of a point];W[co]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[Rakuten [2k]: masochist];W[ac]WL[40]OW[2]C[Blaubaer [5d]: ah bb2 w a3 ];B[ab]BL[40]OB[3]C[Zahlman [1k]: a4 > c5 surely?];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[ReAtum [3k]: d2GoatCheese [2k]: d3GoatCheese [2k]: is better];B[br]BL[40]OB[3]C[indianayk [4d]: b has too many threats in the low left];W[aq]WL[40]OW[2];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[JoostvdPol [2d]: if w wins the ko, b has no point at g17JoostvdPol [2d]: thats why];W[ad]WL[40]OW[2]C[ReAtum [3k]: d3*koticgood [4k]: he realized that.];B[ae]BL[40]OB[3];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[koticgood [4k]: Zahlman [1k]: no, this one bigger, I'm silly];B[bq]BL[40]OB[3]C[JoostvdPol [2d]: ah rightJoostvdPol [2d]: sorryZahlman [1k]: omg, c5 instead of a4 needed because of b2 etc... :O];W[ar]WL[40]OW[2]C[GroovyM [11k]: violent crazyclicisclic [11k]: why w did not answer on A4?ibd [5k]: yes zahlmanGoatCheese [2k]: he reading this out hard];B[ed]BL[40]OB[3]C[ibd [5k]: else it's aji-keshijytsao [8k?]: B17];W[fn]WL[40]OW[2]C[lockelaton [4k]: b17Nefeste [4k]: no a16 )Rakuten [2k]: I think you mean wasabe-tempura];B[gn]BL[40]OB[3];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[xevad [-]: so losing this ko is worse than not starting the ko to begin with..jytsao [8k?]: let's not get into the food debate again >
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