(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[0]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]PW[Korondo]PB[Shinichi56]WR[9d]DT[2011-06-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Korondo [9d]: hiShinichi56 [-]: hi gg]RE[W+Resign];B[qd]BL[30]OB[5]C[Crude [1d]: time for slaughter];W[dd]WL[30]OW[5];B[pp]BL[30]OB[5];W[dp]WL[30]OW[5];B[fc]BL[30]OB[5];W[hc]WL[30]OW[5];B[nc]BL[30]OB[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: really...];W[ec]WL[30]OW[5];B[pj]BL[30]OB[5];W[cj]WL[30]OW[5];B[fq]BL[30]OB[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: what rank is shinichi?Metafore [1k?]: my money on Black ^^];W[dn]WL[30]OW[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: i guess not more than 1d...?];B[jp]BL[30]OB[5];W[qq]WL[30]OW[5]C[Crude [1d]: lol, i'll give 5 to 1 odds on w :)];B[qp]BL[30]OB[5];W[pq]WL[30]OW[5];B[oq]BL[30]OB[5];W[or]WL[30]OW[5];B[nq]BL[30]OB[5]C[nanoc [6d]: who's w?];W[nr]WL[30]OW[5];B[mq]BL[30]OB[5];W[rp]WL[30]OW[5];B[ro]BL[30]OB[5];W[rq]WL[30]OW[5]C[chrislo [7k]: enough to know waht is a 9d it seamCrude [1d]: kim youngsam];B[qn]BL[30]OB[5]C[nanoc [6d]: ok! thx];W[kd]WL[30]OW[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: oh, b is about 1-3dTomoyaKun [2d]: i guess i'm wrong thenMirana [3k]: he is 5d];B[fd]BL[30]OB[5];W[df]WL[30]OW[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: seriously? o.O];B[cc]BL[30]OB[5];W[dc]WL[30]OW[5];B[bd]BL[30]OB[5]C[Karina [3k]: black is 5 dan! ];W[cd]WL[30]OW[5];B[bb]BL[30]OB[5];W[be]WL[30]OW[5];B[db]BL[30]OB[5];W[eb]WL[30]OW[5];B[ca]BL[30]OB[5];W[ad]WL[30]OW[5];B[bc]BL[30]OB[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: he played evenly against lots of 2d];W[ne]WL[30]OW[5]C[Crude [1d]: even if he is 5d, this game is hardly balanced];B[od]BL[30]OB[5];W[qe]WL[30]OW[5]C[GocchiSama [1d]: shinishi is 2d kgs];B[pd]BL[30]OB[5]C[daladim [1d]: b 2d];W[rd]WL[30]OW[5];B[rc]BL[30]OB[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: omg? q16?];W[ph]WL[30]OW[5]C[cata [4k]: 2d pro?TomoyaKun [2d]: why not s16?];B[of]BL[30]OB[5];W[nh]WL[30]OW[5]C[Mirana [3k]: stop be jaleous tomoya];B[mg]BL[30]OB[5]C[GocchiSama [1d]: he is 1k french...so 2d kgsTomoyaKun [2d]: lolCrude [1d]: how old is your data?];W[oj]WL[30]OW[5];B[pk]BL[30]OB[5];W[li]WL[30]OW[5]C[robotosan: b bad shape];B[mj]BL[30]OB[5]C[martin3141 [3d]: q15 instead of p16 looked more natural];W[lj]WL[30]OW[5]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: haters be hatin];B[oi]BL[30]OB[5];W[ni]WL[30]OW[5];B[nj]BL[30]OB[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: hmm q15 leaves a lot of ajiMetafore [1k?]: so b wants a fight...];W[oh]WL[30]OW[5];B[ok]BL[30]OB[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: s16 not imo];W[nf]WL[30]OW[5]C[robotosan: w shape is perfectBobWhoosta [2k]: w already winning.];B[ej]BL[30]OB[4]C[sdvdsvs: w behindsdvdsvs: moyo nothingZairex [1d]: seki];W[gj]WL[30]OW[5]C[Crude [1d]: it's komartin3141 [3d]: TomoyaKun I meant instead of p16];B[ck]BL[30]OB[4];W[dk]WL[30]OW[5]C[Metafore [1k?]: lol Zairex];B[dj]BL[30]OB[4];W[cl]WL[30]OW[5]C[TomoyaKun [2d]: oh];B[bk]BL[30]OB[4];W[ci]WL[30]OW[5]C[sdvdsvs: b how strong?GeorgeW [-]: 2d KGSclement44 [1k]: Sinichi ?? :o ];B[dh]BL[30]OB[4]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: yup];W[ch]WL[30]OW[5]C[sdvdsvs: b ugly and smokes? or only picture];B[fk]BL[30]OB[4]C[bwalsh5001 [5k]: how can you tell ugly from less than half a face?];W[dl]WL[30]OW[5];B[gk]BL[30]OB[4];W[fh]WL[30]OW[5]C[sdvdsvs: from makeup :)tochka1ru [3k]: неслабое белый наметил мойо];B[hj]BL[30]OB[4]C[sdvdsvs: pretty dont need];W[hi]WL[30]OW[5]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: b looks hot imo];B[ii]BL[30]OB[4]C[DOCTOR [6k]: smoking-bad];W[ij]WL[30]OW[5];B[hk]BL[30]OB[4];W[jj]WL[30]OW[5]C[bwalsh5001 [5k]: ahhhcatass [-]: shinichi is a boyykiauchiha [8k]: is that shinichi kudo ? ^_^ LoLlibertygo [4k?]: I read somewhere that the highest recorded IQ was a hooker in some third world countryManOfLOL [6k]: smoking makes her look sexywhatisgo [2d]: smokking is bad for you , it will only make to 9d];B[jc]BL[30]OB[4]C[Crude [1d]: yeah, i read that too in the enquirer];W[kc]WL[30]OW[5];B[ic]BL[30]OB[4]C[metalci [6k]: what is she smoking?Metafore [1k?]: in the picture b has only one eye, bad thing for a go player...bwalsh5001 [5k]: a cig];W[hd]WL[30]OW[5];B[je]BL[30]OB[4];W[ke]WL[30]OW[5]C[sdvdsvs: lol metaf];B[he]BL[30]OB[4]C[kibazhawt [7k?]: we call it a fag :odaft [3d]: I thought smoking was not allowed in the KGS roomsclement44 [1k]: G12 = ko ?];W[ge]WL[30]OW[5];B[hf]BL[30]OB[4]C[libertygo [4k?]: lol];W[hh]WL[30]OW[5]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: are you british kiba?kibazhawt [7k?]: maybe~];B[gf]BL[30]OB[4];W[hb]WL[30]OW[5]C[Wazato [4d?]: no tobacco, only weedCrude [1d]: b looks dead];B[fb]BL[30]OB[4];W[ea]WL[30]OW[5]C[whatisgo [2d]: maybe because he is];B[eh]BL[30]OB[4]C[dragongo [6k]: picture or board?Crude [1d]: maybe];W[fg]WL[30]OW[5]C[Crude [1d]: could be bad nutritionlibertygo [4k?]: respect wazatomartin3141 [3d]: black, what have you done ...daft [3d]: you play very bad if you smoke weed, so it's not such a good ideaEmmeline [11k?]: lol];B[cg]BL[30]OB[4]C[Crude [1d]: daft are you sure? i have heard multiple times it's good for your go.kibazhawt [7k?]: ppl play when drunk ._.Wazato [4d?]: so, you tried daft? :)];W[dg]WL[30]OW[5]C[kibazhawt [7k?]: i know a pot-head that was a natural 5k];B[ff]BL[30]OB[4]C[daft [3d]: don't ask, don't tellMetafore [1k?]: hey, B is simply having some fun. Take it easyxevad [-]: I love black's picturelibertygo [4k?]: seems like you would forget the joseki];W[ef]WL[30]OW[5]C[sdvdsvs: BUM only plays when stonedsdvdsvs: very good playerykiauchiha [8k]: against with 9d, B fights like playing with 9k , Cool ! Crude [1d]: lol @ e14sdvdsvs: 5d];B[gd]BL[30]OB[4]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: i played some guy who asked me if he can light a mary jane cigBobWhoosta [2k]: ManOfLOL [6k]: .__.ManOfLOL [6k]: oopsManOfLOL [6k]: sorry];W[jf]WL[30]OW[4]C[Crude [1d]: soon the death will be gote :)martin3141 [3d]: permitting e19 is so painful];B[ie]BL[30]OB[4];W[kb]WL[30]OW[4]C[Scarsick [1d]: yeah];B[jg]BL[30]OB[4]C[libertygo [4k?]: go is fun when you're high but I never play ranked games lol];W[kf]WL[30]OW[4]C[xevad [-]: mission accomplished];B[ig]BL[30]OB[4]C[Scarsick [1d]: at least if black would have gained somethingAlcyone [1k]: should resign...];W[ih]WL[30]OW[4];B[kg]BL[30]OB[4];W[lh]WL[30]OW[4]C[seikenguy [1d]: ♫When you're dying, when you're dying..♫ManOfLOL [6k]: w too powerfulMetafore [1k?]: if b dies in gote, top left also diesdaft [3d]: I think people who say things like "I'm 1k even if I'm stoned/don't read/play super fast" are stupid - then why don't you quit smoking weed, start reading and play seriously and be 3d -- do you really think it is less fun to be 3d than to be 1k=];B[jb]BL[30]OB[4]C[daft [3d]: ?Crude [1d]: only one quarter of teh board, game is not over :)robotosan: d19 is yose];W[fa]WL[30]OW[4];B[lg]BL[30]OB[4];W[ng]WL[30]OW[4]C[Wazato [4d?]: b should have played at l18xevad [-]: daft.. yes];B[me]BL[30]OB[4];W[md]WL[30]OW[4]C[Scarsick [1d]: black played really bad at the end toughtShinichi56 [-]: thank youKorondo [9d]: thxKorondo [9d]: ^^Korondo [9d]: ggShinichi56 [-]: :)libertygo [4k?]: true truekibazhawt [7k?]: daft, i need madication to sit still and read things :Pxevad [-]: nice game Shinichi56TheDuke [2d]: that's like watching a laser hitting away at incoming bricks.xevad [-]: oh and nice picture toowhatisgo [2d]: iwas in the middle of weithing "resign" :(Kotonoha [2d]: Korondo is my fanclement44 [1k]: Review ? :pDOCTOR [6k]: smokking -bad!!xevad [-]: black's picture is so coolsdvdsvs: this is the final proff that SMOKING KILLS YOUlibertygo [4k?]: yeah I quit this summerlibertygo [4k?]: because it is expensivexevad [-]: I bet that even if you put a camel wearing a leather jacket in that picturejohani [4k]: the body is my assassin])
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Korondo    Shinichi56
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