(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]SO[gokifu.com]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[600]OT[3x40 byo-yomi]PW[Hutoshi4]PB[BIGPIcture]WR[8d]BR[8d]DT[2011-06-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Hutoshi4 [8d]: hiBIGPIcture [8d]: hi]RE[W+Resign];B[qd]BL[588.497];W[dd]WL[595.616];B[pq]BL[571.588];W[dp]WL[588.11];B[fc]BL[569.036];W[cf]WL[581.485];B[kc]BL[561.092];W[qk]WL[568.522];B[qm]BL[557.268];W[qh]WL[555.058];B[qg]BL[541.346];W[rg]WL[515.899];B[ph]BL[529.381];W[pg]WL[474.583];B[qf]BL[525.279];W[oh]WL[471.444];B[pi]BL[518.886];W[qi]WL[468.941];B[oi]BL[511.388];W[og]WL[455.693];B[mi]BL[486.038];W[pe]WL[439.884];B[qe]BL[479.987];W[oc]WL[435.782]C[shinigami [6d?]: w failed];B[pc]BL[474.642];W[ld]WL[393.421]C[RobinUpton [4d?]: Hmmm. O15 weakness?];B[od]BL[445.376]C[shinigami [6d?]: u bet];W[kd]WL[373.127];B[jc]BL[432.491]C[scwizard [8k]: seems like w isn't familiar with R13];W[jd]WL[366.9];B[id]BL[427.789];W[ie]WL[362.849];B[hd]BL[425.943];W[nd]WL[353.309]C[shinigami [6d?]: i would look it up but don't wanna miss thisStormer [1d]: 8d dont follow joseki, they make it :)shinigami [6d?]: stormer!shinigami [6d?]: how's it going];B[nc]BL[360.598];W[ne]WL[323.877]C[nocturne19 [1d]: 8d still follows joseki but complex oneRobinUpton [4d?]: M16 pushing painful for w, and increase value of B's N11RobinUpton [4d?]: So I'm feeling B can be content hereshinigami [6d?]: b got everything lolStormer [1d]: still needs a move for p11 imoshinigami [6d?]: of course B is contentpraeludium [5d]: b has territory and w two weak groups ];B[oe]BL[318.122]C[jorgy [2d]: ?];W[pl]WL[299.719]C[jorgy [2d]: P15?];B[pm]BL[309.032]C[praeludium [5d]: p15 slow];W[nl]WL[290.425];B[om]BL[306.021]C[jorgy [2d]: wierd move];W[ol]WL[284.516];B[lj]BL[295.361]C[scwizard [8k]: diagonal?shinigami [6d?]: yes];W[ll]WL[258.085]C[Stormer [1d]: is good shape because of the n11 cut];B[mg]BL[283.267];W[nf]WL[219.762]C[RobinUpton [4d?]: Liking s8 as prevention of S10nocturne19 [1d]: j13crazytony [4k]: strong moves from b]];B[gf]BL[262.577]C[shinigami [6d?]: lol s8 is standard for preventing d10shinigami [6d?]: s10*];W[lh]WL[202.77]C[crazytony [4k]: s8 boring move];B[mh]BL[252.064]C[markjgc [7k]: looks like w can still tear his way out];W[nj]WL[181.626]C[shinigami [6d?]: w getting out was never the problem];B[ni]BL[245.458]C[crazytony [4k]: hm b ni troubleshinigami [6d?]: lolshinigami [6d?]: b is finecrazytony [4k]: not reallyshinigami [6d?]: >_>Eowyn [1k]: o14 is weakshinigami [6d?]: that center is wide open, B will be perfectly finecrazytony [4k]: watch white makes left side big lol i betshinigami [6d?]: with g14 in place it won't be too bigscwizard [8k]: b's shape bottom right seems too good];W[hf]WL[104.599];B[jj]BL[235.997];W[gg]WL[96.762]C[crazytony [4k]: i think whites potential is freighteningshinigami [6d?]: lol];B[ff]BL[223.295]C[shinigami [6d?]: w has nothing so faershinigami [6d?]: farshinigami [6d?]: B clearly in leadjorgy [2d]: J13];W[jl]WL[68.448];B[hj]BL[218.057]C[Eowyn [1k]: Clearly noone is ahead yet ^^];W[hh]WL[56.533]C[shinigami [6d?]: ...nocturne19 [1d]: i agree with eowyngobugobu [7d]: d13 ?scwizard [8k]: certainly doesn't seem clear to megobugobu [7d]: or first j13 ?scwizard [8k]: maybe clearer to high d's tho];B[eh]BL[195.634]C[eatramen [8k]: GO CUP!!!!!!!!!!1];W[fi]WL[48.108]C[BenSenTen [4k]: b has weak group at center, escapingeatramen [8k]: cup cup cup cup cup cup cup cup!tenletters [1k]: shinigami is exhibiting characteristics of a troll, be warynocturne19 [1d]: =] high dan never say clearlyshinigami [6d?]: ...shinigami [6d?]: it feels likeshinigami [6d?]: i'm in twilight zoneBenSenTen [4k]: w win if b group diecrazytony [4k]: lol?gobugobu [7d]: hmm, I don't like e12 ];B[gk]BL[158.257]C[gobugobu [7d]: it is so singular in its meaning];W[ei]WL[31.013]C[gobugobu [7d]: W wants to cut with f13 tenletters [1k]: but it is a good meaning];B[jh]BL[146.44];W[mc]WL[6.785];B[ob]BL[139.554]C[gobugobu [7d]: just 'hey guy, I am splitting you'RobinUpton [4d?]: Why K12?jorgy [2d]: L14];W[ek]WL[40]OW[3]C[crazytony [4k]: its pretty threateningscwizard [8k]: n17 wasting aji?scwizard [8k]: does w really need to play there now?Eowyn [1k]: k14crazytony [4k]: k12 can create life and possible cut];B[jf]BL[118.236];W[je]WL[40]OW[3]C[gobugobu [7d]: It makes W into a skeleton];B[gm]BL[109.136]C[tenletters [1k]: i think n17 was fine, there is no real aji in that corner or anythingrabbit1 [3k]: d12eatramen [8k]: CUP STONGjorgy [2d]: D12jorgy [2d]: seems good];W[gp]WL[40]OW[3]C[BenSenTen [4k]: b has eyes already?markjgc [7k]: k4?crazytony [4k]: d12 isnt necessary?jorgy [2d]: W has to attack attack attack];B[cq]BL[73.057]C[markjgc [7k]: this move seems off-topicshinigami [6d?]: d12 is good for terr, but certanly not necessarygobugobu [7d]: but d12 is very big laterscwizard [8k]: b's declaration of victoryBenSenTen [4k]: kill better than attackscwizard [8k]: seems to soon tho];W[cp]WL[40]OW[3]C[scwizard [8k]: why not play in M5 area first?];B[dq]BL[71.095]C[shinigami [6d?]: no need to play theregobugobu [7d]: f3 is normal];W[bp]WL[40]OW[3]C[shinigami [6d?]: b4 nicejorgy [2d]: W always wants to killshinigami [6d?]: makes d12 so much biggerscwizard [8k]: b4 certainly isn't normalEowyn [1k]: so w is aiming d12 nowgobugobu [7d]: W wants to play o3 RobinUpton [4d?]: I am surprised at 3-3 now, would have defended LR first. W trying hard to get sente from this?scwizard [8k]: I guess if w is playin gthis wayscwizard [8k]: C3 was perfect timinggobugobu [7d]: (I mean, locally)crazytony [4k]: does j11 reduce b to an eye?shinigami [6d?]: nogobugobu [7d]: g2 I guesstenletters [1k]: j11 h11 j12 f12 ];B[fq]BL[4.948]C[tenletters [1k]: a little thin];W[gq]WL[40]OW[3]C[shinigami [6d?]: that seq...];B[fp]BL[40]OB[3]C[shinigami [6d?]: is so wronggobugobu [7d]: hmm, but this makes W thickish];W[fo]WL[40]OW[3];B[bq]BL[40]OB[3]C[gobugobu [7d]: if B g5, W f2 nocturne19 [1d]: omg a fake Eowyn [1k]: e5 jorgy [2d]: F2gobugobu [7d]: what was wrong with W playing at f4 ?jorgy [2d]: E5scwizard [8k]: I expected E4 firstjorgy [2d]: then D12tenletters [1k]: what is wrong with it, shini?shinigami [6d?]: ...gobugobu [7d]: God of Death, why are you only 6d?shinigami [6d?]: hahapraeludium [5d]: g6?Stormer [1d]: black wont play e4 because he needs liberties so he can block at e2];W[ep]WL[40]OW[2]C[nocturne19 [1d]: :))];B[eq]BL[40]OB[3]C[tenletters [1k]: because he is a troll];W[gr]WL[40]OW[2]C[jorgy [2d]: no];B[fr]BL[40]OB[3]C[gobugobu [7d]: e4 is definately weird];W[en]WL[40]OW[2]C[nocturne19 [1d]: nice questionscwizard [8k]: seems good for bgobugobu [7d]: ok, I can see his plan nowscwizard [8k]: after g5 cut];B[el]BL[40]OB[3]C[gobugobu [7d]: Still B d13 or e8 d8 d9 wenkang [7k]: white is winning right?scwizard [8k]: what is b's plan gobugobu?gobugobu [7d]: To reduce the left];W[dl]WL[40]OW[2]C[rabbit1 [3k]: w in n3 area is so nice now];B[im]BL[40]OB[3]C[wenkang [7k]: but black not alive yetgobugobu [7d]: While NOT endangering his own troops in the cengterjorgy [2d]: H6gobugobu [7d]: B is still aiming at s10 r10 ];W[ec]WL[40]OW[2]C[Eowyn [1k]: j5];B[fb]BL[40]OB[3]C[gobugobu [7d]: however, there are logistical restraintsStormer [1d]: did not expect e17scwizard [8k]: now it seems like w is aheadRenmazuo [1k]: L6 is pretty big];W[qq]WL[40]OW[2]C[Eowyn [1k]: r3?RobinUpton [4d?]: left side seems big but slightly loose to me];B[qp]BL[40]OB[3]C[shinigami [6d?]: r3 standard probegobugobu [7d]: e17 is usual if you don't mind B to get stronger and don't expect to be able to attack B at the top];W[pp]WL[40]OW[2]C[shinigami [6d?]: usually used for the chinese fusekisStormer [1d]: usulaly you see q2 not q4 there thoughshinigami [6d?]: q2?Stormer [1d]: no?shinigami [6d?]: oh you mean for W];B[oq]BL[40]OB[3]C[Stormer [1d]: yesscwizard [8k]: I expected w to Q2 insteadwenkang [7k]: reallyRobinUpton [4d?]: q2 =/= Q2 :)gobugobu [7d]: well, they both exist and are chosen on a first-come-first-serve basis.Stormer [1d]: so b gives up cornershinigami [6d?]: cross cut is just as commonStormer [1d]: not in 1kyu games :)];W[fd]WL[40]OW[2]C[axeman35 [2k]: tonights a lunar ecllipse ppls! gonna be a red moon];B[gd]BL[40]OB[3];W[eb]WL[40]OW[2];B[rj]BL[40]OB[3]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: that was the other daygobugobu [7d]: there you go, plenty of reasons to play go];W[qj]WL[40]OW[2];B[ri]BL[40]OB[3]C[Eowyn [1k]: e18 seemed offtopicgobugobu [7d]: no more than wecrazytony [4k]: ouchshinigami [6d?]: e18 necessary for cornercrazytony [4k]: b jsut hurt white alogobugobu [7d]: e18 is huge thoughscwizard [8k]: why didn't b play in the M5 area first?crazytony [4k]: w res?scwizard [8k]: before attacking w in this way?CBlue [1d?]: pfft, BIGPicture doesnt have a picture?];W[kn]WL[40]OW[2]C[gobugobu [7d]: it's also aiming at h18 (just a little)];B[io]BL[40]OB[3]C[titowed [8k]: is toobugshinigami [6d?]: cause black wants to chase W into that area aiming at splitting with g5 eventuallytitowed [8k]: bigtitowed [8k]: to fitjorgy [2d]: W failedgobugobu [7d]: but if B plays at d18 (without W e18) , W doesn't know how to answer.scwizard [8k]: oh];W[il]WL[40]OW[2]C[scwizard [8k]: very strong!Becubio [10k]: is very bug, jijiji];B[hm]BL[40]OB[2]C[shinigami [6d?]: big movegobugobu [7d]: k4 wenkang [7k]: white will connect];W[fl]WL[40]OW[2]C[gobugobu [7d]: f8 is a good kikashi, aiming at h9 shinigami [6d?]: yaDOCTOR [6k]: l4shinigami [6d?]: but now here if B g11];B[fk]BL[40]OB[2]C[jorgy [2d]: H9?RayTomes [1d]: does f9 work?];W[em]WL[40]OW[2]C[wenkang [7k]: cut off black];B[hk]BL[40]OB[2];W[ii]WL[40]OW[2];B[jk]BL[40]OB[2];W[kp]WL[40]OW[2];B[iq]BL[40]OB[2]C[gobugobu [7d]: This is painful to watch as to play, I am sureshinigami [6d?]: lolRayTomes [1d]: who is attacking who here?shinigami [6d?]: why do you say that gobugobu?gobugobu [7d]: However, I am not sure of the benefits of j11 at this stageBecubio [10k]: w o5];W[jq]WL[40]OW[2]C[shinigami [6d?]: have to k5?];B[jp]BL[40]OB[2];W[kq]WL[40]OW[2];B[jr]BL[40]OB[2]C[Eowyn [1k]: s9 seems good for w];W[ho]WL[40]OW[2]C[shinigami [6d?]: what does it even accomplish?scwizard [8k]: how can b keep fighting now/Eowyn [1k]: i thought use of r5 after thatgobugobu [7d]: hmmm, question... who has the courage to be afraid?];B[jm]BL[40]OB[2];W[km]WL[40]OW[2]C[gobugobu [7d]: W also threatens j4 h4 h3 ];B[ir]BL[40]OB[2]C[Rookwood [2k]: or the fear to be courageousgobugobu [7d]: Yes, I doGoatCheese [2k]: that doesnt make sense.johnny [5k]: W o4];W[kr]WL[40]OW[2];B[kk]BL[40]OB[2]C[ummjhall [15k]: which reminds me this has been bothering me all day... what the heck is the adjective form of integrity];W[kl]WL[40]OW[2]C[RayTomes [1d]: B aliveRobinUpton [4d?]: integral?Eowyn [1k]: integrative? :)GoatCheese [2k]: honest.RobinUpton [4d?]: integrous?Rookwood [2k]: honorable?ummjhall [15k]: hmgobugobu [7d]: Sometimes you need enough fear to muster the courage.... (to talk to the other sex, etc. fill in the blanks)shinigami [6d?]: hahaEowyn [1k]: integrableRayTomes [1d]: L11Rookwood [2k]: principled?GEORGIA [4k]: n9jorgy [2d]: wow];B[kf]BL[40]OB[1]C[eatramen [8k]: fear of talking to the other sex?eatramen [8k]: its just talkinggobugobu [7d]: I know plenty of guys like thateatramen [8k]: there are some intemidating girlseatramen [8k]: i guessshinigami [6d?]: they are the best ones];W[ig]WL[40]OW[2]C[eatramen [8k]: sometimesjorgy [2d]: why Hutoshi4 is still 8d?gobugobu [7d]: That answer, eatramen, gives you away...GEORGIA [4k]: N9eatramen [8k]: gives me away? johnny [5k]: integrabilitouseatramen [8k]: are you a psychologistgobugobu [7d]: Everybody knows what I mean];B[mk]BL[40]OB[1]C[eatramen [8k]: you dont know anything about be foolBenSenTen [4k]: i really don't knoweatramen [8k]: haha Benscwizard [8k]: I was wondering why b L14 instead of simply N9];W[lk]WL[40]OW[2]C[Rookwood [2k]: gives him away as a member of the Rosicrucians?gobugobu [7d]: n9 makes B r8 senteBenSenTen [4k]: n i really interested to know];B[nk]BL[40]OB[1]C[shinigami [6d?]: is he implying eatramen is a girl or gay?];W[oj]WL[40]OW[2]C[gobugobu [7d]: what is m9 ?];B[ok]BL[40]OB[1]C[scwizard [8k]: oh awit];W[pj]WL[40]OW[2]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: ramen is sexy];B[mj]BL[40]OB[1]C[scwizard [8k]: it not so simple];W[nm]WL[40]OW[2];B[ji]BL[40]OB[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: I know plenty about yougobugobu [7d]: it is trying to render l10 into a false eyeGoatCheese [2k]: and I agree with gobugobu on that pointjohnny [5k]: thanks gobueatramen [8k]: what if im both shinigamigobugobu [7d]: npshinigami [6d?]: D:Epiphany [-]: Let's keep the convo on the game please ...gobugobu [7d]: that would be as interesting as me eating my hatshinigami [6d?]: lolrabbit1 [3k]: why w never k11?eatramen [8k]: goatcheese who r u crazytony [4k]: l11?];W[rp]WL[40]OW[1]C[CBlue [1d?]: *puts mustard on gobugobu's hat*];B[qo]BL[40]OB[1]C[Eowyn [1k]: no... sexual preference of eatramen is more interesting :))];W[ro]WL[40]OW[1]C[gobugobu [7d]: W wants to play around s6 to capture withs12 - but it is too late after n9 eatramen [8k]: you guy are too old schoolBecubio [10k]: S9 is big for w];B[po]BL[40]OB[1];W[qr]WL[40]OW[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: I would converse with you but the mod asked us to keep it on the game];B[rk]BL[40]OB[1]C[gobugobu [7d]: old school? I am as digital as they comerabbit1 [3k]: why didnt w ever k11??scwizard [8k]: SE says w+reatramen [8k]: good excuse for not knowing anythingEpiphany [-]: Converse in PM if you like.];W[ql]WL[40]OW[1]C[scwizard [8k]: how can b keep fighting?shinigami [6d?]: didn't u ask tht before? lolrabbit1 [3k]: it was sente];B[rl]BL[40]OB[1]C[shinigami [6d?]: he just caneatramen [8k]: lolgobugobu [7d]: B wants to kill l7 ];W[rn]WL[40]OW[1];B[rm]BL[40]OB[1]C[jorgy [2d]: O5wenkang [7k]: becos he can attack white on the leftGoatCheese [2k]: I wonder when black will make his move into the left sidescwizard [8k]: how is that possible?gobugobu [7d]: o4 p4 n3 ?gogasse [1d]: 8d play? GoatCheese [2k]: it seems pretty big to play in there soonshinigami [6d?]: o5crazytony [4k]: mid still alive?xDragon [-]: lol epip, just looking at your profile shows youre one of those bad adminsGoatCheese [2k]: maybe c12];W[no]WL[40]OW[1];B[np]BL[40]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: looks like crazytony was rightGoatCheese [2k]: or at least d12gobugobu [7d]: W o5 looks just right for Bjorgy [2d]: K5tenletters [1k]: the weakness of n11 was significantgobugobu [7d]: That's why I said W o4 is good];W[mp]WL[40]OW[1];B[mq]BL[40]OB[1]C[shinigami [6d?]: gobu...scurge [5d]: looks impossible to kill toughjorgy [2d]: K5Eowyn [1k]: k5 j4 k6 j6 n5 ?gobugobu [7d]: well...];W[jo]WL[40]OW[1]C[jorgy [2d]: yes];B[ip]BL[40]OB[1];W[jn]WL[40]OW[1]C[eatramen [8k]: master the flamejorgy [2d]: good];B[in]BL[40]OB[1]C[eatramen [8k]: master the flavorkynam [7k]: black is winning.Becubio [10k]: witch move is good for B in lines B,C,D???gobugobu [7d]: flame the mastereatramen [8k]: cup doesnt loseshinigami [6d?]: w didnt get sente to play on leftscwizard [8k]: n2 is an eye in ko?];W[oo]WL[40]OW[1]C[eatramen [8k]: cup STONGjohnny [5k]: mame the flasterGoatCheese [2k]: I was looking at that too becubioeatramen [8k]: am i being trolled >._>tenletters [1k]: side*];W[if]WL[40]OW[1]C[wenkang [7k]: at the leftjorgy [2d]: F15];B[ce]BL[40]OB[1]C[stringbean [4k]: eye at o3 -- second eye at t8 ummjhall [15k]: q4scwizard [8k]: >_>ummjhall [15k]: is that not an eye];W[be]WL[40]OW[1];B[cd]BL[40]OB[1]C[wenkang [7k]: f8 is a fake eye?Becubio [10k]: great attack of b, the problem was ignore d12Zahlman [1k]: no, it's just a connectionummjhall [15k]: ah yeahstringbean [4k]: is a real eye because there is an eye on both sidestenletters [1k]: w didn't need to make this so complicatedZahlman [1k]: b can also make an eye with p6 and r6johnny [5k]: B very creative];W[bd]WL[40]OW[1]C[wenkang [7k]: yaZahlman [1k]: b sees the big picture, of courseEowyn [1k]: creating problems.. :)wenkang [7k]: c17 will woohoo];B[cc]BL[40]OB[1]C[scurge [5d]: heh :) yes creativity not always a positive thing ummjhall [15k]: ok so wait, is q4 an eye or noZahlman [1k]: it is a point of territoryshinigami [6d?]: not an eyetenletters [1k]: q4 is an eyuewenkang [7k]: is itummjhall [15k]: disagreement...crazytony [4k]: d15Zahlman [1k]: it does not help with living];W[de]WL[40]OW[1]C[SickWilly [1d]: q4 is a point, but not an eye.tenletters [1k]: because t9 is an eye and o3 is an eyeDOCTOR [6k]: s12-c9scwizard [8k]: h18 was for the viewers?crazytony [4k]: yesCBlue [1d?]: ^^'crazytony [4k]: white has itcrazytony [4k]: e14 big for white if b doesnt stop it\markjgc [7k]: crazy];B[bg]BL[40]OB[1]C[RayTomes [1d]: q4 not an eye, eyes are o3 and t9CBlue [1d?]: b17 b18?];W[bf]WL[40]OW[1]C[tenletters [1k]: ofc q4 is an eye];B[ee]BL[40]OB[1]C[stringbean [4k]: q4 point or eye is just semanticsZahlman [1k]: I guess we could argue definitions...Zahlman [1k]: but really there is no pointZahlman [1k]: (pun intended)x0000 [2k]: d13 ummjhall [15k]: i say its an eye but im 15k];W[dg]WL[40]OW[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: well yea it is an eye technically];B[ef]BL[40]OB[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: but it is not as secureZahlman [1k]: the important thing is to understand the situation];W[cb]WL[40]OW[1]C[n00bpWnr [5k]: isn't there way more interesting stuff going on northwest?];B[ed]BL[40]OB[1]C[crazytony [4k]: too bad life];W[dc]WL[40]OW[1]C[ummjhall [15k]: yesgobugobu [7d]: technically and specifically, Q4 is a FALSE eye];B[mb]BL[40]OB[1];W[ma]WL[40]OW[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: more interesting than educating a weaker player, or arguing semantics?ummjhall [15k]: ill believe a 7d];B[nb]BL[40]OB[1]C[markjgc [7k]: b doesn't look happy];W[lc]WL[40]OW[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: no board position can acheive thatEowyn [1k]: technically q6 can be eye too if b plays first :))eatramen [8k]: GO CUP GO CUP!tenletters [1k]: i think that's wrong, gobu, but who cares];B[dj]BL[40]OB[1]C[eatramen [8k]: CUP STONG CUP STONG!shinigami [6d?]: now B+ easystringbean [4k]: imo opinion is if it can't be closed then it's an eye -- imo opinion a false eye is an "eye" that can be closed];W[ej]WL[40]OW[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: hard to see how that eye could be eliminated in this positionGoatCheese [2k]: at q4];B[ck]BL[40]OB[1]C[gobugobu [7d]: well, you are wrong];W[fs]WL[40]OW[1]C[crazytony [4k]: e10 wasnt necesary ewas it?stringbean [4k]: that's why i call it an eye];B[es]BL[40]OB[1];W[gs]WL[40]OW[1]C[crazytony [4k]: cause m14 and l18?praeludium [5d]: you never close you eyes stringbean? tenletters [1k]: once again, you are being cocky gobuummjhall [15k]: i have to say eye, yeahpraeludium [5d]: your* ummjhall [15k]: im still on this];B[jg]BL[40]OB[1]C[Eowyn [1k]: *blink*];W[cs]WL[40]OW[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: thematically speaking then, it is an eyeArcticDawn [4k]: whaaa?];B[bs]BL[40]OB[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: I wont argue technically or specifically with a 7Dmarkjgc [7k]: how come b didn't defend against this?Zahlman [1k]: is this attack for real?fobds2 [8k]: metaphorically speaking, it is our hopes and dreamsganuong [4d]: ??ArcticDawn [4k]: seki or ko?ummjhall [15k]: w cant play there because o3 would have to be played first..x0000 [2k]: kocrazytony [4k]: d1?crazytony [4k]: xDganuong [4d]: b2?n00bpWnr [5k]: read!Becubio [10k]: wants a seki there!!!crazytony [4k]: d1!scwizard [8k]: w could lose?];W[br]WL[40]OW[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: d1 allows life without koganuong [4d]: u right zahlmanZahlman [1k]: d1 c2 e2 a2 praeludium [5d]: s12 is a billion pointsRayTomes [1d]: why k13 all of a sudden?];B[ar]BL[40]OB[1]C[wenkang [7k]: a koStormer [1d]: because b lost his ko for connect at g1GoatCheese [2k]: no ko];W[as]WL[40]OW[1]C[Bushworm [1d]: well anyway this ko does risk points for wummjhall [15k]: s12 does look big];B[aq]BL[40]OB[1]C[ummjhall [15k]: after thiscrazytony [4k]: s12 smallBushworm [1d]: if w let b live can take some yoseperreo [5k?]: 1 libtenletters [1k]: no koganuong [4d]: prae before s12 w should r6 first if he has a chancepraeludium [5d]: hard ko for white, g2 is not alivejohnny [5k]: i say B +5];W[ds]WL[40]OW[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: ?Zahlman [1k]: g2 is connected];B[bs]BL[40]OB[1]C[scwizard [8k]: direct ko?crazytony [4k]: no koganuong [4d]: no ko crazytony [4k]: but white gainsGoatCheese [2k]: ok ko thenSickWilly [1d]: ... can't b c2?wenkang [7k]: b dead?Peantoo [5k]: why not c2ummjhall [15k]: this game is very very interestingImp20 [3k]: c2 and its alive... what is b diong lolRobinUpton [4d?]: B had C2 if neededmarkjgc [7k]: noGoatCheese [2k]: c2 would be no kopraeludium [5d]: zahl, connected to what? CBlue [1d?]: b alive unconditinonallytenletters [1k]: not a real koGoatCheese [2k]: but black feels a ko is better I guess.Bushworm [1d]: i guess b could simply alive with c2crazytony [4k]: doesnt matter if b c2 or b1];W[cl]WL[40]OW[1]C[crazytony [4k]: its same thingZahlman [1k]: g2 connected to the whole dragonpraeludium [5d]: oh yeah eye at n16crazytony [4k]: same result];B[bk]BL[40]OB[1];W[er]WL[40]OW[1];B[cr]BL[40]OB[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: same];W[rh]WL[40]OW[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: white gets a nice reduction in sente];B[bm]BL[40]OB[1];W[bl]WL[40]OW[1]C[shinigami [6d?]: w not technically alive];B[al]BL[40]OB[1]C[crazytony [4k]: b gets bigger oneRayTomes [1d]: B trashes left side in exchangeummjhall [15k]: lol at the SE];W[bn]WL[40]OW[1]C[crazytony [4k]: white is alivepraeludium [5d]: technically or metaphorically sini? praeludium [5d]: shini* ];B[cm]BL[40]OB[1]C[crazytony [4k]: m14 still to create eye];W[cn]WL[40]OW[1]C[shinigami [6d?]: technically ;)crazytony [4k]: in senteEowyn [1k]: s12 is small if w can not t16ILoveZen: e7 have a troublesshinigami [6d?]: now is ok];B[pr]BL[40]OB[1]C[GoatCheese [2k]: I prefer the term thematicallyGoatCheese [2k]: lolganuong [4d]: q2 so big..];W[rr]WL[40]OW[1]C[ummjhall [15k]: white can t16?tenletters [1k]: unnecessaryscwizard [8k]: SE says its a close gamescwizard [8k]: why did w make it a close gamescwizard [8k]: when could have just won];B[rf]BL[40]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: ahh ofc it is sente against w roupganuong [4d]: because greedyRayTomes [1d]: because strong players like to push things];W[bh]WL[40]OW[1]C[ummjhall [15k]: for me it keeps going back and forth b +200, w+200];B[bi]BL[40]OB[1];W[ag]WL[40]OW[1];B[di]BL[40]OB[1];W[dm]WL[40]OW[1]C[Becubio [10k]: m14];B[kb]BL[40]OB[1]C[tenletters [1k]: then spit the difference and call it a drawcrazytony [4k]: m14 big];W[ka]WL[40]OW[1];B[am]BL[40]OB[1]C[ganuong [4d]: sometimes we could win by a little points but maybe you want to kill a dragon:)ganuong [4d]: *wex0000 [2k]: b+1.5?scwizard [8k]: amatuer high d's so different from pros sometiems >_>CBlue [1d?]: if b loses it's because he didnt have a pictureummjhall [15k]: its a DRAW];W[pf]WL[40]OW[1]C[Bushworm [1d]: it is not like a pro cause u just want to have funn00bpWnr [5k]: ur full of #$%^ scwizard];B[pd]BL[40]OB[1]C[ManOfLOL [6k]: pros like to have fun tooGoatCheese [2k]: well consider this is not a pro gameManOfLOL [6k]: sometimesscwizard [8k]: lolEowyn [1k]: m14 GoatCheese [2k]: this is being played for funArcticDawn [4k]: lol @ secrazytony [4k]: white shud m14 sente?GoatCheese [2k]: if it was a tournament I am sure it would be differentjohnny [5k]: B g19 or B p6ManOfLOL [6k]: of course];W[an]WL[40]OW[1];B[ak]BL[40]OB[1]C[jorgy [2d]: W is enjoying the gameGoatCheese [2k]: so to analyze the play is not really fair comparison];W[mf]WL[40]OW[1]C[jorgy [2d]: doesn't want it to finish too sooncrazytony [4k]: huH?wenkang [7k]: why not l11];B[lf]BL[40]OB[1]C[crazytony [4k]: n14 isnt sente is it?tenletters [1k]: i think w+0.5Chariot [4k]: is if you don't want seki];W[ai]WL[40]OW[1]C[asdfwqer: no it isn't];B[aj]BL[40]OB[1]C[x0000 [2k]: r6 ummjhall [15k]: i wonder how many times a swastika has been formedcrazytony [4k]: its not seki lol..Eowyn [1k]: d9 ];W[ah]WL[40]OW[1];B[le]BL[40]OB[1]C[johnny [5k]: W d9];W[dk]WL[40]OW[1];B[cj]BL[40]OB[1]C[Eowyn [1k]: t14];W[sm]WL[40]OW[1]C[crazytony [4k]: ohRayTomes [1d]: what?tenletters [1k]: wowcrazytony [4k]: he saw the end result.ummjhall [15k]: hurmmHutoshi4 [8d]: thanksPita [11k]: awcrazytony [4k]: barely lostMezzanyne [8k]: that's some epic countingGoatCheese [2k]: well that was a bit unexpectedjohnny [5k]: ggRayTomes [1d]: SE says 1/2 point gamecrazytony [4k]: didnt expect the res thoughEowyn [1k]: so closeummjhall [15k]: black hacked the SEBecubio [10k]: w+.5 says the machineStormer [1d]: thats confidence in your counting])
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