(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Park Jieun]PB[Joanne Missingham]WR[9d]BR[5d]DT[2011-08-02]EV[16th Samsung Cup]RO[Preliminaries]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[http://gogameguru.com/]RE[W+5.50]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game is from a preliminary match in the 16th Samsung Cup.These two played a game in the final of the Bingsheng Cup last September (2010), and Park won that game to take the title. ];W[dd]C[Jieun is one of the strongest female players in Korea, along with Rui Naiwei and Cho Hyeyeon. On the other hand, Joanne must be the strongest female player in Taiwan and she has had good results lately.];B[pq]C[Jieun is the most popular female player in Korea, and Joanne might be the same in Taiwan and China. Oh, she has lots of Australian fans as well because she was born in Australia. :D];W[dp];B[qk]C[The Chinese opening is still so popular. ];W[nc];B[pf];W[pb];B[qc];W[kc];B[fq];W[cn];B[jp]C[Up to here, it's one of the well known openings. ];W[po];B[np];W[qq];B[qr];W[qp];B[rr];W[qm];B[nn];W[om];B[on];W[pn];B[pl](;W[rk];B[rj];W[rl];B[qj];W[pm]C[The game so far is played quite a lot, like a joseki. ];B[cf]C[Nothing special so far. ];W[be]LB[kc:A][cn:B]C[This answer is good when your stones are on both sides like this. (A and B) ](;B[fd]LB[di:A]C[This is relatively rare. ];W[ef]LB[fd:B][cf:A]C[Right move. W should separate B. ];B[dc];W[cc];B[ec];W[cb]LB[cd:A]C[Right answer. A is more solid, but W38 is more severe and better for the endgame. ];B[ic]LB[kc:A]C[B has settled here, but as W's A is on the third line, W doesn't need to answer on the top. ];W[di]LB[cf:A]C[Good place. It's not easy for B to move A directly. So far, the game still looks even, but actually, the game already feels comfortable for W. ];B[ck]LB[cf:A]C[Trying to utilize the stone at A. ](;W[ci]C[Calm and right. ];B[fo]C[Good sense. B tries to develop her lower side. ](;W[dl]C[Necessary, and the game is still even. ](;B[cq]LB[dk:A][ek:B]C[Big move. ];W[dq];B[dr];W[lq]LB[cp:B][er:A]C[What timing! W leaves the corner and invades here first. White can decide whether to play A or B later.];B[lp];W[kq]C[It's not easy to capture these W stones. ];B[jq];W[nq]C[Good tesuji. ](;B[op]C[Right answer, but now W can make room to live inside.];W[or];B[pr];W[kp];B[ko];W[jr];B[ir];W[js]TR[jo][lo][iq]C[Because of those cutting points, B can't attack W properly. As W is settling here, the game becomes easy for W. W's left side is big, but B doesn't have a big area like that. ];B[mr];W[mq];B[pp]C[This move threatens to attack either one of W's groups. ];W[iq]C[This is more urgent than right side. ];B[ip];W[hq];B[hr];W[lo];B[jo];W[lr]C[Lower one is alive. ];B[qo];W[ro];B[rp];W[qn];B[rq]C[W has only one eye on the right side, but ];W[ol];B[ok];W[nk]C[This group is not that weak. ];B[nl];W[nm];B[ml];W[mm];B[ln];W[lm];B[mk];W[mp];B[mn];W[km];B[kn];W[kk]C[So far, the result is successful for W. ];B[nj];W[gl]LB[ck:A]C[W is good enough with this jump. This move is helping W's right side group, developing the centre, and now, B couldn't dream about moving A. ];B[cp]C[Big. ];W[ge];B[ie];W[hg]C[Good sense. W is leading, so she's trying to make the game simpler. ];B[il]C[W's weak point is here! ];W[im];B[hm];W[hl]C[Good response. ](;B[ik]C[This is a must. ];W[jl];B[in];W[jm];B[el]C[Good move. When you feel you're behind, you should try to make the game complicated and messy. ];W[ek];B[dm];W[cm];B[dk];W[cl];B[fk];W[ej];B[fl]C[It looks quite successful for B so far. ];W[gm];B[hn];W[ij]C[Good Tesuji ](;B[dn]TR[dp][dq]C[B chooses to capture W's two stones in the corner. ];W[bk]LB[bl:A]C[Right answer. If W doesn't play, B'd play at 118 or A. ];B[gd]CR[pb][kc][nc]LB[hc:A]C[B might be worrying about W's A. Even though B wants to attack W's three stones on the top, it wouldn't be easy because B's top group is not strong enough. ];W[qb]C[Good reinforcing move. ];B[mc]C[Good timing. ](;W[pc]LB[mb:A][qd:B]C[Correct answer. A and B are miai. ];B[qd]C[B chooses the corner, and ];W[mb]LB[nb:A][md:B]C[now, W can connect without any trouble. If B cuts at A, W'd atari at B, and there's nothing B can do. ];B[md];W[nb];B[nd]C[So far, B caught up a bit, but the game is still better for W. ];W[jb];B[ib];W[lh]LB[kh:A]C[Actually, W doesn't need to go that far. It's a bit risky. A should be good enough for W. ](;B[cd]C[Proving.];W[ee]LB[cd:A]C[Good answer. It's not easy to think about, but now, B has to keep playing in the corner, otherwise, that cut'd get W more points. ];B[ed];W[de];B[db]C[Good for the endgame, but ];W[gj]C[the game becomes simple after this move, and only endgame's left on the board. ];B[ce];W[bd];B[bb];W[bc];B[ca];W[ab];B[ba];W[bf];B[co];W[bo];B[bp];W[bn];B[jg];W[ki]C[Simple answer is good. ];B[cg];W[bg];B[gf];W[nh];B[eg];W[fg];B[ff];W[dg];B[eh];W[dh];B[fe];W[df];B[mg];W[mh];B[oh];W[gg]C[W is winning by a small margin, but there's nowhere for B to catch up. ];B[ih];W[ap]C[Good endgame. ](;B[do]C[Right move. ];W[rb];B[rc];W[jf];B[ig];W[gi];B[jc];W[kb];B[lc];W[lb];B[aq];W[og];B[pg];W[if];B[kf];W[hf];B[lg];W[ng];B[he];W[gn];B[go];W[ia];B[ha];W[ja](;B[da]LB[hb:A]C[Good move. It can save one more point than A. ];W[hb];B[ga];W[je];B[le];W[oi];B[ph];W[hc];B[hd];W[kd];B[id];W[ni];B[lj];W[kh];B[kg];W[kj];B[gr];W[ql];B[pi];W[sj];B[si];W[sk];B[ri];W[sc];B[sd];W[sb];B[ao];W[an];B[gk];W[hk];B[fn];W[oe];B[od];W[ne];B[pe];W[hh];B[qo];W[qp];B[fm];W[hj];B[ii];W[sp];B[sq];W[so];B[oc];W[ob];B[fj];W[fi];B[os];W[ns];B[ps];W[mo];B[ji];W[oj];B[pk];W[is];B[jj];W[jk];B[oq];W[nr];B[hs];W[ll];B[ap];W[lk];B[mj]LB[fd:A][lq:B]C[W won by 5.5 points. In the opening, A doesn't seem to be good, and W's B was very good timing. After living on the lower side, W played smoothly and B didn't have any chances to reverse the game.After winning this game, Jieun beat Moon Dowon (2p), Tsao (3p) and (in the final) Tang Yi (2p) as well, to enter the main tournament. On the other hand, Joanne defeated Kim Jaeyoung (1p) before meeting Jieun. She played pretty well in this game too, but Jieun is more experienced.Joanne's been improving so amazingly quickly, so next time will be even better! :D Commented by An Younggil 8p])(;B[ni]C[If B doesn't answer on the top, ];W[hb];B[ga];W[ea]LB[da:B][gb:A]C[A nice tesuji. :) ]))(;B[aq]C[If B just answers here, ];W[do]LB[em:A][cr:B]C[W can cut here, and A and B are miai. ]))(;B[ki]C[B should try to fight here, it should be B's last chance. ]))(;W[mb]C[If W answers under,];B[nb]C[B'd cut here, and W'd be in trouble. ];W[ob];B[lb];W[na];B[lc]C[B's plan. ]))(;B[hk]C[If B tries to escape, ];W[gk];B[hj];W[gj]C[W'd play like this, and ];B[ii];W[hi];B[jj];W[jk];B[ij];W[ih];B[kj];W[ll]C[W can live, and it's not a profitable result for B. ]))(;B[jm]C[This is wrong, ];W[jl];B[in];W[ik]C[It's too easy for W. ]))(;B[oq]C[If B answers here, ];W[kp];B[ko];W[mp];B[lo];W[no];B[op];W[mo];B[oo];W[mn]LB[jo:A]C[W can come out without any trouble. W's right side is completely alive. ]))(;B[dk]C[It's not a good idea to come out. ];W[ek];B[ej];W[fk];B[dj];W[fh]C[Too heavy. ]))(;W[dr];B[dm]C[This shoulder hit is good and ];W[dn];B[fm]C[B'd make a good shape. ]))(;W[dl]C[If W wants to attack this, ];B[ci];W[ch];B[dh]C[This is a good tesuji, and ];W[cg];B[dg];W[bf];B[bi];W[bh];B[ah];W[bg];B[dk];W[ei];B[el]C[B can get a good result. ]))(;B[di]LB[ef:A][dg:B][ck:C]C[This is the most common move and there are several options for W next, such as A, B or C.]))(;W[pm]C[If W connects...];B[rl]C[B might play here and W's group is unsettled.]))
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Park Jieun    Joanne Missingham
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