(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Yamashita Keigo]PB[Hane Naoki]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-07-20,21]EV[66th Honinbo Final]RO[Game 7]PC[Shizuoka]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[http://gogameguru.com/]RE[W+4.50]FG[259:]PM[2];B[qd]C[This is the last game of the 66th Honinbo title match. Yamashita won first three games, but Hane won next three games and made it a tie at 3-3. In general, we could expect Hane to win from this position in a reverse sweep. Anyway, let's review the final game of the 66th Honinbo final and see what happened.];W[dp]C[Hane plays for Black. ];B[pp];W[dd];B[oc](;W[qn]LB[qj:A]C[One of the most popular opening today. It's rare to see W to split at A in pro's games now.](;B[nq];W[pj]LB[qj:A][rp:B]C[Common moves instead of W8 are A and B. This is Yamashita's free style. ];B[qh];W[oh]LB[cj:A][pl:B]C[It's hard to play like this because it's easy for W to have shortage of territory. In game 3 white played 10 at A and black played B. White didn't like the result in that game so he tried this instead.];B[cj]C[Good move. ];W[cl];B[cg];W[gc]LB[fc:A]C[A is more common for W these days. ];B[bd]LB[ce:A]C[Big. If B doesn't play here, W'd play at A. ];W[jp]LB[fq:A]C[A is common. Yamashita plays very lively and creatively! ];B[cn]C[Hane's style is pretty normal. His game is well balanced, and good at counting. ];W[dn]C[ ];B[do];W[eo];B[co];W[dm];B[cp];W[dq];B[cq];W[cr];B[br];W[dr];B[bm];W[bl]C[Joseki up to here. ];B[fo]C[There's not an urgent move, so B attaches here right away. ](;W[fp]C[Right answer. ];B[en];W[ep];B[fn];W[ek]C[Good move.];B[ho];W[bs];B[ar];W[hp]LB[hq:A]C[Answering at A'd be loose. ];B[ip];W[gp]LB[hq:A]C[This response is tighter than A.];B[fk]LB[io:A][iq:B]C[Try to get a rhythm before playing at A or B. ];W[fl];B[gl]C[Both players are concerning about the lower side. ];W[fm](;B[io];W[iq];B[hm]LB[gm:A]C[This move is better than A for the centre. ];W[gk]C[Try to keep fighting. As B has more territory, W has to fight and make the game complicated. ];B[fj];W[hk](;B[ik]C[Nice tesuji.];W[hl];B[il];W[gm](;B[ij]C[Right move. ];W[gj]C[It's the best move in this situation though the shape isn't beautiful. ];B[gi];W[fi];B[ej];W[hi];B[gh];W[hj];B[ei]C[So far, the first battle's ended. The result is favourable for B as B has more territory and centre group isn't that weak. ];W[hh];B[gg];W[jh];B[lk];W[kp]C[Calm and nice. W is still aiming to attack B's centre one. W is paitient. ];B[li];W[mj];B[lj];W[lg];B[qf]C[Good move. B is surely ahead by territory now.];W[kn];B[lm];W[km];B[kl];W[ml];B[mk];W[nl];B[nk];W[ol];B[rp]C[Hane's style of move. He's confident about saving the centre group. Right choice. ];W[ll];B[mg];W[jl];B[im];W[mh];B[lh];W[kk];B[ji];W[kg];B[oi]C[B even counter attacks here. W can't fight here properly as this is B's area. ];W[mf];B[ng];W[df]C[Even though W is behind, Yamashita doesn't hurry to catch up. This is his strong point. ];B[ge]C[Good sense. B doesn't need to answer on the left side. B is erasing W's potential on the top, and as you can see, W's centre group isn't yet alive. ];W[hf];B[gf];W[eh];B[dh];W[cf];B[bf];W[eg];B[ce]LB[be:A]C[This prevents W's A. ];W[di]C[Good timing, and you will soon see how this cut works. ];B[dj];W[de];B[id]LB[fc:B][fh:A]C[More efficient than A. ](;W[cd];B[be];W[bc]C[Necessary. ](;B[le]C[Questionable move. ];W[ch]C[There's a tiny crack and Yamashita doesn't miss such chance. ];B[ci];W[bh](;B[bi]C[It can't be helped. ];W[bg];B[ah];W[dg];B[ag];W[di];B[fh]C[B's base on the left side's stolen, and ];W[ke];B[kd];W[je]C[This is a very nice counter attack. ](;B[ec]LB[fc:A]C[Do or die move, but I wonder why B doesn't attach at A instead. ];W[fc]C[Very good answer, and B is getting desperate. ];B[cb];W[cc];B[ed]C[B is trying to fight with W's corner, but it's far from B's original plan. ];W[eb];B[db];W[dc];B[fb];W[ea]C[Good tesuji.];B[fa];W[fd];B[da];W[eb];B[hb]C[Eventually, B succeeds to save the top, but the problem is B's left side's one. ];W[gb];B[ga];W[hc];B[ic];W[hd];B[he];W[ie]C[B's big group's cut off. ];B[ee];W[fe];B[ea];W[ef];B[bb];W[af];B[ae];W[ac]C[Capturing race now. ];B[dh];W[ib];B[ha];W[di];B[ig]C[Good ko threat. ];W[ih]LB[hg:A]C[Right answer. If W answers at A, B can play at 164.];B[dh];W[kc];B[jb];W[di];B[ld]C[B doesn't have enough ko threat, so B gives up the ko fight, and try to compromise. ];W[ad];B[bk];W[al];B[hg];W[lf];B[jd]LB[hf:A]C[Good response. W can't still save A. ];W[jg];B[jf];W[nf];B[og];W[of];B[ph];W[ak];B[dl]C[Good tesuji to live. ];W[cm];B[el];W[em];B[dk];W[bn]C[Eventually, W captures this corner, and B builds big territory on the top. The trade is obviously better for W, and the game's reversed as well though it's still very close. ];B[ql];W[qm](;B[lq]C[Big endgame. ];W[rj];B[bo];W[an](;B[nd]C[This move doesn't look big, but enevitable. ];W[mr]C[Winning move. As W's outside is very solid, B can't fight here. ](;B[mq];W[lr];B[kr];W[qq]C[Good timing. ](;B[pq]C[Right move, but W gets some points here, and W's winning now. ];W[qp];B[rq];W[qo];B[qr];W[rr];B[sr];W[kq];B[jr];W[ir];B[nr]C[B's corner territory's shrunk. W's brilliant endgame made this result. ];W[pf]C[After this stage, there's no chance for B. ];B[ri];W[pg];B[nh];W[qg];B[re];W[rf];B[qe];W[rh];B[sh];W[rg];B[qj];W[qk];B[qi];W[rk];B[pk];W[ok];B[oj];W[go];B[eb];W[ff];B[pl];W[rl];B[pm];W[om];B[pi];W[pn];B[pj];W[ro];B[if];W[kf];B[nn];W[sj];B[on];W[mo];B[mn];W[mp];B[ln];W[kj];B[ki];W[jq];B[ms];W[ko];B[np];W[rs];B[qs];W[sp];B[ss];W[so];B[sq];W[si];B[ab];W[af];B[ai];W[js];B[ls];W[se];B[sd];W[sf];B[pe];W[oe];B[od];W[me];B[md];W[oo];B[no];W[op];B[oq];W[po];B[hn];W[gn];B[jn];W[dh]LB[ec:B][le:A][mr:C]C[W won by 4.5 points. The opening was successful for B, and B managed the game beautifully until A. (B115) W's counter attack from W116 was very severe, and B made a mistake at B. (B129) W's playing afterward was accurate, and C (W196) was the finishing blow. Yamashita's patience let him save the Honinbo. On the other hand, Hane's playing through the whole game was so wonderful, but a couple simple mistakes ruined the game for him.Commented by AN Younggil 8p ])(;B[qp]C[If B connects hrere, ];W[kq];B[jr];W[nr];B[or];W[oq]C[B can't play anymore. ]))(;B[lr]C[If B blocks here, ];W[mq];B[mp];W[qq];B[qp];W[nr];B[oq];W[or];B[pr];W[pq]LB[lp:A][qr:B]C[B'd be in trouble. A and B are miai. ]))(;B[kr]C[If B plays here, ];W[nc]C[Good tesuji. ];B[nd];W[od]LB[pc:B][md:A]C[A and B are miai. ]))(;B[qj]C[If B plays on the right side, ];W[mr]C[W can go here to get more points. ];B[nr];W[mq]))(;B[jd]C[If B answers here, ];W[he];B[hd];W[gd]C[W'd cut off, and B can't fight anymore but resign. ])(;B[fc];W[fb]C[Best answer for W, ];B[gb]LB[jd:A]C[B can cut here to connect at A. ](;W[hb];B[gd];W[ga];B[jd]C[Now, B can connect here, and the game is still playable for B. ])(;W[fd]C[If W atari here, ];B[ec];W[eb];B[jd]LB[hd:B][he:A]C[B can still go here, and W can't cut black off with A or B. ](;W[he];B[gd])(;W[hd];B[he];W[ie];B[gd];W[hc];B[hb]))))(;B[bg]C[If B connects here, ];W[dg];B[di];W[am];B[an];W[cm]C[Good tesuji, and ];B[al];W[ak](;B[ap]C[Locally right, but ];W[am];B[bn];W[bi]C[B'd be in big trouble. ])(;B[bi]C[This should be right, but ];W[am]C[This ko fight is still troublesome for B. Nothing to lose ko for W. ])))(;B[fc]C[B should play here, ];W[fd];B[gd];W[fb];B[ec];W[eb];B[hc];W[gb]C[B's shape is neat, ];B[le]C[And, now B can go here. I It''d be very hard for W to catch up. ]))(;W[fh]C[If W plays here to disconnect B's top, ];B[fc]C[B'd attach here and live without any trouble. ]))(;B[hj]C[If B tries to seal here, ];W[im];B[hn];W[gj];B[gi];W[gl]LB[fi:A][ij:B][jm:C]C[B can't stand with so many cutting points. ]))(;B[ej]C[If B blocks here, ];W[go];B[gn];W[hl];B[gm];W[im]C[B'd be in trouble. ];B[jo];W[hn];B[in];W[em];B[hn];W[ko]C[The ladder is good for white.]))(;B[gm]C[If B blocks here, ];W[go];B[gn];W[fj];B[gk];W[ei]LB[io:A][iq:B]C[W'd be happy with this result. A and B are miai.]))(;W[en]C[If W connects here, ];B[fq];W[ep];B[hq]C[B'd easily settle inside. ]))(;B[qk];W[np];B[pn];W[qq];B[pq];W[pm];B[qo];W[on];B[po];W[rm];B[om];W[pl];B[nn];W[ro];B[rp];W[pk];B[oo];W[qi]C[Playing this way is also possible for both.])(;B[ql];W[qq];B[qp];W[pq];B[op];W[rp];B[ro];W[rq];B[qo];W[nq];B[fc];W[cf];B[jd];W[pk]LB[ql:A]C[This result is better for white, so black isn't popular anymore.]))(;W[qj]C[If W splits here];B[fq];W[cn];B[qm];W[qg];B[jp]C[This opening is regarded comfortable for B. ]))
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Yamashita Keigo    Hane Naoki
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