(;CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]EV[Korea 33rd Myungin Title final game 4]DT[2002-10-02]KM[6.5]PB[An Choyong]BR[7p]PW[Lee Changho]WR[9p]PC[Korea]RE[W+R]C[Commentary by Chang Hao 9p, Copyright gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com];B[pd]C[This is game 4 in the final, Lee Changho is leading 2:1.];W[dd]C[In this game, challenger An Choyong fell into a passive and losing position from very earlier in the game, Lee successfully defended his title.];B[pq];W[dp] ;B[qo];W[kq];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd];W[cg];B[bg];W[nc];B[ch]LB[kc:a]C[W12 didn't settle the shape because he's afraid he may take gote, Black will make a good extension around 'a', White may get left with nothing, but it surprisingly leads to a bad atari at 13.];W[qf]LB[dg:a]C[White get the chance to double approach the corner, Black opening is too slow, also if later White extend at 'a', Black didn't get anything.] ;B[pf]LB[nd:a]C[B15 chose the wrong direction, should press at 'a'.];W[pg];B[of];W[qd]C[W18 crossing under is a good choice.];B[qe];W[re];B[pe];W[rg];B[qc];W[rd];B[jc]TR[fc][nc]C[Because the distance between two marked white stones is 7 intersections, it's hard for Black to choose which point to pincer attack, if B25 was in the left or right 1 point, it always leave White with good points to make two space extension, but W25 was in halfway and not good either.] ;W[lc]C[White directly set out with W26 one space extension, it's severe.];B[kf]LB[je:a][mf:b]C[If B27 at 'a', White still make the big knight move at 'b', Black has no good answer either, the cap B27 in the game eventually sealed White.];W[mf];B[og];W[ph];B[mg];W[hc]C[W32 one space extension is calm, Black has no follow-up. Black's openings clearly fails.];B[iq];W[oq];B[op] ;W[np];B[nq]C[B37 and 39 are the strongest moves locally.];W[or];B[mp];W[no];B[mq];W[pp]C[W42 and 44 evaded lightly.];B[oo];W[qq];B[po];W[pr];B[nn]TR[ph]C[Normally it's not good for White if two stones were captured with ladder, but at this time White can extend with the marked stone, Black has no big potential on the right, and the most important is, White gets sente.] ;W[gq];B[je];W[jb];B[cn];W[dg];B[dh]LB[mo:a]C[B53 must prevent two White stones from escaping at 'a'.];W[dn]C[W54 push and come ahead.];B[do]LB[dm:a][en:b]C[If B55 were at 'a', White will extend at 'b', Black thickness can be efficiently used, so B55 wedge tries to make a strong move.];W[co] ;B[eo];W[cm]C[W56 and 68 were very good, it forces Black to bet everything on the lower side.];B[ep];W[bn];B[dq];W[cp];B[fq];W[gr]C[W64 makes Black miserable ! even though Black locally outnumbers White so much, he just don't have any way to deal with W48 and W64.];B[gp];W[hp];B[go]LB[ip:a][jq:b][mo:c]C[B65 and B67 make things even worse ! no matter what B65 should block connection at 'a' or 'b' and fight with White, maybe Black ignored White can escape with 'c'.] ;W[ip];B[jq];W[jp];B[kr];W[lr];B[lq];W[kp];B[jr];W[mo];B[mr]LB[lo:a]C[B77 atari lost control ! even it's not good for Black to capture at 'a' with ladder(White can crawl at 77), but Black in real game lose more and more.];W[mn];B[nm] ;W[hq];B[lo];W[lp];B[ln]LB[lm:a]C[B83 can only play at 'a', till now Black may lose confidence, it's messy.];W[mm];B[ls];W[ml];B[lm];W[ll];B[jn];W[pm];B[pl]LB[in:a][ql:b]C[If W91 was played at 'a', White will make the diagonal move at 'b', this exchange is bad for Black, White leads about 20 points on the board.] ;W[ol];B[qm];W[pk];B[ql];W[km];B[kn];W[in]C[W98 attach and get out, Black almost collapse.];B[jm];W[im];B[kk];W[lg];B[gl]C[Black ignored White's bane at 102, B103 want to make the last fight.] ;W[gm];B[fm];W[fl]C[Unexpectedly, it helped White to make tesuji moves W104 and 106, Black is completely destroyed.];B[hl];W[il];B[kl];W[gn];B[em];W[el];B[dl];W[en];B[fn];W[dm] ;B[fo];W[fj];B[cq];W[hj];B[nk];W[er];B[fr];W[fs];B[dr];W[bp];B[bq];W[lj]LB[lk:a][mk:b][mj:c][lf:d]C[Some people may don't understand why Black resign after W128 jump. In fact, this move is just take some advantage. If Black charge at 'a', White will not respond with 'b', but step back at 'c', after Black connects at 'b' to capture a few useless stones, White will connect at 'd', two Black's groups were immediately broken, even if Black can struggle to make both alive, he still lose the game by about 5 and half points. Lee successfully defended his title.] )
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Lee Changho    An Choyong
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