(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Simple Commentary,Copyright by gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com.]EV[Japan 36th Meijin Title league game 27]DT[2011-06-09]PC[Japan]PB[Cho Chikun]BR[9p]PW[Hane Naoki]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[W+R]MULTIGOGM[1];B[pd];W[dd];B[pq];W[cp];B[ep];W[po];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[eq];B[fq];W[dq];B[gp];W[cn];B[pn];W[qm];B[on];W[qj];B[jq]LB[qh:a]C[B19: Black can also consider to play at 'a'.];W[qg];B[nc];W[fc];B[pl];W[ql];B[dm]LB[pk:a][qi:b][pj:c][rj:d][qk:e][ph:f]C[B25: For Black to play at 'a' is better, if White takes tenuki, then Black has the tactic of B 'b', W 'c', B 'd', W 'e' and B 'f'.];W[dn];B[fm]LB[kq:a]C[Through B27, B19 at 'a' looks better.];W[kp]C[The shoulder-hit of W28 is just right.];B[kq];W[lp]LB[lm:a]C[W30 is a strong move,White normally will play at 'a'.];B[kn]LB[ln:a][jp:b][jn:c][hq:d][iq:e]C[B31 should be at 'a', next W 'b', B 'c', W 'd' and B 'e'.];W[jp]LB[mn:a][jn:b][jm:c][hq:d][iq:e][hp:f][ip:g][io:h][ho:i][hn:j][go:k][im:l]C[After W32, if B 'a', then W 'b', B 'c', W 'd', B 'e', W 'f', B 'g', W 'h', B 'i', W 'j', B 'k' and W 'l', Black is not favorable.];B[iq];W[nn]LB[ln:a][mn:b][oo:c][ml:d][pj:e][qi:f][mp:g][np:h][mq:i]C[After W34, B 'a' is correct move, next W 'b', B 'c', W 'd', B 'e', W 'f', B 'g', W 'h' and B 'i', this result is better than the real game.];B[nm]C[B35 is questionable.];W[mm];B[mn];W[no];B[mo];W[om];B[nl];W[pm];B[np];W[oo];B[lm];W[ml];B[ll];W[mk]C[Through W48, Black clearly incurs loss, White is favorable.];B[lk];W[hm]C[W50 is severe.];B[mj];W[nk]LB[gk:a][oq:b][op:c][pp:d][qq:e][mp:f][nq:g][hk:h][hj:i][gl:j][fl:k][ij:l][gj:m][jn:n][jm:o][im:p][jl:q][ik:r][ii:s][kj:t][il:u]C[After W52, if B 'a', then W 'b', B 'c', W 'd', B 'e', W 'f', B 'g', W 'h', B 'i', W 'j', B 'k', W 'l', B 'm', W 'n', B 'o', W 'p', B 'q', W 'r', B 's' and W 't', Black is not good; Moreover when W 'l', if Black plays at 'r' instead, then White can fight ko with Black at 'u', Black is also not good.];B[jn];W[ce];B[gj]LB[id:a][fj:b][ej:c]C[B55: Black should play at 'a', 'b' or 'c'.];W[jd];B[nj];W[ok];B[qe];W[ej]C[W60 is a good move.];B[gd];W[gc];B[hd];W[hc];B[fh];W[di]C[W66: White is calm, not giving Black any chance to take.];B[id];W[jc];B[je];W[el]LB[em:a][gk:b][fk:c][fl:d][gl:e][hk:f][ek:g][dl:h][dk:i][cl:j][hl:k][il:l][gm:m][fj:n][ck:o][bl:p]C[After W70, if B 'a', then W 'b', B 'c', W 'd', B 'e', W 'f', B 'g', W 'h', B 'i', W 'j', B 'k', W 'l', B 'm', W 'n', B 'o' and W 'p', Black is not good.];B[fk];W[em]C[W72: White takes advantage in sente, and White is clearly favorable.];B[fn];W[gf]LB[ff:a][fe:b][ge:c][gi:d][fi:e][fj:f][hj:g][fg:h][ef:i][eg:j][gg:k][gh:l]C[W74: White pounds on Black's thinness, Black has no good tactic for resisting, if B 'a', then W 'b', B 'c', W 'd', B 'e', W 'f', B 'g', W 'h', B 'i', W 'j', B 'k' and W 'l', Black is not good.];B[eg];W[gi];B[fi];W[fj];B[hj];W[if]LB[ie:a][fe:b]C[After W80, if B 'a', then W 'b', Black is difficult to continue.])
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Hane Naoki    Cho Chikun
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