(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]PW[Tang Yi]PB[Park Jieun]WR[2d]BR[9d]DT[2011-10-13]EV[2nd Bingsheng Cup ]RO[Final]PC[Suzhou, China]WT[China]BT[Korea]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[http://gogameguru.com/]RE[B+Resign]PL[B];B[qd]C[This game is from final of the 2nd Bingsheng Cup.It's between Park Jieun (9p) of Korea and Tang Yi (2p) of China.];W[dc]C[Park beat Rui Naiwei in the semi final, and Tang beat Park Jiyeon. ];B[dp]C[Park won the 1st Bingsheng Cup, beating Joanne Missingham (Hei Jiajia) in the final last year. ];W[pp]LB[dc:A][ce:B]C[The game starts with a cross opening. It's comparatively rare, but when W plays at A for the first move, B is more likely to play as in this game, because black can aim at B next.];B[ce]C[Park and Tang played in the semi final of the 1st Bingsheng Cup, last year, and Park won at that time. ];W[ed]LB[oc:A][ci:B]C[This is a common response for W. A and B are miai now.];B[oc]C[B chooses to enclose the corner. ];W[ci](;B[bc];W[cn];B[fq](;W[cf]C[Interesting move! ](;B[bf]C[Best answer for B. ];W[be]C[Sacrificing strategy. ];B[bd];W[de](;B[cd];W[bg];B[ae];W[df];B[jd]C[So far, the game's still even. ];W[qj]C[As B went to the top, playing on the right side is natural. ];B[qh];W[nq]LB[qj:A]C[Good enclosure. It's a good combination with A. ];B[bp]LB[oi:A]C[Big, but it looks a bit too early. Playing at A instead would be more common.](;W[qo];B[qq]C[A probing move. ];W[pq];B[oi];W[ok];B[jp]C[Big place. ];W[en];B[gd]C[B plays here to reduce W's influence from left side. ];W[lc]C[Good timing to come in. ];B[kc];W[nc]C[Good exchange before running away. ];B[od];W[le];B[kf];W[lf];B[kg];W[mh]LB[lc:A]C[W escapes without any damage yet, so this result is quite successful for W (starting from A).];B[ng]LB[ph:A]C[Prevent W's A. ];W[mg];B[gg]C[A good balanced move. It's still a long game. ];W[ic]C[Sharp.];B[jb]LB[kb:A]C[B shouldn't let W to connect under with A. ];W[ob];B[pb];W[gc];B[fc];W[fd];B[hc];W[gb];B[hd];W[fb]C[W gains some points on the top, but B takes sente. It's time for B to attack W's top group. ];B[nk]C[Leaning strategy. B is aiming at top the W group. ](;W[oj]C[Trying to get sente to look after W's top group. ];B[ni];W[mb];B[md];W[kd]LB[jc:A][nd:B]C[What a tesuji! If B answers at A, W'd play at B and swallow B 61. ];B[nd]C[Right answer. ];W[jc]LB[ld:A]C[W can't just connect at A. It's a matter of fighting spirit. ];B[kb];W[ib];B[hb];W[ha];B[id];W[ia];B[ga];W[fa];B[ld];W[ke];B[ja];W[ga];B[lb]C[Up to here, B gets some points on the top, but W can play freely in the center now. ];W[jf]C[Good start. ](;B[ig]C[Proper answer. ];W[jg];B[if]C[Park's style of play is flexible and well balanced. ];W[jh];B[hi];W[ij];B[ii];W[ji];B[gk]C[The game's still pretty even. Both players are playing beautifully in this game. ](;W[hl]C[Keep chasing. W wants to use her thickness from left side, but it was too much. ];B[gl];W[gm];B[fm];W[gn];B[hk]C[It's hard for W to answer now. W's outside has more holes than it appears to.](;W[ip]C[W tries to get a rhythm, but ];B[il]C[B doesn't answer at the bottom. W's center group suddenly becomes very thin and weak. ];W[jo]C[Anyway, another fight begins. ];B[ko];W[kp];B[kk]C[B is ready to attack this group! ];W[lj](;B[nj]C[Right move. ];W[lk];B[kl];W[kj];B[jq]C[It's time to come back here. ];W[iq];B[jr];W[io];B[lp]LB[jo:B][ip:A]C[Even though W played two moves in a row with A and B, W didn't get any profit from them. B is ahead as B's stones are all safe. ];W[kn];B[lo];W[gq];B[fr];W[ep];B[dq];W[fi];B[gi];W[ll];B[fh](;W[ei]C[Losing move. ];B[ln];W[km];B[lm]C[A great move. It doesn't gain any points, but as W's groups are seperated, W can't play severely anymore.];W[ge];B[he];W[lr];B[lq];W[im];B[hm];W[hn];B[ek];W[em];B[ck];W[gf];B[hf](;W[cb];B[pr]C[Perfect timing to play here.];W[or];B[rp]C[There's bad aji here. ](;W[rr];B[ro]C[W can't stop Black. ](;W[qr];B[ql]C[Good sense. W can't capture this B stone. ];W[ol];B[qn];W[rh];B[rg];W[pn];B[pm];W[om];B[on];W[po];B[rk]C[B is alive. ];W[rm];B[rj]C[As B has destroyed W's biggest territory, the game's practically over. ];W[je];B[bl];W[bm];B[bj];W[bi];B[eh];W[ih];B[hh];W[ie];B[hg];W[cj];B[dh];W[dj];B[dk];W[aj]LB[cg:A]C[Necessary. If W doesn't play here, B' cut at A. ];B[ff];W[bb];B[ac];W[qg]C[W tries to make it happen here, but it was too late. ];B[qi];W[rf];B[qe];W[og];B[oh]C[Park answers precisely. ];W[qk];B[rl];W[bk];B[fe];W[qm];B[pl];W[rn];B[nn]LB[kd:A][hl:B]C[W resigns here. B is winning by a big margin now. The game was playable for W after A, but W's B was an overplay and Park's play afterwards was awesome. The second half of Park's game was kind of perfect, and she shows us how to simplify a winning game. For Tang Yi though, it was her first time to be in the final of an international tournament. She played very well up to the middle game. She only made an overplay at B, but as Park's responses were perfect, Tang couldn't get any chances to reverse the game after that.Park Jieun won the Bingsheng Cup again. Congratulations Park!An Younggil 8p])(;W[rn];B[qn];W[rm];B[qr];W[ps];B[rs];W[sr];B[so];W[sq];B[pn]C[W'd be able to capture the corner, but B can squeeze W and make it small. W is hopeless. ]))(;W[ro];B[rr]C[Ko is good enough for B. ]))(;W[pm]C[Reinforcing here should be right for W, but W is already behind on territory. ];B[eb];W[ec];B[ea];W[fc];B[cb]C[B'd play like this if it's B's turn. ]))(;W[lq]C[W should go here. ](;B[lr]C[If B attaches here, ];W[mq];B[kq];W[ir]C[B's lower side group isn't yet alive. ])(;B[kq]C[This should be right, ];W[lr]C[W can get some points to catch up. Even though B is still ahead, W might have a chance in the endgame. ])))(;B[lk]C[If B blocks here, ];W[nj];B[mj];W[mi];B[mk];W[kj]C[W can live easily. ]))(;W[ik]C[If W blocks here, ];B[il];W[hm];B[jj];W[jk];B[kj]C[W's center group'd be in danger. ])(;W[il]C[If W extends here, ];B[ik];W[jk];B[jl]LB[kk:A][hm:B][fn:C]C[W's shape isn't good anymore. ]))(;W[nj]C[This should be right for W. ];B[mi];W[mj];B[li];W[kk]C[W is thick and solid. ]))(;B[jg]C[Saving all stones can be an overplay. ];W[if];B[ig];W[hf]C[B is in deep trouble. ]))(;W[nl]C[W can't answer normally here. ];B[nj];W[ml];B[li]C[W is in danger. ]))(;W[oj]C[This jump should be better than W26. ];B[oh]C[If B jumps too, ];W[qo]C[Then, come back. ]))(;B[ae];W[cg]C[This is rather common, but Park might have thought the actual game is better. ]))(;B[de]C[If B extends here, ];W[be];B[bd];W[bf]C[This B group would become troublesome. ])(;B[df]C[If B hanes over, ];W[de]C[W'd cut, and ];B[cg];W[bf];B[bg]C[B should fight with this way. ];W[be];B[cd];W[dg];B[ef];W[eg];B[ff];W[ch];B[dd];W[ec];B[ee];W[hc]C[Up to here, the result seems to be better for W. ]))(;W[df]C[This is normal, but ];B[cf];W[dg];B[bh];W[bi];B[ch];W[dh];B[cb]LB[di:A]C[B is happy with this result. Cutting at A would annoys W. ]))(;B[cm]C[This is also conceivable. ];W[cd];B[jd]C[Another game. ]))
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Tang Yi    Park Jieun
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