(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]HA[6]KM[0.50]TM[2700]PW[provmfgo]PB[ManyFaces1]BR[1d]DT[2010-07-20]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[ManyFaces1 [1d]: GTP Engine for ManyFaces1 (black): Many Faces of Go version 12 (2008 world champion), playing at level 2 kyu. Uses Many Faces' knowledge combined with Monte Carlo evaluation. Free evaluation download at www.smart-games.com. iPhone/iPod Igowin app has this full engine.]RE[W+Resign];B[dp]BL[2699.85];B[pd]BL[2699.714];B[dd]BL[2699.559];B[pp]BL[2699.403];B[dj]BL[2699.247];B[pj]BL[2699.09];W[nq]WL[2682.753];B[np]BL[2695.842];W[mp]WL[2674.313];B[no]BL[2693.283];W[oq]WL[2645.943];B[pq]BL[2690.731];W[fq]WL[2640.35];B[fo]BL[2687.431];W[cp]WL[2614.593];B[cq]BL[2675.838];W[co]WL[2603.881];B[dq]BL[2654.32];W[cl]WL[2599.782];B[mo]BL[2633.59];W[lp]WL[2591.287];B[kp]BL[2614.298];W[lo]WL[2585.284];B[ln]BL[2591.067];W[ko]WL[2581.377];B[jp]BL[2571.83];W[go]WL[2562.725];B[gn]BL[2559.66];W[eo]WL[2532.785]C[dvhjvdfb: white=4Pglue [-]: So, according to the schedule, white should be Ping-Chiang Chou 4P];B[ho]BL[2547.496];W[gp]WL[2522.026]C[fotland [?]: Many faces is running on a 12-core];B[do]BL[2535.221]C[fotland [?]: machine with time donated by Microsoft];W[fn]WL[2514.709]C[fotland [?]: about 30K playouts per second];B[kn]BL[2520.848];W[jo]WL[2510.889];B[en]BL[2506.717];W[fp]WL[2502.697];B[fm]BL[2494.081];W[hp]WL[2473.879];B[io]BL[2481.415];W[ip]WL[2470.496];B[jn]BL[2466.639];W[hn]WL[2435.113];B[cn]BL[2453.734];W[gm]WL[2428.673];B[in]BL[2440.725]C[goIngo [?]: hello david. Which type are the 12 ores?goIngo [?]: cores];W[pr]WL[2355.578];B[fl]BL[2427.485];W[bn]WL[2339.626];B[bp]BL[2414.193];W[bo]WL[2337.317]C[joxn [-]: They are Intel Xeon X5650 @ 2.67 GHz (Westmere)];B[cm]BL[2383.594]C[goIngo [?]: thx joxnjoxn [-]: 2 processors, 6 cores per processor];W[bm]WL[2331.315];B[gl]BL[2362.557];W[em]WL[2313.726];B[dn]BL[2348.94];W[dl]WL[2311.814];B[el]BL[2335.18];W[dm]WL[2306.676];B[br]BL[2321.42];W[ap]WL[2301.075];B[bq]BL[2307.368];W[bj]WL[2295.55];B[dk]BL[2286.649];W[ci]WL[2241.812];B[fr]BL[2265.057];W[gr]WL[2227.141];B[er]BL[2248.083];W[hl]WL[2223.37];B[hk]BL[2233.613];W[il]WL[2219.472]C[jubjub [3k]: so I guess it has pretty good parallelization?];B[ik]BL[2218.943];W[jl]WL[2216.07];B[im]BL[2194.1];W[hm]WL[2211.921]C[fotland [?]: yes, almsot perfect scaling on SMP machinesfotland [?]: for playouts per second];B[qr]BL[2173.842]C[fotland [?]: but strength doesn't scale as well with more speed];W[or]WL[2167.035];B[ck]BL[2154.481];W[bl]WL[2162.635];B[bk]BL[2132.639];W[ak]WL[2156.78];B[cg]BL[2117.157];W[di]WL[2152.533]C[goIngo [?]: at least against humans ;-)];B[ei]BL[2101.383];W[eh]WL[2144.849];B[fi]BL[2085.38];W[dg]WL[2120.605];B[cf]BL[2069.273];W[fh]WL[2114.375];B[gi]BL[2052.823];W[op]WL[2106.424];B[oo]BL[2036.084];W[po]WL[2104.675];B[qo]BL[2019.078];W[pn]WL[2100.128];B[ml]BL[2001.777];W[qn]WL[2092.037]C[ZenMondo [14k?]: I used to own Many Faces of Go back in the 90s :)];B[ro]BL[1984.224];W[rr]WL[2080.413]C[fotland [?]: was very weak then.];B[rq]BL[1966.407];W[qs]WL[2075.679];B[rn]BL[1948.34];W[qq]WL[2070.321];B[qp]BL[1929.897];W[ql]WL[2053.724];B[jk]BL[1911.112];W[kl]WL[2025.572];B[rj]BL[1891.973];W[rm]WL[2017.592]C[fotland [?]: mfgo thinks 71% win rate];B[lk]BL[1872.397];W[ol]WL[2007.608];B[nj]BL[1852.12]C[goIngo [?]: does it use adaptive komi?];W[mn]WL[1996.284];B[nn]BL[1831.82];W[mm]WL[1992.295];B[nm]BL[1810.966];W[lm]WL[1988.397];B[nl]BL[1790.586];W[qr]WL[1973.144];B[sp]BL[1770.319];W[sn]WL[1942.603]C[dvhjvdfb: According to some observers here, the most difficult game for the human - humans have good positions for the 3 other games seemingly.];B[ff]BL[1750.144]C[fotland [?]: but mf with monte carlo is weak at semeai];W[df]WL[1922.098]C[fotland [?]: it judges it has soe chance to win the lower rightfotland [?]: so it will be optimistic and play conservatively elsewhere];B[de]BL[1730.192];W[ef]WL[1913.556];B[fe]BL[1710.533];W[fg]WL[1906.217];B[hg]BL[1691.082];W[bh]WL[1899.708];B[kc]BL[1671.821];W[pc]WL[1808.898];B[qc]BL[1652.884];W[oc]WL[1805.498]C[fotland [?]: 66% win rate nowfotland [?]: but probably 5-10% high due to semeai];B[od]BL[1634.069];W[mc]WL[1789.714];B[nd]BL[1615.342];W[lb]WL[1701.04];B[md]BL[1596.904];W[kb]WL[1695.998];B[jc]BL[1578.707];W[qb]WL[1690.764];B[jb]BL[1560.765];W[qd]WL[1683.994];B[qe]BL[1542.887];W[rc]WL[1679.552];B[nc]BL[1525.44];W[nb]WL[1670.503];B[re]BL[1508.007];W[lc]WL[1664.049];B[ld]BL[1490.842];W[cc]WL[1660.628];B[dc]BL[1473.875]C[mperahia [2k]: so, who is white?];W[db]WL[1552.028];B[eb]BL[1457.207];W[bb]WL[1528.12];B[da]BL[1440.634]C[dvhjvdfb: white = 4Pnsysu [3d]: b16 and diemperahia [2k]: thxdvhjvdfb: see manyfaces1info for more informationnsysu [3d]: d19 <= kyu player move];W[ca]WL[1488.872];B[cb]BL[1424.252];W[hh]WL[1473.186];B[gh]BL[1408.076];W[db]WL[1469.61];B[mq]BL[1391.851];W[lq]WL[1464.803];B[lr]BL[1376.075];W[mr]WL[1457.553]C[fotland [?]: sometimes there is a horizon effect with kosfotland [?]: so it plays ko threats before starting the ko :(];B[cb]BL[1360.4];W[gg]WL[1454.562]C[nsysu [3d]: b should kill w without koassailent [2k]: is that immediately before the ko? or gradually in the game?];B[ba]BL[1344.935];W[hf]WL[1445.86]C[freemind [1d]: yeah bots will waste ko threatsfotland [?]: immediately before the ko, as it just did];B[ig]BL[1329.65];W[gf]WL[1444.36];B[om]BL[1314.537];W[pm]WL[1424.838];B[qk]BL[1299.55];W[sm]WL[1417.516];B[jf]BL[1284.76];W[hd]WL[1407.45];B[rl]BL[1270.146]C[freemind [1d]: looks overfreemind [1d]: how strong this human ?dvhjvdfb: 4Pletmewingo [2k]: ........................................................................................fotland [?]: 4P];W[so]WL[1384.871]C[letmewingo [2k]: wownsysu [3d]: 4dfreemind [1d]: 4pdvhjvdfb: nsysu: no, 4P];B[sl]BL[1255.73];W[rp]WL[1382.293]C[freemind [1d]: wowuniversal [1d]: 4p>9dfreemind [1d]: 6 stones so what strenght is that];B[gc]BL[1241.48];W[je]WL[1376.677];B[ke]BL[1227.295]C[KoriG [13k]: read Manyfaces's info: according to that 6d];W[if]WL[1370.983];B[jg]BL[1213.38]C[freemind [1d]: no i meant according to this matchfotland [?]: no 6D amateur for 13x13 gamesKoriG [13k]: yup in the 2nd match fotland [?]: 4P pro for this game];W[ae]WL[1356.923]C[KoriG [13k]: 1st match 4pWorldCop [2k]: any chance of b losing?];B[ll]BL[1199.569];W[km]WL[1353.245];B[ch]BL[1185.935]C[nsysu [3d]: b winfotland [?]: 60% now, so close gamevandrei [11k]: what is provmfgo rankSuzuri [-]: 4p];W[bg]WL[1331.125]C[freemind [1d]: i am sorry i am still failry new to go i dont really even understabnd handi values like what ran k would get 6 stones versus a 4pletmewingo [2k]: so high!fotland [?]: 4 dan pro, Ping-Chiang ChouSuzuri [-]: w is purposely making this game close?];B[bf]BL[1172.443];W[af]WL[1319.009]C[WorldCop [2k]: doubt it];B[bd]BL[1159.124];W[dh]WL[1314.439]C[freemind [1d]: does anyoine know ?];B[gs]BL[1145.892];W[hs]WL[1311.07]C[Suzuri [-]: well ive played manyfaces and im only about 6d kgs and i can give it about 6 stones and i berely struggle so im just curious how a pro would make it so close in a even game ];B[fs]BL[1132.863];W[hr]WL[1304.801]C[freemind [1d]: this is on multiprocessordvhjvdfb: suzuri: maybe you don't have the same hardware];B[be]BL[1120.017]C[Suzuri [-]: which means?];W[ad]WL[1295.672]C[KoriG [13k]: this running on a f...ing strong hardwarefreemind [1d]: increased clock speedvandrei [11k]: if is 4p in somedays admins will need to make his ran 4p because the players with p are honorary(you can't get a p rank for playing well) right?Xodd [19k]: it's got more brains right now =PWorldCop [2k]: also, you get better against bots in time];B[ac]BL[1107.181];W[ag]WL[1294.226]C[joxn [-]: dual 6-core WestmeresSuzuri [-]: well no idea idk anything about computersfreemind [1d]: whihc mean it can calculate more permeations per sec];B[ai]BL[1094.594]C[assailent [2k]: in short, it plays betterfreemind [1d]: much betterSuzuri [-]: but ive beaten a zen19 boy giving 6 stones too so i guess maybe thats how my computer is possiblyfreemind [1d]: it will have a deeper horizen];W[aj]WL[1275.156]C[Suzuri [-]: *bot sorry];B[bi]BL[1082.184]C[nsysu [3d]: 4p <.< ....];W[ah]WL[1271.645];B[bi]BL[1069.852]C[freemind [1d]: of accuracy];W[ai]WL[1269.737]C[WorldCop [2k]: oh man w not alive, how great];B[bc]BL[1057.735];W[hc]WL[1258.351]C[Suzuri [-]: whites alive];B[ie]BL[1045.672]C[unatari [2d]: W is aliveunatari [2d]: readassailent [2k]: white is alive];W[gb]WL[1254.934]C[vandrei [11k]: w aliveEizero [4k]: h12 is dead worldcop you're rightbennest [4k]: a8 c10 miai];B[rd]BL[1033.776];W[kk]WL[1250.636]C[WorldCop [2k]: w is alive. worldcop you fool.];B[kj]BL[1022];W[ok]WL[1249.323]C[freemind [1d]: rack him];B[oj]BL[1010.361]C[ihatelag [10k]: whos winning?bennest [4k]: also b18 in troublevandrei [11k]: w i think and i hope];W[fc]WL[1231.961]C[freemind [1d]: b is];B[ka]BL[998.837]C[ihatelag [10k]: look at all that center areavandrei [11k]: ignore SE try to read in your mindihatelag [10k]: not much left to be reducedjoxn [-]: ManyFaces thinks white is];W[ee]WL[1209.269];B[la]BL[987.467]C[vandrei [11k]: manyfaces is bjoxn [-]: well, even game, so that means w isvandrei [11k]: oh oh oh oh ohSuzuri [-]: dont mean to rain on all your parade but white is behindunatari [2d]: this is 6handi game];W[mb]WL[1186.126]C[unatari [2d]: not evenassailent [2k]: white's winning by around 10 points?Suzuri [-]: oh it is?];B[ma]BL[976.256];W[ob]WL[1173.927]C[universal [1d]: more than tenEizero [4k]: go to start Suzuri [-]: ah it looked even when i hit the back button :) didnt no it was chinese rulesuniversal [1d]: ~15];B[kq]BL[965.1];W[mq]WL[1170.346];B[ao]BL[954.112]C[assailent [2k]: my count was before white got g16 area =D im a bit slow];W[an]WL[1152.845]C[WorldCop [2k]: who would want to count this game?Julian [?]: Why not B17 instead of A10?];B[pk]BL[943.239];W[pl]WL[1143.844]C[unatari [2d]: W up by many];B[sc]BL[930.27];W[sb]WL[1140.716];B[ed]BL[918.713];W[fd]WL[1136.385]C[Suzuri [-]: 181.5 to 183.0];B[ep]BL[905.854]C[vandrei [11k]: e3Suzuri [-]: it is possible to end up a .5 gamevandrei [11k]: e3 lolfotland [?]: but I think kgs doesn;t count handicap stones as pointsfreemind [1d]: i was thinking b by 5 or so];W[sd]WL[1106.813]C[minoru19 [3d]: Chinese rulesminoru19 [3d]: :Suniversal [1d]: se is way offminoru19 [3d]: hard to countfotland [?]: in this game the handicap stones are points for blackSuzuri [-]: dont worry fotland i counted the score well :)];B[fo]BL[895.48]C[fotland [?]: chinese rulesfreemind [1d]: but i typed that];W[gn]WL[1102.81]C[craig [4k]: do you see K6 is dead Suzuri?freemind [1d]: as b was losing g16 areaSuzuri [-]: itll end up close as i saidcraig [4k]: the game is not that closeSuzuri [-]: yes i did ];B[jd]BL[884.077];W[se]WL[1097.788];B[sf]BL[874.04];W[sc]WL[1095.088];B[qc]BL[856.832]C[Suzuri [-]: b+1-5 or w+ 1-3];W[rf]WL[1092.663]C[Suzuri [-]: depending on there end game :)fotland [?]: 37%, so mf thinks its behindjoxn [-]: b thinks white has wonfotland [?]: it will play badly trying to catch upfotland [?]: then resign];B[pa]BL[843.404]C[Suzuri [-]: tahts dumb...];W[qd]WL[1075.793];B[ra]BL[833.765]C[ArcticDawn [6k]: ? interesting many faces didn't protect....freemind [1d]: another side effect of monet carlo logicWorldCop [2k]: witnessing now :)];W[qa]WL[1064.031]C[Suzuri [-]: cloning it and scoring it myselfassailent [2k]: did you count the prisoners?koha [1d]: many faces goes super agressive when in a lost positionfreemind [1d]: dumb moves toward the end when lost];B[na]BL[817.269]C[freemind [1d]: gets further behindvandrei [11k]: p19 imediatly];W[pb]WL[1049.792]C[vandrei [11k]: lolJulian [?]: B can resign? :)];B[qf]BL[800.979]C[vandrei [11k]: yeskoha [1d]: yeah, the argument is that a big loss is the same as a small one... kinda makes sense but it's a bit of a pain];W[rg]WL[1046.68];B[al]BL[786.921];W[cj]WL[1038.619]C[ArcticDawn [6k]: will manyface resign? or will it play till the end?];B[he]BL[777.885];W[ge]WL[1034.984]C[fotland [?]: it will resign, but not for a whilefreemind [1d]: once it has no stupid threats leftfreemind [1d]: it will];B[qc]BL[756.181]C[WorldCop [2k]: after the s13 debacle it shouldn't be too close anymore];W[qh]WL[1026.704]C[jnaksu [15k?]: Is this the only 19x19 game left?];B[rb]BL[747.522];W[sa]WL[1023.778]C[vandrei [11k]: w aliev UR cornerXodd [19k]: more tomorrow i think];B[rb]BL[732.148]C[vandrei [11k]: alive];W[ra]WL[1020.991]C[dvhjvdfb: jnaksu: no, there are other 19x19 games ; see the info in the bot (today)];B[sh]BL[713.773]C[Xodd [19k]: ah didnt look at the timeJulian [?]: This isn't sente. ;)universal [1d]: lol];W[oa]WL[996.663]C[BigMac [?]: lol];B[ja]BL[703.636]C[jnaksu [15k?]: Okay, thanksfotland [?]: probably resign soon];W[ph]WL[988.672];B[rh]BL[693.252];W[qg]WL[985.47];B[aq]BL[672.704];W[am]WL[980.745];B[ao]BL[664.94]C[universal [1d]: w is probably sitting back in his chair drinking beer];W[al]WL[978.931]C[Julian [?]: Thanks for the game, David. :)ihatelag [10k]: go humans!MilanChe [-]: loljoxn [-]: ihatelag: guess you don't like to cheer for the underdogs.joxn [-]: okay, greatdvhjvdfb: Congratulations to the human player, and to manyFaces for playing a good game.fotland [?]: it looked good for a while...jubjub [3k]: the achievement of the computer is really a human achievement tooBigMac [?]: is w the human or b?assailent [2k]: white is humanshodansoon [-]: the bot is the proesrb [7k]: its not really a bot is it?])

provmfgo    ManyFaces1
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