(;CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]KM[6.5]DT[2008-01-24]PC[South Korea]EV[12th Samsung Cup final game 3]BR[9p]WR[9p]PB[Lee Sedol]PW[Park YuongHoon]RE[B+1.5]C[Commentary: Yoo Changhyeok 9p,Copyright by gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com.];B[qd]C[The common trait between these two players is, their fast games are very strong.];W[dc];B[dq];W[pp];B[ce];W[ed];B[oc];W[do];B[co];W[cn];B[cp];W[dn];B[ch]C[B13: This move can be considered as joseki in the opening.];W[eq];B[er];W[dp];B[cq];W[fq];B[fr];W[gq]C[The sequence up to W20 is inevitable, with W20 White can also make two-space jump.];B[qn];W[np];B[pj]C[B23 is to contain White's expansion. The game proceeds fast as usual.];W[jc];B[lc];W[ql]C[The invasion of W26 is common.];B[pl];W[pk];B[ok];W[qk];B[qj]C[The play of B31 is inevitable.Now let's make situational judgement: Black has about 50 points in the upper right corner, 13 points in the lower left corner and 4 points on the left side, total about 65 points. White will have 30 points in the lower right corner if White reinforces one move, 20 points for the left side moyo... overall White's outside influence is better, I'd like to take White now.If Lee Sedol wins this game, he will solidify his world #1 position. If Park YuongHoon wins, who is the world #1 will be still debatable.];W[pm];B[ol];W[qm];B[oj]C[B35: Black's moyo in the upper right corner is significant, White is a little painful.];W[ke]C[W36 is a momentum move and surely will be counterattacked by Black.];B[me]C[B37: Lee Sedol elects to answer, perhaps he thinks the timing for counterattacking is still early.];W[kc]C[W38 is to prevent Black from crosscutting and is a must.];B[lg]C[B39: Lee Sedol expands slowly, however if White plays hane at top, White will take a big advantage.];W[lb];B[mc]C[B41: Lee Sedol answers again. Next White should take chance to reinforce the lower right corner, which is the biggest place on the board.];W[jg]C[W42: After long meditation, White elects to expand his moyo in the upper left, I'm a little surprised.];B[ef]C[B43: Black also makes a knight move to contain White's moyo. It seems for now Black also doesn't have effective tactic in the lower right corner.];W[dg]C[W44: White seeks to fight, both sides will be difficult in this fight.];B[ee];W[cg];B[fd];W[fc]C[W48: The variation up to here can be imagined, but where to play next move is difficult.];B[dd];W[ec];B[cc]C[B51: After playing atari, Black hangs with B51.];W[dh]C[W52: White reinforces solidly, W52 is typical style of Park YuongHoon. White has nothing to complain. So far we can't see Lee Sedol gives a play to his strong points.];B[gc]C[The hane of B53 can also be imagined, White is difficult.];W[gd];B[fe];W[gb];B[hc];W[hb];B[db];W[eb];B[ea];W[fb]C[W62: Now Lee Sedol's next move is important and also difficult. So far, White appears lively. One of Lee Sedol's traits is, he can turn the situation instantly in an unfavorable situation.];B[fh];W[ej]C[W64: Black has no other choice but to make this exchange.];B[qp];W[qq];B[po]C[B67: Lee Sedol finally starts to counterattack.];W[rp];B[qo];W[op];B[oo];W[no];B[on]C[B73 is a very risky but strong move of Lee Sedol's style.];W[om];B[nn];W[nm];B[mn];W[rq]C[W78 is a thick move of Park YuongHoon's style.];B[mm];W[rn];B[nl]C[White tolerates and crosses over with W80. Only Park YuongHoon will play this way since only he can judge the situation clearly.];W[rj];B[ri]C[So far, the situation is still too early, but overall White's situation is lively. Both sides didn't make any mistake, but after the exchange from W26 to W34, White takes initiative. Black starts to counterattack with B65, but after White crosses over, the situation is still to White's advantage.After this move, it is time for lunch break.];W[rk];B[ro];W[so];B[rm];W[sn];B[sj]C[B89 is a good and territory-oriented move.];W[lo]C[W90: White encloses territory as big as possible.];B[gr]C[B91 absolutely can't be overlooked and is the biggest combat move on the board, next for White to extend is common.];W[li];B[lk];W[mk]C[W92 is common, but W94 is difficult to imagine. W94 is really beautiful, but whether it is a good move or not depending on the following variation.];B[ll]C[B95: Black extends back and tells White that you can't take any advantage with this exchange. Next White has no proper tactic. Looking back, W92 is a little loose. Park YuongHoon must find a good move now, otherwise Black will play hane up at bottom.];W[ji];B[mi];W[mh];B[sp];W[sq];B[sl];W[rl];B[si]C[B103, B99 and B101 are all sente, how does Park YuongHoon pass this crisis?];W[sm]C[W104: Lee Sedol will cut and capture, now both sides can't make any mistake. In the last game, Lee Sedol tried to capture one big dragon and lose the game. Will he take such a big risk again? We all know Lee Sedol always fights for momentum like hell.];B[lh];W[mj];B[ni];W[lj];B[ml];W[bd];B[cd];W[be];B[bb];W[hq]C[W114 is still the biggest move. Now Black has about 50 points in the upper right corner, 15 points in the lower left corner and 4 points in the upper left corner, total about 70 points; White has 25 points at bottom, 10 points at top and 20 points on the left side. This way Black is leading 14 points on the board. If taking White's 10-point potential in the center, White is still slightly favorable. Black must reduce White's potential in the center.];B[ic];W[ib];B[he]C[B117 is very big, Black can't tolerate if these two stones are captured. However for White to block at bottom is also very big.];W[hr]C[W118: White indeed blocks, White's territory is not falling behind. Now it equals to that this game just started, the situation is very close.];B[gk]C[B119 contains White on both left and lower sides, and again is a game-deciding place. The variation here is very important for both sides.];W[fk]C[W120: White elects to attach and enclose points at the maximum limit.];B[gl]C[The extension of B121 is inevitable.];W[bn]C[W122 is also very big. For Black to answer here is just not bad at all.];B[fl];W[aq]C[W124: Park YuongHoon simply plays this big endgame.];B[ar];W[el];B[jo]C[B127 is also very big, invading one more line deeper is dangerous.];W[kp]C[W128: Park YuongHoon defends with one move.];B[em];W[dm];B[fj]C[B131: White also needs to consider the center, Black may cut.];W[ek];B[ei];W[di];B[jp]C[B135: Now let's make another situational judgement. Black: 50 points in the upper right, 8 points in the lower left and 7 points in the upper left, total 65 points. White: 30 points at bottom, 24 points on the left, 6 points at top, total 60 points. Black only has 5-point advantage on the board, but Black has some potential in the center, so Black's situation is interesting.];W[lf]C[B136: Park YuongHoon also feels his situation is not good, but still elects to reinforce the center. Black still can crosscut.];B[mg]C[B141 is a little damaging but Black still threatens the center. At bottom, White has to reinforce in gote, but Black will cut in the center. Now Park YuongHoon is painful, he needs to find a way to play on both places.];W[mf];B[nf];W[ng];B[nh];W[jq];B[ko];W[lp]C[W144: Park YuongHoon elects to defend the bottom first. Lee Sedol needs to make a choice, whether to enclose territory in the center or cut and attack intensely? Now situational judgement is very important. If the situation is not favorable, then choose to fight, otherwise enclose territory.];B[kf];W[jf];B[le]C[B147: Lee Sedol feels his situation is favorable.];W[ie]C[W148: The situation is very close now but slightly to Black's advantage. ];B[kh]C[B149: Lee Sedol hopes to first take advantage here.];W[hm]C[W150: Ah? This move can't be imagined and almost can be considered mouse misclick.];B[il]C[B151: Park YuongHoon is very strong in the second half of game. Now the situation is unclear.];W[im]C[W152: Simply can't imagine White decides to counterattack in such a complicated situation, and his opponent is world #1 Lee Sedol! It is really awesome!];B[jm]C[The hane of B153 is inevitable.];W[ij]C[W154: It seems White will obtain sente. Black can't form any territory here, and komi will be Black's burden.];B[hf];W[jl]C[W156: With B155 Black wants to make exchange in sente, but White continues to attack. Now Lee Sedol must feel very bad.];B[jk];W[gj]C[W158: White can cut here? Lee Sedol sinks into a crisis. The second half is Park YuongHoon's own show. In the critical moment, Lee Sedol takes two stones and appears weak, he should play more strongly.];B[hj];W[fi];B[gi]C[B159 and B161 are inevitable. Next White can connect, but Black's choice is difficult. Let's see how Lee Sedol handles his dangerous situation.];W[eh];B[hi];W[hl];B[ik]C[B165: Lee Sedol must have miscalculated here.];W[jn]C[W166: Lee Sedol is dangerous, can't see Black has any tactic.];B[km]C[B167: Lee Sedol tolerates here, then seeks chance.];W[hd]C[W168 is very practical move.];B[hk];W[jh];B[sk];W[sp];B[ki]C[After this fight, Black adds 14 points in the center, White adds 9 points at top and captures 3 stones in the center. It seems W162 is a mistake, White should simply connect, Black will be very difficult.];W[mb];B[nb]C[B175: Even like this, White's situation takes a better turn, of course, it is still very close.];W[bo];B[bq];W[gs];B[ap]C[B179: The sequence in the lower left corner looks weird. Now study room thinks Black is favorable. Park YuongHoon lost a decisive chance. W162 is a mistake, with W168 White also should cut at 169. Perhaps due to time pressure, both sides are difficult to calculate precisely.];W[jj];B[kj];W[fa];B[bf];W[cf];B[da];W[bg];B[bc];W[fn]C[Black's situation is a little favorable. White didn't gain anything in the center.];B[ho];W[hn];B[fm];W[io];B[ip];W[hp]C[W194: Park YuongHoon releases another game-deciding move.];B[in];W[qi];B[qh];W[io];B[kn];W[go]C[W200: The situation is still slightly to Black's favor. ];B[kd]C[B201: Both sides have to continue this ko fight.];W[jd];B[je]C[B203: Now Black has 80 points, White 72 points. If White wins this ko fight, it will be half point or 1.5 point game.];W[rh];B[pi];W[ke];B[pn];W[rm];B[je];W[sh];B[qi];W[ke];B[mo];W[mp];B[je];W[na];B[oa];W[ke];B[ge];W[id];B[je]C[B221: White is difficult to find ko threats.];W[dr];B[cr];W[ke];B[ld]C[B225: Lee Sedol already has made situational judgement, since Black should have more ko threats.];W[fg];B[gh];W[eg];B[in];W[df];B[de];W[je];B[ho];W[gg];B[hg];W[io]C[W236: If White wins this ko fight, it will be half-point game.];B[en];W[eo];B[ho];W[ih];B[hh];W[io];B[iq];W[ir];B[ho];W[gn]C[W246: Black basically wins by half or 1.5 point, now White is very difficult to overturn the game.];B[ad];W[af];B[ma];W[ka];B[kg];W[io];B[fj];W[jn];B[ei];W[in];B[fi];W[ln];B[lm];W[ao];B[bp];W[fs];B[ds];W[hs];B[es];W[ae];B[ac];W[la];B[na]C[Lee Sedol 9p wins the champion.])

Park YuongHoon    Lee Sedol
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