(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]ST[2]CA[UTF-8]AP[SGFC:1.17]PB[rs220675]BR[1d]PW[yohmen]WR[1d]KM[6.5]DT[2010-03-10]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+Resign]TM[1500]OT[3x60 byo-yomi]RU[Japanese]C[Hi!I lost this game quite badly and therefore my questions focus on the early stage of the game. I have some questions but feel free to point out obvious mistakes. Thx in advance for your effort :). Just review for black.Review: I will try my best! I get three stones for kibitzing so that should helpWhat? No hello? gg? or oneigaisimasu? Maybe this was the sixth game between you and you dispensed with the formalities?Comments About the Game as a Whole:- Play closer to weaker; farther from strength- Don't kill aji- Count!- Don't play weird moves unless they-- create miai-- have a good next move to followup- Don't play moves without a name unless the above is trueYou had a lot of chances to win despite the bad beginning. There are all sorts of players that can't play a decent fuseki or early middle game but rock in the middle to late middle and crush people (I count myself amongst the crushed).If my comments are salty or sassy, it's only because I care about your Go. Mea culpa. Please forgive me.];B[pd];W[dp];B[pp];W[dc];B[de];W[cg];B[cc];W[cd];B[dd];W[ce];B[cf];W[df];B[bf];W[bc];B[cb];W[be];B[ec]C[Review: everything's standard up to here](;W[bb]C[Review: this is sort of a trick that you fall right into.proper move for White is to take as in the alternative](;B[db]C[while it is true that this appears to be a better relationship for the star stone, the problem is locally it's very inferior to the alternative. If you had more going on moyo-wise, maybe... but this is too small locally to compensate];W[dg]C[this is a crushing blow, imho](;B[jd]C[ugh. the rule here is not applied. play close to weakness, play away from strength. Which stone(s) is stronger, the group with the ponnuki or the star stone?Yes, the star stone. If and only if you must play on the side, then per the rule you must play closer to the star stone, since it is the weaker of the two.Move 21 is 4 lines from the non-joseki black stones and 5 lines from the star stoneAnother blow...];W[nq]C[white is so happy];B[qn];W[jp]C[white has a commanding lead, fortunately, not insurmountable];B[cn];W[cl]C[hmmm... is this the best way to use the thickness from above?];B[cq];W[dq];B[cp];W[do];B[bn];W[em]C[rs220675: Up to here I think Black played alright. Now my question is: Where to play now for Black? Where are the big points and did I OK with my invasion move at m3 or was it too early?Doh, up to here, Black has not played alright, but again, no need to resign yet (just kidding). I think that your thoughts are fine about the invasion, but you need to reflect when playing about what you are trying to do. At top, you have this moyo idea. At the bottom left you have a territory idea. Now you want territory, later you want moyo. While it's good to be flexible, but be a flip-flopper. If you're going for moyo, then no, invading at m3 is not the way to make one; play n5 (and maybe reconsider playing r6)](;B[lq]C[I don't mind this... but the thinking pattern is the problem.];W[jq]C[hmmm... this feels overconcentrated. Now, Black can go away and do something else, or do something here right away... White's move is overconcentrated for the bottom left and ignores the rule you earlier ignore - play closer to weaker; away from strength];B[np]C[this is probably fine... a professional would probably slap me for even considering this area as aji and not dealing with it immediately, but that's how I feel... Of course, you can play like this, and yes, sometimes the punishment for a dumb White move at k3 is to actually deal with it as it occurs... I tend to like to punish by not punishing immediately... a bad habit... sometimes I don't get to punish at all];W[oq];B[pq];W[op];B[oo];W[mp];B[no];W[mq]C[Now White is overconcentrated];B[mo];W[lp](;B[jm]C[oopsy... what is this, a misclick? Is there some new move I missed? Usually, moves have a name for a good reason... monkey jump, one space jump, keima (horse)... if you don't know the name of the relationship between the stones, then there should be a REALLY good reason why you are playing there... it's miai for something... there's excellent next moves somewhere... this move is just sort of disconnected from everything... it's like the setup for a trick move. While, yeah, White is overconcentrated, that also means that White is REALLY solid. Playing flakey moves when your "wall" of black stones has a few weaknesses means that such spacey moves need REALLY good explanations for why they would be played. If you can't answer:- where's the good followup- how is this miai for something- or, does this move have a namethen you should probably skip it and do something practical](;W[qi]LB[qg:A][qk:B]C[rs220675: I like Black here...you?Now from which side to attack this stone? Does it matter at all? In my opinion an attack move at A is a bit better than B. What do you think?I don't like Black here, but fortunately White matched the quasi-moyo plan of Black with double overconcentrated-ness of White, so it's an even game of sortsWhite picks the middle spot here... is this the best move? Not sure... what's wrong with r14? If k7 was a killer move, then maybe the side is better, but k7 is not a killer move.Yes, A is much better](;B[qk]C[Doh! Doh! Again with the playing away from weakness mistake and playing close to strength mistake... if you can correct that, maybe your rank goes up .5One thing to look at is tewari... see alternative for move 46];W[qf];B[qe];W[pf];B[nd]C[See Tewari for the better way];W[lc]C[Wow! White is bold... While Black played 46 wrong, can White really get away with two weak groups amidst Black?](;B[nc]C[rs220675: I think this move at O17 is a mistake in direction since it weakens the whole left side on top for black. How should I have dealt with this invasion at M17? Can you show me a sequence? I guess the point would be to let White invade there, connect ones stones and then attack the R14 group right?Review: this move is similar to the White move at k3... maybe it was infectious... 53 screams - "I want the corner! You can't get it from me!" to meYour analysis above is correct, imho. This 53 is a bad move.];W[jc]C[Right. Now White has light options...](;B[ld]C[Doh! Rule, Rule, Rule!Play away from strength... you just made an iron post... there's no need to connect stones to an iron post... play away from strength, play away from strength, play away from strength, play away from strength, play away from strength, ... sorry, my paste button was stuck];W[id]C[nice and light](;B[je]C[ugh];W[hc]C[ouch ouch ouch... painful];B[oi]C[this move has a name, that's good. it's also a good move in that it's a perfect place for White to play. But the move at K7 is still irritating me...The thing that's nice about this move is that it has good nexts... like s12, o14... why can't K7 be more like his older brother at p11?];W[pj]C[where's white going?](;B[nj]C[this seems a bit tight... you have friends in the area, you don't need to connect your stones all the time!];W[pk];B[rk]C[rs220675: This move turned out to be backfiring at me later so I guess R8 would have been better?yes, r8 seems better];W[pm]C[where is White going, that's what I want to know];B[ol]C[Peeping to make White heavier? The assumption then is that if White connects, White will die or suffer some ignominy, break eye shape...If you haven't read out all the possibilities, and there are hundreds at this point, usually a random peep is bad... not sure that's so in this case, since it's breaking eye shape, making White heavy... but, it's also giving you gote after White connects...];W[pl];B[qm];W[nk]C[Now that White is stronger, this is a possibility... if so, the peep may not be good];B[mk](;W[pn]C[why not continue from 68?this move is obvious, or is it?];B[nl]C[Doh! Never save the peeping stone if it's already done it's job... now White there's tons of aji on the side and corner](;W[po]C[What on Earth! White plays a seemingly obvious 70 to follow up with a too obvious 72? Where's the subtlety?];B[qo];W[re]C[Hmmm... lots of playing around, extinguishing aji in the middle, now let's try on the side/corner];B[rd](;W[pe]C[this is more aji keshi unless White is trying to escape];B[qd];W[ok]C[this is available most any time White wants and may not even ultimately be the best way to Go];B[ml]C[White makes Black's job easier... everything is as subtle as a sledgehammer];W[rg]C[rs220675: Is White alive or can Black kill, what do you think?Well, I didn't write the Hatsuyoron, but I know when I try the problems, that they'll have an answer. For living Go, there usually is no answer mortally available. (short answer: I have no idea)A substitute for no answer, however, is "what's the score?" From "what's the score?" you can determine if you NEED to kill or not. If you can win with more points and save killing this group and leave it for the opponent to take another gote, would that be more worthwhile?Nonetheless, I can taste the bloodlust and happily will indulge how I might go about seeing if it is killable](;B[pi]C[Ow! Why kill your liberties and force White to connect?];W[qj];B[sh]C[this stone is hurt by the 81 and 82 exchange];W[sd];B[sc]C[OK now because the stone at t12 is there];W[se]C[Uh... this doesn't work](;B[rb]C[Doh! You missed the game winning move!];W[sg]C[wow... missed opportunity there... Now, you have to go back to counting...];B[og]C[this is nice... make White live and get some profit];W[lo];B[ln];W[rh](;B[si]C[No!!! You killed a ko threat and/or endgame see variation];W[rj]C[rs220675: OK, so White lives, but I still had chances, right? Where to play now as Black?I suggest reviewing the games of Lee Chang Ho. The guy takes territory bit by bit, like Continental Drift, he slowly gobbles up territory](;B[hn]C[This is a weird point.See variations for ideas];W[kn];B[lm];W[in]C[this is a strange move];B[im]C[seems pretty aggressive... better to be light];W[hm]C[rs220675: Ok, here you can end, since I think this cut is just a disaster for Black and it turned out so later. IMO my real mistakes were earlier in the game.Yeah, this move cuts it hard](;B[gm]C[WAY TOO DIRECT... gotta be light];W[hl];B[dm]C[PLAY CLOSER TO THE WEAKER STONES AWAY FROM THE STRONGER STONES!!!Sorry, the cap lock was stuck];W[dl];B[el];W[en];B[ek];W[dj];B[ej];W[di];B[gn];W[gl];B[fl];W[gj];B[gi];W[hi];B[fm];W[gq];B[fj];W[gh];B[gk];W[fi];B[hk];W[mb];B[hq];W[hp];B[gp];W[fp];B[go];W[hr];B[nb];W[pr];B[qr];W[or];B[ie];W[he];B[gd];W[hd];B[gc];W[rr];B[qq];W[qs];B[rq];W[hb];B[ql];W[ne];B[of];W[sk];B[sl];W[sj];B[oe];W[fb];B[gb];W[ga];B[fc];W[ca];B[eb];W[fa];B[fe];W[cr];B[br];W[dr];B[bs];W[jh];B[ei];W[eh];B[ig];W[jj];B[kb];W[kc];B[hf];W[jb];B[mc];W[lb];B[kg];W[kd];B[ke];W[jn];B[ij];W[ji];B[ak];W[bk];B[al];W[aj];B[am];W[cj];B[li];W[jk];B[il];W[lj];B[mj];W[ki];B[kh];W[jg];B[jf];W[lh];B[mi];W[le];B[lf];W[md];B[mf];W[me];B[nf];W[ld];B[ae];W[bd];B[bi];W[bj];B[bg];W[bh];B[ph];W[qg];B[sr];W[rs];B[da];W[ba];B[ip];W[iq];B[io];W[hq];B[ho];W[co];B[bo];W[hj];B[fg];W[fh];B[ik];W[hg];B[gg];W[hh];B[ge];W[ef];B[ff];W[ee];B[ed];W[bm];B[on];W[om]C[yohmen [1d]: thx])(;B[fm]C[one possibility](;W[fl];B[en];W[dn];B[el];W[dm];B[gl];W[fk];B[hl]C[possible?])(;W[el];B[hl];W[gm];B[gl];W[gn];B[fn];W[go];B[fl];W[fo];B[ie];W[he];B[hf];W[ge];B[gb]C[Hu knows the future... but he's not right here at the moment])(;W[hl];B[en];W[dn];B[el];W[dm];B[gn];W[fl];B[gl];W[fk];B[hk];W[il];B[gm];W[jl];B[gk]C[one possibility?Last comment.])))(;B[gb]C[This is like double sente for these two groups... it's slow and territorial and probably not even right, but it's a good spot to think from])(;B[ie];W[he];B[hf];W[ge](;B[gf];W[fe];B[gl]C[You like moyos, right?];W[fb]C[of course the side dies ;)])(;B[gb];W[gf];B[hg];W[gg];B[hh];W[fi]C[only way to determine right path - count])))(;B[rj]C[This is huge if you're going to play here, but this is a ko threat really at this stage]))(;B[sg]C[Game over](;W[rc];B[rf];W[sb];B[sf];W[sc];B[sj])(;W[rf];B[rc];W[rh];B[si]C[no eyes and clumpy])))(;B[ph]C[pressing the White stone with your 81 is ham-fisted. This 81 strikes right at the heart of the weakness of the shape. While it smacks of good kosumi-bad kosumi, it might be one of those times that gets the job done.];W[sd];B[rc]C[never give the opponent an easy time](;W[sf];B[sh];W[rh];B[si]C[Now White has to make life in the wild... hard])(;W[nf])))(;W[rg];B[se];W[sf];B[rf];W[qp];B[qq];W[re]C[if White wins the ko, then he'll have wished that he didn't spoil the corner with q15]))(;W[qo](;B[po]C[this move doesn't work];W[ql];B[rl];W[ro];B[rn];W[sn];B[rm];W[rq]C[Black's in trouble](;B[rr];W[rj]C[Now where for Black?];B[qj];W[ri];B[pi];W[sk]C[that peep added a lot of liberties and strength!])(;B[ri];W[rh];B[qj];W[si];B[pi];W[rj]C[White wins semeai]))(;B[ro]C[Black needs to play something like this];W[rn]C[!!](;B[po];W[ql];B[rm];W[rl];B[sn];W[sl]C[crickey!])(;B[rm]C[this is just one of a myriad of possibilities that White wasted];W[po];B[rp]C[White cuts in sente];W[mm];B[nm]))))(;W[nl]C[better follow-up to 68, but is it the best move??]))(;B[nk];W[ql]C[perhaps you were worried about this move?]))(;B[ic];W[kd];B[je](;W[md];B[le];W[ke];B[kf];W[kc];B[me];W[hc];B[ib];W[hb](;B[mc])(;B[ie];W[hd];B[mc];W[jb];B[rh]C[just screwing around looking at stuff... nothing to see here]))(;W[ke];B[jb];W[kc];B[hc];W[kf];B[ie];W[ng])))(;B[ic]C[this is better](;W[kd];B[jb](;W[kb];B[kc]C[why not? you have ko threats starting at a14])(;W[kc]C[if White plays this way, you just win];B[je]C[ouch!]))(;W[id];B[hc];W[je];B[kd];W[ld];B[ke];W[le];B[kf];W[mf];B[nf]C[I don't think there's any way for White to connect these two groups, so it's still a splitting attack])))(;B[ld]C[just here is fine];W[kc];B[jc];W[kd];B[ke];W[md];B[me];W[le];B[lf]C[maybe White can try some kos or something, but this will end bad for White];W[nc];B[ld];W[mc];B[oc];W[ob];B[pb];W[jb];B[ib];W[ka];B[je]C[good enough?];W[oa]C[Test question: Is White even alive?](;B[ia];W[ma])(;B[ma];W[mb];B[pa](;W[la];B[ia];W[na])(;W[na]))(;B[mb];W[lb])(;B[rh]C[How's White doin?])))(;B[qg]C[Play closer to the weaker... the star stone is weaker than the "wall" below]))(;W[qf]C[Tewari analysis for move 47 begins here (read second ;)](;B[qe]C[Tewari: is this the best joseki to choose here? I think your answer would be no, right?];W[pf];B[nd];W[qi]C[White makes a nice base against the Black wall];B[qk]C[Tewari: Sure, this is an OK move here, but the move at r15 is wrong, right? Therefore, the result here is wrong; therefore, the move at 47 is wrong.])(;B[qh](;W[of];B[nd];W[rd];B[qc];W[oh];B[qj];W[mf];B[ld]C[even this would have been better than the game])(;W[qc];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[rf];B[og]C[Tewari: if White goes to the corner, then you're in great shape]))))(;B[pf]C[wouldn't this be nicer?]))(;B[mo];W[lq]C[this is more moyo-esque, but how to complete the moyo?];B[pg]C[bizzare!]))(;AB[kc]C[away from strength])(;AB[kd]C[away from strength])(;AB[nc]C[away from strength])(;AB[fq]C[way away from strength :P]))(;B[ae];W[bd];B[bg]C[Review: Now, White has to take the Black stones or the mess gets bigger];W[db];B[eb];W[ca];B[ch];W[ed];B[ee];W[fd];B[ef];W[gc]TR[pd]C[While not an ideal relationship to the star stone, it's a better local result than what you got]))(;W[bg]C[this is proper]))

yohmen    rs220675
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