(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[ ]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Gu Li]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-04-27]EV[3rd BC Card Cup Final]RO[Game 4]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Gu Li vs Lee Sedol - 3rd BC Card Cup Game 4]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game is the fourth game from the finals of the 3rd BC Card Cup.Lee Sedol leads with two to one. If he wins this game, he'd win the BC Card Cup. ];W[dp]C[Gu Li takes B, and he prefers B. ];B[qp];W[dd];B[fq];W[cn];B[lq]C[This kind of mini Chinese was very popular about ten years ago, but not anymore today. Gu Li still likes this though. ];W[qj]C[Normal. ];B[qg];W[qm];B[pn];W[ro];B[pm](;W[qo]C[Right sequence. ];B[po];W[ql]C[Nothing's special so far. ];B[rp]LB[kq:B][lq:A]C[This block is possible when there's A instead of at B. ](;W[mp]LB[lp:A][mq:B]C[Right move.There're always two options against any shoulder hit. ](;B[lp]C[In the game, B chooses pushing up. ](;W[pp]C[This cut seems to be possible, but this fight must be favourable for B because B has more stones around here. ](;B[op]C[Right direction. ];W[pq];B[qr]LB[qq:A]C[This jump is similar to A. ];W[pr];B[qq]C[In this sort of capturing race, you should mind of liberties. ];W[nq](;B[np]C[Tight and right. ];W[mq];B[mo];W[lr];B[kr]C[This variation is very hard to explain because I don't know about this exactly. I researched this when I was in Korea, but it was a long time ago. ](;W[nr]C[This move is flexible. ](;B[ms]C[Right move for the capturing race. ](;W[kq]C[Good tesuji. ];B[kp];W[jr]C[Good move. ](;B[jq]C[Right move. ];W[ks];B[kq]C[Only move. B shouldn't do any ko fight here. If B does so, W could play lightly with sacrificing W's lower group. ];W[no];B[oo];W[ps]C[Very good move. ](;B[ls]C[Right choice for B. The corner'd become a ko, and B could play two moves in a row somewhere else. ];W[rr];B[rs];W[qs]C[No other option for W. ];B[sr];W[ss];B[do]C[Good ko threat.];W[sp]C[It's inevitable for W. ];B[co]C[It looks terrible for W here, but ];W[cp];B[bp];W[eo]C[Right sequence. You'd better remember the sequence. ];B[dn];W[bq];B[bo];W[eq]LB[co:B][do:A]C[This is sort of joseki from B's two stone at A.B. ];B[fp]LB[ep:A][fr:B]C[There're two options for W. ](;W[fr]C[Good choice for W. ];B[gr];W[er];B[br];W[gq]C[Good timing. ](;B[hr]C[Right answer. ];W[aq];B[cr];W[cq];B[ep];W[ar]C[Necessary for W. ];B[gp]C[Slow but thick. the game looks a bit better for B. ];W[nn]C[W tries to move here to fight. ](;B[nm]C[Good tesuji, but B has more simple ways of playing. ];W[mn];B[lo];W[mm];B[pl]C[B's playing here is heavy. ];W[nl];B[pj]C[Good move. B has to save those 8 stones in the bottom right. ];W[nj]C[Good sense. In this game, centre is much more important than W's right side. ];B[qk];W[rk];B[pk];W[rj];B[pi];W[kk]C[W is erasing B's thickness in the centre, and the game looks favourable for W. ];B[nh]C[Nice move. This knights looks small and slow, but that's thick and solid. ];W[jc]LB[cf:A]C[W could also consider of playing at A instead. ];B[cf];W[fd];B[di]C[Big move, and the game is still well balanced. ];W[nc]LB[fj:A]C[It's big too. Reducing at around A is also thinkable. ];B[pc]CR[pd][qg]C[This is typical answer when there's long knight's enclosure as this. In this case, top pros play the same as kyu players. :D ];W[nf]LB[ne:A]C[Lee's style of playing. Jumping at A is normal, but this is more severe and sort of fighting spirit. ];B[lh];W[ik]LB[nf:1][lh:2][ik:3]C[Very good place. W plays 1 to induce jumping out here. If W doesn't play 3 at all, B'd play there, and the left side would suddenly become B's territory. ];B[me]C[Interesting move. This is Gu's style of playing. He is good at leading his game to fight. ];W[ne]C[W can't avoid fighting, and Lee never tries to avoid that. ];B[mk]C[Just probing. ];W[nk];B[mc]C[Good tesuji. ](;W[md];B[ld];W[nd];B[lb]C[This tiger's connection is the same meaning. ];W[le];B[nb]LB[kd:A]C[This is not Gu's style, but he might have thought the result was satisfactory. However, Extending at A looks better. ];W[kd];B[lc];W[oh]LB[kf:A]C[Counter attack! Answering at A instead in normal, but that's too loose to Lee. ];B[oi]C[Bad shape, but only move. ];W[ni](;B[mg]C[Good peep. ](;W[ng];B[mh];W[mf];B[og]C[Both are safe. ];W[ki];B[jg];W[pe]C[Lee tries something in the corner. ];B[qe];W[ob];B[oc];W[pb]C[Good tesuji. ](;B[qb]C[Only answer. ];W[qd]C[Yes, it is. B is in trouble. ];B[qc](;W[ph]C[Right sequence. ](;B[qh]LB[qf:B][pg:A]C[If B atari at A, W'd play at B. You can see. ];W[pf];B[pg];W[qf];B[rd];W[rf]LB[sg:A]C[W could successfully cut B's big group off. W could also connect under with A later. At this stage, W takes the lead of the game. W's stones are more solid and thicker, so it's hard for B to catch up in this sort of game. ];B[ji]C[Try to get a rhythm. ];W[kh];B[kg];W[jh];B[ih];W[li]C[W's centre group is safe. ];B[ig];W[kf]C[It's irritating. ];B[je];W[ke];B[lg]C[B has to connect here to avoid ko, and the game becomes getting better for W. ];W[ei]LB[eg:A]C[Lee's style of playing again. Very severe, but A should be good enough. ];B[hj]LB[ei:A]C[Good answer. If B answer to W's attachment at A, B's big group'd be in trouble. Gu Li was the No.1 in 2009 in the world, and he's still extremely good at this sort of unclear fighting. ];W[dj];B[dh];W[eh]C[W is keep trying to separate B's centre group. ];B[jj];W[km]C[Good shape. ];B[ej]C[It's risky to cut here, but as B is behind of territory, B goes all out. ];W[fj];B[ek];W[fk];B[dk];W[fl]C[Though W is still holding the initiative of the game, B gets large points on the left, and in this stage, I can't say W is leading the game. ];B[eg]TR[eh][ei]C[The head of two stones. You shouldn't miss this in your own game. :D ];W[dm]C[Kind of tesuji. ];B[en];W[gh]C[Vital point of the shape. ];B[fi];W[fh];B[gi]C[Good move, and both players never stop fighting. ];W[hi];B[gj];W[hh];B[ij];W[dg]LB[cj:A]C[Nice cut. W is aim at A. ];B[cj]C[Correct answer. ];W[ef]LB[ff:A]C[It looks like B is in trouble, but it isn't that easy. As a result, jumping at A would be better, but it's hard not to atari for pros because this atari is obvious for them.](;B[jk];W[jl];B[il]C[Do or die move. ];W[im];B[hl];W[ii]C[No other options for W. ];B[hm]C[Fortunately, this is sente for B, and B could keep fight. ];W[om]C[W has to make this group alive. ];B[hd]C[Good sense. ];W[hc];B[id]C[If B's this group can live without any big damage, B'd take the lead of the game. ](;W[gc]C[Right move. ];B[gf];W[fg];B[fe](;W[cg]C[At this stage, W is also desperate. If W can't get either this corner or that huge group, W'd lose the game. ];B[bg];W[bf]C[Prepare before hunting, ];B[be];W[jf];B[if];W[jd]C[Eventually, W is going for hunting this huge group. ];B[ic];W[ib];B[hb];W[jb];B[ee];W[de];B[ed];W[ec];B[ff]C[Clever move. B is reducing W's liberties outside, and now W is in trouble. ];W[ce];B[af]C[Now, there's no other option for W. Only way for W to win this game is killing the group. ];W[ch];B[dc]C[Good timing, and this is winning move. ];W[cc];B[db](;W[fc]C[Inevitable. ];B[cb];W[bc];B[bb];W[ab];B[gb]C[Good move for capturing race. ];W[fb];B[ad];W[ac];B[bd];W[cd];B[bh]C[From now on, it's the only way for both. ];W[ci];B[dj];W[bi];B[bj];W[ah];B[aj];W[ai];B[hg]C[The game's over here. ](;W[ag];B[gg];W[df];B[eg];W[bf];B[in]C[The game is practically finished here. There's no chance afterwards. ];W[jm];B[fs];W[dr];B[mr];W[re];B[ri];W[qd];B[sd];W[se];B[rc];W[ka];B[la];W[na];B[mb];W[ie];B[he];W[jn];B[jo];W[ns];B[js];W[rg];B[ln];W[lm];B[sj];W[qn];B[kj];W[lj];B[gd];W[ha];B[sl];W[rl];B[sk];W[sm];B[si];W[ap];B[ao];W[es];B[cs]LB[nb:C][qd:E][me:B][oh:D][ei:F][jk:G][nm:A]C[W resigned here. W finally found good time to resign. The corner'd become ko or seki. You can try to figure it out. :) The variation in the bottom right corner was totally new for me, and the result seemed a bit favourable for W. B's attachment at A was wrong, and the game became good for W. B's 97 at B was keen, but 107 at C was mistake, and W's counter attack at D was really a good timing. W's tesuji at E was good, and W kept reading the game. W's attachment at F was a bit too aggressive, and the game became chaos. B's choice from G was correct, and there was no chance for W after that.A fight began at move 20, and the fighting never stopped until almost the end of the game. Both players are infighters, and games between them are always interesting and full of excitement and tension. As Gu Li won this game, the score is tied at 2:2, with one game left. That game is a real final, and it will be very thrilling to watch the game. (update: Lee Sedol won game 5 and won the BC Card Cup)This game was also very complicated, but not as much as the game between Gu Li and Kim Jisuk which I commented a month ago. :D There must be some mistakes in my commentary, but you'll still enjoy watching the game I'm sure. Thanks.By AN Younggil 8p])(;W[df]C[If W tries to save marked stones, ]MA[fg][eh][fh][gh][hh][ei][hi][ii];B[gg];W[eg];B[ag];W[bf];B[gd]C[W can fight this ko anymore. ]))(;W[cb]C[If W blocks here, ];B[eb];W[fc];B[gb]C[Big trouble. ]))(;W[ee]C[If W answers here, ];B[gd];W[ic];B[rg]C[This big group lives, and ];W[cg];B[be]C[Nice answer, ];W[bd];B[bg]C[B'd win the game. ]))(;W[ic]C[If W connects here, ];B[gd];W[gc];B[fg]C[This move works, and the game'd be over. ]))(;B[ii]C[If B connects here which looks necessary, ];W[hl]CR[fj][fk][fl]C[W could connect marked stones, and B is short of territory and uncertain of his big group's safety. ]))(;B[pg];W[qf]C[For example...];B[re];W[qh];B[qi];W[rh]LB[rg:A][ri:B]TR[oi][pi][qi][pj][pk][qk][pl][pm][pn][oo][po][np][op]C[A and B are miai and W captures B's big group]))(;W[qf]C[If W atari here, ];B[oe]C[This atari is a good answer, and];W[of];B[pf];W[pg];B[rf]C[B gets points. ];W[qh];B[ph];W[og];B[qi]TR[qh]C[W can't cut them off (r12 can't escape). B's centre group is quite flexible and light. ])(;W[pf]C[This is thinkable, but ];B[qf]C[Nothing's happened. ];W[ph];B[pg]C[W can't save that atari stone.]))(;B[qc]C[B is safe with this, but ];W[kb]C[This is sente, and it's unbearable for B. It's too submissive. ]))(;W[ph];B[qh];W[pf]C[This is also thinkable. ];B[mf]C[No other option for B. ];W[qf];B[qi];W[rf];B[rg]C[It's a capturing race, but B has seven liberties outside, and it's too risky for W. ]MA[oj][ok][ol][om][on][qn][oq]))(;B[og]C[B could capture this one easily, but ];W[mh];B[ng];W[mg]C[W is very happy with this result. It's hopeless for B. ]))(;W[nd]C[If W connects here, ];B[lb]LB[nb:B][kc:A]C[This is a good shape. Very flexible. This sort of move is hard to learn. ]))(;B[mn]C[B could sacrifice marked 6 stones. ]MA[pm][pn][oo][po][np][op];W[nm];B[mm];W[nl];B[ml];W[nk];B[cf];W[fc];B[di]C[B's left side through lower side is huge. ]))(;B[hq]C[If B atari here, ];W[aq]C[W could play here. ]))(;W[ep]C[If W connects here, ];B[br]C[This is a good tesuji. ];W[cq];B[fr]C[Like this. W has only one eye and has to float in the centre. ]))(;B[rr]C[If B plays here to get some more liberties, ];W[ls]C[W'd live inside. ](;B[ir];W[oq]C[It'd be successful for W. ])(;B[oq];W[or];B[ns]C[If B tries to capture them which is an overplay for him, ];W[ir];B[hq];W[lo];B[mn];W[iq];B[ip];W[hp]C[B can't capture W's bottom group. ])))(;B[ks]C[If B descends here which looks alright, but ];W[no];B[oo];W[jq]C[B is in trouble, ];B[mr];W[lo];B[mn];W[ko]C[Oh, it's a ladder and the game'd be over. ];B[jp];W[ip]))(;W[ls]C[If W plays here, ];B[ks];W[mr];B[oq];W[or];B[ps]C[W'd simply die. ]))(;B[ls]C[This atari looks fine, but is clumsy. ];W[ms];B[mr];W[no];B[oo];W[lr]C[W has more ko threats, and it's hard for B. ]))(;W[mr]C[This solid connection isn't good. ];B[jq]C[W doesn't have enough liberties to fight inside. ]))(;B[mo]C[If B hane here, ];W[rr];B[rs];W[sq]C[ Good tesuji. ];B[sp];W[qn]C[The corner is still ko. ]))(;B[pq];W[op];B[oq];W[nq]LB[qq:A]C[No good follow ups. B should defend for A. ]))(;W[mo]C[If W extends here, ];B[nr]C[It's a bit better for B because];W[op]C[W can't cut B off. ];B[pp];W[or];B[nq];W[oq];B[np]C[W is too thin to fight. ]))(;B[mq]C[If B pushes under, ];W[op];B[pp];W[nq]C[W'd play here, and];B[lp];W[mo];B[lo];W[mn];B[km]C[This is expected, and it'd lead a complicated fighting game. ];W[ml];B[pk]C[like this. ]))(;W[pp]C[If W cuts here right away, ];B[qn]C[Good sequence, and];W[rn];B[so];W[rm];B[op];W[pq];B[qq]C[This blocking is tight. ];W[oq];B[np]C[W can't fight properly here. ]))(;W[ql]LB[qo:A]C[If W plays here without playing at A, ];B[qo]C[This is good, and B'd get a good shape. ];W[rp];B[rq];W[qn];B[sp];W[sn];B[pq]C[Good result for B. ]))

Lee Sedol    Gu Li
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