(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[Won Seongjin]PB[Lee Changho]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2011-02-09]EV[24th Fujitsu Cup]RO[Korean qualifying round]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Lee Changho vs Won Seongjin – 24th Fujitsu Cup]RE[W+Resign]FG[259:]PM[2];B[pd]C[This game was the Fujitsu Cup qualifier.In my opinion, Lee doesn't have to play this qualifier game for the main tournament. The current ranking system in Korea is controversial. Commentary by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[cf];W[fc];B[bd];W[oq];B[co];W[ep];B[po]C[Nothing special so far.];W[qf];B[qi]C[This pincer is still popular.];W[nd];B[pf];W[qc];B[pc];W[pg]C[This variation's been pretty popular since 2008.](;B[of]C[Right choice.];W[qd];B[qg];W[qe];B[pe];W[rg];B[qh]C[Another new joseki];W[cc];B[ci](;W[mp]C[In the game, lower side is more important than the top.];B[kq]C[Lower side is more urgent for B as well.](;W[hq]C[Good choice.];B[ip]C[Light as a feather];W[hp];B[in];W[lq]C[Now, it's necessary.];B[mn]C[Good judgement of Lee. B already reduced W's lower side efficiently, and it's time to seal the centre.];W[kp];B[lo]LB[kn:A]C[Prevent from W's jump at A.];W[jq];B[jd]C[The opening is favourable for B though it's hard to find W's mistake.];W[kg]C[Good sense];B[mg];W[ki];B[mi];W[kk];B[jh];W[kh];B[pb];W[qb];B[lj];W[kj];B[rf]LB[si:A]C[Good timing. This cut prevent from W's monkey jump at A for an endgame.];W[re];B[lm]C[Lee might have thought B is good enough with this.];W[hc]C[Won's typical move. Looks slow but solid.];B[ic];W[hd];B[jf];W[mh];B[nh];W[mf]C[Good combination, but the game is still favourable for B.];B[ld]C[Calm and cool.];W[ng];B[lh];W[lg];B[mh];W[le];B[md];W[nf];B[og];W[jg];B[ke]LB[dm:A]C[Thick and safe, but playing at A is also big.];W[ck]C[No other options for W.];B[ig];W[if];B[hh];W[hk];B[ej]LB[ck:B][kk:A]C[B doesn't want W to connect his groups.];W[dm];B[gk]C[I always say to my students. "don't attach when you attack" However, Lee is doing that, and now I'm confused. :D];W[hi]C[I also say "Try to attach and use your opponents' stones when you're being attacked" Won is doing so.];B[cq];W[cr];B[hl];W[gi];B[eo]C[Good move. Lee wants to simplify the game as he is in the lead.];W[eh]C[Probing move.];B[cj];W[cp];B[do];W[gm];B[ik];W[hj];B[em]C[Cool. It's good enough.];W[gl];B[el]C[B is still leadning, and Lee never lose this sort of winning game in his twenties.];W[bo]C[Profitable exchange.];B[bn];W[qr]C[Big endgame, and there's something more.];B[bq];W[bp];B[dp];W[br]C[Useful exchanges. It's really hard to learn this sort of techniques by yourself.](;B[rh]LB[rr:A]C[B would better play at A.];W[rn]C[What an invasion! This area is spacious than it looks.](;B[pn]C[Correct answer, and it's impossible for W to live inside.];W[rp]C[W is desperate.];B[rq];W[qo];B[qq];W[pp];B[pr];W[nl]LB[ll:A][nn:B]C[A brilliant move. A and B are miai.];B[qn]C[It's calm, and the game is still good for B.];W[ro];B[ql];W[nn];B[lk];W[pl];B[qm]C[Right answer.];W[ll];B[ml];W[kl];B[mm];W[rr];B[pq];W[op];B[sr];W[on]C[Up to here, W destroy B's centre, but B gets the corner and sente. B is still in the lead.];B[ie];W[hf];B[fp];W[eq];B[fo];W[ps]LB[nr:A]C[Nice endgame. This hane prevents from B's jump at A.];B[or];W[nr](;B[rs]C[Correct move.];W[ce](;B[he];W[gf];B[ge]C[B doesn't need to play like this.];W[cg];B[df];W[ch];B[ff];W[ei]LB[gg:B][dk:A]C[Good move. If B answers at A, W can save his three stones with B.];B[gg]C[B captures those stones, but];W[dk]C[The game becomes messy.];B[dj];W[ek];B[bk]C[Good move, but];W[fk]C[W save the dead stone, and the game is complicated.];B[cl];W[dl];B[cm];W[dn];B[cn];W[bi];B[bj];W[bf]C[W captures B's single stone in the corner, and the game gets closer.];B[fj];W[gj];B[fi];W[bh];B[im];W[ho]LB[jn:A]C[Sente. If B doesn't answer, W can attach at A and cut off.];B[io];W[fh];B[iq];W[ir];B[hr];W[gr];B[gh]LB[dg:B][eg:C][dh:A]C[Sente. If W doesn't answer, B-a, W-b, B-c.];W[fg];B[jr];W[hs]C[Necessary];B[hn];W[gn];B[go];W[ji];B[ij];W[ii];B[en]C[B has more liberties.];W[ne];B[fq];W[kr]LB[fr:A]C[Many people would wonder why W doesn't answer at A. It's hard to explain, but I think W's this move is so big, and Won might have thought that one liberty wouldn't change the result for the race. We, pros call it 'the wisdom of winning and losing' in Korean, and I don't know if there's any similar expression in English,];B[fr];W[aq];B[dh];W[ef];B[hg];W[dg];B[an];W[aj];B[ih]C[B eliminate W's one eye, and the game seems to be over.];W[nc];B[nb];W[mb]LB[gk:B][fl:A]C[B suddenly resigned here and observers includng pro players and reporters were wondering why Lee has resigned. I asked about this happening to one of my friends in Korea, and he said, there was a miareading to Lee which is exchanges at atari A and B. Lee thought B should atari sometime at A, and which shortens B's two liberties. That's why he resigned here, but if he keeped playing, he should have found out the right sequence.](;)(;B[oc]C[If B keeps going,];W[na];B[ob];W[mc];B[lc];W[lb];B[kb];W[ka];B[jb];W[al];B[bl];W[ak];B[am];W[ai];B[lf];W[kf];B[km]C[B is winning the race by one liberty. There were lots of chances for B to win, but Lee missed a lot. Even when Lee resigned, the game was almost finished, and Won already knew he'd lose the capturing race. It's unbelievable that Lee misread an easy move. Anyway, Lee Chang-Ho is still the most famous and favourite player to many of Go fans, and it's such a pity we can't watch his playing in Fujitsu Cup this year. Most of Korean Baduk fans want him to be in the international tournaments without any qualifiers, and I don't know if Korean Baduk Association makes an exception for Lee. Thanks. Commented by AN Younggil 8p]))(;B[bf]C[B's right answer'd be here and I can't find anywhere W can catch up the game. When Lee Chang-Ho was in his twenties, his opponents easily gave up their games because nobody thought it was possible to reverse the game against Lee.]))(;B[os]C[If B atari here];W[rs]C[One step ko will happen.]))(;B[ro]C[If B attachs here,];W[qn];B[pn];W[qo]C[There's bad aji]))(;B[eq]C[B should know there's an endgame aji on the left.];W[aq];B[fp];W[bm]C[This is working.]))(;W[lq];B[kp];W[mn]C[This is normal, but];B[gq]C[This extension is so great.]))(;W[kd]C[If W plays on the top,];B[np]C[This shoulder hit is very good,];W[mq];B[lp]C[Any fight from here must be good for B.]))(;B[qe]C[This is also thinkable, but no good in this situation.];W[of];B[pe];W[rg];B[og];W[ph];B[nf];W[re];B[rd];W[pi];B[oe];W[qk]TR[po][qp]C[W's right side is better than normal as B already spent two stones on the bottom right.]))

Won Seongjin    Lee Changho
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