. view offline.hungt1 [2k]: the first kyu promoted to 1p so fasthungt1 [2k]: :oooIzaya1128 [4k]: lol];W[ek]WL[269.586]C[FFFF: how can you live there jyka?];B[ci]BL[60]OB[2]C[NicolaiHel [3k?]: there are no further optionshungt1 [2k]: i need androidNicolaiHel [3k?]: hahahaNicolaiHel [3k?]: i thought the sameNicolaiHel [3k?]: i ve been watchin atleat 5 games per dayhungt1 [2k]: hahahahungt1 [2k]: hey i am at 7th winning strenght and i did not get promoted!];W[bj]WL[223.029]C[NicolaiHel [3k?]: its good for the opening and josekihungt1 [2k]: this is unfair!];B[bi]BL[60]OB[2]C[FFFF: how's the android client by the way?];W[di]WL[215.82]C[NicolaiHel [3k?]: quite nicehungt1 [2k]: its greatNicolaiHel [3k?]: its eitzer smartgo on iphonehungt1 [2k]: but wait for the html clienthungt1 [2k]: its being develop-edNicolaiHel [3k?]: or kgs on androidhungt1 [2k]: can i play kgs on iphone?FFFF: i thought about buying it, but it doesn't seem convinient to play go in cell phonesFFFF: html5?hungt1 [2k]: FFFF , try some hugeness phonehungt1 [2k]: like galaxy s3NicolaiHel [3k?]: yeah but watchin is niceIzaya1128 [4k]: actually i used to play on KGs all the time on my android. Then i got an iphone];B[ej]BL[60]OB[2];W[fj]WL[212.663]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: so that was a sad day];B[ei]BL[60]OB[2]C[TblKBA [1d]: 10'' tablet is good];W[bk]WL[211.324]C[FFFF: i have nitro hd. i think that the screen is as big as galaxy IIhungt1 [2k]: but izaya can u play on igs?NicolaiHel [3k?]: get smartgohungt1 [2k]: iphone is goodNicolaiHel [3k?]: its the best digital teacher there isIzaya1128 [4k]: i dont like IGS's UI on iphoneNicolaiHel [3k?]: no apple sucks wif clientsFFFF: i'll check smartgo. thankslearnfast [2d]: heh];B[fi]BL[60]OB[2]C[hungt1 [2k]: the first 4kyu to beat a pro in even gamehungt1 [2k]: he will be like rapyuta, a legendFFFF: rapyuta?];W[dh]WL[178.436]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: its not evenFFFF: and w is giving him free presents, like santa clausponno [8k?]: it isnt evenhungt1 [2k]: :DIzaya1128 [4k]: do you mean Laputa?hungt1 [2k]: ahhahaha izaya];B[cg]BL[60]OB[2]C[hungt1 [2k]: i get it];W[cq]WL[174.346]C[FFFF: who is laputa?hungt1 [2k]: man laputa is a bad word in spanish];B[dq]BL[60]OB[2]C[hungt1 [2k]: lmaoFFFF: lolponno [8k?]: myiazaki cartoonIzaya1128 [4k]: Watch miyazakiAntiHero [4k]: C3 was pretty sharpIzaya1128 [4k]: ponno...hungt1 [2k]: its called la putaIzaya1128 [4k]: you just made a no-noFFFF: i think i saw myiazakiFFFF: great teacher myiazaki?klausP [7d?]: actually white cant lose this, he would lose to much reputation];W[cp]WL[138.621]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: It is no cartoon. It is animeFFFF: if it's what i'm thinking of, it's quite funnyponno [8k?]: anime=cartoonFFFF: anime is a sort of cartoon if i'm not mistakenVclubFates [-]: f6 Izaya1128 [4k]: lol. what if at the very last second he wins then a troll face appears on all our monitorsIzaya1128 [4k]: Stillhungt1 [2k]: lolIzaya1128 [4k]: There is a differenceFFFF: klaus - review the game, breakfast gave him lot of free treats];B[co]BL[60]OB[2]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: It is derogatory to call anime a cartoon];W[bo]WL[135.236]C[FFFF: it's notIzaya1128 [4k]: yesIzaya1128 [4k]: it isIllyria [?]: w isn't going to lose this gameFFFF: it's like the smurfs, but no anti-semitic and with strange color hair and oversized.. hmm.. body partshungt1 [2k]: b should pay a 9p to finish this game and would be embarasting for breakfast to losehungt1 [2k]: jk];B[cr]BL[60]OB[2];W[br]WL[132.722];B[bq]BL[60]OB[2]C[hungt1 [2k]: was a bad joke];W[bp]WL[128.019]C[FFFF: it was nice actuallyhungt1 [2k]: well thx];B[bs]BL[60]OB[2];W[aq]WL[111.209]C[FFFF: and like they say earlier, it's a teaching game. w is obviously not aiming to play at his besthungt1 [2k]: FFFF, is your nickname related to final fantasy or so?];B[fn]BL[60]OB[2];W[fm]WL[108.062]C[hungt1 [2k]: soo many F's];B[gm]BL[60]OB[2]C[jyka [2k]: b is bad];W[gk]WL[102.771];B[hn]BL[60]OB[2]C[Romeo [3d]: ^ real?];W[hj]WL[60.109]C[hungt1 [2k]: i think i will remember this L7 move foreverhungt1 [2k]: the kyu who played the honinbo move...hungt1 [2k]: maybe i can write a book about it or a mangaxDragon [?]: its almost like a pro is playing a 4k.sinojos [6k]: so much talking during teaching game. and all by three or four people...Izaya1128 [4k]: lolIllyria [?]: b's influence is nullified nowIllyria [?]: so sad];B[eg]BL[60]OB[2];W[re]WL[52.022];B[qe]BL[60]OB[2];W[rf]WL[49.197]C[hungt1 [2k]: everybody should Control+click at L7, and check the result b get after he played m4hungt1 [2k]: The kyu who understand the shusaku move...hungt1 [2k]: good history to make];B[lc]BL[60]OB[2]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: It was coincedence lol];W[fb]WL[37.359]C[jyka [2k]: lee couchetteFFFF: lol, not related to final fantasyhungt1 [2k]: Maybe dore should think in start to make a go carrerhungt1 [2k]: get serious at gohungt1 [2k]: and be a great pro like cho chikun?];B[pf]BL[60]OB[2]C[Euphony [2k]: not coincidence. Such things don't happen in go. Breakfast controlled things, and dore attempted to use that stone.];W[pg]WL[33.637]C[apple789 [9k]: coincidences definitely happen in goEuphony [2k]: At the most, you can say, Dore didn't foresee that sequence, or didn't plan for it. But it's not coincidence.hungt1 [2k]: how he did notjyka [2k]: lord stak is herehungt1 [2k]: it was fixed perfect];B[og]BL[60]OB[2]C[jyka [2k]: my precious];W[qc]WL[31.544];B[qd]BL[60]OB[2];W[of]WL[30.02];B[pe]BL[60]OB[2];W[ph]WL[29.098]C[hungt1 [2k]: my precious ring? Euphony [2k]: Coincidence implies there is no meaning behind the incident, but there is meaning here.apple789 [9k]: what if a computer played randomly and played that moveapple789 [9k]: does it still have meaning?];B[jd]BL[60]OB[2];W[ic]WL[15.351]C[hungt1 [2k]: what if 10 professionals, like top ones like lee sedol says, the l7 was the only move?Izaya1128 [4k]: chance happening: something that happens by chance in a surprising or remarkable waychance happening: the definition of coincedence. So yes it was a coincdenceEuphony [2k]: That would be random, but it would have meaning, imo, because it is go. It would have meaning for the opponent for sureRukis [2k]: there are no coincedencesIzaya1128 [4k]: oops it accidentely pasted the beginning of the definition at the end XDEuphony [2k]: I'm just saying go is different because there is always meaning behind a move.hungt1 [2k]: someone study go history for a job?Izaya1128 [4k]: lolIzaya1128 [4k]: Yes there are coincedencesRomeo [3d]: Instead of focusing on weird moves like L7 you better focus on basics at kyu level. Srsly.Rukis [2k]: ^Izaya1128 [4k]: agreed];B[ng]BL[60]OB[1]C[hungt1 [2k]: but moves like L7 is like fairy tales, we need more things like that :/FFFF: or give a 9d to play a move once in a while];W[kd]WL[6.154]C[FFFF: to slip in a move :)Romeo [3d]: B lost whole bottom right because of bad reading/lack of knowledge of correct josekibaduk8d: l7 is for what?];B[kc]BL[60]OB[1]C[Romeo [3d]: And you keep talking about L7hungt1 [2k]: but i saw some of shusaku on his movehungt1 [2k]: maybe he is saihungt1 [2k]: i am not toya akira anywayxPillow [4k]: did he opt for no handicapsbaduk8d: 2 handiIzaya1128 [4k]: i think you are reading WAY too much into this HungtRukis [2k]: if he was sai or akira Breakfast would have lost];W[je]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: who is l7, everybody talk only about himEuphony [2k]: good point, Romeo.baduk8d: is akira that good?FFFF: why do you want to toy akira?baduk8d: akira doesnt seem that good to me, hes probably like my levelFFFF: this is a family safe place, just a reminderhungt1 [2k]: archaic styleRukis [2k]: ... baduk were talking about the anime];B[ld]BL[60]OB[1]C[Euphony [2k]: I was asking good questions and focussing on the game, until the chat distracted me...baduk8d: lolhungt1 [2k]: lol];W[id]WL[60]OW[5]C[hungt1 [2k]: without imagination we are nothing];B[ik]BL[60]OB[1]C[hungt1 [2k]: b is doing quite wellbaduk8d: or w is going easy on him];W[da]WL[60]OW[5]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: Yes, but there is such a thing as over imagination. Making something that is way too overcomplicated when a simple thing would have sufficed in the first place.hungt1 [2k]: a b2 is doneFFFF: w needs so good tesuji now to expand his potential territory and that's itRukis [2k]: depends on your on definition of complicationhungt1 [2k]: FFFF is making me wanting to play final fantasy i don't know whybaduk8d: but yeah i bet on bsinojos [6k]: point of teaching is not to humiliate opponent, but to teach him somethingRomeo [3d]: Pro can make as many points as he wants in yose =)FFFF: seemsa gottish move];B[cb]BL[60]OB[1]C[apple789 [9k]: why d19baduk8d: sinojos i cant really do that. i dont try to humiliate, i just have an agressive styleRomeo [3d]: d19 is sentebaduk8d: and if i played passively id be the one thats humiliatedhungt1 [2k]: what is humiliatexPillow [4k]: i always kill as mercilessly as possible when i teachbaduk8d: because i dont know how to use a passive stylehungt1 [2k]: someonebaduk8d: xpillow same hereRukis [2k]: c19 was better move herehungt1 [2k]: check my third top game];W[me]WL[60]OW[5]C[hungt1 [2k]: and see what is a annoying stylebaduk8d: hungt humiliate=when you win by so many points your opponent looks bad];B[le]BL[60]OB[1]C[Rukis [2k]: well either way b doesnt get sente];W[mg]WL[60]OW[5];B[nf]BL[60]OB[1];W[mf]WL[60]OW[5]C[hungt1 [2k]: but hungt1 [2k]: baduk8d, isnt that playing your best?];B[ni]BL[60]OB[1]C[FFFF: w is doing high dan complicated tesujis, lolbaduk8d: yes but in a teaching game your supposed to hold back so your opponent who is usually at least 9 stones weaker has a chance];W[kg]WL[60]OW[5]C[baduk8d: basically your supposed to play less agressivelyhungt1 [2k]: i had a teacher who likes to humiliate me all the timehungt1 [2k]: today i don't trust in no one, even in real lifebaduk8d: me too];B[kf]BL[60]OB[1];W[jg]WL[60]OW[5]C[hungt1 [2k]: and i have physicologic and grammar problemsbaduk8d: you seem alrightFFFF: dirty fantasy hungt. you seen that too in those cartoons?Rukis [2k]: english does that to peopleEuphony [2k]: hung, you have problems with logic in physics?hungt1 [2k]: no i am good in thisbaduk8d: but yeah, i once had a 9d teacherbaduk8d: and basically killed everythingFFFF: me tooFFFF: i had a 9d teacher. i slained him];B[jf]BL[60]OB[1]C[hungt1 [2k]: but i had a 10kyu teacherhungt1 [2k]: i was 22khungt1 [2k]: he humiliated me for at least 25 times];W[if]WL[60]OW[5]C[baduk8d: and then you became 10k toobaduk8d: xDhungt1 [2k]: by 0 pointshungt1 [2k]: i get nothing FFFF: it is not the humiliation you are looking forFFFF: how can you attain 0 points? i mean 3-3 and there is already a living group];B[ig]BL[60]OB[1]C[baduk8d: it is possible trust meRomeo [3d]: c19, btw, is not preferred in that shape.Romeo [3d]: C19 is not as sente as d19baduk8d: ive been both the one with 0 points and the one with 361 points];W[gi]WL[60]OW[5]C[Rukis [2k]: i said c19 for for bhungt1 [2k]: when i started to play even to him, he blocked and delet me at the messenger and on go, and then he desapear and never played me again, cus he did not want to be beatenRukis [2k]: not white...];B[ih]BL[60]OB[1];W[ji]WL[60]OW[5]C[hungt1 [2k]: :0FFFF: it's only a game..baduk8d: LOL hungthungt1 [2k]: lolFFFF: you lose, you winRomeo [3d]: After c19 c18 e19 b19 d19 b can ignore, and it's worth about 5 pntsFFFF: no place for egobaduk8d: typical kyuRomeo [3d]: But d19 b can't ignore for surebaduk8d: and dan as welljyka [2k]: w only test b ];B[ii]BL[60]OB[1]C[FFFF: i mean. you know how kghin got so strong at such a young age?];W[ij]WL[60]OW[5]C[baduk8d: he started early?FFFF: no. by being asian!Izaya1128 [4k]: LOLEuphony [2k]: great racism now...];B[jj]BL[60]OB[1]C[baduk8d: i wouldnt consider that racism, id consider that just a stereotype jokeFFFF: it's not racism. it's complimenting himbaduk8d: i mean im asian and im not offended];W[kj]WL[60]OW[5]C[FFFF: wish i was at his level, regardless in what ageEuphony [2k]: ok, yes you're right stereotype joke... but it is flirting on the edge of dangerous...hungt1 [2k]: lets start the topic, being asian already!];B[jh]BL[60]OB[1];W[jk]WL[60]OW[5];B[kh]BL[60]OB[1];W[mi]WL[60]OW[5]C[FFFF: w is not trying to kill or to attain points, just to annoy b a littlehungt1 [2k]: lolhungt1 [2k]: b winshungt1 [2k]: not the game, but for playing the L7];B[lg]BL[60]OB[1];W[mh]WL[60]OW[5]C[pururun [3k]: strong bEuphony [2k]: The review is where the substance will be, because white is playing like a kyu.];B[oi]BL[60]OB[1]C[FFFF: not for playing L7, but for being an unicorn!jyka [2k]: b is not strong, w play a teach game];W[ai]WL[60]OW[5]C[Euphony [2k]: well like a teaching game, not really like a kyu...Izaya1128 [4k]: well b is strong...for a 4 kyubaduk8d: isnt b;s last move rather slowhungt1 [2k]: b should be 1kyubaduk8d: m12 looked fine to meIzaya1128 [4k]: well...he's not THAT strong lolhungt1 [2k]: lolIzaya1128 [4k]: that's a full three stones];B[qj]BL[60]OB[1]C[hungt1 [2k]: r10 fightnining spirit];W[rj]WL[60]OW[5]C[Rukis [2k]: dang b is just leading in yosehungt1 [2k]: fightningbaduk8d: whats a full 3 stones?hungt1 [2k]: he wanted to promote the word fullIzaya1128 [4k]: hungt said b is a 1 kyu lolbaduk8d: i think he could be];B[pj]BL[60]OB[1]C[baduk8d: hard to tell from one gameRukis [2k]: how is r10 fighting? its called reducing];W[qk]WL[60]OW[5]C[baduk8d: c12hungt1 [2k]: well, he played L7, i can retire go, he got better than me :/];B[lj]BL[60]OB[1];W[mj]WL[60]OW[5]C[Romeo [3d]: Not sure if trolling..];B[lk]BL[60]OB[1]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: why do you guys think L7 is the end all be all move?baduk8d: no just not bothering to read];W[nk]WL[60]OW[5];B[pi]BL[60]OB[1];W[rh]WL[60]OW[5]C[Romeo [3d]: Nobody thinks that except for hung, lzaya];B[bh]BL[60]OB[1];W[ca]WL[60]OW[5]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: Ok good.hungt1 [2k]: i am optimistbaduk8d: t19 alsohungt1 [2k]: =)];B[kb]BL[60]OB[1]C[baduk8d: best tesuji ever];W[bb]WL[60]OW[5]C[Izaya1128 [4k]: LOLbaduk8d: its worth -1 points];B[bc]BL[60]OB[1]C[jyka [2k]: and w is not to goodbluetable [-]: i like this resultFFFF: now that's a nice move];W[db]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: is "3p" but not really 3pjyka [2k]: this tittle was a jokehungt1 [2k]: why not];B[cc]BL[60]OB[1]C[hungt1 [2k]: 0obaduk8d: why do you say soFFFF: breakfast is quite strong. look at his gamesIzaya1128 [4k]: jyka...please stop...there is nothing more in go that I hate more than what you are doing now];W[oc]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: just say the trueFFFF: see his teaching games against 7d-9dpururun [3k]: b will get killed if he makes mistake here at top rightjyka [2k]: see his game in tournamentRukis [2k]: no b is finehungt1 [2k]: pururunRukis [2k]: playing solid];B[pc]BL[60]OB[1]C[hungt1 [2k]: b2 bomber can't be killedjyka [2k]: loost vs 6/7 d hungt1 [2k]: this is impossibrujyka [2k]: and he is 3pjyka [2k]: lolIzaya1128 [4k]: I hate it when high kyu or low dans criticize pros or high dans by saying they are not what they are or are weak...you have no right to criticize them. pururun [3k]: ooh >..> your just a guess who marked their name like that -.-gacua [1d]: E7 is the highlight of the game](;B[nb]BL[60]OB[1]C[Rukis [2k]: o.o wow];W[mb]WL[60]OW[5]C[baduk8d: ....baduk8d: youve never played mejyka [2k]: lolEuphony [2k]: wow black in troubleRomeo [3d]: Afaik Breakfast is good at teaching, and that's the only thing that matters in a "teaching" game.Izaya1128 [4k]: Why don't you register baduk8d?baduk8d: i have another account but i wont tell you the namepururun [3k]: b must choose one];B[ob]BL[60]OB[1]C[Rukis [2k]: because your not a high dan :p];W[ne]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: really ? ];B[oe]BL[60]OB[1];W[md]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: my life is not go baduk8d: i use this account because i want privacy];B[hf]BL[60]OB[1]C[jyka [2k]: so i comment what i seeIzaya1128 [4k]: b died?Romeo [3d]: 8 dans never talk, so you're fake =)Izaya1128 [4k]: almost at least.Rukis [2k]: ^jyka [2k]: b is good, that true, but is not a tournament game baduk8d: romeo you talkbaduk8d: so you must be fake too :PRomeo [3d]: Im a lowly 3dais [1k]: jyka are you not 2 kyu?Romeo [3d]: Up to 5d we talkbaduk8d: and why cant 8d talk?Rukis [2k]: strangely high dans dont talk much :obaduk8d: it would be really painful to be quietbaduk8d: rukis i do];W[dr]WL[60]OW[5]C[Romeo [3d]: No one says they can't, it's just that they don't.Romeo [3d]: Usuallybaduk8d: i talk more than a 1kjyka [2k]: not too hard to up dan Rukis [2k]: i only know of a couple who do ];B[ia]BL[60]OB[1]C[jyka [2k]: i don't play enough to have this leveljyka [2k]: that allRomeo [3d]: Imo, that's because instead of kibitzing they do useful stuff, like studying.. or watcing TV, I dunno.sinojos [6k]: censor half a dozen or so and enjoy the game in relative silence. what remains is usually a better level of discussion];W[he]WL[60]OW[5];B[eb]BL[60]OB[1];W[ea]WL[60]OW[5];B[ga]BL[60]OB[1];W[gb]WL[60]OW[5]C[Rukis [2k]: sinojo];B[ha]BL[60]OB[1]C[Rukis [2k]: you could just move the chat box up];W[fa]WL[60]OW[5]C[Rukis [2k]: if you dont like the chat];B[gf]BL[60]OB[1]C[jyka [2k]: its a free game boysbaduk8d: l15baduk8d: jyka all pro games arebaduk8d: pros cant play ranked on kgsjyka [2k]: anyone can play like that is an free gameRomeo [3d]: Well, this just turned funRomeo [3d]: White could die =pbaduk8d: l15jyka [2k]: and know w is dead];W[fg]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: joke Rukis [2k]: pros can play ranked games on hereAsiuKC [-]: koRukis [2k]: their just not labeled projyka [2k]: F14 and deadxPillow [4k]: theyreIzaya1128 [4k]: is he forgetting about m11?>jyka [2k]: tsumegobaduk8d: yes but this ko good for w because if b lose he m14Euphony [2k]: ko?](;B[ff]BL[60]OB[1]C[jyka [2k]: its dead brojyka [2k]: lets seeIzaya1128 [4k]: e13?Izaya1128 [4k]: i mean d13];W[ke]WL[60]OW[5];B[ie]BL[60]OB[1]C[Euphony [2k]: yes!];W[be]WL[60]OW[5]C[AntiHero [4k]: start the ko!Euphony [2k]: I like Black's style.Euphony [2k]: o.opururun [3k]: yeaaaaaa ko fight.... but not manliness one];B[ce]BL[60]OB[1];W[if]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: b cant win this ko jyka [2k]: lost so much heremartin3141 [-]: c6leman [1k]: f8 ];B[cn]BL[60]OB[1];W[lf]WL[60]OW[5];B[ie]BL[60]OB[1];W[jd]WL[60]OW[5]C[leman [1k]: c8 Marek [5d]: c8Marek [5d]: yesFFFF: game overRomeo [3d]: Too bad, b forgot about e12pururun [3k]: oooh >.< the game is getting fierce];B[cl]BL[60]OB[1]C[Romeo [3d]: e12 e11 dead];W[eh]WL[60]OW[5]C[jyka [2k]: noobjyka [2k]: you dont see that jyka [2k]: ahaahbaduk8d: e7myspeed [2k]: this good for wRomeo [3d]: =(vrnBugatti [8k]: w WINpururun [3k]: e7 seems cuteRomeo [3d]: Can't forget such thingsmyspeed [2k]: B crash];B[em]BL[60]OB[1]C[FFFF: e7 FFFF: goodbaduk8d: yay he played my moveIzaya1128 [4k]: it doesnt work :/ais [1k]: d7 FFFF: sente connectionRukis [2k]: b needs to ko on bottombreakfast [3p]: sorryDore [4k]: npvrnBugatti [8k]: ))];W[dg]WL[60]OW[4]C[ais [1k]: f9 ];B[bl]BL[60]OB[1]C[pururun [3k]: oooohEuphony [2k]: Dore could be watching chat for C8 and then E7. This could become collaborative game.leman [1k]: m11 coming];W[li]WL[60]OW[4]C[leman [1k]: =))gacua [1d]: ;)pururun [3k]: crumbling......leman [1k]: i'm almost 3p =)Rukis [2k]: g13 f12 h12 j14 ais [1k]: =)))Rukis [2k]: another ko but for life D:

breakfast    Dore
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