(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Iyama-Yuta-vs Hane-Naoki-20120723]PW[Hane Naoki]PB[Iyama Yuta]WR[9d]BR[9d]DT[2012-07-23]EV[37th Gosei Final]RO[Game 3]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Iyama Yuta vs Hane Naoki – 37th Gosei – Game 3]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[This is the third game of the 37th Gosei final in Japan, between Iyama Yuta (9p) and Hane Naoki (9p).Iyama won the first two games, so if Hane Naoki loses this game, he'll lose the Gosei title.Hane's style of play is gentle and calm. He prefers to play a long territorial game. On the other hand, Iyama prefers a fighting game, as he's confident at fighting and still quite young. In general, younger players tend to be keener on fighting.Iyama won the Honinbo title, defeating Yamashita Keigo, just four days before this game.];W[dc];B[dq]C[Iyama chooses this cross opening.];W[pp];B[ce]C[It's quite rare to see a cross opening like this in professional play these days.];W[dh];B[cj]LB[fc:C][gc:D][ed:B][gd:E][fe:A][df:F]C[There are so many options for black in this position, and this is one of them. Black A-F are also worth considering.];W[fd]C[Hane's style of play. He never rushes.];B[nq]C[Black develops the bottom area quickly. ](;W[do]C[White doesn't answer black in the lower right, but approaches here.];B[co]LB[qn:A][do:B]C[Black can also play at A now, but they both thought that the lower left was more important in this position. It's not easy for white to find a good continuation now, so B would have been better at A instead.](;W[dp]LB[cj:A]C[White chooses this move, but this is generally not proper when there's a black stone at (or around) A. Black's play in the game will show you why.];B[cp];W[eq](;B[dn]LB[cj:A]C[Black should play here when there's a black stone at A.];W[cq]C[There's no other option for white. ];B[dr];W[bq];B[er];W[fp](;B[bp]LB[fo:A]C[Interesting move. This makes the moves that follow more certain than attaching at A first does.];W[cn];B[bn];W[cm];B[fo]LB[dm:B][en:A]C[Good sequence. If white plays atari at A, black would extend at B, and it's troublesome for white. Note that the ladder favors black here.];W[gp]C[Right answer. ];B[en];W[ep];B[br];W[bm];B[aq]LB[cm:A]C[Black takes the corner, and white has to run out with the group at A. ];W[dk]LB[do:A][dp:B]C[The result so far looks playable for both, but it's a bit easier for black to play. As a result, white's moves in the lower left with A and B weren't really a good choice for white.];B[dj];W[ek];B[hn];W[ho]LB[ej:A][ip:B]C[Good attachment. If white plays at A, black would play B and lower side would become pretty big. ];B[io]LB[gn:A]C[Iyama's fighting spirit. Playing A instead is the common shape here, but it looks passive, so black doesn't extend there.](;W[ip]C[Right answer for white. ];B[jo];W[jp];B[ko];W[lq]C[White needs to play here to settle this group down.];B[ej]C[Good timing to come back. Black has the initiative in the game.];W[fk];B[fj];W[hk];B[gj];W[fm];B[go];W[hp];B[gn];W[hl]LB[il:A]C[Playing at this move at A should be a bit better for moving into the center.];B[no];W[pn];B[ii];W[jl];B[ln]LB[in:A][mo:B]C[This reinforcement is needed. Black's trying to repair weaknesses around A and B. Black's play in this game so far has been quite active.];W[oq];B[nr];W[fr]LB[gr:A]C[This move is necessary. If white doesn't play here, black can jump in at A and the white group would be in danger.];B[om]TR[dk][ek][fk][hk][hl][jl][bm][cm][fm][cn];W[ql];B[pk]LB[hk:A]TR[dk][ek][fk][hl][jl][bm][cm][fm][cn]C[Iyama is still aiming at white's group at A. The game's still a bit better for black, and it's hard for white to change the mood.](;W[ll]C[A nice looking jump, but it was a mistake.];B[qk]C[Letting black block is very painful for white.](;W[ol]C[It's time to fight. A good counter attack, but Iyama's already expecting this move.];B[pl];W[pm](;B[nm]LB[nl:A][nn:C][on:B]C[Right answer.];W[nl];B[kk]C[Perfect timing to peep. White is in trouble now.](;W[lk]C[Right answer for white. ];B[kl];W[km];B[kj]LB[jm:A][lm:B]C[This is what black's been aiming at. A and B are miai next.];W[im](;B[lm]C[Right choice. ];W[in]C[White captures black's six stones and it's pretty big, but ];B[mi]C[Black immobilizes white's four stones in the center. The result up to here is still better for black.White is thin and has very little potential for the second half of the game, because most of the white stones on the board are closed off from the center. Compare that to black's stones, which are facing the more open parts of the board.];W[pf](;B[nd]LB[rl:A]C[Iyama's very confident at fighting, but black should play at A first.];W[nj]LB[pf:A]TR[lk][ll][nl][ol]C[White wants to utilize the marked stones. A can be helpful later, which is why white played there first.](;B[oj]C[Right move, but now white can do something with these stones. ];W[lj];B[li];W[ki]C[Good sequence.];B[kh];W[ji];B[jj];W[jh];B[hj];W[ni]C[It's hard for black to attack all of those white stones now. ];B[nk];W[mj];B[ml]TR[kh][li][mi]C[A very good judgement. Even if capturing two stones is small, it's very important.It's white's turn to attack black's marked stones now, but it still doesn't seem to be easy.];W[ne]C[A good tesuji. ](;B[jg]C[Right answer. ];W[md];B[nc](;W[ih]C[White is trying to make the game messy. ];B[nh]C[It's a good answer.];W[qd]LB[oi:A]C[A doesn't work for white yet, so white plays here.];B[qc];W[pe]LB[oi:A]C[White is still aiming at A. ](;B[rd]C[It's a good response. ](;W[od]C[White is trying to manage the situation. ];B[pc];W[mc];B[nb];W[kg]C[Right decision for white. ];B[mh]LB[oi:A]C[Right answer. Black doesn't need to play at A now.];W[lf]LB[nj:A]C[Locally, the result from white A up to here is successful for white, but the game's still favorable for black. White needs to catch up more.];B[rl](;W[rq]C[Proper answer. ];B[cc]C[Big move. ](;W[dd]C[A mistake. ];B[cd](;W[ig]C[Right move, but it's not good enough for white. ];B[ef]C[It's a very good place to play, and the game becomes very simple. ](;W[cb];B[bb];W[db]LB[bb:2][cb:1][db:3][gf:A]C[White 1-3 is a big endgame exchange, but it's another questionable choice.];B[gg];W[ff];B[fg];W[ee];B[df]C[It's too simple for white to catch up now. ];W[mb]C[It's still very big, but ];B[hf]C[Black can easily come in now.];W[id];B[hd];W[hc];B[ie];W[jd];B[rn]C[It's a sente endgame move.];W[or];B[oc]LB[na:A]C[This atari looks small, but it's a kind of reverse sente endgame. If black doesn't play here, white will hane at A.];W[ph]LB[qe:A]C[A mistake. It should be at A. ];B[og]C[White is in trouble now, it's hard to answer this peep. ](;W[qe];B[pg]C[Black chooses a simple way of playing.];W[re];B[qg]C[Black gains some more profit here, and the game's practically over now.];W[rc];B[rb];W[sd];B[sb]C[This descent is necessary. Otherwise, white can hane here.];W[rg]LB[oe:A]C[This attachment is more efficient than A. ];B[rh];W[rf]LB[ri:A]C[Now white can aim at A later.];B[oe];W[sc]LB[nf:A]C[A final losing move. White should extend to A first. Even if white played at A though, white would be stiill behind, but by a smaller margin.];B[gk];W[gl];B[je];W[ke];B[me]LB[sc:A]C[Iyama doesn't miss white's small mistake at A. ];W[nf];B[kd]C[Good tesuji. ](;W[gd]LB[ma:A]C[White defends here, but black is also aiming at A, so];B[ma]LB[nd:D][ne:B][lf:C][nj:A]C[White resigned here.As you can see from the following variations, white is in trouble and it's difficult to answer here.This game seems to have been a one sided winning game for Iyama, but Hane's sabaki from A through to C was wonderful. Attaching at B was an interesting tesuji as well.However, white played some questionable moves afterwards and wasn't able to reverse the game.On the other hand, Iyama showed his confidence at fighting, and he managed the game very well. He made a mistake at D, but he still kept his calm, and didn't allow white to catch up.Iyama Yuta became the new Gosei, defeating Hane Naoki 3-0 in the final.It's a short game, but I hope you to learn some nice tesuji and tactics by watching their play and reading the commentary. Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions.Thanks, An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/];FG[4353:]PM[1](;W[la]C[If white plays here now...];B[le];W[kf];B[lb];W[na];B[lc];W[kb];B[ld];W[ma];B[oa];W[ka];B[jc];W[ic];B[jb]C[White can't fight anymore.])(;W[kc]C[If white plays here instead...];B[ka]C[This is a big endgame move. Black is winning by a large margin.])(;W[kb]C[If white tries this instead...];B[kc];W[lb];B[le];W[kf];B[ic];W[he];B[jc];W[hd];B[ld];W[mf];B[jb];W[ja];B[ia];W[ka];B[hb];W[gb];B[na]C[White is short on liberties.]))(;W[kc]C[If white plays here...];B[ic];W[jc];B[gc]C[Black is aiming at this, and white's territory becomes even smaller.]))(;W[pg]C[If white plays here...];B[oe];W[of];B[nf];W[me];B[oi]LB[od:A]C[White would be in trouble with the ko at A.]))(;W[ff]C[White could attach here, and ];B[fg];W[ee];B[df];W[mb]C[This move is very big.];B[gf];W[he]C[This variation should be better than the actual game. ]))(;W[ef]C[White wants to play here, but ];B[hh];W[ig];B[hg];W[if];B[hf]C[White can't stop black pushing in. ]))(;W[cb]C[White should play here. ];B[dd];W[bc]C[This atari is good, and];B[ec];W[cd];B[db];W[cc];B[ed];W[de];B[ee];W[df];B[hc];W[jc]C[The game is still a bit better for black, but it's more complicated than the actual game, so white will have more chances to catch up.]))(;W[or]C[If white blocks here, ];B[rp]C[This is a good move for black. ];W[rn];B[qo]LB[qn:B][po:A]C[White is in trouble, because A and B are miai. ])(;W[rn]C[If white answers here, ];B[pr];W[qq];B[rr]C[This jump is annoying. ]))(;W[qe]C[If white connects here, ];B[rl]C[This atari is a good timing. ];W[rq];B[od]LB[oi:A][rl:B]C[Black can come back here and (in a similar way to before) A doesn't work for white because of B.]))(;B[od];W[rc];B[rd];W[qe];B[rb];W[oi];B[oh];W[pi];B[ph];W[qi];B[qh];W[rh];B[rg];W[rj];B[sh];W[ri];B[qg];W[rk]C[This is what white wants. ]))(;W[ng]C[If white connects like this...];B[ih]C[Capturing like this makes black very powerful and it would be too hard for white to catch up now.]))(;B[md]C[If black answers here, ];W[mh];B[lh];W[kg];B[lg];W[lf];B[mg];W[ng]C[Black can't escape. ](;B[nh];W[mf])(;B[mf];W[me];B[nh];W[nf])))(;B[ni]LB[rl:A]C[This push doesn't work now, because black didn't play A earlier.];W[oj];B[ph];W[oi];B[oh];W[qj]C[It's a good tesuji. ];B[pj]C[If black tries to resist...];W[pi];B[qi];W[rj];B[rk];W[ri];B[qh];W[rl]C[Black collapses.]))(;B[rl]C[Now is a good time for black to atari here. ];W[rq]C[If white answers here, as in the actual game, ];B[nd]C[Black can play here now, and];W[nj];B[ni];W[oj];B[ph]LB[rl:A][rq:B]TR[nj][oj][lk][ll][nl][ol]C[White can't escape because of the exchange of A for B.]))(;B[in]C[If black connects here...];W[lm]C[White can connect too and it's no good for black.]))(;W[kl]C[If white connects here...];B[ml]C[This wedge is a good follow up, then](;W[mm]C[If white cuts here,];B[oo](;W[mk];B[po];W[qo];B[qp]C[White's corner is in big trouble. ])(;W[po];B[mk]C[White can't play like this. ]))(;W[mk]C[If white plays atari from outside, ];B[mm];W[nk];B[lk]LB[mk:A][ll:B][ln:C]C[Black cuts white and the fight will be good for black, because it will be hard for white to manage both groups (A and B) and black's group at C has better eyeshape than before.])))(;B[nl]C[If black plays here...];W[on]C[White will counter atari, and];B[nm];W[nn]LB[mm:A][mo:B]C[Black's in trouble because the shape is too thin. White can cut around A or B next.]))(;W[pl]C[This is wrong in this case.];B[ol];W[ok]C[If white cuts here, ];B[ml]C[Good tesuji. ];W[oj];B[mk]LB[qi:B][kj:A][pm:C]C[A and B are miai for black, and white should be worried about C as well. ]))(;W[qk]C[White has to answer here. ](;B[pj]C[If black answers, ];W[ll]C[Now, white jumps here. White's bottom right corner is safe. ])(;B[jj]C[If black tries to attack here, ];W[ll]C[This white group is more flexible than it looks.];B[kk];W[kl];B[mk];W[ml];B[nk]C[If black keeps going, ];W[mn];B[mo];W[on];B[nn];W[nm]C[It would become a big capturing race, but this is too risky for black.])))(;W[gn]C[This hane is also conceivable for white.];B[go](;W[hp]C[If white connects here, ];B[gm];W[in]C[White can cut here and capture black's single stone. ];B[hm];W[jo];B[im]C[Black should force here now, and];W[ip];B[ej]C[Then black can come back here, and ];W[fk];B[eh]C[Good move for black. ](;W[hk];B[gj];W[gk];B[jl];W[jk];B[kk];W[jj];B[dg]C[The result is better for black. ])(;W[df]C[If white answers here, ];B[gj]TR[dk][ek][fk][bm][cm][cn]C[White's marked stones are in danger. ]))(;W[fn]LB[eo:A][hp:B]TR[dn][en]C[White can also atari here to capture black's two marked stones. If black connects at A, white would connect at B, and black would be in trouble. So...];B[hp]C[Right move for black. ];W[eo];B[ho];W[em];B[bh]C[The result so far is favorable for black, because black has more territory. White's shape in the lower left is a bit over concentrated. ])))(;B[fo]C[Black can also play here. ];W[gp];B[en];W[ep];B[bp]C[It's about the same as the actual game. ]))(;B[cn]C[This extension would be slack in this case. ];W[kp]LB[fp:C][cq:B][dr:A]C[White would pincer here. White can aim to play A to C later. ]))(;W[cn]C[If white answers here, ];B[cp];W[dn];B[fq]LB[ch:C][cj:A][ej:B]C[It's hard for white to attack the stone at A now. If white caps at B, black attaches at C.]))(;W[qn]C[This answer is normal, but ];B[jp]C[It's also what black wants. White must've wanted to avoid following black's plan.];W[dn]C[White can approach here in this case, and this should be better for white than the actual game.]))

Hane Naoki    Iyama Yuta
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