(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Kim-Jiseok-vs-Lee-Sedol-20130322]PW[Lee Sedol]PB[Kim Jiseok]WR[9d]BR[8d]DT[2013-04-22]EV[18th GS Caltex Cup Final]RO[Game 3]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[This is the third game of the 18th GS Caltex Cup final, between Kim Jiseok 8p and Lee Sedol 9p. It was played on April 22, 2013. Kim Jiseok won the first two games of the best of five final on April 16 and 17, he only had to win this game to win the 18th GS Caltex Cup.Lee Sedol is ranked #1 in Korea, and Kim Jiseok is ranked #3.Even after Kim won the first two games, their head to head record still stood at 12-6 in Lee’s favor. Things would become more interesting if Lee won this game.Both Lee and Kim like fighting, but Kim is more of an infighter.The time limit for this game was 10 minutes 3 x 40 seconds byo-yomi.]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[Kim Jiseok plays black. ];W[dd];B[qp];W[dq];B[oq];W[qf];B[nc];W[rd]C[This opening is becoming popular again! ];B[fc](;W[cf](;B[qh]LB[cf:A]C[This pincer is normal after white's knight's move at A. ];W[qc];B[qe];W[re];B[pf];W[pg];B[qg];W[rf];B[og]C[This is a joseki.];W[jp]C[This extension isn't only big, it's also a ladder breaker.];B[pj]LB[oe:B][of:C][ph:A]C[Capturing at A is also possible. This knight's move is better for the right side, but white may exploit B or C later.];W[co]LB[jp:A]C[This enclosure is good in combination with A.];B[fe]LB[id:A][jd:B]C[This jump is more active than extending at A or B.](;W[di]C[The opening is peaceful so far. ](;B[eg];W[dh]TR[fh][gi][hj][ik][jl][km]C[Can you see the junction line between black and white's frameworks? In a battle of competing moyos, it's often good to play near the junction line, because it increases your potential while reducing the other player's.](;B[hi]LB[hh:A][ih:B][ii:C]C[Black enlarges the top and center area. It's hard to judge which move is best in this sort of situation. The moves from A-C are also conceivable.];W[jd]C[White can't wait any longer to invade, or black will turn the top area into territory.];B[jf];W[hc]C[White tries to settle inside. ];B[kc]C[Black doesn't let white settle easily.];W[jc];B[kb];W[hf]TR[fc][fe][jf][eg][hi]C[Black's surrounding stones aren't perfect, and white tries to move out.];B[de]C[This is a tesuji. ];W[ce];B[dc]LB[de:A]C[This is a good move in combination with A.](;W[ed]C[This is the right move for white. ];B[fd](;W[cc]C[Blocking here is best.];B[gg]C[This jump is calm and nice. It's hard for black to capture white's whole group at the top, but it's not easy for white to live on the inside either.];W[hg];B[hh];W[jg]C[White tries to get out.];B[kg];W[gf];B[ff];W[gh];B[fg];W[jh];B[kh](;W[kf]C[This cut is sharp. ];B[ke];W[ji](;B[je]C[This is the right move for black. ](;W[ie]C[Lee's very good at this sort of close combat, but Kim's reading is also quick and accurate. ];B[hd];W[id];B[ig]C[Both players are very confident about their reading, so they don't hesitate to fight.];W[if];B[ih]C[Black eventually cuts white in two, and the game becomes even more exciting. ];W[gb];B[fb];W[ib]C[This shape will lead to ko.];B[jb];W[kd];B[le];W[ld](;B[mc]C[Answering here is necessary.];W[md];B[mf];W[gd]C[It's ko. ];B[ge];W[he];B[gc];W[ha];B[hd];W[nd];B[pc]LB[pb:C][oc:A][od:B]C[This is the best response. It's better than playing at A or B in terms of territory and now C will be sente against white's top right corner later.];W[gi];B[hj];W[gd];B[fa];W[ga];B[hd];W[of]C[This cut is a good ko threat. ](;B[pe]C[This answer is correct. ];W[gd];B[gj](;W[fi]C[Lee doesn't want to compromise. ];B[hd];W[ng];B[oe];W[gd];B[cb]C[Black's short of ko threats.](;W[ec]C[But this atari was a mistake. After white played here, black gained many ko threats in the top left.];B[hd];W[nf];B[ne];W[gd];B[bc];W[db];B[hd];W[ob]C[This was a very good ko threat.];B[oc]LB[pb:A]C[It leaves a big endgame move at A.];W[gd];B[bd]C[This was a good ko threat for black.](;W[bb]LB[ec:A]C[Black still has more ko threats after this. It all because white played A.];B[hd];W[me];B[lf];W[gd];B[cd];W[hd]C[White eventually ends the ko, because there are so many ko threats that black can make now.];B[dc];W[mg];B[ki](;W[jj]C[This extension was necessary.];B[kj];W[jk];B[kk];W[jl];B[kl];W[jm](;B[pb]C[This shows Kim's fighting spirit!];W[cc];B[eb]C[It's still a ko. ];W[ca];B[ee];W[dc];B[da];W[ea];B[cg]C[This was a good ko threat.](;W[bg]C[This was the right answer. ];B[da];W[oh]LB[qb:A]C[Lee doesn't want to answer at A, but he chose a rather adventurous move.];B[cb]LB[oh:A]C[This is the only move. Black can't answer A, because that move isn't a proper ko threat.];W[oj];B[ok];W[nk]C[Another fight's just begun. ];B[oi];W[nj];B[ni];W[pi](;B[qi];W[mi];B[ph];W[nh];B[pi];W[ml]C[The game's very complicated, but it seems to be better for white.];B[lm];W[ol];B[pk](;W[mj]C[This is very Lee Sedol-ish move. It's unnecessary, but it's very severe.];B[mn];W[lg];B[kf];W[nn]LB[lk:A]C[White has half an eye (at A), and Lee seems to be very confident about this fight.];B[no];W[on];B[pm]C[Kim's also very fierce to attack this white group. ](;W[qm]C[This was a good tesuji. ](;B[pl];W[pn];B[om];W[nm];B[pp]C[This was the strongest move to attack white.];W[rl];B[ro];W[rn](;B[rj]C[This is the proper answer for black. ];W[rk]C[White makes an eye.];B[rb]TR[qc][rd][re][qf][rf][qg][ph][qh][ni][oi][pi][qi][pj][rj][ok][pk][pl][om][pm]C[Black tries to capture the white's corner stones, in order to save his own marked stones.];W[rg];B[rh];W[si]LB[og:A]C[This is a capturing race, but there's a ko at A. ];B[sh];W[qk];B[og];W[qo];B[rp];W[pg];B[po]C[This ko threat doesn't work.](;W[og];B[qn];W[nl]LB[mm:A]C[The move at A would have still worked for white. Lee missed a really good chance to finish the game here.];B[sn]LB[qj:A]C[Black has one more liberty at A, and it changed the result of the capturing race.];W[qo];B[mh];W[lh];B[qn](;W[km]C[It's a very big ko threat. ];B[rm]C[But, black can't afford to answer, because white has more ko threats. ];W[ll]TR[ad]C[The big battle ended with a huge trade. Black got the right side, and white got the center. The game's still favorable for white.];B[dk]C[Black has to come in here and try to catch up.];W[fk];B[cn]C[It's a good idea to attach to settle on the inside.];W[bn];B[bm];W[dn];B[cm];W[bo];B[bi]TR[bg][dh][bi][di]C[This is the vital point in white's shape.](;W[bh]C[This move was right, but there're some bad aji around here for white. ];B[fj];W[ej];B[ek]C[This cut is good time. ];W[fl];B[bk]C[Black gets good shape, but white's still ok.];W[ci];B[en]C[This attachment is to prepare ko threats in advance.](;W[em]C[This is a good answer, and there's no special move for black now. ];B[cj]C[Black needs to come back here, and ](;W[ai]C[This atari looks natural, but it was the losing move.];B[aj];W[bj];B[ei];W[eh];B[bi];W[qb];B[qa];W[bj];B[do];W[dm];B[bi];W[ra];B[sa];W[bj];B[fm]C[This was a good ko threat.](;W[el];B[bi];W[pa];B[oa];W[bj];B[eo]C[Black can make so many ko threats from this connection, and the game's practically over here. ];W[dj];B[bi];W[sm]C[This was a really big ko threat, but];B[ah]C[Black didn't answer.];W[rn];B[gm]TR[ce][cf][bg][bh][dh][eh][gh][ci][di][fi][gi][dj][ej][fk][el][fl][dm][em][dn]C[White's marked stones are all dead by now.];W[so];B[rc];W[qj];B[qd];W[ql];B[fp]C[It's enough to win. ];W[dp];B[fr]C[The game's practically over. Black's winning by about 15 points on the board, and there's nowhere for white to reverse the game anymore.];W[mp];B[mr];W[lr];B[sd];W[sg];B[se];W[ri];B[mq]TR[sd][se]C[Kim was sure that he was winning, so he played simply at the bottom. The marked forcing moves were played to gain time during byo-yomi.];W[lq];B[ja];W[ia];B[mo];W[np];B[oo];W[ms];B[or];W[hr];B[bq];W[fq]C[White is desperate. ](;B[cp]LB[eq:A][gq:B]C[This cut is clearer than an atari at A or B.];W[dg];B[fh];W[be]C[There's some aji, and white tries to exploit it.];B[af];W[ag];B[ae];W[ai];B[bj];W[ep]C[Lee's still doing his best to reverse the game, but it's a bit too late. ];B[fo];W[am]C[It's quite tricky to answer to this sort of move in byoyomi.](;B[cl]C[This was the right answer.];W[gp];B[gq];W[eq](;B[go]C[This atari was right. ];W[dl];B[ck];W[al];B[gl];W[cq];B[gr];W[hp];B[hq];W[iq](;B[cr]C[This hane is the finishing blow.];W[bp];B[er](;W[dr];B[ds];W[cp];B[ir];W[hs];B[es]LB[jd:A][og:B][ai:C]C[White resigned here. With this win, Kim Jiseok won the 18th GS Caltex Cup, defeating Lee Sedol 3-0. It's was a highly unexpected result, but Kim demonstrated his reading ability against Lee Sedol.Kim was promoted to 9p after winning this title.It was a very exciting and thrilling game. After white went into black's area at A, neither player stopped fighting until the very end of the game.White missed a very good chance to finish the game at B, and the C was the losing move.Kim Jiseok was behind for most of the game, but he never gave up. He kept tring to make the game complicated, and eventually reversed the game.On the other hand, Lee managed the whole game wonderfully, but he missed several good chances. It looks as if he's in slump.Congratulations to Kim Jiseok!I hope you'll enjoy this marvelous game more with this commentary, and please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions.Thanks,Commented by An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/](;W[br]C[If white cuts here, ];B[gs]C[Black can atari and live. ])(;W[gs]C[If white plays here, ];B[br];W[jr];B[ap]C[Black can capture white's group. It's another one eye vs no eye capturing race.]))(;W[br]C[White can easily live like this, but];B[dr];W[aq];B[ir]C[Black can live too, and there's nowhere left for white to catch up, so black would win.]))(;B[bp]C[Black should be careful not to connect here,];W[br]TR[bp][cp][bq]C[Black's corner's captured. ]))(;B[cq]LB[go:A]C[If black doesn't atari at A,];W[go];B[fn];W[gl];B[hm];W[hl]C[White can save the dead stones, and the game's over. ];B[ei];W[dl];B[ck];W[al]LB[ah:A]C[Now black would have to fight a ko at A, but this isn't a good result for black.]))(;B[al]C[If black answers here, ];W[cl];B[bl];W[dl]TR[dk][ek]C[The game would be reversed. ])(;B[gl]C[If black blocks here, ];W[dl];B[ck];W[bl]C[It's a catastrophe.]))(;B[eq]C[If black ataris here, ];W[fn]C[White can cut here, and];B[gn]LB[gl:A]TR[fk][el][fl][dm][em][dn]C[Black needs to atari here because otherwise white can save the marked stones with A. Next...];W[dg];B[fh];W[be];B[af];W[ag];B[ae];W[ai];B[bj];W[am];B[cl];W[ep];B[fo];W[dl];B[ck];W[al];B[gl];W[gq];B[cp]C[Cutting here doesn't work anymore, because white's already prepared for it.];W[cq];B[bp];W[br]TR[bp][cp][bq]C[Black's marked stones are captured because of white's forcing exchanges.];B[ap]C[If black plays here,];W[an]LB[ak:B][bl:A]TR[ap][bp][cp][bq]C[White can just connect and black can't play at A or B right away (it's self-atari) so there's no way to save the marked stones.]))(;W[fn]C[If white answers here,];B[bi];W[hk];B[ah](;W[dg]C[This move is necessary for white.];B[jr]C[Black lives in sente on the left side, and plays here. The game's very close, but it's slightly better for black.];W[iq];B[ir];W[hr];B[kp];W[hq];B[jq];W[jo];B[lo]C[Black's winning by around 10 points on the board.])(;W[kq]C[If white tenukis, ];B[dg];W[ch];B[fh];W[ei];B[bf]C[This cut still works.];W[be];B[ag];W[af];B[ai]C[White dies. ])))(;W[dm]C[White must connect here, and the game's still good for white.];B[ei];W[eh];B[dg]C[Black should try to fight the capturing race like this.](;W[ch]C[If white just connects, ];B[dj];W[ei](;B[bf]C[This cut is good, and ];W[be];B[ah];W[af];B[ai];W[hk];B[ag]C[White loses the race. ])(;B[ah]C[If black hanes here, ];W[bf]C[This connection is good. White has five liberties while black has four.]))(;W[ai]C[This atari is right for white. ](;B[bj];W[ch];B[dj];W[ei];B[bf];W[be];B[ah];W[af]LB[ai:A][bj:B]C[White can win the capturing race because of the exchange of A for B.])(;B[aj]C[Black should still make a ko, but];W[bj](;B[li]C[This is the only ko threat for black. ];W[mh];B[bi];W[qb]LB[mh:B][li:A]C[Then this becomes a very good ko threat, because the exchange of A for B removed one liberty from black's dead stones.];B[ah]C[Black can't answer, because black doesn't have any other big ko threats.];W[pa]TR[jb][kb][pb][kc][mc][nc][oc][pc][pd][ne][oe][pe][qe][pf]C[Black can't save the marked group at top. ];B[nb];W[oa];B[na];W[qa];B[ja]C[This move isn't sente anymore. ];W[la];B[ia];W[hb]LB[li:A][dm:B]TR[ic][lc][od]SQ[lj][lk]C[Black's top group can't make two eyes and black's winning the capturing race 3 liberties to 2. That's because black lost one liberty when he played his only big ko threat at A.In conclusion, playing at B would have been good for white.])(;B[fh]C[This ko threat isn't big enough anymore.];W[ak];B[ei];W[fi]C[The game's good for white. It would be close without komi.])))))(;W[dm]C[If white answers here, ];B[em];W[el];B[dl];W[do];B[gm]TR[fk][el][fl]C[White's marked stones would be captured.]))(;W[cj]C[If white plays here,];B[fj];W[ej];B[ek]C[This cut is good, and ];W[fl];B[ck]C[Black can settle on the left side. ];W[bj]C[If white tries to cut black off, ];B[dj];W[ei];B[ci]TR[bj][cj]C[Black can capture the two marked stones.];W[ch];B[bk];W[em]C[White needs to spend one more move here, and ];B[jr]C[Black's slide here is very annoying for white, and the game's slightly better for black. This isn't a good result for white.]))(;W[rm]C[If white connects here, ];B[qo]C[Black can connect here, and white can't win the capturing race now. ](;W[sk];B[sj];W[qj];B[ri];W[sg];B[sm]LB[ql:A]C[White can't approach at A, so white loses the race.])(;W[sj];B[sk];W[sl];B[ri];W[sk];B[so];W[sg];B[sm]TR[qc][rd][re][nf][of][qf][rf][lg][mg][ng][og][pg][rg][sg][lh][nh][oh][mi][mj][nj][oj][nk][ml][nl][ol][nm][nn][on][pn]C[Locally this would be a seki, but since white's outside groups are now dead, black would capture everything on the right side.])))(;W[mm]C[White could play like this, and ];B[ln];W[og]C[Now white can end the ko.];B[qn];W[qj]LB[nl:A]C[Taking at A isn't sente for black anymore.];B[sn];W[qo];B[mh];W[lh];B[qn];W[ql];B[rm];W[sj];B[li];W[mh];B[nl];W[ri];B[mk];W[ol];B[ja];W[ia];B[nl];W[lk];B[lj];W[ol]C[There are no more big ko threats for black, so black would die and the game would be over.]))(;B[rk]C[If black attaches here, ];W[rj]C[This attachment is good, and ];B[qk];W[rg];B[og];W[sk];B[rh];W[pg]C[Black's short of ko threats.]))(;B[qn]C[If black hanes here, ];W[pn]C[This cut is good, and ];B[ql];W[rm];B[rn];W[mm];B[lo];W[pl];B[rl];W[sm]C[White's practically alive. ];B[lk]C[If black tries to kill this white group,];W[pp];B[pq];W[op];B[np];W[qq]C[Here's black's weakness. ];B[rp];W[qr];B[rr];W[nq]C[Black can't keep fighting.];B[nr];W[mq];B[pr];W[mr];B[qs];W[kn];B[ln];W[mp];B[mo];W[kp]TR[je][ke][le][jf][kf][lf][mf][kg][kh][ki][kj][kk][lk][kl][lm][ln][mn][lo][mo][no][np]C[It's a one eye vs no eye capturing race, which means white will when and black's marked stones will die.]))(;W[pl];B[ql];W[qm]C[Cutting directly like this isn't a good idea. ];B[om];W[nl];B[qn];W[rm];B[rl];W[pn];B[rn];W[nm];B[pm]C[White's whole group is in danger.])(;W[qo]C[This move is usually a tesuji too, but in this case];B[oo]C[Black can push here, and](;W[pn];B[qm]C[After black extends here it looks better than the game for black.])(;W[qm]C[If white tries to get to the key point first,];B[pn];W[pl];B[ql]LB[nm:A][om:B]C[White's short of liberties and it's no good. Black can atari at A or B next, for example.])))(;W[nn]C[If white plays here instead, ];B[mj]C[Black can squeeze, starting with this cut, and];W[lj];B[mh];W[lh];B[li];W[mk];B[lg];W[mh]LB[kf:A][og:B]TR[qg][ph][qh][ni][oi][pi][qi][pj][ok][pk]C[Now black's made an eye in sente and capturing at B will also be sente (which helps the marked stones).]))(;B[mi]C[If black tries to cut white, like this];W[qj]C[White will atari, and];B[ph];W[pk]LB[qb:A][rh:B]C[White can make shape in black's right side moyo and save the corner at the same time, because A and B are miai now.]))(;W[dg]LB[da:D][df:B][bg:A][cj:C]C[If white answers here, black will aim to play A-C later, after winning the ko at D.]))(;B[cc]C[Black can end the ko, but then];W[pb]C[This move is sente, and it's really big. ];B[ph];W[dl]C[The game's favorable for white.]))(;W[cc]C[If white takes the ko, ];B[jj]TR[jg][jh][ji]C[Black will capture white's center stones. ];W[ca]C[White can capture the whole corner, ];B[pb];W[qb];B[lp]TR[fa][fb][bc][fc][gc][bd][cd][fd][de][fe][ge][ff][eg][fg][gg]C[Although the marked stones are all dead, the game's still quite even. Black's right side is huge.]))(;W[cd]LB[da:A]C[Even if white answers here, black still can get some more ko threats by playing A, and that's annoying for white.]))(;W[hd]C[White should have just eliminated the ko at this point.];B[bc](;W[bd]C[White can play here to make another ko, and this one is less risky for white.];B[cd];W[jk];B[cc];W[il]TR[ig][hh][ih][hi][gj][hj]C[Black's marked stones are under attack, and the game's ok for white.])(;W[cd];B[ec]C[This is what black wants, but (see the variation(])))(;W[hd];B[fi]C[Even if white lives at the top, it's not a satisfactory result for white. The game's playable for black.]))(;B[ph]C[If black captures a stone,];W[oe];B[pe];W[nf]C[This is annoying, and white can get many ko threats by playing like this.](;B[ng]C[If black answers here, ];W[me];B[lf];W[od]TR[fa][fb][dc][fc][gc][fd][hd][de][fe][ge][ff][eg][fg][gg]C[White can even live inside, and black's top group is in deep trouble.])(;B[od]C[Black should play here, but ];W[ng]C[These moves can be all ko threats, and it's too bad for black. ];B[nh];W[mg];B[li]C[White will have too many ko threats.])))(;B[gc]LB[mc:A]C[If black doesn't answer at A, ];W[mc];B[mb];W[nb]C[Cutting here is a good tesuji.];B[lc];W[md](;B[oc]C[If black extends here, ];W[ma];B[lb];W[nd]LB[ob:A][pc:B][oe:C][pe:E][lf:D]C[Pushing here is good. If black answers at A or B, white can peep at C (which makes miai of D or E).];B[od]C[Black can think about answering here, but ];W[oe]C[This is sente, and ];B[lf];W[gi];B[hj];W[pe]LB[ob:B][ne:A]C[If black plays at A, white can play at B, so];B[ob];W[nf]LB[qd:B][ph:A]TR[fb][dc][fc][gc][fd][hd][de][fe][ff][eg][fg][gg]C[White can connect like this. (A and B are miai for white). Black's marked stones are in trouble.])(;B[ob];W[nd];B[oc];W[oe]LB[pe:B][lf:A]C[This peep is good, and A and B are miai for white.])))(;W[if]C[If white answers here, ];B[ie];W[he];B[hd]C[Black can cut like this. ]))(;B[ie]C[If black still tries to cut, ];W[he];B[ig];W[if];B[je];W[id]C[This answer is good. ];B[ih];W[gi];B[hj];W[gb];B[fb];W[ib]TR[fb][dc][fc][fd][fe][ff][eg][fg][gg]C[White's alive, and black's marked stones are in deep trouble. ];B[ha]C[Even if black tries to steal white's eye shape, ];W[ga];B[ia];W[jb];B[ja];W[hb];B[ka];W[kd];B[le];W[lc]C[It doesn't work for black. ]))(;W[ji]C[If white just extends here, ];B[ie]C[Black can peep here, and ];W[he];B[ig]C[Wedge here to cut. ];W[if];B[hd];W[ih];B[ge];W[ig];B[id]TR[hc][jc][jd]C[White's top stones are cut off. ]))(;W[ec]C[Playing like this would be too much for white.];B[eb];W[db];B[fb];W[cc]C[White can take the corner territory, but ];B[ie]TR[hc][jc][jd][hf]C[White's marked stones become weaker. ]))(;W[cc]C[White shouldn't answer here, because];B[ed]C[Black can atari here in sente, and ];W[cd];B[ie];W[he];B[hd]TR[hc][he][hf]C[Black can cut white in two.]))(;B[jd]C[Playing here is too passive. ];W[gi]TR[dh][di][co][jp][dq]C[You can see that white's lower left area is even bigger than black's top. ]))(;B[dg]C[If black still presses here now,];W[cg];B[dh];W[ch];B[ei];W[ej]LB[di:A]C[White's move at A becomes a hane, so it's better than before for white.]))(;W[db]C[Sometimes white secures the corner after black jumps, but];B[dg]LB[dg:A]TR[fc][nc][pd][fe][pf][og][pj]C[In this game, black would press at A and enlarge his center moyo.]))(;B[jd]C[This extension is no good, because ];W[qc]TR[dd][cf]C[White doesn't need to answer on the left side.]))(;W[df]C[If white answers here, ];B[jd]LB[ch:A][qh:B]C[Black will play here. A and B are miai for black next.]))

Lee Sedol    Kim Jiseok
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