(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[NZ]SZ[19]KM[7.00]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2013-06-15]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[fc];W[id]LB[cc:B][fe:A][he:E][cf:D][df:C](;B[gf](;W[fd]TR[df]C[it's hard to attack black (can't separte) so tobi would be better : calm move ](;B[ec];W[ed](;B[dc];W[gd]C[white should take the corner because black already have a stone near white wall];B[cc];W[cd];B[cg];W[ci];B[ck]C[black should have played here without the previous exchange or should play a tobi to save his stone];W[dh]TR[dj]C[kosumi the other side to attack black single stone is better];B[ej]LB[bc:C][bd:A][be:B][cf:D]C[black can make the A - D exchange in sente (10 points for black and 3 for white) and his bad move becomes a good one](;W[fh]C[white can also play the keima];B[hi](;W[hh]C[white should separate black stones](;B[cn];W[fq];B[bp];W[cq];B[en]C[black should play the shimari at the bottom right];W[gc];B[gb];W[hb])(;B[gi];W[gh];B[cj];W[bi];B[cn];W[fq];B[bp];W[cq]LB[en:A][qo:B]C[black will not jump at A like this but would enclose the corner at B]))(;W[gj];B[gi];W[fi];B[fj];W[gk]))(;W[fi];B[ei];W[eh];B[fh];W[gi];B[fg];W[ef]))(;B[gd];W[gc];B[hc];W[gb];B[hb]C[if black connects, white would be happy to give one stone and take two];W[ge];B[hd];W[he];B[ie];W[hf]C[good for white : leaving the single stone is better than try to save it for now]))(;B[gd];W[fe];B[ge];W[ec];B[fb];W[eb];B[ic];W[jc];B[ib]LB[bd:A]C[white corner is big but it's easy to reduce white : so the result is good for black])(;AE[id][gf]C[in the joseki];B[gd];W[fe]LB[eb:C][dc:B][ec:A][ge:D]C[blacks plays A to C and not D];B[ge];W[ec];B[fb];W[gf]C[now, white would play the hane upside and will not descend]))(;W[df]C[black does not have good continuation];B[db];W[ec];B[eb];W[fd]))(;B[fe];W[df];B[db];W[cc];B[ib]C[simple joseki])(;B[cc](;W[dc];B[cd];W[de];B[db];W[eb];B[cb];W[ec];B[cf];W[fd]C[white should tenuki and play a bigger move])(;W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[ec];W[fd];B[gd];W[ge];B[he];W[hd];B[gc];W[gf];B[cj]C[result is good for white unless he has a stone where black has played or at the hoshi]))(;B[cf];W[fd])(;B[df];W[fd];B[gd];W[fe];B[ec];W[de];B[dc]C[sometimes it's better to play a keima];W[cf]LB[ge:A]C[or white can enclose black with A])(;B[he];W[gd];B[hd];W[gc];B[hc]C[black does not need to worry because black can still invade white's corner]))

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