(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]EV[Internet Go Server game: AliJ93 vs Roln]US[Brought to you by IGS PANDANET]CoPyright[ Copyright (c) PANDANET Inc. 2016 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice.]GN[AliJ93-Roln(B) IGS]RE[W+Resign]PW[AliJ93]WR[6d?]NW[34]PB[Roln]BR[6d?]NB[34]PC[IGS: igs.joyjoy.net 6969]DT[2016-09-28]SZ[19]TM[3600]KM[6.500000]LT[]RR[Normal]C[ AliJ93 6d?: Hi Roln 6d?: hi, have a nice game];B[pd]BL[3583]C[ AliJ93 6d?: Have a nice game AliJ93 6d?: Hi!];W[dp]WL[3575];B[pq]BL[3573];W[dd]WL[3571];B[cf]BL[3545];W[fc]WL[3565];B[bd]BL[3542];W[cc]WL[3562];B[ci]BL[3541];W[qo]WL[3560];B[pl]BL[3539];W[op]WL[3555];B[oq]BL[3515];W[np]WL[3552];B[mq]BL[3515]C[ Lumia920 4d?: r3 gerushka 5d+: cant r3 gerushka 5d+: need ladder gerushka 5d+: maybe d12 first Lumia920 4d?: ohc cause of the ladder Lumia920 4d?: :(];W[dh]WL[3456]C[ Lumia920 4d?: appearantly];B[ch]BL[3500];W[qq]WL[3454];B[fq]BL[3455]C[ Lumia920 4d?: game's pace is quite fast Lumia920 4d?: i'm not sure b can tenuki r3 Lumia920 4d?: maybe this is punishable];W[nq]WL[3406];B[nr]BL[3452];W[mr]WL[3403];B[lr]BL[3450];W[or]WL[3401];B[ms]BL[3449];W[pr]WL[3399];B[cn]BL[3447];W[fp]WL[3378]C[ gerushka 5d+: unexpected];B[gp]BL[3444]C[ Lumia920 4d?: looks not so bad for b gerushka 5d+: but i think b shouldve chosen d6];W[fo]WL[3333]C[ gerushka 5d+: amir started his game];B[dq]BL[3409];W[cq]WL[3324];B[eq]BL[3404]C[ gerushka 5d+: b4];W[bp]WL[3303]C[ Lumia920 4d?: i would too];B[qf]BL[3398]C[ Lumia920 4d?: q18 now maybe Lumia920 4d?: or r10 Lumia920 4d?: i think i'd q10 here gerushka 5d+: l17 probably best gerushka 5d+: or maybe d14 first Lumia920 4d?: hmmm q18 is also tempting];W[nc]WL[3083]C[ gerushka 5d+: oh thats a good idea Lumia920 4d?: p17 o16 l16?];B[pb]BL[3243];W[kd]WL[3054];B[ic]BL[3239];W[jc]WL[3036];B[id]BL[3179];W[df]WL[3032];B[jf]BL[3171];W[ce]WL[3029];B[le]BL[3165];W[cg]WL[3026];B[di]BL[3156]C[ gerushka 5d+: lol Lumia920 4d?: hmm? gerushka 5d+: wai shma ive become a chef gerushka 5d+: yesterday ive made pargiot gerushka 5d+: today hamburgers gerushka 5d+: but real ones];W[ne]WL[2815]C[ Lumia920 4d?: wow Lumia920 4d?: i wanna eat now Lumia920 4d?: q15 soon gerushka 5d+: ali is leading territory wise gerushka 5d+: but this fight probably gonna get b some stuff Lumia920 4d?: if he lives without too much sacrifice gerushka 5d+: its always nice to see ilya fighting though];B[nf]BL[2885];W[pe]WL[2767]C[ Lumia920 4d?: knew it Lumia920 4d?: this move is just too good in this shape];B[od]BL[2835];W[me]WL[2443];B[oe]BL[2832];W[mf]WL[2432];B[ld]BL[2790]C[ gerushka 5d+: wow gerushka 5d+: so aggressive];W[lc]WL[2395];B[md]BL[2789];W[nd]WL[2358];B[mc]BL[2788];W[mb]WL[2239];B[lb]BL[2600];W[ob]WL[1861];B[ma]BL[2567];W[of]WL[1795];B[ng]BL[2543];W[nb]WL[1598];B[kc]BL[2373];W[pc]WL[1594];B[qd]BL[2367];W[qc]WL[1589];B[rc]BL[2272];W[rb]WL[1585];B[rd]BL[2272]C[ Lumia920 4d?: q19 Lumia920 4d?: or t18?];W[pa]WL[1512]C[ gerushka 5d+: what gerushka 5d+: why not t18];B[mh]BL[2220]C[ Lumia920 4d?: i kind of understand gerushka 5d+: yeah but still Lumia920 4d?: so b can't close the terr with pressuring p18 group Lumia920 4d?: idk how to explain];W[eh]WL[1462];B[ei]BL[2214];W[ep]WL[1444];B[hp]BL[2207];W[cl]WL[1429];B[co]BL[2194];W[cp]WL[1421];B[en]BL[2148];W[ek]WL[1345]C[ Lumia920 4d?: the main problem is that c3 is not alive yet gerushka 5d+: nice move];B[fm]BL[2124]C[ gerushka 5d+: beautiful shape];W[fi]WL[1329];B[ck]BL[2047];W[dk]WL[1281]C[ Lumia920 4d?: b8];B[fj]BL[1982];W[dm]WL[1270]C[ gerushka 5d+: this is great];B[dn]BL[1841]C[ Lumia920 4d?: f10 is terrible];W[fk]WL[1129];B[gj]BL[1838]C[ Lumia920 4d?: answer];W[ej]WL[1113];B[gk]BL[1823]C[ gerushka 5d+: b8 Lumia920 4d?: b8 is very good Lumia920 4d?: the tesuji here probably];W[bk]WL[838];B[hn]BL[1739];W[dr]WL[813];B[fh]BL[1635];W[gi]WL[808];B[hi]BL[1634];W[gh]WL[804];B[fg]BL[1633]C[ gerushka 5d+: huh];W[hh]WL[539];B[ef]BL[1631];W[dg]WL[534];B[ih]BL[1540];W[ii]WL[522];B[hj]BL[1537];W[ig]WL[518];B[jh]BL[1536]C[ Lumia920 4d?: g14 only move hvkRO1 1d?: YES];W[hg]WL[255]C[ gerushka 5d+: i just dont understand why white had to play this way gerushka 5d+: couldve just pushed at g13 Lumia920 4d?: answer reem Lumia920 4d?: for god's sake];B[hf]BL[1403]C[ hvkRO1 1d?: go ail];W[gf]WL[126];B[ff]BL[1401];W[if]WL[118];B[he]BL[1400];W[jg]WL[110];B[kg]BL[1398];W[kh]WL[71];B[ji]BL[1397];W[kf]WL[68];B[lg]BL[1396];W[je]WL[59];B[lf]BL[1395];W[ge]WL[56];B[gg]BL[1391];W[ie]WL[52];B[hd]BL[1387];W[fe]WL[50];B[fl]BL[1140];W[om]WL[573];B[er]BL[1128];W[br]WL[568];B[ds]BL[1124];W[cr]WL[565];B[ol]BL[1052];W[lo]WL[551];B[qm]BL[982];W[iq]WL[513];B[jq]BL[754];W[ip]WL[474];B[mp]BL[747];W[mo]WL[362];B[no]BL[745];W[oo]WL[358];B[nn]BL[744];W[lp]WL[355];B[lq]BL[725];W[jr]WL[335];B[kp]BL[695];W[ko]WL[308];B[jo]BL[694];W[jp]WL[304];B[kq]BL[694];W[io]WL[303];B[jn]BL[693];W[in]WL[235];B[gn]BL[619];W[lm]WL[144];B[jm]BL[612];W[nm]WL[141];B[im]BL[607];W[ir]WL[122]C[ gerushka 5d+: יואואואואו];B[ml]BL[591]C[ Lumia920 4d?: resign Lumia920 4d?: please];W[mm]WL[105]C[ maayanb 2d?: ya ya gerushka 5d+: ali imba];B[ks]BL[559];W[kr]WL[93]C[ maayanb 2d?: 2 steps gerushka 5d+: ali could g2 first though gerushka 5d+: ah nvm];B[hr]BL[538]C[ Lumia920 4d?: why not just g3 instead of killing FreddaSWE 6d?: direct but w could avoid ko when b peep];W[os]WL[63];B[hq]BL[528];W[ns]WL[58]C[ Lumia920 4d?: holy Lumia920 4d?: you're right Lumia920 4d?: n8 l1 is gg maayanb 2d?: wait maayanb 2d?: why direct maayanb 2d?: wht didn't he just atari maayanb 2d?: from k1 gerushka 5d+: b could connect gerushka 5d+: so it was 1step too maayanb 2d?: then p1 FreddaSWE 6d?: after b can connect if atari FreddaSWE 6d?: also direct maayanb 2d?: still seems 2 steps to me.. maayanb 2d?: h2 k1 b can't connect gerushka 5d+: h2 k1 h3 gerushka 5d+: and then b can connect FreddaSWE 6d?: after b wib ko he can connect maayanb 2d?: ah maayanb 2d?: alright];B[is]BL[409];W[mr]WL[54]C[ gerushka 5d+: w still leading though];B[sb]BL[387];W[na]WL[48];B[nr]BL[386]C[ Lumia920 4d?: b5 also a threat];W[nl]WL[40];B[nk]BL[381];W[mr]WL[38];B[ra]BL[378]C[ Lumia920 4d?: a3 may be a better threat?];W[qb]WL[597];B[nr]BL[377]C[ Lumia920 4d?: b has so many threats... Lumia920 4d?: n13 Lumia920 4d?: oh not a good one];W[mk]WL[479]C[ FreddaSWE 6d?: so small.. Lumia920 4d?: best he can get Lumia920 4d?: this ko was a complete mistake gerushka 5d+: i think its enough gerushka 5d+: w has so much FreddaSWE 6d?: yep FreddaSWE 6d?: maybe b continue ko to keep some variation];B[mj]BL[232];W[mr]WL[476];B[ee]BL[218];W[ed]WL[466]C[ Lumia920 4d?: b has like a million threats];B[nr]BL[217]C[ gerushka 5d+: s7 Lumia920 4d?: s6 maybe.. Lumia920 4d?: i don't think he'll s7 gerushka 5d+: s6 is gote gerushka 5d+: s7 b cant s6];W[rn]WL[370]C[ Lumia920 4d?: =];B[rm]BL[199];W[mr]WL[368]C[ FreddaSWE 6d?: b will answer gerushka 5d+: its just cause he is leading :P];B[gc]BL[186]C[ FreddaSWE 6d?: no s6 is beüüter yose than s7 gerushka 5d+: but b could tenuki Lumia920 4d?: too many points gerushka 5d+: i guess FreddaSWE 6d?: its huge if w jump there with aji];W[fd]WL[324];B[nr]BL[182];W[sm]WL[320];B[sl]BL[180];W[mr]WL[316];B[jd]BL[177]C[ gerushka 5d+: f16 is so confident lol];W[de]WL[313];B[nr]BL[175];W[sn]WL[311];B[rl]BL[174];W[mr]WL[309]C[ Lumia920 4d?: b5];B[bm]BL[122]C[ Lumia920 4d?: ho? Lumia920 4d?: nice];W[ls]WL[278]C[ gerushka 5d+: it doesnt work];B[cj]BL[113];W[bl]WL[276];B[dl]BL[108]C[ FreddaSWE 6d?: b wanna make a3 work gerushka 5d+: ye but it wont happen gerushka 5d+: or maybe it will Lumia920 4d?: hard to tell FreddaSWE 6d?: anyway only way b can win];W[bj]WL[186]C[ FreddaSWE 6d?: even if b won ko on bottom without compensation w had more];B[el]BL[68];W[bh]WL[180];B[bi]BL[68];W[ai]WL[178];B[dj]BL[68];W[bg]WL[171]C[ Lumia920 4d?: m9 now Lumia920 4d?: who's leading?];B[lk]BL[34];W[kl]WL[160]C[ FreddaSWE 6d?: w on board];B[jk]BL[482];W[fb]WL[127];B[ga]BL[464];W[gb]WL[115];B[hb]BL[463];W[qn]WL[100];B[fa]BL[454];W[ea]WL[98];B[ha]BL[453];W[eb]WL[97];B[ll]BL[450];W[km]WL[92];B[pm]BL[449];W[pn]WL[598];B[bo]BL[443];W[cs]WL[585];B[cm]BL[433];W[eg]WL[560];B[ke]BL[431];W[la]WL[547];B[ka]BL[421];W[es]WL[518];B[fs]BL[420];W[kk]WL[513];B[kj]BL[412];W[jl]WL[511];B[il]BL[398];W[gd]WL[507];B[hc]BL[393];W[aj]WL[487];B[al]BL[385];W[ao]WL[480];OS[aka3][AlexG55][andreyl][ayugoru][bau][beezee123][breakfast][Cangjie][CHiro][CRAQLitg][CROtFZdq][Dacat][dmedak][donzet][fj][FreddaSWE][Futago][gerushka][getgo][gigihao][goodfun][gujiguji25][hachigome][hama67][hata1000][here99][hirokawa55][hkg889][hvkRO1][iHoldKiesi][ioda][k6431][karabas1][kei7777][kishki][ko1960][kornacker][Lumia920][maayanb][miida14][mochan][MSvreco][netbug][Nowhereman][OferZivo][otom][Palko][Pugovka][Shou3][Sloth][sxc][TKN][tkykjin][toriimoto][Wade][wang5598][yamatai][yusan222])

AliJ93    Roln
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