(;CA[UTF-8]GM[1]FF[4]SZ[19]AP[SmartGo Kifu:4.7]GN[2018-12-27a]PW[Jason]PB[Jennifer]EV[Casual Game]DT[2018-12-27]PC[Pair-A-Dice]KM[0.5]RE[W+49.5]RU[AGA (Area)]CH[1];B[pd]BL[-549.0];W[dc]WL[-21.4];B[pq]BL[-560.3];W[dp]WL[-27.1]LB[cn:A]C[Black can be more aggressive here. A few corner joseki can be useful to learn, just to get a sense of what's a good balance.](;B[mc]BL[-587.2]PL[B];W[po]WL[-44.9]LB[qo:A]C[Playing at A is another handy joseki to learn, and it ends in gote for white. ](;B[qp]BL[-603.2];W[qo]WL[-117.5];B[rp]BL[-648.3];W[np]WL[-141.4];B[nq]BL[-656.5];W[mq]WL[-188.6];B[nr]BL[-799.2];W[pj]WL[-217.1]C[It's worth noting that the game as played has the same basic balance as the joseki, which shows a good overall instinct.];B[jc]BL[-895.7];W[di]WL[-290.6];B[df]BL[-1005.0]C[I think black does better playing in the lower left somewhere. White's corner is not in danger, and this quadrant is already restricted by black's presence along the top. Play away from strength. White has much more potential on the bottom, so mess it up.];W[ce]WL[-309.2];B[de]BL[-1024.1];W[cd]WL[-314.3];B[fd]BL[-1055.0];W[fb]WL[-378.4];B[hc]BL[-1100.3]C[This move is slow. It doesn't threaten anything, nor does it really defend much territory. It does connect the stones, but black is not in danger. Any attack by white will merely strengthen those stones for black, which will then allow a deeper invasion into white's moyo on the left or bottom. I like a move at the marked spot for black. It's far enough away from the top left group so that the strength white builds won't be an immediate threat to the top.]TR[fq];W[qc]WL[-431.9];B[pc]BL[-1166.4]C[This is the correct move. Block the side of your largest extension. ];W[qd]WL[-438.5];B[qe]BL[-1173.8];W[re]WL[-439.3];B[qf]BL[-1181.9];W[rf]WL[-440.4];B[qg]BL[-1210.4];W[pb]WL[-441.5];B[ob]BL[-1216.3];W[qb]WL[-442.8];B[op]BL[-1503.5]TR[ob]C[The played move is interesting, and does cut white's group. However, white can afford to lose those stones. White is open on both sides, so there are no points to defend. There are also no points in the centre, as a general rule. White's group is in place as a spoiler, and black's move does not threaten that status.The marked stone is in danger, but it's not urgent. The adjacent stone is close, which mitigates the damage. It's frustrating and inefficient to play here now, and ultimately it's not many points at this time.Again, my eye is drawn to white's wide open corner. ];W[cm]WL[-546.8];B[no]BL[-1579.8]C[This is a slow move. White is already cut off, and making atari from this direction only encourages white to connect those two stones and fight on the bottom. This move does not do much to change black's position on the board.];W[ro]WL[-586.0];B[mp]BL[-1586.4];W[rj]WL[-607.9]C[White takes the opportunity to get comfortable on the side. Black's position is strong, but the problem is that it was slow. White was able to strengthen many positions while these two stones were being captured.Still, black can now use this strength with a play at A. ]LB[fq:A](;B[jp]BL[-1628.0]C[This move is far too cautious.];W[gq]WL[-632.0];B[jq]BL[-1642.5];W[cq]WL[-644.5];B[mk]BL[-1684.9]C[The kind of strength black has on the bottom is not typically used to carve territory directly. As we saw with the earlier examples, this position exudes strength across the board. It is a wall for white to fall against. The foundation for territory is on the top. It is a bowl in need of a lid.];W[nj]WL[-668.9];B[jk];W[gm]WL[-698.9]C[Make box-like moyos. Black needed two moves to make a box from the bottom. White needed only one. And black induced white to make it. The top is more efficient for black here.];B[jj]BL[-1823.8]TR[jg][mg][gh]C[This move is quite slow. Build a moyo.];W[gi]WL[-764.7];B[jh]BL[-1952.5];W[oh]WL[-787.4];B[mg]BL[-2090.5];W[gg]WL[-917.9]V[-9.5]TB[ha:oe][gc:ge][pc:pg][ed:ef][fd:fe][de:df][qe:qh][if:ls][mf:mh][nf:ng][of][mk:ns][om:os][pp:ss]TW[aa:cs][da:dd][ea:ec][fa:fb][pa:sb][qc:sd][re:sf][gf:gs][fg:fs][sg:sn][dh:es][oh:ok][ni:nj][pi:rl][hm][qm:ro][pn:po][hq]C[This is where I accidentally hit the score estimator. Still, it shows how the last seven stones work better for white than for black.]TR[gg][mg][jh][oh][di][gi][jj:jk][mk][gm][jp:jq][cq][gq];B[im]BL[-2198.0]C[This does not protect many points, and is not a threat. ];W[cf]WL[-936.1];B[og]BL[-2280.5];W[nh]WL[-1027.9];B[ng]BL[-2293.8];W[rg]WL[-1033.8];B[mi]BL[-2317.2]C[No points in the centre, and black is quite heavy. ];W[ge]WL[-1127.1];B[gd]BL[-2370.6];W[he]WL[-1128.0];B[id]BL[-2483.4];W[dg]WL[-1134.4];B[ff]BL[-2506.7];W[fg]WL[-1185.1];B[fe]BL[-2537.1];W[ig]WL[-1186.4];B[jg]BL[-2584.0];W[qh]WL[-1273.5];B[gk]BL[-2653.2]C[Nice. ];W[fk]WL[-1397.2];B[gj]BL[-2757.7];W[fj]WL[-1403.2];B[hi]BL[-2784.3];W[fi]WL[-1427.0];B[ie]BL[-2818.8];W[sp]WL[-1483.8];B[sq]BL[-2824.6];W[so]WL[-1484.8];B[rr]BL[-2845.7];W[hh]WL[-1550.8];B[ii]BL[-2864.0];W[nb]WL[-1579.2];B[nc]BL[-2972.8];W[oa]WL[-1586.9];B[oc]BL[-2975.2];W[hr]WL[-1619.7];B[jr]BL[-3000.5];W[on]WL[-1642.2];B[nn]BL[-3024.5];W[om]WL[-1662.9];B[go]BL[-3082.3];W[fo];B[gn]BL[-3162.4];W[fn]WL[-1663.7];B[hm]BL[-3165.7];W[fm]WL[-1685.8];B[gp];W[fp]WL[-1686.8];B[mb]BL[-3257.3];W[na]WL[-1687.8];B[ma]BL[-3259.9];W[pa]WL[-1692.8];B[ec]BL[-3279.1];W[eb]WL[-1693.7];B[nl]BL[-3334.5];W[ol]WL[-1702.9];B[eg]BL[-3386.2]C[This move ends in gote. It was a pretty good sente run, tho. ];W[eh]WL[-1704.4];B[ef]BL[-3389.0];W[hp]WL[-1732.4]C[Three stones can get in trouble once they lose their outside liberties.];B[ho]BL[-3391.3];W[io]WL[-1738.9];B[hn]BL[-3393.6];W[ip]WL[-1743.2];B[jn]BL[-3398.4];W[nm]WL[-1763.6];B[mm]BL[-3399.9];W[nk]WL[-1768.8];B[ml]BL[-3402.6];W[mj]WL[-1944.5];B[lj]BL[-3403.3];W[mh]WL[-1950.0];B[lh]BL[-3404.2];W[jo]WL[-2037.4];B[ko]BL[-3405.6];W[if]WL[-2066.4];B[jf]BL[-3406.7];W[ir]WL[-2074.1]C[The reason I played here was to create another three-stone problem for black. ];B[iq]BL[-3446.6];W[hq]WL[-2074.9];B[gb]BL[-3531.9];W[gf]WL[-2116.1];B[gl]BL[-3569.6];W[fl]WL[-2184.7];B[fc]BL[-3614.8];W[js]WL[-2186.2];B[ks]BL[-3615.8]TR[kr]C[Black should play the marked move instead.];W[kn]WL[-2242.5]C[See the alternate path for what happens if you try to save everything...]LB[kp:A](;B[km]BL[-3670.4];W[kp]WL[-2251.1];B[lr]C[This is a tough position. I think the move played is the best option. ];W[lo]WL[-2282.3];B[ln]BL[-3671.6];W[ko]WL[-2289.0];B[lq]BL[-3694.2];W[is]WL[-2333.3];B[kq]BL[-3714.5];W[mo]WL[-2358.6];B[mn]BL[-3716.4];W[lp]WL[-2372.2];B[mr]BL[-3718.1];W[ni]WL[-2406.1];B[li]BL[-3719.1];W[pg]WL[-2423.9];B[pf]BL[-3720.3];W[ph]WL[-2424.3];B[dd]BL[-3763.9];W[db]WL[-2425.3];B[fa]BL[-3773.2];W[ea]WL[-2426.0];B[ga]BL[-3774.0];W[cg]WL[-2464.2];B[pp]BL[-3834.8];W[oo]WL[-2465.1];B[in]BL[-3860.5];W[ih]WL[-2469.5];B[hd]BL[-3900.5];W[]WL[-2480.2];B[]BL[-3902.2]C[Overall good instincts, but too many slow moves facing the centre. Order of priority is corner, sides, centre. It would be helpful to study a few of the common 4-4 and 4-3 approach and invasion joseki. Even if they're not memorized, the study will help give a sense of what feels balanced with such moves. It will also help your confidence approaching or invading corners, which in turn will guide you as you build influence in anticipation of making such attacks. ])(;B[kp];W[jm]WL[-2245.3]LB[in:A][jl:B](;B[in]BL[-3617.0];W[il]WL[-2246.4];B[hl]BL[-3618.1];W[hj]WL[-2248.1];B[hk]BL[-3619.3];W[ik]WL[-2249.0])(;B[jl];W[in]WL[-2246.4];B[km]BL[-3625.1];W[ln]WL[-2253.7];B[jn]BL[-3629.5]C[This becomes a rather one-sided ko in white's favour.])))(;B[fq]C[White can do many things, but they're all good for black.]LB[hq:A][dq:B](;W[hq]WL[-634.2]C[If white pincers...]LB[fo:A][cq:B](;B[fo]BL[-1605.9]C[...black can jump to the centre, using the strength of the lower right to threaten white. ];W[kq]WL[-638.6]C[White will be forced to make small life on the bottom, and black will have no problem running to the centre. Whites moyo is shredded.])(;B[cq]C[...black can jump to the corner.];W[dq]WL[-635.9];B[dr]BL[-1587.9];W[er]WL[-636.9];B[cr]BL[-1589.0];W[eq]WL[-637.9];B[bo]BL[-1590.2];W[dn]WL[-642.7]C[Black has stolen a corner. White's outer wall is muted by the strength black had just built on the lower right. ]))(;W[dq]C[If white protects the corner...];B[iq]BL[-1591.0];W[kq]WL[-611.8]C[Even if white lives, it will be small. Black has done a great deal of damage, with potential for more. ])))(;B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[pn];B[nq];W[pj]))(;B[cn];W[fp];B[bp];W[cq];B[ck];W[jq]TR[pk][mq]C[Now black can take initiative somewhere else, or grow a moyo. ]))

Jason    Jennifer
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