(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[EeveeM,Gabriel]PB[Magnus86,Path]WR[2k]BR[1d]DT[2013-10-03]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Path [-]: ok]RE[B+Resign];B[pd]C[Path [-]: time to blitz children];W[dp];B[pq]C[Gabriel [1d]: woo, let's do thisMagnus86 [1d?]: alexia!!!!];W[dd]C[Gabriel [1d]: oh wow my turn already, sorryMagnus86 [1d?]: dratsjytsao [3k]: \o/](;B[fq];W[cn];B[qk](;W[nc];B[pf];W[jd];B[jp]C[Gabriel [1d]: hmmGabriel [1d]: so even];W[pb]C[EeveeM [2k]: reduce?EeveeM [2k]: ahPath [-]: idk if i should be reviewing at 1amPath [-]: but](;B[me]C[Gabriel [1d]: I didn't really feel like playing on the left because it looks too symmetrical];W[qc];B[ld]C[EeveeM [2k]: I was thinking more like the 3-4 approachGabriel [1d]: ahhh I always feel novice-istic (or whatever you say) while playing a rengo!](;W[cf]C[EeveeM [2k]: lol you're fineMagnus86 [1d?]: oh dratsEeveeM [2k]: I tend to be the same way - it's why I rengo so muchEeveeM [2k]: drats? lolMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahMagnus86 [1d?]: i dont wanna be the one to do the movesjytsao [3k]: lolGabriel [1d]: loljytsao [3k]: hi ericEeveeM [2k]: lol, EeveeM [2k]: it's a 50 50 thingredreoicy [3d]: b is fine];B[po]C[EeveeM [2k]: :3 don't feel too bad alex has to do the other halfGabriel [1d]: when you're really stuck, play a ko threatMagnus86 [1d?]: i dont see any T.TPath [-]: attach on somethingGabriel [1d]: hahah that's truePath [-]: thats allMagnus86 [1d?]: and i m always stuck];W[pr]C[Gabriel [1d]: ah this looks fun];B[oq]C[EeveeM [2k]: lolGabriel [1d]: I've never played this before o.o](;W[or];B[nr]C[EeveeM [2k]: hm lolMagnus86 [1d?]: u shoulda just tenuki'd i thinkGabriel [1d]: hmm.. probably];W[qq];B[qp];W[rq];B[os];W[qs];B[fo](;W[jf]C[Path [-]: hereEeveeM [2k]: what if w went D2 instead?];B[rp];W[rr]C[Gabriel [1d]: this is te general shape for almost every rengo :(];B[cq]C[Gabriel [1d]: diagonal splitEeveeM [2k]: heyEeveeM [2k]: when b went F5EeveeM [2k]: where did w go?];W[dq](;B[dr](;W[er];B[cr];W[eq];B[bo];W[en];B[bn];W[cm](;B[nj](;W[pg]C[EeveeM [2k]: I'm just gonna have some funGabriel [1d]: I'll try to read something from this >:DGabriel [1d]: yes];B[og]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: lolGabriel [1d]: okay I've got no idea.EeveeM [2k]: xDPath [-]: i cant say anything about itPath [-]: causePath [-]: wellPath [-]: its just for fun so](;W[pe]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: neither do iMagnus86 [1d?]: i was ognna r15 if r14 and r14 if q12];B[oe];W[qe]C[Path [-]: yaPath [-]: thats pretty normal lol];B[qf]C[EeveeM [2k]: well hey, reduction :3Gabriel [1d]: haha yeah];W[qd](;B[ck]C[Path [-]: =.=Magnus86 [1d?]: hey manMagnus86 [1d?]: i have no cluePath [-]: its okMagnus86 [1d?]: i didnt wanna s15 Gabriel [1d]: well when I saw C9 I thought "oh noes!" so it's not all badPath [-]: thing about the top right corner isPath [-]: its hilariousPath [-]: becausePath [-]: even if you didnt do thatPath [-]: now seePath [-]: the reason why this made me feel sad is cause];W[bm](;B[ch];W[gm](;B[ek]C[Gabriel [1d]: so a clean win by 10 points rather than a gamble];W[dj];B[dk]C[redreoicy [3d]: path why don't you play g7 thenPath [-]: its just more harmonous for bothredreoicy [3d]: after w play b7](;W[cj];B[bj];W[bi];B[bl](;W[ci];B[am]C[Path [-]: game is suddenly relaxing againPath [-]: i was happy with thisMagnus86 [1d?]: me tooPath [-]: since it simplified the game];W[hp]C[EeveeM [2k]: if only we did A6 in sente earlier xDMagnus86 [1d?]: prolly coz i m just tat good (no way)Magnus86 [1d?]: i was gonna sac corner if a6Magnus86 [1d?]: no clue if tatz wat b should do or not thoughEeveeM [2k]: lol at least it would be a tradeMagnus86 [1d?]: its a trade now tooMagnus86 [1d?]: u got c12EeveeM [2k]: there's still aji left in itMagnus86 [1d?]: so take aji out :3];B[hq]C[Gabriel [1d]: grrEeveeM [2k]: why do they leave all the heavy reading to you xDEeveeM [2k]: it's like you guys know when to kill the aji for me xDMagnus86 [1d?]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: then u should follow his playGabriel [1d]: I've got a plan developing, but it's probably got about 5 misreads in itMagnus86 [1d?]: tat way u can do all the readingPath [-]: whats a planMagnus86 [1d?]: i have no planMagnus86 [1d?]: i m just playin whereever i feel likeMagnus86 [1d?]: worst case alex cleans up on aisle 4Path [-]: im just playing whatever doesnt feel awfulPath [-]: see Path [-]: i really want to go to the top leftPath [-]: butGabriel [1d]: darnPath [-]: that all feels awfulPath [-]: so i haventMagnus86 [1d?]: yeah sameGabriel [1d]: annoying cutsGabriel [1d]: and a ladder breaker at O10 D:_>Path [-]: they dont need to know thatMagnus86 [1d?]: lolPath [-]: its just a nice and peaceful group to launch attacks fromPath [-]: don't worry about itPath [-]: we got it covered for you guysGabriel [1d]: AAARRRGGGHHHHMagnus86 [1d?]: yeah he is rightGabriel [1d]: I'm just going to go with the flowGabriel [1d]: sorry Eve];W[gp]C[EeveeM [2k]: oh no worriesMagnus86 [1d?]: oh cmonPath [-]: well lets likePath [-]: not take until 1amPath [-]: reallyPath [-]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: why do i have to pretend to readPath [-]: you can just playEeveeM [2k]: oh you're fine magnus :3 ](;B[fp]C[EeveeM [2k]: rengo's for fun anywayEeveeM [2k]: ^^Path [-]: for some reasonGabriel [1d]: cuts'n'ladders coming up soon.Path [-]: my rengos always get super seriousPath [-]: idk why];W[in]C[Gabriel [1d]: I just thought of a pun seeing a banner-ad to do with appleGabriel [1d]: well actuallyGabriel [1d]: I wont share it because it's so bad];B[jn]C[EeveeM [2k]: ;p;EeveeM [2k]: *lolMagnus86 [1d?]: say it man];W[il]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: why do i have to follow all this stuffPath [-]: i blame f4Path [-]: why we have to do this manPath [-]: why cant we be nice kids and just give them the stonesEeveeM [2k]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahGabriel [1d]: well you know how they have iOs 7 for i-phones now? Well.. iOU $7.00 >_>Magnus86 [1d?]: err ...okGabriel [1d]: that's why I said I wont share it lolMagnus86 [1d?]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: but u gotta share];B[gq]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeah i had no clue];W[cp];B[bp];W[jm]C[Gabriel [1d]: ahh, they changed the "a.pl" website! It used to be completely imitation apple with a logo similar to apple and stuff];B[kn];W[gn];B[dc]C[Gabriel [1d]: darn I hate this movePath [-]: you'll be fineGabriel [1d]: I should play it to get used to itMagnus86 [1d?]: i dont know how to follow up tat movePath [-]: i dont read any good outcome from it here anyway](;W[ec]C[exPillow [3k]: lols](;B[eb]C[Gabriel [1d]: well Q2 livedMagnus86 [1d?]: ahPath [-]: hard to say lolredreoicy [3d]: b fine imoGabriel [1d]: so it'll be fine :pMagnus86 [1d?]: i have no idea how to follow after e17 actuallyPath [-]: e18 is nicePath [-]: since i thought you mightPath [-]: yaPath [-]: this is nicer i think](;W[db];B[cc]C[Gabriel [1d]: C12 is annoying me now](;W[fb]C[EeveeM [2k]: yeah, me too don't worry];B[ed];W[ea];B[fc]C[Gabriel [1d]: this reminds me of playing table tennis doublesGabriel [1d]: when there is a comple clash of stylesGabriel [1d]: *completeMagnus86 [1d?]: manMagnus86 [1d?]: now i have no idea wat to doPath [-]: you answer them];W[eb];B[de];W[cd];B[ce];W[bd]C[Gabriel [1d]: now the aji comes to life \o/EeveeM [2k]: lol];B[be];W[bc];B[dh]C[Gabriel [1d]: nicePath [-]: in retrospectredreoicy [3d]: soo good for bPath [-]: i still hate all thisPath [-]: cause it so messyGabriel [1d]: hahahPath [-]: its not my style at allMagnus86 [1d?]: lol yeah];W[ei];B[eh];W[fi];B[fh];W[gh]C[flobby [1k]: who's winning](;B[gg]C[exPillow [3k]: team path?Magnus86 [1d?]: i thought b had lead];W[hh]C[Gabriel [1d]: I wonder if jytsao is watching the game or watching animeMagnus86 [1d?]: prolly sleeping];B[fe];W[bg]C[jytsao [3k]: loljytsao [3k]: I'm watching broklyn 99jytsao [3k]: >=3];B[bh]C[jytsao [3k]: alex can prolly take on all 3 of them simultaneously];W[ah];B[df]C[flobby [1k]: jy can take on all of them and pathjytsao [3k]: obviouslyflobby [1k]: let's have that after this gamejytsao [3k]: i is like chuck norrisjytsao [3k]: just more awesomeflobby [1k]: you're so awesome chuck norris makes jytsao jokes];W[cg];B[gc]C[flobby [1k]: so i take itflobby [1k]: you agreed to simul mag and path and eveeeeeflobby [1k]: and kalin];W[ef];B[ie]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: too bad i dont know how to follow up his moveGabriel [1d]: haha];W[je](;B[hg]C[Gabriel [1d]: Ruestyle still has the sunglass-bunny that I drew :')Magnus86 [1d?]: lolexPillow [3k]: its a nice bunnyMagnus86 [1d?]: hard to find a studious lookinbunny];W[ee];B[fd]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: err what hapnd?Magnus86 [1d?]: oh nvmGabriel [1d]: I think there's some cool sequence.. but I can't see anything o.o];W[ih]C[Path [-]: pssstPath [-]: just livePath [-]: so we can move on from this headachePath [-]: idk if its alive or not actuallyPath [-]: so actually just play what you wantPath [-]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: ah i dont have a clue either butMagnus86 [1d?]: i want to tenukiGabriel [1d]: it's pretty good timing to T19 ];B[ig];W[jg]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: t19 will make u guys lose too quickEeveeM [2k]: loljytsao [3k]: ohjytsao [3k]: didn't notice flobbers was talking to me here toojytsao [3k]: >.:DGabriel [1d]: no waitGabriel [1d]: Q1EeveeM [2k]: don't give him any ideasEeveeM [2k]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: yeah i cant find itPath [-]: then play something normalredreoicy [3d]: after s13 w can still clampredreoicy [3d]: so s13 also bigPath [-]: yaPath [-]: it reverts i guessPath [-]: to some extentPath [-]: this was nicePath [-]: i wanted to Path [-]: i wasnt sure about my fancy move here actually](;B[qm]C[Gabriel [1d]: that looks nice and normal hahaMagnus86 [1d?]: mhmPath [-]: so i think this is the bestMagnus86 [1d?]: i thought of peep firstredreoicy [3d]: i think peep first];W[lm]LB[fe:A][om:B]C[redreoicy [3d]: b can peep firstPath [-]: A and BPath [-]: i feel likePath [-]: we're playing a ddk gameredreoicy [3d]: before r7Path [-]: invasions are unkillableMagnus86 [1d?]: but then if w o7 seemed messyredreoicy [3d]: before solid like thisMagnus86 [1d?]: so i just s7Magnus86 [1d?]: *r7];B[rg]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yayMagnus86 [1d?]: exactly wat i was goin for];W[pn]C[redreoicy [3d]: good move was o6, i bet];B[qn];W[ln];B[lp]C[Path [-]: i did this for some reasonPath [-]: i just didPath [-]: felt important for some reasonPath [-]: just did];W[lo];B[kp]C[Gabriel [1d]: ooh I was thinking "yay it's cut proof now" but you could just extend instead of taking M3. D:];W[lk];B[lj];W[kj];B[li];W[ds](;B[cs];W[an];B[ao];W[br];B[aj]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: i was like does tat workMagnus86 [1d?]: oh may be it doesPath [-]: just this move was lucky for us];W[dg];B[eg];W[ai]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeah];B[bq];W[aq];B[es];W[fr];B[cl]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: oh niceMagnus86 [1d?]: i didnt think of tatEeveeM [2k]: I didn't eitherGabriel [1d]: I saw it but I misread -.-Magnus86 [1d?]: all i kept thinkin was Magnus86 [1d?]: a8 and w will b9 then c8Magnus86 [1d?]: neva thought to put c8 firstGabriel [1d]: I thought A9 would kill the eye if B plays C8 lolMagnus86 [1d?]: -sigh-Path [-]: c1 was a bad move thoughPath [-]: this is just luckyGabriel [1d]: oh wellMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahMagnus86 [1d?]: reg. move is a2?Path [-]: i saw this after white played c2Path [-]: ya, should a2 =.=Magnus86 [1d?]: ahPath [-]: b2**Path [-]: if we didnt get a10 in then we'd probably just dieMagnus86 [1d?]: haha yeahEeveeM [2k]: well lolEeveeM [2k]: I don't see w earning enough points EeveeM [2k]: but hta'ts just meEeveeM [2k]: what do you think gabriel?Magnus86 [1d?]: well i still have no idea who is winningGabriel [1d]: I think we could play T19, but B's the only one with a big group. the rest are just little ones scattered everywhereGabriel [1d]: I can't see us catching upMagnus86 [1d?]: ><](;W[lb](;B[ff]C[Path [-]: *blinks*Magnus86 [1d?]: watMagnus86 [1d?]: u play w/e man];W[fk];B[fn];W[fm];B[bf]C[Path [-]: and the end was kind ofPath [-]: yeahPath [-]: lol];W[ag]C[Path [-]: am i misreading?];B[em]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: oh niceGabriel [1d]: AHHHEeveeM [2k]: .... *facepalm* xD EeveeM [2k]: ok yeah it's latePath [-]: yeah lolPath [-]: 1amEeveeM [2k]: lets just call it good here xDMagnus86 [1d?]: all game iw as only goin for the coo l lookin g11 ladderGabriel [1d]: me too, I said I was tired before the game :3Path [-]: we should probably do this earlier next timeEeveeM [2k]: yeah, agreedjytsao [3k]: it's like, mid day for ga8Gabriel [1d]: meanwhile it's actually 9:07 pm here :PMagnus86 [1d?]: lolGabriel [1d]: But yeah, I'm tiresjytsao [3k]: =pGabriel [1d]: *tiredPath [-]: what timezone is this loljytsao [3k]: quittersEeveeM [2k]: thanks for the game guys Magnus86 [1d?]: nz zonejytsao [3k]: kiwiMagnus86 [1d?]: thx for the gamePath [-]: i seePath [-]: ty for the game guysGabriel [1d]: thanks :)jytsao [3k]: apparently a lot of yanks don't know kiwis are kiwisjytsao [3k]: does it mean anything?jytsao [3k]: why are you guys named after fruits?Gabriel [1d]: hahahMagnus86 [1d?]: the animalGabriel [1d]: not the fruitMagnus86 [1d?]: birdGabriel [1d]: the naimal, yeahjytsao [3k]: cooljytsao [3k]: a naimalGabriel [1d]: dinosaur discendantjytsao [3k]: i've always wanted one of thoseGabriel [1d]: *decendantjytsao [3k]: i heard they can breathe fireMagnus86 [1d?]: *descendant? or dent??jytsao [3k]: dant, i thinkMagnus86 [1d?]: kMagnus86 [1d?]: spell checkMagnus86 [1d?]: changin lives foreverjytsao [3k]: watching sleepy hollow nowjytsao [3k]: hulu isn't all uselessGabriel [1d]: I'm still shocked about E7Magnus86 [1d?]: psshMoonCrest [-]: Good show, Jyt. :PMagnus86 [1d?]: me too manMagnus86 [1d?]: i missed it tooMagnus86 [1d?]: T.Tjytsao [3k]: ^^Magnus86 [1d?]: i read tat before c8 but not afterMagnus86 [1d?]: T.TGabriel [1d]: we have some improving to do Maggy xDPath [-]: hmPath [-]: so many cool things this gameMagnus86 [1d?]: i was too fixated on the other oneMagnus86 [1d?]: but i forgot w got a11 already T.TGabriel [1d]: I read that cut out so many times before playing G4Gabriel [1d]: so I didn't think about at all afterwardsGabriel [1d]: *about itMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: we're all just tiredMagnus86 [1d?]: c8 made all the diff.Path [-]: its late lolMagnus86 [1d?]: lol tis late for sureadamwest [16k?]: Yea, almost 4 for me :(Gabriel [1d]: woaah 4 am?adamwest [16k?]: Yepadamwest [16k?]: I have night classesadamwest [16k?]: I'm about to get off :PGabriel [1d]: I actually have a normal sleep patternadamwest [16k?]: Pretty sweet game btwadamwest [16k?]: SweetnessGabriel [1d]: that must be rare for KGSPath [-]: rengo is always nastyMagnus86 [1d?]: lolPath [-]: its either just two people giving eachother half the boardadamwest [16k?]: Yea, lolPath [-]: or all fight and mostly tsumegoGabriel [1d]: "mostly tsumego" would ruin meMagnus86 [1d?]: we only had one tsumego \o/redreoicy [3d]: i do so much tsumego todayadamwest [16k?]: Good night Lord Gabriel :PMagnus86 [1d?]: lolPath [-]: you have an alternate acc im sure gabPath [-]: i know you tooPath [-]: rightGabriel [1d]: good light, Adam of the EastMagnus86 [1d?]: hachiryuadamwest [16k?]: ;DGabriel [1d]: yeahGabriel [1d]: *light was a typo, but it works Path [-]: hehGabriel [1d]: Path - if you remember, I'm about 2 or 3kPath [-]: i just looked you upPath [-]: i remember you around 7-9k i thinkPath [-]: more than 2-3kGabriel [1d]: lolGabriel [1d]: well the actual hachiryua ccoutn is only 4kPath [-]: so probably a couple years ago lolPath [-]: soPath [-]: ericPath [-]: what motivates you to do so much goredreoicy [3d]: idkredreoicy [3d]: this game is too much funMagnus86 [1d?]: world student oza tourneyredreoicy [3d]: the sequence from gumby gameMagnus86 [1d?]: why dont u try for tat manGabriel [1d]: my only motivation is boredomredreoicy [3d]: really made my dayMagnus86 [1d?]: hahaGabriel [1d]: and addictionredreoicy [3d]: alsoredreoicy [3d]: i misread itredreoicy [3d]: at the end, there was an improvementredreoicy [3d]: where b cuts w and still livesPath [-]: i mainly just need someone to challenge me i guessPath [-]: its not motivation enough for me to just likePath [-]: beat some numberMagnus86 [1d?]: samePath [-]: but i need someone who keeps rising in numberPath [-]: that makes me feel bad for not doing the sameGabriel [1d]: IKEGabriel [1d]: HIMGabriel [1d]: he is like, 5 or 6d now?redreoicy [3d]: 3dPath [-]: no ideaPath [-]: he doesnt really give me that feeling thoughGabriel [1d]: nah that's his social accountGabriel [1d]: oh really?Path [-]: nahGabriel [1d]: he told me he's like 6d now -.- Who knowsPath [-]: i play 5-6ds every week Path [-]: so its likePath [-]: yaPath [-]: nothing new to me i guess lolGabriel [1d]: I know exactly what I need for motivationGabriel [1d]: but it's impossible hereGabriel [1d]: :(Path [-]: most of the people i play though arent minted higher middle dans thoughGabriel [1d]: NZ has approx. 100 go playersGabriel [1d]: and I've never met anyPath [-]: they got their level quite a while in the pastPath [-]: so ericPath [-]: when are you going to make me feel bad for not being youredreoicy [3d]: hmmmredreoicy [3d]: when i hit tygem 7d?Path [-]: if you end up being the new smochi for me somehowPath [-]: then i'm pretty sure i'll end up being more than motivated to make sure you're not the only one way up there -.-Magnus86 [1d?]: lolredreoicy [3d]: lately i've been realizing thatPath [-]: but until thenredreoicy [3d]: high dans suckredreoicy [3d]: really badlyredreoicy [3d]: tooGabriel [1d]: I wish there was someone my age, the same level as me, that I knew in real life :(Path [-]: we can sit around and have a picnic and watch flowersredreoicy [3d]: of course, they play lots of 10 secondsMagnus86 [1d?]: just skype with ike and u r doneredreoicy [3d]: so they have excuse for sucking in those gamesredreoicy [3d]: but stilMagnus86 [1d?]: quasi r lPath [-]: the difference between us and high dans is primarily reading ability and experience Gabriel [1d]: nah he's too young. By like half a year.Magnus86 [1d?]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: anywaysMagnus86 [1d?]: i m outPath [-]: if go was mainly theoretical i'd have a much easier timeMagnus86 [1d?]: cya guys laterPath [-]: but i'd also be much more boredGabriel [1d]: cya!Path [-]: byeredreoicy [3d]: cyaGabriel [1d]: if it was theoretical I'd be TERRIBLEPath [-]: theory is literally likePath [-]: follow rules lolPath [-]: read a bookPath [-]: follow rulesPath [-]: suddenly goodGabriel [1d]: well if it was that easy it'd be boring :PPath [-]: yeeeeeahredreoicy [3d]: i write book.redreoicy [3d]: Play the best moveGabriel [1d]: but things like joseki and other shape stuff.. I suckredreoicy [3d]: always follow my theoryPath [-]: thats mainly memorization and recognition lolredreoicy [3d]: it works wellredreoicy [3d]: go is theoretical now])(;B[fn];W[fm];B[em]))(;W[em];B[mk]C[Gabriel [1d]: C8 and then E7 was like.. man, I dunnoredreoicy [3d]: b + 219.5Magnus86 [1d?]: lolGabriel [1d]: completely missed thatPath [-]: haha, yeah]))(;B[ar]C[Path [-]: i still make this mistakePath [-]: afterPath [-]: how many yearsPath [-]: i dont even know anymorePath [-]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: i was soo shocked when u c1]))(;B[nn];W[on];B[qm]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: lol])(;B[pl]C[Path [-]: i wanted something like thisMagnus86 [1d?]: ohPath [-]: but ](;W[qm])(;W[pm];B[qm];W[qn]C[redreoicy [3d]: !Path [-]: the shape is badredreoicy [3d]: sooooo badPath [-]: i sawPath [-]: thisredreoicy [3d]: not ok](;B[pn];W[rm];B[ql];W[ro];B[on];W[nn];B[nm]C[Path [-]: and])(;B[rm]C[Path [-]: thisPath [-]: but its still a pain either wayredreoicy [3d]: even if nothing b will end up defending another turnPath [-]: the weakness will exist no matter]))))(;B[mq]C[Path [-]: thisPath [-]: but its likePath [-]: hmPath [-]: what did i not want herePath [-]: it was](;W[jq]C[Path [-]: thisPath [-]: or move this stone one to the leftredreoicy [3d]: one to left and b can k3Path [-]: i think we have enough liberties to fight it in hindsight, but its still nasty];B[iq];W[ip];B[kp];W[kq];B[lp]C[Path [-]: who knows lolMagnus86 [1d?]: lolPath [-]: if b had less libsMagnus86 [1d?]: guess we are finePath [-]: then this is probably disgusting aji])(;W[iq];B[jq];W[ir];B[ip];W[hr];B[gr];W[jr];B[kr]C[Path [-]: yaMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: lib shortagePath [-]: cant do this])))(;W[rh]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: meh worst case as long as b get m8 laterMagnus86 [1d?]: still even gamePath [-]: did you guys see this?Magnus86 [1d?]: nopePath [-]: its pretty large Path [-]: its like s13 but betterMagnus86 [1d?]: i thought w will push once morePath [-]: i was afraid of this moveGabriel [1d]: didn't see that :PPath [-]: its a very nice follow i thinkredreoicy [3d]: interestingMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: anyway]))(;B[rf];W[he]C[redreoicy [3d]: idk i feelredreoicy [3d]: black has a million ajisredreoicy [3d]: so he can't diePath [-]: you knowPath [-]: one of the players playing b is named pathPath [-]: nickname is master of throwPath [-]: you knowPath [-]: i throw really hardPath [-]: its probably better not to throwredreoicy [3d]: you should try outGabriel [1d]: >_>redreoicy [3d]: for baseball teamMagnus86 [1d?]: lolredreoicy [3d]: ?Gabriel [1d]: well I'm an archangelredreoicy [3d]: or be star quarterbackGabriel [1d]: of KGSGabriel [1d]: and Mondayredreoicy [3d]: good throwersPath [-]: lol];B[hd];W[if]C[Path [-]: hmPath [-]: j16?EeveeM [2k]: if you did thatEeveeM [2k]: I would go F13redreoicy [3d]: like j17 nowGabriel [1d]: this is interesting. I'm glad there was no annoying G11 cutEeveeM [2k]: *nods*Path [-]: its a nasty position reallyMagnus86 [1d?]: yeah seems like itredreoicy [3d]: or waitredreoicy [3d]: i reallly suckPath [-]: its fineredreoicy [3d]: at playing too heavilyredreoicy [3d]: g15 h14 j17 redreoicy [3d]: completely finePath [-]: we've probably all read this 10000 times over in the game and fed](;B[id]C[EeveeM [2k]: H14];W[hf]C[redreoicy [3d]: easy life would be g15redreoicy [3d]: for bGabriel [1d]: I woulda played G15 as Bredreoicy [3d]: not j16EeveeM [2k]: if you go G15Gabriel [1d]: oh yayredreoicy [3d]: yeah g15])(;B[hf]C[EeveeM [2k]: I mean as w])(;B[ge]C[redreoicy [3d]: then j17 if w capturesMagnus86 [1d?]: isnt f13 just life for b?redreoicy [3d]: er maybe notMagnus86 [1d?]: i mean if w f13Gabriel [1d]: E13 after F13redreoicy [3d]: ok yesredreoicy [3d]: g15 j16 j17 redreoicy [3d]: and plays a sente threatredreoicy [3d]: to connect underneathredreoicy [3d]: earlier on](;W[id]C[redreoicy [3d]: this is alive];B[ic])(;W[hf]C[Path [-]: im guessing this doesnt change muchredreoicy [3d]: b can play g14 then](;B[gf]C[EeveeM [2k]: H17EeveeM [2k]: for w];W[hc]C[Path [-]: i remember reading something that was this exact shape earlierPath [-]: tsumego is nastyredreoicy [3d]: j17];B[ic];W[hb]C[redreoicy [3d]: j16exPillow [3k]: lol];B[id]C[exPillow [3k]: c17];W[jc]C[redreoicy [3d]: yeah this is badPath [-]: itsPath [-]: hardredreoicy [3d]: b takes back a few moves])(;B[ic]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: no i didnt read this once];W[fg]C[redreoicy [3d]: just connect](;B[gf];W[dg]C[EeveeM [2k]: you sure? xDredreoicy [3d]: errrredreoicy [3d]: k12];B[jh]C[EeveeM [2k]: I think b should E13EeveeM [2k]: instead of G14redreoicy [3d]: idk i misread];W[jc]C[Path [-]: i saw thisPath [-]: i didnt want itPath [-]: thats why i added another move lolEeveeM [2k]: that's why I was sad lolredreoicy [3d]: RIGHTredreoicy [3d]: e13redreoicy [3d]: THANK YOUredreoicy [3d]: THATS WHAT I MEANTPath [-]: just take control])(;B[eg];W[gf];B[ff]C[Path [-]: now i have no answer to thatGabriel [1d]: that's nicePath [-]: but for the sake of argumentPath [-]: this is probably beyond all of us =.=Path [-]: to atleast get it on first try]))))))(;B[hd]C[Path [-]: is this enough to live?Magnus86 [1d?]: yeahredreoicy [3d]: extraredreoicy [3d]: unneeded])(;B[rf]C[redreoicy [3d]: orredreoicy [3d]: err];W[he]C[Path [-]: thisPath [-]: h16Path [-]: and h14redreoicy [3d]: h13];B[hg]C[Path [-]: *shrug*];W[ih]C[redreoicy [3d]: g15Path [-]: itsPath [-]: painPath [-]: thats why i didnt want to tenukiredreoicy [3d]: j13 maybe](;B[ge];W[ee]C[redreoicy [3d]: er not g15 xD])(;B[ig];W[jg]C[redreoicy [3d]: h16];B[hd];W[ee]C[redreoicy [3d]: i just know in the game when you had this discussion i read this move as not killing bredreoicy [3d]: connect];B[fd]C[Path [-]: hmPath [-]: lets look at game shape])))(;B[gi]C[Path [-]: i thought ou might cut hereMagnus86 [1d?]: ohPath [-]: but i wasnt sure eitherPath [-]: since if we can get any more aji here, black gets an even easier time trying to make somethingPath [-]: so i figured since w isnt alive it doesnt hurtMagnus86 [1d?]: ahPath [-]: not sure how w answersredreoicy [3d]: triangleredreoicy [3d]: only choice];W[fj]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeahredreoicy [3d]: can h11](;B[gj]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: and can play easy moves and hope and stuffredreoicy [3d]: g10 is aji keshiPath [-]: well we have to likePath [-]: not die a flaming death first])(;B[hi]C[redreoicy [3d]: maybe this is greedy];W[gg];B[gk]C[redreoicy [3d]: it should connect thoughPath [-]: its too much work for 1:30 am lolPath [-]: lets just skip over itMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahGabriel [1d]: lol])))(;W[cb]C[Path [-]: hmPath [-]: if you cut..Path [-]: i thought this would happenredreoicy [3d]: STEAL THE CORNER MWAHAHAPath [-]: and it'd rever to if we invaded at e18];B[ed];W[fc];B[cd];W[de];B[bb];W[fb];B[ca];W[ea];B[ac]C[Path [-]: this is blacks optimal resultPath [-]: butjytsao [3k]: alex should play a game where it's you against the collective brains of everyone elsePath [-]: the reason why i disliked my move to start is]))(;W[cc];B[db]C[Path [-]: even something like this..Path [-]: i dont feel comfortable here]))(;B[cd]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: and i didnt wanna c17 and w e18Path [-]: do thisPath [-]: then im likePath [-]: well..Path [-]: usually](;W[de];B[cb];W[eb];B[be]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: ohPath [-]: we'd get thisPath [-]: butPath [-]: since w is strong everywhere];W[bg])(;W[cc]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: i was afraid of thatPath [-]: and all the nasty stuff that followsMagnus86 [1d?]: me tooPath [-]: we;d probably kill off d11 in the fightjytsao [3k]: as usual, alex ignores mejytsao [3k]: =pPath [-]: but w gets morePath [-]: well jeffsaoPath [-]: im noobMagnus86 [1d?]: i just didnt read much but thought bad so went e18Path [-]: ask eric insteadredreoicy [3d]: b just extend?Gabriel [1d]: these imbedded cuts are so annoying to readjytsao [3k]: it's TSAO!];B[db]C[jytsao [3k]: >=3];W[cb]C[redreoicy [3d]: or waitjytsao [3k]: just cuz i tell white ppl to make the t silentredreoicy [3d]: this is because you played c16jytsao [3k]: doesn't mean you shoudl go and do it tooPath [-]: yesredreoicy [3d]: don't play c16jytsao [3k]: >=3Path [-]: yepredreoicy [3d]: play e18])))(;W[cc]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: okPath [-]: not sure about this eitherPath [-]: its just messy]))(;B[ip]C[Path [-]: maybe thisPath [-]: im not surePath [-]: since];W[gq];B[jm]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: its not like we have anything to complain about]))(;W[an]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: now wat b do?Path [-]: readPath [-]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: i was gonna sac cornerMagnus86 [1d?]: read pssh];B[co]C[Path [-]: maybe we have to defendPath [-]: hard to sayPath [-]: i saw a6 but i misread this being goteMagnus86 [1d?]: ah]))(;W[bi]C[Path [-]: hmPath [-]: idk if this better...redreoicy [3d]: d11 seems hard with the e8 peepPath [-]: mmPath [-]: ya]))(;B[eh]C[Path [-]: i think if we just want to livePath [-]: we want to jump on this side insteadPath [-]: since white is more like a wall on the bottom sideMagnus86 [1d?]: okPath [-]: we want to play away from thicknessPath [-]: but i guess they still have d11Path [-]: which is hard...])(;B[ej]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: i thought about something like thisPath [-]: but its harPath [-]: dPath [-]: oh well]))(;B[gm]C[Path [-]: why not?Gabriel [1d]: but the gamble paid off and killed our group afterall -.-Path [-]: idkPath [-]: didnt want to made c9 wastefulPath [-]: would be boring]))(;B[gm]C[Path [-]: both sides have moyoPath [-]: we should build ours and reduce theirs at the same timeMagnus86 [1d?]: rightPath [-]: not be jealous and go in]))(;W[qf]C[Path [-]: i thought something like this lolPath [-]: idkMagnus86 [1d?]: lolPath [-]: q13 is interesting haha]))(;W[hm])(;W[gm]C[Path [-]: you can feel the differenceMagnus86 [1d?]: yes])(;W[rf](;B[re]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: yeah])(;B[qf]C[Gabriel [1d]: Eve - what was the actual plan behind Q13?];W[re];B[rg]C[Path [-]: you'd end up getting a sort of reduction like this anyway loljytsao [3k]: why no audio alex?jytsao [3k]: >=3Path [-]: causePath [-]: sleeping parentMagnus86 [1d?]: q13 w follow by r14 or q12?jytsao [3k]: pshjytsao [3k]: you can always just tell them to piss offjytsao [3k]: =p])))(;B[gm]LB[ei:A][ll:B]C[EeveeM [2k]: I suppose in that aspectredreoicy [3d]: i think c4 is the normalPath [-]: and i thought maybe this is good tooEeveeM [2k]: w should've just C4'dredreoicy [3d]: d2 isn't neededEeveeM [2k]: instead of E2 (which is my bad)redreoicy [3d]: it lets w play c4redreoicy [3d]: b should play c4 firstPath [-]: yaPath [-]: talked about itPath [-]: i thought this causePath [-]: a area is developing into whites moyoPath [-]: and b is developing into blacksPath [-]: this is the border of the two right?Magnus86 [1d?]: rightPath [-]: probably biggest move on the board]))(;W[cp];B[br];W[bq];B[cr];W[ck]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: i was expecting thisMagnus86 [1d?]: tatz y i went with d2Gabriel [1d]: that's what I expected :DPath [-]: i like w a bit more locally hereGabriel [1d]: this sequencePath [-]: then the other possibilitiesPath [-]: point of f5 is to try to make 3-3 more severe redreoicy [3d]: w gets off really easilyPath [-]: yaPath [-]: dont feel too severe with this Magnus86 [1d?]: ah ok]))(;B[cp]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: okPath [-]: this treePath [-]: this sequence is more or less why];W[co];B[dr];W[er];B[cr];W[eq]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: ohredreoicy [3d]: oh];B[fr]C[EeveeM [2k]: ah,redreoicy [3d]: big fun tree];W[eo];B[es];W[fn];B[go]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: okPath [-]: i expected something looking like thisPath [-]: btu whatever]))(;W[dr]C[Path [-]: thisPath [-]: orMagnus86 [1d?]: ahPath [-]: normal, but i feel like its submitting to our willredreoicy [3d]: in br];B[jf]C[Gabriel [1d]: solves a lotta problems though :PPath [-]: yeahredreoicy [3d]: w should just notredreoicy [3d]: spend so much time living])(;W[dk]C[Path [-]: this type of move is expected from w afterPath [-]: since otherwise w's local looks pretty badPath [-]: but if you follow b around everywhere];B[jf]C[Magnus86 [1d?]: okMagnus86 [1d?]: yeahPath [-]: then yuo get into trouble anywayMagnus86 [1d?]: waas gonna be next movePath [-]: so i guess it doesnt matter]))(;W[jf]C[Path [-]: maybe now or somethingPath [-]: looks nicerPath [-]: cause you took gote to liveredreoicy [3d]: now i like wredreoicy [3d]: cause top rPath [-]: mhmredreoicy [3d]: looks uglyPath [-]: top right isnt good for b...]))(;W[fc]C[Path [-]: regardless i hate this type of moyo game];B[jf]C[Path [-]: b feels nice and largeredreoicy [3d]: why did w play f17Path [-]: but you know])(;W[jf]C[Path [-]: mehPath [-]: maybePath [-]: we stick to]))(;B[qc]C[EeveeM [2k]: I thoght you'd Q5 hereMagnus86 [1d?]: op. went exactly like i wanted til herePath [-]: 3-3 is important in this cornerMoonCrest [-]: I find this more favorable for black.EeveeM [2k]: instead of Q18Magnus86 [1d?]: ohMoonCrest [-]: So.Path [-]: its actually so important thatPath [-]: soooooo important];W[ne];B[ng]C[Path [-]: not sure how to really continue, but seems playable]))(;W[eq]C[Path [-]: this];B[fp];W[jp];B[lp];W[jn];B[fm]C[Path [-]: ish];W[dm];B[fk];W[jl])(;W[jp]C[Path [-]: or thisPath [-]: lets just split up the bottom like nice textbook playersPath [-]: so we dont have to deal with big moyo anymorePath [-]: and we can all be happyredreoicy [3d]: ?Dredreoicy [3d]: :D];B[dr];W[gq];B[gr];W[fr];B[er];W[fp](;B[fs];W[hq];B[ch];W[cj];B[bj]C[redreoicy [3d]: wait what];W[bk]C[Gabriel [1d]: haha yeah. this looks more interestingPath [-]: textbook shapesredreoicy [3d]: really o.O];B[be]C[Path [-]: one second.redreoicy [3d]: lower left is good for w i thoughtPath [-]: i find for youPath [-]: look at it globallyPath [-]: w has no pointsredreoicy [3d]: i guess maybe k4 becomes overconcentratedPath [-]: but influencePath [-]: its likePath [-]: equalishredreoicy [3d]: yeah k4 is the pointredreoicy [3d]: that variation can occur without k4 and it's good for wredreoicy [3d]: but k4 is just not cool herePath [-]: wish i could just pattern tracePath [-]: i have to find a link for youredreoicy [3d]: it's okredreoicy [3d]: i trustredreoicy [3d]: it looks professionsredreoicy [3d]: professional*Path [-]: i just want to linkGabriel [1d]: B looks low everywhere thoughPath [-]: so you can look at it in more detailPath [-]: im not the right person to explain these shenanigans lolredreoicy [3d]: b is low but k4 is inefficientPath [-]: http://gogameguru.com/go-commentary-lee-sedol-vs-jiang-weijie-1st-bailing-cup/Path [-]: go through fuseki vars a bitPath [-]: i think he talks about this patternredreoicy [3d]: he sayPath [-]: and according to himPath [-]: i fedredreoicy [3d]: f1 wrongPath [-]: ya])(;B[eq];W[ep];B[hq];W[gp](;B[hr])(;B[ir];W[hp];B[ch]C[Path [-]: that makes it worth my while to find thatredreoicy [3d]: i still think roughly ok for bredreoicy [3d]: with f1Path [-]: yaPath [-]: small difference reallyPath [-]: since as ama we dont care that much about those detailsPath [-]: why is it 2:20 ;;;Path [-]: we should really leave Gabriel [1d]: 10:20 here >:DPath [-]: ya ima likePath [-]: sleepPath [-]: ughPath [-]: 2amGabriel [1d]: but that's pretty much when I sleep anywayGabriel [1d]: so I'm gonna go, have a shower'n'stuffPath [-]: i'll see you guys when its not 2amPath [-]: yeahPath [-]: see you~Gabriel [1d]: thank you for the game and review!Path [-]: thanks for the gameredreoicy [3d]: byeeeeGabriel [1d]: bye :)Path [-]: bye~redreoicy [3d]: it's only 418]))))(;B[qk]C[jytsao [3k]: that's how i know];W[nc];B[pf];W[qc]C[Path [-]: professional opinion right now is for w to 3-3 directly after this approachPath [-]: likeEeveeM [2k]: woah, just like that?Path [-]: all the timePath [-]: yaMoonCrest [-]: Lol not always.Magnus86 [1d?]: we go k4 too so i was like lets make giant moyoMoonCrest [-]: But common.Gabriel [1d]: woah okayMagnus86 [1d?]: *gotPath [-]: common is more likePath [-]: all the timeMoonCrest [-]: Not really.MoonCrest [-]: :PPath [-]: atleast in the recent months];B[pc];W[pb];B[ob];W[qb];B[oc];W[re];B[rf];W[qe];B[qf]C[MoonCrest [-]: Yeah of course.];W[nb]C[jytsao [3k]: lolMagnus86 [1d?]: but we got k4 in game manPath [-]: you'd usually expect something like thisjytsao [3k]: isn't that a pro variation?];B[na];W[jc];B[pe];W[mp];B[op];W[jp]C[MoonCrest [-]: Yes, Jyt.Path [-]: yaMoonCrest [-]: LolMoonCrest [-]: in this caseMoonCrest [-]: b's chinese is pretty sadMoonCrest [-]: sojytsao [3k]: a 4d at my go club was going over it the other dayPath [-]: since this is so popular])(;B[ql]C[Path [-]: that's one reason why you'd see this tooMoonCrest [-]: Runty chinese.MoonCrest [-]: ^^Path [-]: but yaGabriel [1d]: nice Feff :PPath [-]: fuseki opPath [-]: too much work]))

EeveeM,Gabriel    Magnus86,Path
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