(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2700]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]GN[Kalsberg/Dinerstein - Avram/Corlan]PW[Kalsberg/Dinerstein]PB[Avram/Corlan]WR[5d]BR[2d]DT[2010-04-25]EV[13th European Pair Go Championship]RO[6]PC[Hotel "Saint-Petersburg", Saint-Petersburg, Russia]WT[RU2]BT[RO]C[EPGC2010 [-]: clock has been started, black have not yet appeared for the gameJavaness [2d]: :(Gonzalate [2d]: board 2 :o ?Javaness [2d]: most exciting boardTony84 [6k]: this is amateur game right?Gonzalate [2d]: :)Uberdude [3d?]: tony, diner is prohanzala [4k]: which one is tony and ? p denisda [5k]: hai romania!scurge [5d]: they have like 45 minutes no?Alife361 [?]: tony=Tony84, diner=Dinerstein (w) - he is p. :)Javaness [2d]: I thought breakfast didn't usually play in these eventsAlife361 [?]: He is very active now in Russia toohanzala [4k]: tyscurge [5d]: How much time left for black? How come they are not there? the last round was too long?EPGC2010 [-]: black arrived];B[pd]C[Alife361 [?]: waw!];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[fq]C[denisda [5k]: Romania will won.....];W[cn];B[jp]C[denisda [5k]: anyway,good luck for both teamsAlife361 [?]: This was a strategic delay ?];W[qk];B[qo];W[qh];B[mc];W[hq]C[Katsuri [?]: how they count the strength from dinerstein?? hes a pro];B[jq]C[ledeiR [2d?]: 7d i d sayKatsuri [?]: hm ok 0__0];W[gp];B[cq]C[Alife361 [?]: roln111 is 8-9d. They are almost equal in short and handi games (imho)];W[er]C[Katsuri [?]: e2 o___0 Concinnity [8k]: Are they allowed to discuss?ledeiR [2d?]: e2 looks very strangeJavaness [2d]: *\o/* Go Laura *\o/* (and lucian too)DanielTom [4d]: breakfast likes to win on yose. should be hard to do in pair goEPGC2010 [-]: e2 was breakfast];B[bo]C[Javaness [2d]: tricky breakfastdenisda [5k]: yeah....denisda [5k]: tricky and violent style];W[bn];B[co]C[Alife361 [?]: Not that tricky - usual nikken attack (imho)];W[do]C[matjet2 [?]: is this similar to eurogotv with a video online somewhere?denisda [5k]: this is korean style(agresive)Minutemade [9k]: i root for white o.o];B[cr];W[eq]C[ledeiR [2d?]: d6 scurge [5d]: looks better for blackDanieI [-]: is this guy related to alexander dinerctein?];B[cp]C[atnight [1k]: pretty muchDanieI [-]: hm?Scharlach [1d]: it is alexander dinersteinunikoline [2k]: ....];W[cg]C[DanieI [-]: ohDanieI [-]: rengoDanielTom [4d]: Dinerchtein*];B[fc]C[eurogotv [-]: eurogotv rulez];W[dc]C[just9x9 [-]: just9x9 rulezSonatine [6k]: j16 ?ledeiR [2d?]: what do you guys rule ?? traffic?Javaness [2d]: hi eurogotv];B[id]C[eurogotv [-]: i rule http://EuroGoTV.comDanielTom [4d]: :oeurogotv [-]: hi Java^^Minutemade [9k]: of course you do :P];W[pr]C[EPGC2010 [-]: breakfast again..matjet2 [?]: all the eurogotv videos appear to be offline thoughmatjet2 [?]: (video rooms i mean)hanzala [4k]: dıd breakfast do q2?DanielTom [4d]: yes...];B[qq]C[DanieI [-]: theres no broadcast...Minutemade [9k]: which on ie is breakfast? o.ounikoline [2k]: hmmm...DanielTom [4d]: r17 Minutemade [9k]: one is*hanzala [4k]: i want to understand it but i cant :)Javaness [2d]: is there a results table we can look at];W[mq];B[mo]C[Scharlach [1d]: http://go-federation.spb.ru/?page_id=534DanielTom [4d]: n3 too soon...Scharlach [1d]: or in the epgc profile];W[oq]C[DanieI [-]: is this video broadcasted?eurogotv [-]: noDanieI [-]: okFinnish [5k]: isn't it Dinerchtein not DinersteinDanieI [-]: it is];B[nr]C[Finnish [5k]: thxJavaness [2d]: I guess the volcano hit participationProdigious [4d]: there are many ways to transliterate russian namesDanieI [-]: seems sopiku [2k?]: there is no volcano. Chuck Noris is having a barbecueDanieI [-]: lolDanieI [-]: XDdenisda [5k]: this is a joke??piku [2k?]: LOLTony84 [6k]: loldenisda [5k]: loliaznab [2k]: yes];W[nq]C[eurogotv [-]: no a statementeurogotv [-]: Chuck Norris rulez toopiku [2k?]: :-DJavaness [2d]: eurogotv: stand in the cornereurogotv [-]: huh, why?Javaness [2d]: :)DanieI [-]: im hungwyFinnish [5k]: u awe?iaznab [2k]: why take so long before p2?eurogotv [-]: oh i see, new regultions for Kibitz (no more Chuck Norris talk allowed)DanieI [-]: avram is laura?];B[or]C[Javaness [2d]: you can never think too longdenisda [5k]: yesDanieI [-]: okdenisda [5k]: laura avraamiaznab [2k]: javaness, tell that to the people who lose in byo-yomiScharlach [1d]: in byoyomi lose people who are already losing];W[mr];B[qr]C[DanieI [-]: she's jewish?];W[oo]C[longauer [6k]: no, she is roumanian (Laura Avram)iaznab [2k]: b has nice early cashiaznab [2k]: now just what to do with k3/k4DanieI [-]: jew is religon... romanian is nationality];B[ho]C[longauer [6k]: :) ... then she is orthodox :)Javaness [2d]: what does it matter what religion she isDanieI [-]: it doesntJavaness [2d]: do you want to marry her :pDanieI [-]: avraam just sounded jewish to me so i asked];W[om]C[longauer [6k]: npJavaness [2d]: ok :)just9x9 [-]: java, cornerjust9x9 [-]: :)DanieI [-]: pleaseJavaness [2d]: what about R14scurge [5d]: grrrrrreurogotv [-]: p6imagine [3k]: s16iaznab [2k]: p6 surely notJavaness [2d]: haha scurge :)];B[dn]C[Alife361 [?]: q8iaznab [2k]: r15 is nicer than r14?iaznab [2k]: or r16?Javaness [2d]: no Czech , German or Hungarian pairs?imagine [3k]: which side?EPGC2010 [-]: no, javaiaznab [2k]: e6 I'd saydjrrjddjrd [10k]: e6iaznab [2k]: aim to attack k4 laterdjrrjddjrd [10k]: e6 can beat the black of center];W[fn];B[dm];W[cl];B[dl];W[ck];B[dk]C[MidNReaper [1d]: w weak groups 0 b weak groups 2iaznab [2k]: now w is also making cash];W[dj];B[cj]C[MidNReaper [1d]: pretty clear who is doing better];W[bj]C[eurogotv [-]: black?];B[ci]C[ledeiR [2d?]: =)];W[bi]C[taiji [1d]: I prefered blackSpanjers [6k]: hi eurogotvOnmyoji [2d?]: i count b+25.5Spanjers [6k]: ty for broadcasting];B[ej]C[eurogotv [-]: hallo Rik];W[di]C[Javaness [2d]: ouchiaznab [2k]: yum yumSpanjers [6k]: harry toch? of ben ik het vergeten?ledeiR [2d?]: you can count the result here onmyo ?? wowiaznab [2k]: 2 tasty stoneseurogotv [-]: jaeurogotv [-]: je bent het niet vergetenSpanjers [6k]: binnenkort weer misschien een huis in a'dam, dan kan ik weer naar de jordaan komeneurogotv [-]: leukSpanjers [6k]: ja, anders blijf je zo hangen he ;)Onmyoji [2d?]: yesMidNReaper [1d]: w left side 30+ pointscarlcarl: w better i thinkAlife361 [?]: EPGC2010 what is about Kovaleva-Surin? Pairing with whom?eurogotv [-]: c14ledeiR [2d?]: b will have to sacrifice d8 stones i thinkMidNReaper [1d]: they look too heavy to give up EPGC2010 [-]: kovaleva/surin -- kamysheva/mezhov, 2kledeiR [2d?]: they re heavy so he should give them up ^^Onmyoji [2d?]: cant sacrificeAlife361 [?]: EPGC2010, thanksOnmyoji [2d?]: why would heledeiR [2d?]: if b tries to run out with both groups w has an easy gamepinpingho [-]: it's not the problem whether it can be sacrificed, the problem is sacrifice it for what?Maure [2d]: f4 EPGC2010 [-]: b 18 minutes left];B[ei];W[dh]C[unikoline [2k]: ...];B[gm]C[Alife361 [?]: Sacrifice 4 stones for a wall?ledeiR [2d?]: for stabilitycarlcarl: e3 strange shapeledeiR [2d?]: e3 was wrong earlier i thinkledeiR [2d?]: should have been at d6 ];W[en];B[eh];W[eg]C[Alife361 [?]: cut?];B[fg]C[Alife361 [?]: Whos move is on?carlcarl: i think e2 is bad..];W[ef];B[mm];W[ok]C[Javaness [2d]: black needs more points i thinkAlife361 [?]: whites are slow.... (imho)Javaness [2d]: nobi in the centre must be bigMidNReaper [1d]: maybe just patientcarlcarl: n9? XDJavaness [2d]: N9 consistentMidNReaper [1d]: m10?];B[mk]C[javi [4k]: 2d>1d ;)Alife361 [?]: h6MidNReaper [1d]: nothing to do with ranks really since its so hard to prove which move is correctcarlcarl: n10?Javaness [2d]: G13];W[qc]C[tobe30k [1d]: all wrongMidNReaper [1d]: looks like there will be huge moyo for bimagine [3k]: r17 wrong maybe];B[pc]C[DonGroucho [13k]: T20matjet2 [?]: should white have attempted to spoil blacks center before invading the corner?poivron [-]: r17 seems wrong imoh];W[qd];B[qe];W[re]C[MidNReaper [1d]: s14Minutemade [9k]: k10 for the win];B[pe];W[rf]C[imagine [3k]: p13fjiel [1d]: ^^poivron [-]: p12eurogotv [-]: n11MidNReaper [1d]: n11 or n12Minutemade [9k]: p12 looks nice o.otobe30k [1d]: o12 tobe30k [1d]: :)piku [2k?]: o12Alife361 [?]: r7MidNReaper [1d]: o12?Javaness [2d]: F14];B[pn]C[MidNReaper [1d]: cant decideeurogotv [-]: what???];W[on]C[Alife361 [?]: Almost like r7!eurogotv [-]: terrible move];B[ni]C[Javaness [2d]: betterProdigious [4d]: tactical forcing movecarlcarl: niceMidNReaper [1d]: q6 looks terribleAlife361 [?]: r7 was bad?Javaness [2d]: *\o/* Go Laura-Lucian *\o/*eurogotv [-]: q6 worst move of thew game];W[he]C[MidNReaper [1d]: agreedunikoline [2k]: yesJavaness [2d]: I think it was useful];B[ge]C[GenVital [2k]: why its so bad?eurogotv [-]: no more p6tobe30k [1d]: ya, why?unikoline [2k]: ???eurogotv [-]: p6 killed p3MidNReaper [1d]: eliminates the aji there was in whites shapenewton [1k]: it gives nothing for black, strengenth white and makes the black wall weakerHendrix [1k]: H15 a bit optimistic?MidNReaper [1d]: yes weakens b too on centerAlife361 [?]: That's why i'd propose r7. imagine [3k]: g14?MaxMakinen [3k]: its pairgo... q6 might have been a forcing move to let the partner pay the next move...];W[gd]C[MaxMakinen [3k]: *playMidNReaper [1d]: that would be a horrible plan, you cant play plain bad moves intentionallydjrrjddjrd [10k]: g14Prodigious [4d]: q6 really wasn't as terrible as you're making it out to bescurge [5d]: g15 pretty bad, before black was lot ahead now hard to sayProdigious [4d]: lost some aji, sureMaxMakinen [3k]: well, its quite common in pargo to just use some sente to let your partner play.. specially if the partner is stronger and you dont know what to doProdigious [4d]: but not the end of the worldpinpingho [-]: in fact it isn't that badEPGC2010 [-]: b ten minutes leftdjrrjddjrd [10k]: g14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!];B[hd]C[Minutemade [9k]: so q6 was like a pass? o.oMidNReaper [1d]: nopinpingho [-]: can't even really say b will lose anything out of that movedjrrjddjrd [10k]: black lost the game carlcarl: ........MidNReaper [1d]: its just a general mistake to eliminate aji for no reasontobe30k [1d]: but he has the centerKatsuri [?]: not yetMinutemade [9k]: isnt black ahead alot? ><];W[gf];B[fe];W[ff]C[MaxMakinen [3k]: midnreaper.. yes, it is.. but there is a reason if you're using it as a pass ;) not saying thats what happened.. just that its possiblecarlcarl: b ???Javaness [2d]: white entered the moyo in sente];B[gc]C[pinpingho [-]: b's play is weird hereJavaness [2d]: disasterMidNReaper [1d]: bye bye moyounikoline [2k]: oh....Javaness [2d]: I blame LucianHendrix [1k]: H12=honku [1d]: W 'enters the dragon' ^_^];W[gn]C[Alife361 [?]: h7Ananda [4k]: p13 carlcarl: dragon fly~];B[hm]C[Alife361 [?]: +MidNReaper [1d]: so w has about 60 points atm?MidNReaper [1d]: b has...Minutemade [9k]: SE brokeMinutemade [9k]: :P];W[fl]C[Kmar [1d]: outchcarlcarl: : )Hendrix [1k]: nice move! :) .. now H6 will hurtJavaness [2d]: ai ai aiAlife361 [?]: B needs 25 point int center to drawAlife361 [?]: in*djrrjddjrd [10k]: f9MidNReaper [1d]: i doubt he gets even 20 after this attackdjrrjddjrd [10k]: 黑下的真烂carlcarl: lol];B[fm]C[newton [1k]: f9 is badscurge [5d]: only option is to sacrifice all i thinknewton [1k]: f9 e8Javaness [2d]: kill all];W[em]C[Minutemade [9k]: i dont see it o.odjrrjddjrd [10k]: f9 is bad?norgkost [5k]: can black sacrifice the 4 stones?djrrjddjrd [10k]: now white in the centerMinutemade [9k]: i dont think the four die o.o];B[el]C[MidNReaper [1d]: this wont be prettyscurge [5d]: now its over propaply :( but still black will fight ;scurge [5d]: )newton [1k]: f9 e8 ... white has a bamboo and threatens the 4 stones ... black has nothing];W[ao]C[norgkost [5k]: a5 gote?MidNReaper [1d]: ? what is thisMaxMakinen [3k]: might yet again be a forcing move to let the partner play...piku [2k?]: niceAlife361 [?]: Next will be s7. Whites will have enough :)];B[go]C[piku [2k?]: heheAnanda [4k]: an eye for an eye :)just9x9 [-]: b forces back?pel [2k]: schmerze];W[fp];B[fo];W[eo]C[DonGroucho [13k]: pel arent you that guy that played that teaching game with that guy on that day?Wormhole1: lol?barty [1d]: h4 matjet2 [?]: no he's that other guyjust9x9 [-]: when 13k's talk?honku [1d]: but W has J2 anywaybarty [1d]: yeap trueMidNReaper [1d]: h4 = stupidbarty [1d]: maybe better just h6DonGroucho [13k]: that should be a horror movie, When 13k's Talk.carlcarl: b not alive yetjust9x9 [-]: why does b play this line? forcing moves that end in gote or loose points?EPGC2010 [-]: b last minuteMocramis [3k]: carlcarl neither whitejust9x9 [-]: or is he out for a kill seriously there?MidNReaper [1d]: finally they have to start playing instead thinkingmatjet2 [?]: timesujis?carlcarl: so i think b won't try to kill 0.0Alife361 [?]: Now h6 and a3 are miai for whites?];B[hn];W[ap]C[Alife361 [?]: a4 sorry :)Ananda [4k]: sacrifice the corner ?];B[dq]C[matjet2 [?]: why not d3 instead of h6?];W[ep]C[ledeiR [2d?]: a3 would give a ko for bdenisda [5k]: semeai];B[hh]C[djrrjddjrd [10k]: white win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!denisda [5k]: but white has more lib.kurizu [6k]: white winning semeai Mocramis [3k]: that's a huge sacrificedenisda [5k]: yeah...kurizu [6k]: p13 seams bigMidNReaper [1d]: how much is w left side nowcarlcarl: b g5 is boringdenisda [5k]: but they take the cornerpiku [2k?]: intelligent sacrificedenisda [5k]: the centerpiku [2k?]: :Ddenisda [5k]: sorryMidNReaper [1d]: 60 points?honku [1d]: B goodhonku [1d]: W has around 90, B around 100denisda [5k]: this is furikawari];W[gh]C[MidNReaper [1d]: 100 for b? no wayAnanda [4k]: yes 60];B[gi]C[just9x9 [-]: omg b will get so reducedpiku [2k?]: 100 if e3 is dead ;)Ananda [4k]: 75 for whonku [1d]: nocarlcarl: =.=];W[hg]C[honku [1d]: Oro gives precise estimate];B[ih]C[MidNReaper [1d]: 75 plus komiAnanda [4k]: around 80MidNReaper [1d]: dont think b can match thatMaxMakinen [3k]: for black:center is what, 40? top is 35? bottom right around 15?];W[ig]C[quicksand [1d]: b has 70-80, w 90];B[jh]C[ledeiR [2d?]: top isn t 25 yetledeiR [2d?]: 35*MaxMakinen [3k]: no, but black might get some more points around n13 aswellhonku [1d]: and how's W gonna invade the top?MidNReaper [1d]: he dont need toMidNReaper [1d]: wins anyway];W[jg]C[Ananda [4k]: w+15 it seemsscurge [5d]: still possible to win for black :) pair go is a game of dice :p];B[pi]C[MaxMakinen [3k]: yepp, 3 opponents.. :)MidNReaper [1d]: sort ofMidNReaper [1d]: s10?Higanbana [?]: you're not supposed to talk to your partner in pair go are you?Ananda [4k]: r11 Iciac [6k]: r11 ?barty [1d]: q11 looks not goodMaxMakinen [3k]: yepp, not allowed to talk higanbana, other than asking permissions to resign etcEPGC2010 [-]: breakfast thinkingfan [-]: is there info bout 5th round?MrMilo [10k]: s10 to slow I think];W[pm]C[Ananda [4k]: or to ask whos turn it is...this doesnt apply on kgscarlcarl: lol];B[kg]C[Alife361 [?]: q6 .... :(((MidNReaper [1d]: q7 eh, didnt occur to me];W[cm];B[ek]C[carlcarl: q7 strange to mejust9x9 [-]: r10 did cover both weaknesses inmho?Ananda [4k]: b center is growing];W[kf]C[shikashogi: indeedGermoe [2k]: is this the final round?Iciac [6k]: r11 would have been met with q8 I thinkLaman [1k]: yes, it is];B[lg]C[MidNReaper [1d]: b dont have thinking time anymorejust9x9 [-]: oh, so b lost on time?MidNReaper [1d]: byo yomi maybeAlife361 [?]: Do whites have m5?Mocramis [3k]: isn't it dangerous for the top ?tumuk [4k]: m5 just9x9 [-]: top or middle reduction, b cant have both];W[qi]C[carlcarl: 0.0MidNReaper [1d]: w is ahead, dont need to try too hard];B[eb];W[db];B[je];W[jf]C[carlcarl: ...];B[qb];W[rb]C[Javaness [2d]: I am sad for blackdjrrjddjrd [10k]: white p12 heiheiJavaness [2d]: they had such a good game shikashogi: i wish i could see whats happening lol];B[pb]C[Alife361 [?]: r18 -> q18 was better?];W[ke];B[kd];W[rn];B[ro]C[MidNReaper [1d]: j2?];W[qm];B[da];W[ca];B[ea];W[cb];B[ee];W[de];B[ir];W[hr]C[carlcarl: b good yosedeft [3d]: J2 is big, but not _that_ big because B is not expanding their territory];B[ra]C[Alife361 [?]: m5];W[lp]C[Ananda [4k]: b is far behindtumuk [4k]: b will wincarlcarl: b get e7 r18 and j2..];B[lo]C[just9x9 [-]: e18 u mean? e7 is whitecarlcarl: oh yes :pMidNReaper [1d]: i think w should have gotten to play r18 instead b];W[ec]C[Ananda [4k]: and how exactly will b win tumuk?MidNReaper [1d]: it was so bigjust9x9 [-]: lol anandadeft [3d]: I counted W+3.5 (quick count)];B[fb]C[tumuk [4k]: you will seescurge [5d]: its more about ten :(];W[fr]C[Ananda [4k]: i counted w+15MoeTheDoom [6k]: черные побеждают?:)just9x9 [-]: oh, thx for the presice answer tumuk];B[rc];W[rd];B[sb]C[carlcarl: = =aally [4k]: Динерштейн какими играет?scurge [5d]: go laura go :p];W[ie]C[MoeTheDoom [6k]: белымиAlife361 [?]: серымиdeft [3d]: B center + top is big];B[jd]C[ally [4k]: шутникjuj: M15 big?Takimme [1k]: врядли ч выиграетSqueezeIt [1d]: scurge, do you also feel b wins?deft [3d]: ... and B even has some potential left with R13/Q12Alife361 [?]: (у меня на экране они серые :)];W[ns];B[ps];W[so]C[MoeTheDoom [6k]: центр большой у черныхJavaness [2d]: if there is any justice Black must wincarlcarl: o1 =.=];B[sp]C[deft [3d]: it's close, but I think W winAnanda [4k]: there is none :)];W[sn];B[qp]C[ally [4k]: мне кажется, недостаточно большойMinutemade [9k]: i think white needs to jump to o 14 or somethingMidNReaper [1d]: p12ally [4k]: хотя я не считал];W[me]C[Takimme [1k]: левый край у белых тоже не слабыйally [4k]: с углом];B[ld]C[shikashogi: lol minutemade was good with 014, 1 off at n15deft [3d]: N15 good moveFeelss [14k]: n14?Takimme [1k]: ход f2 такой огромныйally [4k]: очков на 30 imagine [3k]: p13];W[mf]C[Alife361 [?]: n12ally [4k]: не, не a2ally [4k]: f2ally [4k]: это я про угловой размен];B[oh]C[earthy [8k]: w will win :(just9x9 [-]: p12?Javaness [2d]: why not force at R6];W[kr]C[ally [4k]: центр за уголdeft [3d]: P12 seems smallLove [3d]: угол бошеMidNReaper [1d]: and strange];B[qn]C[MoeTheDoom [6k]: не очень легко дается белым ,)];W[rl]C[ally [4k]: и я про то жTakimme [1k]: это парное гоJavaness [2d]: h1];B[hs]C[Feelss [14k]: b q13?];W[gs]C[Takimme [1k]: я пробовал как тоally [4k]: Ковалёва?MoeTheDoom [6k]: ну это думаю всем понятно ,)Takimme [1k]: но мои нервы это не выдерживаютally [4k]: не забывай, она 6 данMoeTheDoom [6k]: ренго];B[is]C[Javaness [2d]: F13deft [3d]: W endgame is a lot better than BMidNReaper [1d]: o16piku [2k?]: SE says very close game...abak [1d]: 55 Кальсберг Эльвина Санкт-Петербург 2408 31 11 21-03-2010abak [1d]: 4 данdeft [3d]: SE is wrongally [4k]: а, Эля];W[kp]C[Ananda [4k]: they should turn that thing off];B[ko]C[deft [3d]: it counts points for B near P14ally [4k]: тоже не подарок %)piku [2k?]: :DOrandajinn [2k?]: white big lead];W[pj]C[deft [3d]: how can that ever be B points?ally [4k]: для противникаOrandajinn [2k?]: 10+piku [2k?]: right...];B[qg];W[rg]C[Feelss [14k]: w winFeelss [14k]: ?];B[hp]C[deft [3d]: I counted W+3.5 before W got all the good endgame points, now it must be much moreLove [3d]: о16denisda [5k]: its hard to say...Minutemade [9k]: cclose game i think];W[iq]C[denisda [5k]: yeah...close game];B[jr];W[ip];B[io];W[gq]C[deft [3d]: W wins even without komi so I wouldn't call it a close gamecarlcarl: .........];B[ar]C[kurizu [6k]: O.o];W[bs]C[tobimatias: ^^Takimme [1k]: оОLove [3d]: коры мочит)MoeTheDoom [6k]: во от этого угла будет зависеть победа ,)ally [4k]: невыживабельно];B[fh]C[Takimme [1k]: с этим углом все ясноAlife361 [?]: Simply transfered a move to the partner, imho];W[nd]C[Takimme [1k]: это либо передача хода более сильному игроку в паре];B[nc]C[Feelss [14k]: good o16ally [4k]: спортивный ходAlife361 [?]: Да, TakimmeTakimme [1k]: либо связывание по рукам более сильного игрока пары соперников];W[mg];B[mh]C[MoeTheDoom [6k]: стратегия ,))];W[kq]C[abak [1d]: а может и то и друглеAlife361 [?]: + бейемиabak [1d]: другое*];B[rm];W[sm];B[nl]C[ally [4k]: баёмиMoeTheDoom [6k]: сноваMoeTheDoom [6k]: ,)];W[gg]C[KGSPlus [-]: это передача хода более сильному игроку];B[no]C[Kurotsu [?]: why S7?];W[op];B[ol];W[pl]C[BinX [8k?]: I'm quite weak, but if a2 isn't answer, black live ?MoeTheDoom [6k]: если на такие ходы еще отвечает динершейн,))Minutemade [9k]: s7 is passing move i think];B[oj]C[Kurotsu [?]: ahhKurotsu [?]: truehonku [1d]: will W go for a koally [4k]: что за фигня?Alife361 [?]: p10 плохой...Love [3d]: а че за Динерштейн тут?deft [3d]: W is ahead so ko is bad ideaally [4k]: ко-борьбу затевают?wwwww [8k]: i think w is counting.. EPGC2010 [-]: surin/kovaleva lostMoeTheDoom [6k]: думаю тот самый ,)norgkost [5k]: black has threats lower left so no koMoeTheDoom [6k]: ты много динерштейнов знаешь?:)SqueezeIt [1d]: EPGC versus who?Love [3d]: )Feelss [14k]: w q12?Love [3d]: круто)EPGC2010 [-]: 2k :)Love [3d]: Он почтил честью)SqueezeIt [1d]: ? :D];W[nk]C[Alife361 [?]: Mezhov is a champion!!!!];B[nj]C[Love [3d]: Этот турнир)];W[pk]C[ally [4k]: не пошли на коhonku [1d]: O13Love [3d]: ссыканули];B[od]C[Alife361 [?]: EPGC2010 Вы шутите????Feelss [14k]: q13?MidNReaper [1d]: o13MoeTheDoom [6k]: ковалева сурин проиграли?:)honku [1d]: O7 first?Minutemade [9k]: p14 maybe];W[ed];B[fd];W[nm];B[ml]C[Alife361 [?]: EPGC2010 are you serious with Kovaleva/Surin vs. Mezhov+ ?];W[ng]C[ally [4k]: акуратно поджимают];B[nh]C[just9x9 [-]: BinX [8k?]: I'm quite weak, but if a2 isn't answer, black live ? <- i think w just played safe, there was no way for b that i see to live anfter tenukiEPGC2010 [-]: yep, i am];W[ph]C[BinX [8k?]: thanks, I was checking ^^'abak [1d]: с кем в паре Межовabak [1d]: ?honku [1d]: They're trying to set up a half-pointer];B[sd]C[ally [4k]: с Кав];W[se];B[sc]C[ally [4k]: с камышинойAlife361 [?]: Great!!ally [4k]: радойjust9x9 [-]: hehe, brerakfast [bot]];W[nn]C[abak [1d]: Камышевой?];B[mn]C[abak [1d]: ахахахаally [4k]: да, пардонabak [1d]: как так))))))))))))000Alife361 [?]: Да, Камышева - девченочка, 6кally [4k]: ну и чтоAlife361 [?]: или 5к уже - его ученица];W[pg];B[qf]C[abak [1d]: может посильнее, чем 6кally [4k]: не, 5 кю нет ещёMidNReaper [1d]: l1];W[ks];B[os]C[MoeTheDoom [6k]: h11 ];W[ms];B[oi]C[Alife361 [?]: Большая побела Олега!];W[og]C[denisda [5k]: i think w winAlife361 [?]: *даCaptcavern [6k]: hmmm..bon ben d'accordally [4k]: они вообще неплохо идут];B[md];W[ne];B[of];W[js];B[jo]C[Mocramis [3k]: W+7.5...denisda [5k]: even on the board was jigo,w won whit komydenisda [5k]: komially [4k]: всё, ходы нулевой стоимости пошлиhonku [1d]: 1.5?EPGC2010 [-]: countingSqueezeIt [1d]: b should get some points for playing a nice gameJavaness [2d]: still some chance to win in countingally [4k]: белые по-моемуBinX [8k?]: can white have something in the T1 corner ?just9x9 [-]: the b-note ? wwwww [8k]: looks like w+Feelss [14k]: w can do something in the center?ally [4k]: центр 40 очков получился в итогеjust9x9 [-]: staring at itEPGC2010 [-]: w + 7.5BinX [8k?]: yes, sorry I'm sleeping XDscurge [5d]: too bad :( laura is cooler then them :ppiku [2k?]: thx honku [1d]: so, komi was 6.5, not 0.5scurge [5d]: thanks for broadcasting see youunikoline [2k]: thxally [4k]: ну, молодцы!pershing [2d]: w winOrandajinn [2k?]: rhzvyeOrandajinn [2k?]: thxbyeAlife361 [?]: thanks, EPGC2010])

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