(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]HA[2]KM[0.50]TM[600]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]PW[tartrate]PB[flyingfox]WR[9d]BR[7d]DT[2008-07-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]AB[pd][dp]C[nachodude [4k]: yay!Sponge7 [2d]: N1Sampi [3k]: OH YEAHikami [1d]: :Sog [10k]: !tartrate [9d?]: hiflyingfox [7d]: hisimca12 [?]: yes]RE[W+3.50];W[pq]WL[588.832]C[Zahlman [1k]: kitsune-sama~~Olmerek [15k]: yeap, a kibitz feastelgemelas [9k?]: guayskonoha18 [21k]: sweetIceborg [6k]: go fox go];B[dd]BL[590.506]C[Akagi316 [7k]: whoo hoowornof [4k]: Ko!ChemBoy613 [-]: flying fox is strong canadian playerIceborg [6k]: *\o/*Hikaruwaya [3k?]: 100 observers already];W[fc]WL[580.598]C[wornof [4k]: Seki!flyingfox [7d]: never got so many requests for me to play someone @_@miao [5d]: kick his asswry [3d]: 85 before 1st moveGosnake [7k]: oarty!Waiting [2k]: 5 bucks on foxChemBoy613 [-]: i think he has chance :)Gosnake [7k]: *party!];B[hc]BL[580.343]C[wornof [4k]: Double ko!Javaness [-]: flyingfox used to be an admin I thinkZahlman [1k]: wornof it's not funny yetAkagi316 [7k]: seki];W[cn]WL[572.801]C[Dau [8k?]: c6 kyu moveSakae [-]: wow it's at the very top...Gosnake [7k]: why is not an admin anymore?wornof [4k]: Triple ko!];B[cl]BL[566.282]C[dinnertime [-]: triple ko?Sakebi [4d]: Javanesswornof [4k]: Zahlman: You almost give the impression that it will ever be funnySakebi [4d]: why do you think he is the real one?chrono3450 [1d]: hey, why doesn't tartrate talk anymore? he used to be really talkativeAkagi316 [7k]: cuz it's not the real one probably];W[df]WL[541.887]C[Cyclone001 [?]: becuase the admins say it's the real one - only they could knowtakayanagi [4d]: huh he does talkmiao [5d]: lost his voicekonoha18 [21k]: ya thats what i thinkbeeko [7k]: i bet my money on flyfox notdan [4k?]: ok];B[fd]BL[547.131]C[notdan [4k?]: i bet 20 $ on tartratekonoha18 [21k]: i think he thinks hes to good for every one];W[en]WL[534.059]C[miao [5d]: 2000 on tartratebeeko [7k]: get ready to cough up that moneykikasare [?]: if you want to see an amazing triple ko game, see the demo of the Captain game I've got saved.mpan [8k]: I think he's trying to focus on the game -_-Andd [8k]: hey this isn't cyber oro no betting :Andd [8k]: )];B[di]BL[526.198];W[fp]WL[525.645]C[notdan [4k?]: ok thendinnertime [-]: hehkikasare [?]: It's actually a sextuple ko];B[fq]BL[523.254]C[notdan [4k?]: bets offfDau [8k?]: we bet real kgs dollars herenotdan [4k?]: 7 level ko???Zahlman [1k]: chosei];W[cq]WL[500.137]C[Tantor [9k]: if this is not the real tartrate i want my money backArchaic [1k]: why is tartrate backArchaic [1k]: he just beat a 9dsimca12 [?]: why not];B[dq]BL[511.472]C[Zahlman [1k]: to increase the tart ratekikasare [?]: Look at it, demo in my games in a Captain gamenotdan [4k?]: cause hes back in black];W[cp]WL[493.8]C[notdan [4k?]: thats why];B[do]BL[510.261]C[Sampi [3k]: SHHH!Archaic [1k]: i don't think this is real tartrateSampi [3k]: such useless kibbitz];W[dn]WL[484.272]C[chrono3450 [1d]: you're right archaic - repuation is worth more than playing go];B[gp]BL[508.581]C[konoha18 [21k]: me nietherMuttley [1k]: soChemBoy613 [-]: lower left result is good for white!Muttley [1k]: you are not the real archaic];W[bm]WL[474.118]C[beeko [7k]: why is there no handicap?Archaic [1k]: haha trueArchaic [1k]: he's too much of a legendChemBoy613 [-]: there is handicapMuttley [1k]: :))ImNoSensei [-]: there are two stonestrumpet [2k]: thx chem, first comment on the game :)beeko [7k]: oh my badsimca12 [?]: already even];B[ec]BL[488.621]C[simca12 [?]: :DChemBoy613 [-]: yeah i disagree with d11];W[fo]WL[471.632]C[Dau [8k?]: first troll comment taken seriously :Pikami [1d]: beeko : because tartrate is 12dWaiting [2k]: the real legend is a friendly guyMuttley [1k]: D11 is good ...];B[hq]BL[478.561]C[andrew [3d]: I'm cloning this in the advanced study room for anyone who doesn't want all the kibitzMuttley [1k]: D14 is crushedArchaic [1k]: indeed he just beat a 9dArchaic [1k]: but...is he the real tartChemBoy613 [-]: i don't think the lower left result is acceptable for blackmpan [8k]: hm?];W[ee]WL[445.35]C[Khouphrane [5d]: difficult game for wZahlman [1k]: andrew, let me know if anyone joins ;)];B[ed]BL[474.014]C[ImNoSensei [-]: it's acceptable in so far as the top left isn't more acceptable for whiteImNoSensei [-]: everything is relative :)Andd [8k]: the e-journal said it was tartrate so i trust them over kibitzers :P];W[dh]WL[427.029]C[dinnertime [-]: yeahChemBoy613 [-]: yeah, true... but i tend to think white is doing nice job so farAlenchon [6k]: which e-journal?tetris [-]: wow he touched a weak stone :)Sampi [3k]: the ejournal is written BY kgs kibbitzers :Pkikasare [?]: e-journal? where?konoha18 [21k]: whats the e- journalNeoNemesis [-]: i heard the ejournal wrote the bibleNoobita [14k]: how come tartrate is 9d?];B[ch]BL[448.647]C[Noobita [14k]: with a question markandrew [3d]: come join my clone if you want to discuss the game in relative peace and quiet too:)];W[eh]WL[425.115]C[Zahlman [1k]: to help own weak stones tet :)ChemBoy613 [-]: well, white is alsoweakog [10k]: hasn't played in a whileJunehog [-]: i guess i don't like b's 6th move: C8chrono314 [4k]: waitDaigoro [7k?]: new accountChemBoy613 [-]: so it's kind of emergency move];B[ei]BL[439.706]C[Javaness [-]: the e-journal is very cleverLaserGuy [15k]: tartrate is 9d because he beat a 9d earlierchrono314 [4k]: is he back?];W[cg]WL[419.637]C[Noobita [14k]: :\rumbel: tartrate played many tsuke];B[ci]BL[437.654]C[Archaic [1k]: yea i guess he isIjime [4k]: *sigh*];W[gh]WL[415.509];B[fi]BL[435.403]C[chrono314 [4k]: yay!Archaic [1k]: TARTRATE IS BACK Archaic [1k]: bah who caresSakae [-]: but];W[fh]WL[407.382]C[Alenchon [6k]: goama journal perhaps???];B[ce]BL[429.767]C[Sakae [-]: he's not really that strong anymore..];W[bf]WL[404.636]C[pasky [-]: oh look, a tartratewilibald [5k?]: would it be possible for kgs to have a B Ark?];B[hj]BL[425.439]C[Vade [6k]: he should win hands downJavaness [-]: hi paskyFokatukc [7k]: tartrate beat 2 9ds so farchrono3450 [1d]: 1ChemBoy613 [-]: f9...Sampi [3k]: just 1NeoNemesis [-]: lost to 1Daigoro [7k?]: @ Javaness, why do you think, this is the tatrate from years ago?dinnertime [-]: only 1pasky [-]: hi mr. evil squirrel overlord];W[jh]WL[381.038]C[ennuistic [1k]: lost to gentlerainSakae [-]: saichina is probably stronger than tartrate];B[jj]BL[419.014]C[miao [5d]: nooooooooennuistic [1k]: probably.Ijime [4k]: lost to sensei, mohaha :)ChemBoy613 [-]: saichina is really really strongVade [6k]: highhand what's his name was the best on kgs, imo. "Up!"];W[nc]WL[374.069]C[NeoNemesis [-]: eric dai can probalby give tartrate 3 stonesmiao [5d]: big noIjime [4k]: oysy then?ennuistic [1k]: noImNoSensei [-]: lol neonemesis];B[pf]BL[406.044]C[Ijime [4k]: oysy very strongennuistic [1k]: you cannot give tartrate 3 stones.ChemBoy613 [-]: neo - ericdai might be Chinese 6d but 3 stones?ImNoSensei [-]: kibitz mode ?miao [5d]: tattrate give them all 2hc];W[pb]WL[368.057]C[NeoNemesis [-]: i was being sarcasticChemBoy613 [-]: :)];B[qo]BL[395.355]C[kago [4k?]: i dont think oysy can beat tartrateennuistic [1k]: miao has a crush.ChemBoy613 [-]: i like your other comment thoughmiao [5d]: and wins with closed wyes and without fingersennuistic [1k]: eh.];W[qj]WL[354.298]C[ennuistic [1k]: maybe a fetish.NeoNemesis [-]: remember how after ericdai lost to chunga, he told chunga he coudl give chunga 3 stonesHikaruwaya [3k?]: only bao jun wins with closed eyesArchaic [1k]: miao he places the stones on the board with his mindDau [8k?]: he didn't say he could win with 3 stones];B[ql]BL[377.69];W[qc]WL[350.306]C[Waiting [2k]: tartrate creating a new legend Fredrik [6d?]: Neo, he _thought_ he could give chunga 3 stones];B[qh]BL[372.664]C[ennuistic [1k]: white playing really complicated.];W[oj]WL[345.373]C[chrono3450 [1d]: liyue watching...ennuistic [1k]: i don't think it is going to work outWaiting [2k]: to give 9d 3 stones ... wow ImNoSensei [-]: he sort of did, but we should probably focus on these players right here];B[lh]BL[354.922];W[re]WL[340.113]C[Archaic [1k]: in his spare time in seclusion he spent his days in a cave furthering his brain power until telekinesis was developedrumbel: He did? Well if he meant what he said, it would seem quite conceited.Fokatukc [7k]: noone can give 9ds 3 stonesArchaic [1k]: so now he can place moves iwth his mind alonemiao [5d]: he canhonibo [5k]: oOVade [6k]: I canhonibo [5k]: sureTantor [9k]: I canKhouphrane [5d]: 狐臭ennuistic [1k]: i think god could.Utaware [2d]: well really dependshonibo [5k]: these are amateurs];B[oh]BL[328.489]C[Javaness [-]: *cough*honibo [5k]: so wahtmiao [5d]: lee sedol gives 4];W[ol]WL[337.864];B[oo]BL[323.25];W[qp]WL[336.623];B[ro]BL[320.309]C[Iceborg [6k]: o3 Archaic [1k]: lol god can give me only 2 stonesGerrit1 [1d]: i can give 9ds 9 stones, but i losemiao [5d]: with 4hours thinking];W[mq]WL[314.258]C[mpan [8k]: w in trouble yet on right?];B[kq]BL[311.605]C[Noobita [14k]: i can beat you all.chrono314 [4k]: i can knock a 9d out with one stone...konoha18 [21k]: hi gerriktFokatukc [7k]: i ca give a 9d 360 stonesArchaic [1k]: lol chronokago [4k?]: game looks even nowtakayanagi [4d]: some pro said he needs 3 stones from godHikaruwaya [3k?]: focus on gamechrono3450 [1d]: ?Archaic [1k]: haha fokatukc that's funnyVade [6k]: I'd probably win some pro in a fist fightChemBoy613 [-]: i think white intends to treat p10 lightlyennuistic [1k]: white has to seal the corner.Noobita [14k]: i can beat a 9p without even playingSakae [-]: haha];W[rm]WL[286.784]C[Noobita [14k]: :DSakae [-]: 3 stones agaisnt godpalpable [1d]: Was it Cho Chikun who said that he could play god w/ two stones but he would guarantee a win w/ fourkonoha18 [21k]: maybe notpalpable [1d]: ?chrono3450 [1d]: tesuji!trumpet [2k]: wow s7 i love itteralaser [5k]: nice moveIceborg [6k]: yay what a cool movempan [8k]: =osilenthope [12k]: someone explin s7? >:(acajou: s7 better than g8Javaness [-]: hi bigbenFrancisco [3d]: Cho Chikun would bet his life playing on 2 stonesFokatukc [7k]: ...shika12 [-]: hm?palpable [1d]: no, he said fourDau [8k?]: what's this chrono stuff? link?];B[mo]BL[202.501]C[chrono314 [4k]: actually you're rightchrono314 [4k]: it is spelt cronoCyclone001 [?]: good for himArchaic [1k]: bah i think lee sedol can give a cho chikun two stonesennuistic [1k]: actually he said he thinks 4 stones.Fokatukc [7k]: what is?Sakae [-]: he wouldchrono314 [4k]: but that's the character cugel23k [5d]: s3 smallpalpable [1d]: two if he was playing his absolute bestennuistic [1k]: but he wouldn't bet his lifechrono314 [4k]: through the japanese translationJavaness [-]: Black seems to be doing wellVade [6k]: did someone say chrono trigger for the ds this year?takayanagi [4d]: no one can give cho chikun 2 stonescrono4688 [?]: yes, decemberrumbel: Kronos was the father of Zeus.Sakae [-]: in other words in order to kill him I just need to beat him with 4 stones?czajan [2d?]: well played by bchrono3450 [1d]: crono = name. chrono = first word of chrono triggerchrono314 [4k]: only because katakana has no hzzzzzza [4k]: w dead on cornorHikaruwaya [3k?]: focus on gameImNoSensei [-]: archaic : I think Lee Sedol would find that disrespectful and ridiculousKB [2k?]: w winning by 10 pointsHikaruwaya [3k?]: ...Archaic [1k]: lol why would hechrono314 [4k]: it really is chrono in englishSampi [3k]: b is obviously aheadKB [2k?]: depending on how u look at itAkagi316 [7k]: hard for w herekonoha18 [21k]: yepFokatukc [7k]: chrono = prefixDrZoom [9k]: Maybe black wins this time... and tartrate loose the first time in historyUtaware [2d]: tartrate can figure a way outennuistic [1k]: white has more territory at the moment.Domsablos [-]: chrono means time in latin no?chrono314 [4k]: yeaSakae [-]: he lost last gameDomsablos [-]: no thats tempus... nevemindKhouphrane [5d]: nochrono314 [4k]: it was used in a japanee gameIceborg [6k]: greek sapristi: tartrate lost to gentlerainKhouphrane [5d]: chrono is in greekHikaruwaya [3k?]: on timeDomsablos [-]: ah cheerschrono314 [4k]: but the katakana used to pronounce itchrono314 [4k]: was spelt cronoUtaware [2d]: 2 handi is so tough in high level gamesimca12 [?]: tatarte can read chat even in ranked games];W[kr]WL[193.396]C[sapristi: against gentlrain it wasn t on timeKB [2k?]: chrono];B[lr]BL[196.62]C[sapristi: since it wasn t ablitzKB [2k?]: as in kronos];W[lq]WL[191.717];B[mr]BL[193.845]C[Sakae [-]: curono it should be O.ocugel23k [5d]: may be not the original tartrateKB [2k?]: the leader of the titansSuteishi [7d]: omg he is backDau [8k?]: kuKB [2k?]: thts wht u mean by greek?ennuistic [1k]: white in really bad shape.Suteishi [7d]: the titan that crushes everyonezzzzzza [4k]: w can resign nowVade [6k]: クロノ kurono];W[nr]WL[168.36]C[kikasare [?]: it's not clear it's the original tartrate.ikami [1d]: ahainst gentelrain tartrate review the game and he made a stupid mistake];B[jr]BL[191.125];W[kp]WL[167.48]C[CBlue [5d?]: big chance he's fake];B[jq]BL[190.085];W[lo]WL[164.866]C[Sakae [-]: noNoobita [14k]: why isn't tartrate in the list at the top rightNoobita [14k]: o.ochrono3450 [1d]: ya, kurono is japanese equilaventkikasare [?]: ?KB [2k?]: whoabeeko [7k]: haha i won the betTantor [9k]: zzz, nobody comments on this gamr\eSakae [-]: there are pros here nowgogadget [12k]: he isDau [8k?]: couse nothing interesting happens];B[mn]BL[169.022]C[Sakae [-]: tartrate is just some strong amateur or a weak proKB [2k?]: w turned his position into a threat against b];W[ms]WL[157.995];B[ks]BL[167.324]C[Noobita [14k]: he isn't o.o bigben79 is at the top];W[op]WL[151.899]C[Khouphrane [5d]: O4simca12 [?]: not weak proAnalysis [1k]: sick joe's got this wrapped up :Dikami [1d]: lol "weak pro" ^^ImNoSensei [-]: ? rank noobitaFredrik [6d?]: becuase bigben is stronger then tartrate, Noobita];B[np]BL[157.328]C[trumpet [2k]: hi java, how about coughing again :)ennuistic [1k]: trying ko?];W[nq]WL[150.059]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: i was thinking o4 :Schrono314 [4k]: there's too many chronos here];B[qr]BL[155.179]C[chrono3450 [1d]: too many keep stealing my nick!Noobita [14k]: shit, i suckISpyWithMy [5k]: sakae: weak pro??? he already made some weak pros lose to him by resignation., so I wouldn't bet on thatNoobita [14k]: found himmagus314 [2d?]: hope i didn't mispell];W[rp]WL[126.778]C[magus314 [2d?]: this namemiao [5d]: lolmagus314 [2d?]: lol];B[sp]BL[152.058];W[qq]WL[125.824]C[crono4688 [?]: hahahAznKid93 [1k?]: someones gonna get hit with the ban hammerArchaic [1k]: tartrate can beat lee sedolmiao [5d]: top game noone inMuttley [1k]: Noobita, I really think you speak less like Yoda ...Sakae [-]: no he can't -.-Archaic [1k]: lolmagus314 [2d?]: yay now i'm not chrono anymoreArchaic [1k]: he can't?teralaser [5k]: preparing Q5 ?Sakae [-]: I bet lee could give him 2 stones or something];B[rr]BL[129.577]C[takayanagi [4d]: unless he is lee sedol?Archaic [1k]: dun dun dunzzzzzza [4k]: w q5Shinato [-]: nahNoobita [14k]: who is shuusekisb12 [10k]: l7 konoha18 [21k]: how do you think i feel];W[lm]WL[102.821]C[ennuistic [1k]: white really looks dead.KB [2k?]: q5?Ashurai [2k]: isn't q5 bad for w since b takes first?sb12 [10k]: i was close :Dlkkjl: ? tartrate's on?chrono3450 [1d]: how can W look dead when he's out?Utaware [2d]: if w is desperate then..ImNoSensei [-]: the magical not surrounded dead group? o.0];B[ln]BL[107.474]C[shika12 [-]: lolmpan [8k]: out? where's he running to though?];W[kn]WL[100.464];B[km]BL[105.844]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: yeah white is out... can't be deadkago [4k?]: it looks as if w has control of the game?ImNoSensei [-]: where can I buy this novelty article? :)];W[jn]WL[92.158]C[shika12 [-]: seems to happen to you alot chemKB [2k?]: q5!!!!!!!!!!shika12 [-]: :sFokatukc [7k]: w is going everywhereteralaser [5k]: hahaennuistic [1k]: h6KB [2k?]: then q6magus314 [2d?]: he'll ride the epoch through time to 50 turns ago and change the futureVade [6k]: yes white is running with a group, totally has controlennuistic [1k]: or black has to make life as wellCyclone001 [?]: q5 ko possible?Sampi [3k]: b group might dieKB [2k?]: p6simca12 [?]: w+25KB [2k?]: r6ChemBoy613 [-]: ko is too risky for whiteUtaware [2d]: N8Fokatukc [7k]: nice SE use there..KB [2k?]: he doesnt ned kokago [4k?]: n8KB [2k?]: chemboyArchaic [1k]: b's groups in the middle have to be careful tooKB [2k?]: come 2 my demostration in ADTGTsilver2k4 [-]: <(^-^<) Tartrate (>^-^)>];B[ll]BL[32.717]C[Archaic [1k]: and also his group on the right sidemiao [5d]: hihigogadget [12k]: re tart ratemiao [5d]: tatra wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssssssssssssssssLumiere [1k]: R7 needs life...miao [5d]: sSampi [3k]: n7 ..ennuistic [1k]: r7 does?Lumiere [1k]: Maybe R7 is safeshika12 [-]: black is going for the killzzzzzza [4k]: ohoh w troublepasky [-]: kibitzers need lifeArchaic [1k]: i can't really tell r7shika12 [-]: YAYArchaic [1k]: too complicated of a shapeLumiere [1k]: wS11 seems to give lifemiao [5d]: miaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooshika12 [-]: and a free win against plus would be nice too pasky ^^Khouphrane [5d]: yosu miru at L11Cyclone001 [?]: where can we buy this life thing? have a URL?Khouphrane [5d]: M11 sorrypasky [-]: pff :)tetris [-]: you can get it direct from paskytakayanagi [4d]: ebaymagus314 [2d?]: have marle use max reviveArchaic [1k]: hahasilver2k4 [-]: miaaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonotdan [4k?]: true that teh otehr day some guy sold his life on ebayMuttley [1k]: white is using the "no territory" tesuji?notdan [4k?]: it went for like 360000miao [5d]: silvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa];W[mm]WL[30]OW[3]C[Ijime [4k]: you know... what if we talked about this gametetris [-]: everyone needs life, pasky is making a fortune];B[nm]BL[29.336];W[ml]WL[30]OW[3]C[Fokatukc [7k]: some guy sold his soul on ebayAznKid93 [1k?]: What does the scooter say about his (tartrate) power level?ennuistic [1k]: wow.];B[nl]BL[26.932];W[mk]WL[30]OW[3]C[ennuistic [1k]: crazy.Iceborg [6k]: aussie dollars hehe];B[nk]BL[25.38]C[Javaness [-]: don't flood thankspasky [-]: muttley: raw amashi powa];W[nj]WL[30]OW[3]C[teralaser [5k]: Cyclone001 : http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htmkikasare [?]: all read outMuttley [1k]: hum, pasky :)Hikaruwaya [3k?]: big fightmiao [5d]: don´t be a noodle javaennuistic [1k]: very cool if he read this all outRucker [1k]: aznkid: his level broke the scouterikami [1d]: :SMuttley [1k]: you always know :)Sakae [-]: funny thing is that white got no terretory nor he has any influencetetris [-]: don't be shy, muttley, just ask himmagus314 [2d?]: lol it's over 900prozz [7k]: white's goodMuttley [1k]: hehehe, I should ....magus314 [2d?]: 9000*Khouphrane [5d]: not ok for B this sequencepasky [-]: tetris: yes, I have a sure bussiness plan set!silver2k4 [-]: why talk about sense of life? man its a tartrate-game life and death became unimportanttetris [-]: hahaFredrik [6d?]: which game are you looking at Sakae?kuronekoii: White Is bad!!!??tetris [-]: i wish i'd come up with it first, paskySakae [-]: this :>Analysis [1k]: i think joe's gonna wintetris [-]: maybe i can think of something similar--doubt it, thougheuro15k [20k]: b is in danger i thinkSakae [-]: e12 is weak and allennuistic [1k]: q8Muttley [1k]: how did w creep up on a huge corner like that?ennuistic [1k]: through mad skillz.Hikaruwaya [3k?]: tartrate. what else :)Muttley [1k]: oh yeah, S7 ;)kurosama [2d]: q8 ->p7honibo [5k]: w+time :(teralaser [5k]: timeSampi [3k]: b can stll live with p7miao [5d]: k7fly [1k]: hey, it's not even a whole quadrant!kuronekoii: tartrate suxChildofGod [?]: LOLZIjime [4k]: lolkuronekoii: flyingfox will winennuistic [1k]: black give up 3 stones];B[pm]BL[30]OB[1]C[Fredrik [6d?]: b lostennuistic [1k]: q8 p7 q7Muttley [1k]: well, w has to kill w/o koSakae [-]: Fredrik acting like a pro :ozzzzzza [4k]: y q8Lumiere [1k]: wQ6 not a total loss];W[pl]WL[30]OW[2]C[kyuboy [11k]: can some one show me the really good move];B[om]BL[30]OB[1]C[kyuboy [11k]: i cloned the gamekyuboy [11k]: please show meMuttley [1k]: Q6 b eats the bottomzzzzzza [4k]: w r9ChemBoy613 [-]: haha kyuboy];W[lj]WL[30]OW[2]C[ChemBoy613 [-]: it's not that easySagara: is he really tartrate the kgs legend ???kyuboy [11k]: just show me the movekyuboy [11k]: dont explainkonoha18 [21k]: nokuronekoii: life is easyCBlue [5d?]: impostermiao [5d]: q5 uberkokonoha18 [21k]: hes not];B[kc]BL[30]OB[1]C[ImNoSensei [-]: no, he's two midgets in a coatSakae [-]: see now black got the connection and allArchaic [1k]: lolkurosama [2d]: hmmmhownowbcow [5k]: well how did he get the acount?AznKid93 [1k?]: Show Me Your Move!(s)Khouphrane [5d]: now Q14 stones are in jeopardyennuistic [1k]: indeed.Sakae [-]: still saying q7 was a bad move :o?ennuistic [1k]: q5 is the oberkopasky [-]: time to kill e11 or somethingteralaser [5k]: tenuki ?];W[bd]WL[30]OW[2]C[notdan [4k?]: koKhouphrane [5d]: l16Ijime [4k]: w is dangerous...kurikuri [5k]: q6?Eoan [2k]: q5 isn't a ko is it?Utaware [2d]: it isSakae [-]: no];B[be]BL[30]OB[1]C[Utaware [2d]: notSakae [-]: q5 q6 r6 s8 mollycat [10k]: why do you guys waste so much time wondering about the identity of white? he/she seems to be an ok playerMalingo [4d]: no koSampi [3k]: q5 q6 r6 s8 Malingo [4d]: q5 r6 kuronekoii: Good question, mollycatEoan [2k]: didn't think soLumiere [1k]: Konoha, you didn't even play go when tartrate was around :)];W[ae]WL[30]OW[2]C[Sakae [-]: or hmm..];B[bc]BL[30]OB[1]C[copacetik [2k]: because if we only cared about good players we'd only watch pro gamesfly [1k]: mollycat: it's a customSakae [-]: r6 instead..mpan [8k]: ok would be quite a dramatic understatementhownowbcow [5k]: cause its fun mollyZureiyaa [-]: "an ok player"?Dau [8k?]: stupid question. tartrate is the top gossip topic.Sakae [-]: or hmm.. D.konoha18 [21k]: yes i didArchaic [1k]: the middle connection is hard to readcopacetik [2k]: the thing about tartrate is the whole legendkuronekoii: yea raelly, tartrate is terribleDomsablos [-]: tartrate is practically a legendFredrik [6d?]: its a ko];W[id]WL[30]OW[2]C[Domsablos [-]: how good he/she is is a mute pointtimc [2k]: I look forward to watching more of his games.Malingo [4d]: why fredrik?wijii [-]: my first tartrate gamewijii [-]: omfg];B[ic]BL[30]OB[1]C[ImNoSensei [-]: a legend unknown to a crushing majority of go players thoughSampi [3k]: hi wijjishika12 [-]: careful wijiicopacetik [2k]: a legend on kgsennuistic [1k]: tartrate really is quite spectacular.Junehog [-]: (a mute point?)miao [5d]: everyone has his first time];W[kd]WL[30]OW[2]C[k81 [3d]: lack of liberties Malingosirius45 [12k]: who is tartrate?Fredrik [6d?]: q5 q6 r6 s8 t6 magus314 [2d?]: you do realize that you can download the old games from the internetkyuboy [11k]: shika O.Ofly [1k]: pesky leaning attackennuistic [1k]: tartrate virgin.Utaware [2d]: no one knows I thinkmiao [5d]: gotFredrik [6d?]: but not a good kopasky [-]: fly: I protestshika12 [-]: yea kyuboy?Domsablos [-]: its not the same as live thocopacetik [2k]: no one knows, we don't even know if this is the same tartratekyuboy [11k]: oh just saying hikyuboy [11k]: :DUtaware [2d]: L11?Alenchon [6k]: Junehog: good one!];B[ld]BL[30]OB[1]C[shika12 [-]: hihi ^^GoJohnGo [8k]: tartrate has a highly informative rank graphKhouphrane [5d]: W is preparing Q14 's group attackkyuboy [11k]: shikatimc [2k]: I usually don't like this kind of attachment at L16];W[jd]WL[30]OW[2]C[kyuboy [11k]: can u shove me the movehonibo [5k]: gentlerain knows];B[lc]BL[30]OB[1]C[kyuboy [11k]: the really good move];W[ge]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: lol its the fake tartrateVade [6k]: show me your moves!kyuboy [11k]: >.>Ijime [4k]: gentlerain knows what?Sakae [-]: okDomsablos [-]: you can see a better rank graph if you check the archives on the websiteSakae [-]: q5 is ko..magus314 [2d?]: that's samus's taunt...Muttley [1k]: kyuboy, I could show you the move, but then I would have to kill youvanes [1k?]: a fake 9d??Vade [6k]: wrong, captain falconsFrancisco [3d]: Is w ahead?];B[fe]BL[30]OB[1]C[Muttley [1k]: so Silence!Junehog [-]: lol];W[ff]WL[30]OW[2]C[Muttley [1k]: :))timc [2k]: mm... a little bit of time pressure on btimc [2k]: That, and b is playing Tartrate. No pressure here...miao [5d]: b so lostSagara: anyway w is 9d i don't think a 9d would make a fake tartrate account sounds stupidpasky [-]: so, what's the positional judgement now?k81 [3d]: Hard to hear comments through the crowd :(];B[kf]BL[30]OB[1]C[Muttley [1k]: w is bustedamadou: w l11 sente?];W[jg]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: w not real tartratemagus314 [2d?]: wow 395 obvsfailed: too weak];B[nd]BL[30]OB[1]C[euro15k [20k]: no this is the actual account, probably same person, but no one knowsIjime [4k]: 395 is nothing..pasky [-]: thank you for your unique contribution, failed];W[qf]WL[30]OW[2]C[Sagara: u r weak failedSampi [3k]: jeffchang gets more obs :PIjime [4k]: epic fail magusfailed: me strongshy [-]: # noone wants to know the # of obs.konoha18 [21k]: ha haUtaware [2d]: lol];B[qg]BL[30]OB[1]C[iReRaise [9k]: you failed];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[Cyclone001 [?]: you know... I don't recollect the kibitz quality being this poor during tartrate games 4 years ago...Eoan [2k]: i have never seen one of the 'original tartrate' s games so, i can't say much on his identitytimc [2k]: black C11 I think is alive, but... kind looks lonely];B[mi]BL[30]OB[1]C[Analysis [1k]: the server only has half the usual players as during peak time];W[li]WL[30]OW[2]C[ennuistic [1k]: tenuki o17 quite intresting];B[mg]BL[30]OB[1]C[Muttley [1k]: trust me, cyclone, it wasUtaware [2d]: 2 handi stones are not easy Cyclone~Goury [3k]: failed failed];W[rl]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: w suckNoobita [14k]: i am think that tartrate is winfailed: i can beat himennuistic [1k]: hah.Cyclone001 [?]: I was there back then too - it was bad, but not this bad];B[po]BL[30]OB[1];W[fk]WL[30]OW[2]C[Muttley [1k]: hehehe, you are probably righttimc [2k]: It was very bad.KB [2k?]: w wonkuronekoii: thanks for your unique contribution, cyclonemagus314 [2d?]: i think flyingfox has all of tartrate's basesfly [1k]: a new target!ImNoSensei [-]: failed : I can say that too, since he will never play meNoobita [14k]: w is teh ween end det ees eetpasky [-]: don't steal my quotes, kuronekolifailed: i played tartrate many years ago];B[fl]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: no chance for b to wintetris [-]: moot, junehog, mootfailed: and lostAznKid93 [1k?]: Main screen, turn onfailed: this is not tartrateArchaic [1k]: tartrate's trying to win by .5pasky [-]: ha, f9 finally the move i waited for];W[gk]WL[30]OW[2]C[Archaic [1k]: watch i bet my stones on ittetris [-]: oh, sorry, i was scrolled upNoobita [14k]: tartrate is the king of go];B[el]BL[30]OB[1]C[silver2k4 [-]: i can beat tartrate too, if he would let meArchaic [1k]: if i had anyMuttley [1k]: that sounds painfulmiao [5d]: b desperateSampi [3k]: SHHHHHHHhChildofGod [?]: King of go.....goin a bit overboardikami [1d]: W + rkyuboy [11k]: please stop the flooding T-T];W[gl]WL[30]OW[2]C[Noobita [14k]: i could beat tartrate, in a million yearsJavaness [-]: say tetris, did you find the room yet?Analysis [1k]: i like blackDomsablos [-]: is flyingfoxes avatar Drusilla from Buffy?ikami [1d]: B is dead];B[gi]BL[30]OB[1];W[ik]WL[30]OW[2]C[kyuboy [11k]: stop the floodingnotdan [4k?]: java is tehre a tartrate fan room?kyuboy [11k]: just watch the game T-TRucker [1k]: tartrate is awesometetris [-]: i stopped trying after the 4 categories i looked under, javaSagara: tartrate welcome back dude !failed: stop spam kyuboy];B[hk]BL[30]OB[1]C[LaserGuy [15k]: i think it's amy lee from evanescenekyuboy [11k]: im not spaming ...];W[hl]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: stop itIjime [4k]: you aretetris [-]: but i only looked for something like Tartrate Fan Club];B[il]BL[30]OB[1]C[timc [2k]: just use the censor function for "failed"kuronekoii: meta kibbbitz is the best. i just love itIceborg [6k]: uh, u think h10 dead?ennuistic [1k]: ridiculous skillszKB [2k?]: whts spam?AznKid93 [1k?]: it comes in a can];W[jl]WL[30]OW[2]C[kuronekoii: let's all talk about the kibbitz everybody];B[im]BL[30]OB[1]C[KB [2k?]: u mean sperm?];W[jm]WL[30]OW[2]C[Archaic [1k]: nice skillz manNoobita [14k]: tartrate will you marry me?pasky [-]: b in big trouble?Archaic [1k]: i wish i had these skillzIjime [4k]: KB wants bantimc [2k]: b's been in big trouble for a whileDomsablos [-]: mmm, spamnotdan [4k?]: lol yeaennuistic [1k]: black really in trouble on bottomennuistic [1k]: erKB [2k?]: no i dnt];B[ek]BL[30]OB[1]C[pasky [-]: timc: yes but now even much bigger :)KB [2k?]: i dnt knw wht spam ismpan [8k]: bottom??Utaware [2d]: B9?sb12 [10k]: j10 ennuistic [1k]: black group's bottom in trouble.zzzzzza [4k]: w j6ennuistic [1k]: thats more what i meantfailed: no kill for wAznKid93 [1k?]: Someones gonna get hit witht he ban hammer.......];W[sq]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: cant killLumiere [1k]: >_>Javaness [-]: white is meankikasare [?]: time tesujipasky [-]: white is smart];B[sr]BL[30]OB[1]C[Rucker [1k]: yupNoobita [14k]: white is proSampi [3k]: timesuji indeedNoobita [14k]: :Dfailed: w loseKB [2k?]: javasb12 [10k]: j10 og [10k]: black shouldn't respond so quicklyog [10k]: use the time to read!Noobita [14k]: w+1.5 omgKB [2k?]: whts spam?Eoan [2k]: wasting ko threatsSagara: u r the loser failedSakae [-]: wellAnalysis [1k]: i think that white's lost];W[bl]WL[30]OW[2]C[ImNoSensei [-]: KB just use google ...Junehog [-]: play nice, kidsSakae [-]: white playe time tesuji :>];B[hn]BL[30]OB[1]C[timc [2k]: Please just censor failed, people.pasky [-]: og: no, he should use w's time to read, not give w time to read when w plays timesujis to gain morePAUCHOK [-]: w can win by timekurikuri [5k]: k9failed: b winsb12 [10k]: h7 ];W[gn]WL[30]OW[2]C[Khouphrane [5d]: g6Lumiere [1k]: G6 obvioustimc [2k]: no escape for b? lolUtaware [2d]: yeah thats the only movempan [8k]: wait who's in trouble here?ennuistic [1k]: no escaping indeed.];B[ho]BL[30]OB[1]C[copacetik [2k]: bkurikuri [5k]: ah];W[fm]WL[30]OW[2]C[copacetik [2k]: b is in troublemiao [5d]: b didtimc [2k]: oh?miao [5d]: nok81 [3d]: ?Rucker [1k]: woahAznKid93 [1k?]: o.oNoobita [14k]: B IS LOSE.certo [1k]: huhSampi [3k]: k9 ?miao [5d]: f7 kill];B[jk]BL[30]OB[1]C[mollycat [10k]: spam is a canned meat invented in WWII and popular in Hawaiifailed: not myych troubleRucker [1k]: T_Ttimc [2k]: K9 now, and b thanks his lucky stars];W[ii]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: b is okAshurai [2k]: very popular in hawai'i ^,^Sakae [-]: java, is there any shortkey to put on textures on board?];B[ij]BL[30]OB[1]C[sb12 [10k]: n18 nextUtaware [2d]: w is just down 10+kuronekoii: w not have any sizable territory reallyennuistic [1k]: i wonder if white will finally play sommething at o17Javaness [-]: noSakae [-]: aaaw.kuronekoii: flyingfox isn't so bad u fanboysFrancisco [3d]: ini+r > charmappasky [-]: so, what's big?Analysis [1k]: i love flyingfoxfailed: w can resignpasky [-]: n18?FrostWind [5k]: before you guys think f7 is a bad move, try to read you guys -_-"Noobita [14k]: he isn't bad but tartrate is better];W[oc]WL[30]OW[2]C[Analysis [1k]: flyingfox > tartratepasky [-]: humUtaware [2d]: noFrostWind [5k]: try to read it out if w didnt f7FrostWind [5k]: -_-Sampi [3k]: well, b is still aheadFrostWind [5k]: ppl cant readkuronekoii: hehe... check dis peep outUtaware [2d]: flyingfox+2handi>tartratefailed: well it was 2 handi but w has no chance an moreArchaic [1k]: why not n18 instead of that];B[cr]BL[30]OB[1]C[miao [5d]: b cheating :Dkuronekoii: soon it may bcome a cut...];W[br]WL[30]OW[2]C[kuronekoii: ah, a haneEoan [2k]: twoeye(when on form)> anything elseNoobita [14k]: b+17.5? wtf?XuNguyen [1d?]: so many trash talkers. maybe this is why IGS is more popularDomsablos [-]: this is why i hate sdAnalysis [1k]: flyingfox > allfailed: its resign timegofigure10 [3k?]: w P15Shinato [-]: noobita watch the languageArchaic [1k]: white's trying to win by .5];B[dr]BL[30]OB[1]C[Noobita [14k]: ohNoobita [14k]: sorry :[Sagara: stop it dailedSagara: failedTantor [9k]: at the end we can see this player is not the same as the old tartrateDau [8k?]: kgs is popular because of the trash talkingNoobita [14k]: can i say hell?notdan [4k?]: lolpasky [-]: tantor: in what regard?Dau [8k?]: people want silence, and ordered games, they go to igs.Analysis [1k]: isn't it... sort of like a dream? NO. BETTER.];W[lg]WL[30]OW[2];B[nh]BL[30]OB[1]C[Noobita [14k]: people want action, they come to KGS];W[lf]WL[30]OW[2]C[Dau [8k?]: that's rightfailed: lolfly [1k]: or they clone the game and then... blessed silence!magus314 [2d?]: lolAznKid93 [1k?]: Lots of people should be getting hit with the ban hammer.....timc [2k]: what the hecka are you talking about, Noobita?Noobita [14k]: :DEoan [2k]: n10?konoha18 [21k]: lolArchaic [1k]: i think black won doodsDomsablos [-]: watched a tourney game reproduced on IGS earlier oone with a live feed];B[co]BL[30]OB[1]C[Noobita [14k]: lots of people should be hit with the idiotic hammer];W[bo]WL[30]OW[2]C[KB [2k?]: ok anzmagus314 [2d?]: it's hammer timeTantor [9k]: tartrate had a different style and was much stronger, i thinkKB [2k?]: we get it wit the hammerArchaic [1k]: maybe white is trying to win by .5Domsablos [-]: only one person spoke the entire timefailed: game related comments only pleaseEoan [2k]: only once. more times than that is cruelennuistic [1k]: noDomsablos [-]: few hundred people watching too];B[mj]BL[30]OB[1]C[ennuistic [1k]: white is going all out];W[lk]WL[30]OW[2]C[Noobita [14k]: 421 observersennuistic [1k]: that was a bad movefailed: it is not muchennuistic [1k]: now ko is bad for blackArchaic [1k]: nice DomsablosLumiere [1k]: B+73.5lubricated [6k]: is this really tarate];B[kg]BL[30]OB[1]C[Noobita [14k]: go tartrate :(];W[kh]WL[30]OW[2]C[lubricated [6k]: ...];B[mf]BL[30]OB[1];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[Akagi316 [7k]: this is not the real tartratefly [1k]: w a bit ahead?];B[mp]BL[30]OB[1]C[Sampi [3k]: b is aheadLumiere [1k]: Akagi, why do you say that?Sampi [3k]: even after the koDomsablos [-]: will the real tartrate please stand up?wijii [-]: still w is strongAkagi316 [7k]: not as strong or talkativeIjime [4k]: tartrate is tartrate until the opposite is provenennuistic [1k]: fake threat?Analysis [1k]: bad threat, no?konoha18 [21k]: b+3.5Ashurai [2k]: w has some good yose];W[lp]WL[30]OW[2];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[copacetik [2k]: that's a fallacy until I ever heard it];W[le]WL[30]OW[2]C[Zureiyaa [-]: *stands up*Equitsumei [-]: b+ Archaic [1k]: maybe tartrate read all the ko threats alreadyAkagi316 [7k]: style seems quite diff];B[ke]BL[30]OB[1]C[failed: w maybe 6-7dantimc [2k]: w raises the stakes];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[chrono3450 [1d]: didn't one fo the admins say he checked the email address and confirmed it's the same tartrate?copacetik [2k]: it's true old tartrate was more talkative];B[jo]BL[30]OB[1]C[Sagara: failed u sucksikami [1d]: lol 6-7dArchaic [1k]: he'd be like Hey Guys I'mmmm baaaacckkk!Lumiere [1k]: The other style is years old..... that's a poor reason];W[ko]WL[30]OW[2];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[vanes [1k?]: pls do not forget that all current 7d's were 9d's ~ 1 year agoDau [8k?]: it could still be an account at some go institute, with different people playingsb12 [10k]: o6 fly [1k]: is failed still talking?Lumiere [1k]: And I wouldn't trust sdk or ddk's opinion on whether somebody style is "the same" after one gameZureiyaa [-]: a 7k can tell nothing about a style of a playerhonibo [5k]: n15 local bad threat :Dennuistic [1k]: maye something like c17?];W[me]WL[30]OW[2];B[ne]BL[30]OB[1];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[honibo [5k]: yeah :)Eoan [2k]: bet they can...Noobita [14k]: as long as it's got the name tartrate on it... =\Sagara: maybe tartrate gave his account to one of his friendsvanes [1k?]: so all 9d's would play even against tartrateennuistic [1k]: now stakes even higher.];B[kk]BL[30]OB[1]C[ennuistic [1k]: game over.Daigoro [7k?]: this tartrate plays for influence, same way the tartrate 4 years ago does, but no one knows really.....Akagi316 [7k]: sure they can, just not as well];W[kl]WL[30]OW[2]C[Francisco [3d]: Hey! Listen to the kyu];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[Javaness [-]: i like a nice ko];W[nn]WL[30]OW[2]C[timc [2k]: Hrmtakayanagi [4d]: h11];B[no]BL[30]OB[1]C[Archaic [1k]: tartrate read all the ko threats i'm telling u guys];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[timc [2k]: Thought you were supposed to save internal threats until last.ennuistic [1k]: ko is ridiculous for white nowfly [1k]: 0-point threat!Sampi [3k]: later, q6 is a ko threatArchaic [1k]: in the blink of an eye he read all threats];B[bp]BL[30]OB[1]C[Sampi [3k]: nvm... ];W[bq]WL[30]OW[2];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[honibo [5k]: t6 for w?certo [1k]: bad threat?konoha18 [21k]: w+.5iouzip [12k?]: r9?Dau [8k?]: 0-point?ennuistic [1k]: c17];W[sn]WL[30]OW[2]C[certo [1k]: hurt b yose?wijii [-]: t6 ];B[so]BL[30]OB[1]C[rumbel: You're weaker than your bot.];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[pasky [-]: javaness: but this isn't so nice ko, no? at least I feel b is not playing it wellshinkirou [2k]: last threathonibo [5k]: right again, yeah :)];B[ao]BL[30]OB[1]C[konoha18 [21k]: !!!!!!!!!Ijime [4k]: nothing like a good cup of tea and a ko fight :) failed: maybe the lvl of kgs players was just so low back then even this white could win everyone];W[ap]WL[30]OW[2]C[chrono3450 [1d]: yes];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[chrono3450 [1d]: that's more like the casewijii [-]: h11 kuronekoii: kgs is stronger now surechrono3450 [1d]: KGS too strong nowcerto [1k]: why do the kyus talk so much and the dans talk so little];W[hi]WL[30]OW[2]C[chrono3450 [1d]: because, we speak softly, but carry a big stick];B[gj]BL[30]OB[1]C[pasky [-]: certo: because there's much more kyus than dans?ImNoSensei [-]: dan time is preciousRucker [1k]: failed: that makes no since. he beat proswijii [-]: yeah kgs is stronger than beforeEquitsumei [-]: b+ Dedication [2k]: because kyus suck and they have no clue what thier talking aboutImNoSensei [-]: so is dan finger energyshinkirou [2k]: because weaker people always bark the loudestrumbel: Yes, w won everyone and hasn't given back anyone till now.Lumiere [1k]: wH7 is threat, saves from bH7 laterArchaic [1k]: lol RuckerLumiere [1k]: Wait, no it doesn't. Nevermindchrono3450 [1d]: rucker - he beat 1 pro right?thejurist [4k]: does b live if b cuts at n16mollycat [10k]: this is an exciting game];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[Rucker [1k]: it was two];B[bn]BL[30]OB[1]C[ImNoSensei [-]: 2 prosrumbel: I wonder where he keeps everyone he won. Must have a big house.Rucker [1k]: checkchrono3450 [1d]: who was other?Rucker [1k]: out senseisLumiere [1k]: Ignore!O11konoha18 [21k]: w+2.5ImNoSensei [-]: redrose and breakfastYum [1k]: lumiere : h7 gives b f10Lumiere [1k]: O11 change the ko gogogotimc [2k]: TakeIceborg [6k]: o11 ennuistic [1k]: no..Lumiere [1k]: Yum - I'm way ahead of you on that one :Pchrono3450 [1d]: even if 2 pros, like there are pros here who are only 8dennuistic [1k]: this is not ignore.timc [2k]: WellRucker [1k]: i dont think a current day 7d can beat pros the way he didLumiere [1k]: wH11!!! gogogoamadou: taketimc [2k]: w has one more threat];W[an]WL[30]OW[2]C[shenglong [3k]: move the kotimc [2k]: at leastFrancisco [3d]: Liste to the kyus, you should];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[Lumiere [1k]: DangRucker [1k]: *kgs 7dkuronekoii: where tim?Noobita [14k]: TARTRATE FOREVEREoan [2k]: the kyus will be dans one saymiao [5d]: e3?karyant [3k]: h7honibo [5k]: j6, mmhVade [6k]: talk like yoda you do, franciscoDedication [2k]: lolZureiyaa [-]: h7 sb12 [10k]: h7 ]honibo [5k]: h7konoha18 [21k]: b+15.5fluffy [3k]: omg i missed this];W[hm]WL[30]OW[2]C[Noobita [14k]: YESLumiere [1k]: I am 9d nowfailed: the legend of tartrate is over. now we see how weak he really isSampi [3k]: h7 leaves f10 Domsablos [-]: looks like tartrate is using max time to read out ko fight...Zureiyaa [-]: f10 not a threatteralaser [5k]: it gives b F10ennuistic [1k]: does this work?wijii [-]: f10 samller hell ignoreArchaic [1k]: lol talk like yoda you do that cracked me upImNoSensei [-]: failed: no we don'tLumiere [1k]: Maybe w will ignore F10?timc [2k]: F10 would be ignored =)wijii [-]: smaller];B[in]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: f10 is smallNoobita [14k]: hahah];W[mh]WL[30]OW[2]C[fv [3d]: great koquinoa [1k]: f10 ignoreSampi [3k]: f10 IS small :)wijii [-]: yupwealth [11k]: w+,25];B[qd]BL[30]OB[1]C[Lumiere [1k]: F10 is ten points... hardly "small"ikami [1d]: lol failed you funny^^ a 9d weakwealth [11k]: 2,5notdan [4k?]: w winningZureiyaa [-]: 10 points is smallfailed: b winSakae [-]: learn to countSakae [-]: its more than 1ennuistic [1k]: right now ko is 20+ pointsSakae [-]: 10 ptswealth [11k]: :PYum [1k]: problem is that o11 is sente for whitecopacetik [2k]: the ko is bigger then 10 points thoughDedication [2k]: 5 points miai countingkonoha18 [21k]: b+6.5timc [2k]: N16?];W[rd]WL[30]OW[2];B[lh]BL[30]OB[1]C[teralaser [5k]: wowbeeko [7k]: I WON THE BETtimc [2k]: heheLumiere [1k]: How is O11 sente? Seems gote to meDedication [2k]: w no threats.....fv [3d]: e3 maybeYum [1k]: if w take ko, b must connct n16Francisco [3d]: g16tetris [-]: he wasn't playing kyusczajan [2d?]: c17copacetik [2k]: q6?Equitsumei [-]: w res];W[eq]WL[30]OW[2]C[ennuistic [1k]: c17shinkirou [2k]: w can't win kotetris [-]: sendol had a very hard time against him as charmteralaser [5k]: niceennuistic [1k]: of course white wins the koLumiere [1k]: I disagree, Yumdynamite [-]: sendol lost against li ang with 2 stonesSampi [3k]: ignore?tetris [-]: hullo chrono!ennuistic [1k]: no.chrono3450 [1d]: sendol said he was drunk when he played that gameKB [2k?]: timeennuistic [1k]: must play];B[md]BL[30]OB[1]C[chrono3450 [1d]: yo tetris!];W[fr]WL[30]OW[2]C[Dedication [2k]: lolDomsablos [-]: all hangs in balance 10k either way on the koennuistic [1k]: what?timc [2k]: lolDedication [2k]: ennuistic: sureEoan [2k]: 'must play'ennuistic [1k]: big either wayYum [1k]: uhLumiere [1k]: Was the sendol li ang game on KGS?miao [5d]: HUHZureiyaa [-]: g2 ];B[gq]BL[30]OB[1]C[certo [1k]: whats this stuff about f10?];W[er]WL[30]OW[2];B[gr]BL[30]OB[1]C[Akagi316 [7k]: ....ikami [1d]: b drunkDedication [2k]: e4vagabundo [2k]: big mistake...dynamite [-]: it was a private gameFlameBlade [-]: guess black countediReRaise [9k]: wowfailed: who is sendol?FlameBlade [-]: hahachrono3450 [1d]: when sendol beat tartrate, he was drunk.Noobita [14k]: w+4.5shinkirou [2k]: wth....];W[ep]WL[30]OW[2]C[rumbel: O15 was bigger by 5 pts or soAkagi316 [7k]: surely this was biggerchrono3450 [1d]: sendol was drunk*beit: what!!!, stupid 7dbeeko [7k]: wtfAkagi316 [7k]: don't understand that ignore at allEoan [2k]: wise move, b follow up strong in sentetimc [2k]: worthwhile trade...ennuistic [1k]: both very bigkuronekoii: this was not biggerYum [1k]: yes because no more big threat afterSagara: gentlerain beat tartratekuronekoii: the other move concerned life & deathkuronekoii: this is just pointszen [2k]: w profitsYum [1k]: b had to connect];B[cd]BL[30]OB[1]C[failed: what a mistakeYum [1k]: n16vagabundo [2k]: black know that black will have a lot of kos there, i think];W[mb]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: now w has chanceIceborg [6k]: is s8 alive?ScudRunner [4k]: will this be tartrate's first loss if he loses?Equitsumei [-]: b miss . .Rucker [1k]: i dont have SE on my laptop. what does it say?tetris [-]: chrono, i was there when sendol said that: "i was drunk when i played him--the alcohol made me brave."chrono3450 [1d]: yep!rumbel: Now b can H15ikami [1d]: omg b is under alcool's effectennuistic [1k]: tartrate has lost twiceLumiere [1k]: "Sendol is a strong Korean 5d amateur player. He has been offered a 6d certificate, and he once aspired to become a pro. He is a professional baduk teacher in Seoul."tetris [-]: of course he's probably said it a few times hehe];B[bk]BL[30]OB[1]C[iouzip [12k?]: s8 aliveShenron [1d]: it says w+12];W[ri]WL[30]OW[2]C[Cyclone001 [?]: w+12.5 = SENoobita [14k]: HAHAHA NOOBPAUCHOK [-]: so who win now?PAUCHOK [-]: :)Sampi [3k]: SILENCEfailed: w winAkagi316 [7k]: whitewealth [11k]: who knowsRucker [1k]: thx cycloneLumiere [1k]: B+73.5Rucker [1k]: and shenron loltetris [-]: not us, for suretrrg: wNoobita [14k]: hell nofv [3d]: w gained some 25 pts from that ko];B[hd]BL[30]OB[1];W[he]WL[30]OW[2]C[PAUCHOK [-]: and everyone bet on b just a moment agopasky [-]: lumiere: what does "has been offered a 6d certificate" mean? he didn't accept it?miao [5d]: w+8.5 :Dennuistic [1k]: looks like white is winning.Lumiere [1k]: pasky - I dunno, it's on senseis :)Dedication [2k]: j15 Cyclone001 [?]: It's fluckuating like crazy right now, so take it with a grain of saltVade [6k]: yea, why be a 6d when you can be 5dVade [6k]: oh wait...ennuistic [1k]: very cool game.Zureiyaa [-]: h15 for b seemed better..Akagi316 [7k]: b was winning before that trade, no?sb12 [10k]: k17 ];B[bh]BL[30]OB[1]C[czajan [2d?]: w+ 3.5?ennuistic [1k]: very even before trade];W[ja]WL[30]OW[2]C[certo [1k]: he was mad they didnt offer him 7dmiao [5d]: w+16,5failed: he didnt think he is strong enough];B[jb]BL[30]OB[1]C[wealth [11k]: love monkey jupms];W[ck]WL[30]OW[2]C[Zahlman [1k]: why not k19 at k18?timc [2k]: that's nice. I was thinking K18KB [2k?]: i'm going 2 see if tartrate will play me wit 6 handiennuistic [1k]: oohTheCapten [5d]: this w is not tartrate];B[cj]BL[30]OB[1]C[mollycat [10k]: se has white aheadennuistic [1k]: nice pointKB [2k?]: or 5];W[ak]WL[30]OW[2]C[FlameBlade [-]: because you lose J16Snowman8 [10k]: where r u getting ur info on him and his offerings?FlameBlade [-]: if you play K18];B[bj]BL[30]OB[1]C[Akagi316 [7k]: indeed, thecapten.fluffy [3k]: sendol: "i broke his legendary of invincibility" tartrate: "don't think much of it, you won by time"Zahlman [1k]: mm];W[la]WL[30]OW[2];B[ia]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: sighZureiyaa [-]: s13 ];W[qe]WL[30]OW[2]C[TheCapten [5d]: i know this when seeing K19shinkirou [2k]: this tartrate maybe a kgs publicity thing];B[pe]BL[30]OB[1];W[rg]WL[30]OW[2]C[failed: XDEquitsumei [-]: w+4 .5ennuistic [1k]: white endgame is just so much better];B[pi]BL[30]OB[1];W[pj]WL[30]OW[2]C[Zureiyaa [-]: not really];B[jf]BL[30]OB[1];W[if]WL[30]OW[2]C[timc [2k]: I don't understand, TheCaptenTheCapten [5d]: a decent ama 5d won't play K19];B[ad]BL[30]OB[1]C[TheCapten [5d]: L19 of cozfly [1k]: just a *tiny* bit better?];W[bg]WL[30]OW[2]C[sume [3d?]: k19 is fineEquitsumei [-]: taking m14 last misstimc [2k]: What is wrong with K19?];B[pc]BL[30]OB[1]C[TheCapten [5d]: it is diff between sente and goteIceborg [6k]: goteOrangeKyo [8k]: is this the real tartrate?sume [3d?]: bot ways sente];W[qb]WL[30]OW[2]C[wijii [-]: gote but bigZureiyaa [-]: TheCapten, white got sente, no?Javaness [-]: SE thinks white is aheadSampi [3k]: is l19 better than k19?];B[rh]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: it dependsEoan [2k]: did the old tartrate spell tartrate with a T?phalanx [2k]: w +3.5hownowbcow [5k]: SE knows];W[sh]WL[30]OW[2]C[Ijime [4k]: i hate monkey jumps, always gote :(wijii [-]: W is leading];B[pr]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: monkey jump is never gote..TheCapten [5d]: yes sente, but K19 half dead];W[jp]WL[30]OW[2];B[ip]BL[30]OB[1];W[ka]WL[30]OW[2]C[Zureiyaa [-]: yes, so?rumbel: oichrono3450 [1d]: monkey jump should never be gote unless you play it wrong];B[de]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: indeed];W[ef]WL[30]OW[2]C[honibo [5k]: oOFlameBlade [-]: actually, monkey jump gote/sente depends on the surrounding stonesPaperTiger [4k]: gote for the jumpedIceborg [6k]: I dont understand monkey jump :(honibo [5k]: depends or not?];B[rn]BL[30]OB[1]C[Sagara: it's a blitz guys don't forget that shenglong [3k]: that depends on the position, no?Vade [6k]: why is it monkey jumpRucker [1k]: flameblade is actually right it dependsVade [6k]: why not big horse jumpImNoSensei [-]: it's one of those annoying things in go where you have to readrumbel: M10?TheCapten [5d]: w played so hard to make the game playable; so he is not tartrate :-)shygost [-]: if monkey jump is gote, then play the short monkeyPAUCHOK [-]: saru subari it called right?Zahlman [1k]: 30s is not blitz];W[sm]WL[30]OW[2]C[KB [2k?]: t7notdan [4k?]: w + 0.5chrono3450 [1d]: cause only monkeys dare to jump that farrumbel: What am I missing...shinkirou [2k]: pft reading :)chrono3450 [1d]: that's whyLumiere [1k]: This account was originally registered by somebody other than tartrate, so capital or not doesn't mattervanes [1k?]: l18 wld have been sente thoughShenron [1d]: really cap?vanes [1k?]: l19];B[dl]BL[30]OB[1];W[gd]WL[30]OW[2];B[gc]BL[30]OB[1]C[chrono3450 [1d]: shy's got it right, short monkey is good];W[qi]WL[30]OW[2]C[beit: 7d doen not know how to countrumbel: OohCBlue [5d?]: when he played his first game, kgs administration claimed that "tartrate has returned"mollycat [10k]: SE has white ahead for last 50 movesog [10k]: shy the bestTheCapten [5d]: H2 kgs 7d, pretty easy for a real ama 5dfailed: tartrate suck nowadayscopacetik [2k]: yeah they did make the claimCBlue [5d?]: so it seems to be set up for publicity, while admins know well that it's a lie];B[fj]BL[30]OB[1];W[gm]WL[30]OW[2]C[copacetik [2k]: but we have no way of knowing for sureZureiyaa [-]: not easypasky [-]: cblue: qui bono?shinkirou [2k]: cblue, that's what i think tooAkagi316 [7k]: but who cares if he is not the real one, he is still goodchrono3450 [1d]: lol cblue and your conspiracy theoryZureiyaa [-]: only chinese 5d can do it, I thinkImNoSensei [-]: CBlue : or it's not a lie ...Noobita [14k]: tartrate WiNnotdan [4k?]: hmm if this tartrate is 5 dan then the capten is 4 kyu?Muttley [1k]: failed, are you Korenje?wijii [-]: whether w is tartrate or not he is strong111];B[af]BL[30]OB[1]C[kikasare [?]: w by a couple pointsCyclone001 [?]: failed: why don't you just say what you mean: "wwiiiiii look at me!!!"];W[ag]WL[30]OW[2]C[Dau [8k?]: same account doesn't mean same personZureiyaa [-]: Muttley, I thought about that toopasky [-]: cblue: do you think they will somehow get more kgs+ members from this, or that people will join kgs just to see tartrate play when only kgs users care about him, or...?];B[ok]BL[30]OB[1]C[Sagara: failed is a noob];W[pk]WL[30]OW[2];B[qn]BL[30]OB[1];W[gs]WL[30]OW[2]C[Noobita [14k]: indeeNoobita [14k]: d];B[hs]BL[30]OB[1]C[copacetik [2k]: any publicity is good publicity];W[fs]WL[30]OW[2]C[Muttley [1k]: I don't know anyone else who trash talks so badly :), right Zure :)simca12 [?]: egf5d =kgs 6d about];B[ni]BL[30]OB[1]C[chrono3450 [1d]: hmmCBlue [5d?]: i dont think so];W[od]WL[30]OW[2]C[chrono3450 [1d]: i need to shave....];B[oe]BL[30]OB[1];W[oi]WL[30]OW[2];B[ph]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: actually, I have korenje censoredLumiere [1k]: P2Noobita [14k]: lolfailed: i am hakky];W[os]WL[30]OW[2]C[Vade [6k]: Hi, I'm Vade. I'm amazing. (w wins)];B[ps]BL[30]OB[1]C[shinkirou [2k]: oh noes hakky is backMuttley [1k]: understandable :)];W[ns]WL[30]OW[2];B[ls]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: =oNoobita [14k]: hi, im noobita, i suckZureiyaa [-]: hakky is just as badtakayanagi [4d]: hakky wouldnt say its himkonoha18 [21k]: i think publicity is badNoobita [14k]: go tartrateTheCapten [5d]: an ama 5d is around TOM 8d, and can beat kgs 7d with h2 like nothing];W[ah]WL[30]OW[2]C[CBlue [5d?]: however, they sometimes seem to make weird decisions, so it might have been one of those.];B[aj]BL[30]OB[1]C[Ijime [4k]: failed is hakky? *censors*];W[al]WL[30]OW[2]C[Noobita [14k]: :PRucker [1k]: lolDau [8k?]: is tom actually the same server as oro?];B[mc]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zureiyaa [-]: TheCapten, there are few ama 5dans that are not even 6dans on kgspasky [-]: thecapten: ama 5d from where? japan? :PZahlman [1k]: capten no wayligo [4k]: w + .5];W[lb]WL[30]OW[2]C[takayanagi [4d]: hakky is a legendCBlue [5d?]: i remember when they took reaaaly long to revoke the fake "2p" from baoyunImNoSensei [-]: dau : no, not at allfluffy [3k]: failed is applebabieKB [2k?]: and i'm the meijinZureiyaa [-]: so I don't think they can give a 7d 2h like nothingSagara: thecapten....Zureiyaa [-]: capten is talking nonsense];B[ai]BL[30]OB[1]C[Zahlman [1k]: ffs, my kgs rank is lower than my over board rank];W[cf]WL[30]OW[2]C[teralaser [5k]: oh applebabie , long time since we've seen her around];B[ae]BL[30]OB[1];W[ji]WL[30]OW[2]C[I8thAngel [1d]: you mean him];B[kj]BL[30]OB[1];W[nb]WL[30]OW[2]C[Junehog [-]: it];B[jc]BL[30]OB[1]C[shinkirou [2k]: it was a guy ?];W[ie]WL[30]OW[2]C[Sampi [3k]: j5 ?TheCapten [5d]: guys, kgs high dan ranking not accurate at allfluffy [3k]: yes it was a guyMuttley [1k]: please ... I'm not ... applebabypasky [-]: cblue: hmm, that might good point; I wasn't around back then I guessJunehog [-]: applebabie was definately an "it"Lumiere [1k]: I always wonder... what if applebabie is liza?notdan [4k?]: l11 o.onotdan [4k?]: b winsTheCapten [5d]: coz ppl with that strength are very few Muttley [1k]: but ... do you like .... men .... ????];B[io]BL[30]OB[1];W[oq]WL[30]OW[2]C[KB [2k?]: w wonMuttley [1k]: hehehe, applebaby was so weirdshinkirou [2k]: lets just call it itpasky [-]: thecapten: and why exactly are we discussing it anyway?TheCapten [5d]: and the system cannot figout a real rankingKB [2k?]: w won];B[]BL[30]OB[1]C[kikasare [?]: w nice yose];W[]WL[30]OW[2]TW[ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][ob][rb][sb][rc][sc][sd][se][gf][hf][rf][sf][dg][eg][fg][gg][hg][ig][sg][hh][ih][si][rj][sj][qk][rk][sk][ll][ql][sl][am][km][bn][fn][ao][co][do][eo][bp][dp][aq][dq][ar][cr][dr][as][bs][cs][ds][es]TB[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ha][ab][bb][cb][db][eb][fb][gb][hb][ib][ac][cc][dc][fc][bd][le][me][lf][nf][of][lg][ng][og][pg][mh][bi][dj][ej][ck][dk][ik][nn][on][pn][hp][iq][sq][hr][ir][kr][is][js][qs][rs][ss]C[fly [1k]: Muttley! *You* are applebaby?CPG [11k]: absolutely ^^FrostWind [5k]: w + 2.5Noobita [14k]: GO TARTRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shy [-]: l11 a point?notdan [4k?]: l11 is a pointMuttley [1k]: heheheteralaser [5k]: well, the original applebabeZahlman [1k]: lool muttleyfailed: im too strong for you tartrtateeefv [3d]: w missed last ko thoughCBlue [5d?]: pasky, i assume that administration got fooled by him maybesilver2k4 [-]: tartrate!!Rucker [1k]: WOOT WOOTSagara: massacreSatoshii [-]: closeDedication [2k]: wowowflyingfox [7d]: thxDedication [2k]: ggbeeko [7k]: luckyTheCapten [5d]: anyway, it is a nice gamekonoha18 [21k]: wowPAUCHOK [-]: incredibletakayanagi [4d]: awesomeCyclone001 [?]: thank you playersHotMale [4k]: ohhNoobita [14k]: WOOT WOOTsirius45 [12k]: great gameJunehog [-]: excellentChildofGod [?]: that ko won it for himMuttley [1k]: fun game, thanks bothChildofGod [?]: hehAznKid93 [1k?]: hail tartrate!Dedication [2k]: thankswealth [11k]: damn good matchvanes [1k?]: thx guysczajan [2d?]: i was right:)failed: lloololtartrate [9d?]: thxTheCapten [5d]: game of today :-)Dedication [2k]: so nicePAUCHOK [-]: wowPowRanger [12k?]: ^^PAUCHOK [-]: amaseingbeeko [7k]: dhshdsdjsisdtetris [-]: thx for the game, guysog [10k]: thanksKB [2k?]: tartratebananaball [2k]: nice gamenotdan [4k?]: so beekoYum [1k]: please flood morenotdan [4k?]: 20 $?failed: stop spamPAUCHOK [-]: excelent game!Dedication [2k]: wowIjime [4k]: more more moreDedication [2k]: ggsilver2k4 [-]: nicePAUCHOK [-]: unbelievablefluffy [3k]: fishNoobita [14k]: TARTRATE MAKE LOVE TO MESponge7 [2d]: LolzPAUCHOK [-]: very coolZureiyaa [-]: lolhownowbcow [6k]: hi tartratePAUCHOK [-]: impressivehonibo [5k]: nice rank from tartrate :DPAUCHOK [-]: he leftJavaness [-]: That was a nice gameZureiyaa [-]: he didn'tfailed: flyingfox what do you think`?PAUCHOK [-]: no?Zureiyaa [-]: noennuistic [1k]: tartrate just aquired a rank graphTantor [9k]: see is nmot the same guy, tartrate was more talkativeJavaness [-]: I hope everyone enjoyed the gameDedication [2k]: i didAdrianG430 [13k]: yeah!PAUCHOK [-]: yesTantor [9k]: noTotoleHero [-]: yesog [10k]: he's had that graph for ages, ennuisticJavaness [-]: no ...Tantor [9k]: im disspointedPAUCHOK [-]: we sure didSatoshii [-]: Javaness should play tartrate..Noobita [14k]: Javaness, I enjoy you.ennuistic [1k]: javaness would take 9 stonesennuistic [1k]: and get crushedpasky [-]: tartrate: quickly, start talking, our secret plan is failing! :(pasky [-]: *hides*Shenron [1d]: thank you tartratefailed: tartrate you want real challenge? play mescrewup [4k]: niceennuistic [1k]: hmm.ennuistic [1k]: tartrate is very quiet.Zureiyaa [-]: i think failed is tostrong4ubeeko [7k]: he got luckyDedication [2k]: hahahahtaogo [-]: game was awesome !!!og [10k]: he is baskingpasky [-]: at least we're wondering about identity of someone else than tartrate nowNoobita [14k]: failed is noob.Noobita [14k]: i thinkZureiyaa [-]: you're rightfluffy [3k]: failed is applebabyfailed: lolsshownowbcow [6k]: i agree the old tartrate did chat a bit aftetr his gamesZureiyaa [-]: now he left..takayanagi [4d]: maybe the kibitz was better back thenhownowbcow [6k]: lolfailed: he lost his keyboardDrZoom [9k]: no wonder with this chaos he he left quicklyTantor [9k]: the plot had failedshenglong [3k]: he had a personal problem, he now hates everyoneTantor [9k]: so he run awayshenglong [3k]: XDAznKid93 [1k?]: Tartrate beat a pro some long time ago, so is tartrate a pro?Kisame361 [12k]: who won?LaserGuy [15k]: w+3.5Kisame361 [12k]: wootKisame361 [12k]: go tartratefluffy [3k]: tartrate ate breakfast for breakfastruntt21 [-]: drstraw said that tartrate is a 7PKisame361 [12k]: lolKisame361 [12k]: well i doubt itKisame361 [12k]: tartrate has lost to gentlerain a few times nowKisame361 [12k]: i think he is a wocked strong ameteurcerto [1k]: tartrate lost to gentlerain oncecerto [1k]: and gentlerain is pro strength, but no 7p of coursefluffy [3k]: the *new* tartrate lost to gentlerain])

tartrate    flyingfox
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