(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Commentary: Wang Lei 8p,Source: Sports Weekly,Edited and translated by GoGameWorld.com.]EV[Korea 55th Guksu semi final]DT[2011-08-09]PB[Jo HanSeung]BR[9p]PW[Kang Doonyoon]WR[9p]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]SO[http://sports.titan24.com/qipai/2011-08-10/19115.html]MULTIGOGM[1];B[qd];W[dc];B[dq];W[pp];B[ce]C[The opposite-corner opening is rarely seen nowadays, since Black wants to prevent White from breaking up the situation and leading to a close game.];W[oc];B[ld];W[ed];B[pc];W[od];B[pf];W[jc];B[ne];W[lb]LB[me:a]C[W12 and W14: White plays too close to the border, with W12 for White to make the knight's move at 'a' is better.];B[qk];W[je]LB[jd:a]C[The jump of W16 is good point, comparing with Black's attachment at 'a', it makes huge difference.];B[ch]C[B17: Since White is thick at top, the two-space extension of B17 is appropriate.];W[cn];B[cp];W[ck];B[bc]LB[nq:a]C[B21: Black focuses on defense, for Black to approach at 'a' is big.];W[df];B[cf];W[dg];B[bi]C[B25: Since the diagonal of B25 threatens two white stones on the left side, it's better for White to preserve the knight's move of W22.];W[oh]LB[of:a][qh:b]C[The hanging move of W26 is a good move locally, White's crosscut at 'a' and the jump at 'b' are miai, White must get one.];B[ke]LB[kb:a]C[B27: Black starts a new fight and aims to crosscut at 'a', attacking in order to defend.];W[qh]LB[pd:a][of:b]C[W28: White wants to squeeze at 'a' then crosscut at 'b' and stir fight, this way White can utilize his thickness on the left side.];B[jf];W[ie]LB[pd:a]C[W30 is too steady, bellicose style's players would counterattack at 'a'.];B[qf]C[B31 is good shape, W26 and W28 are heavy, White is not happy.];W[qn];B[pi]LB[ok:a]C[The peep of B33 is impulse move, to jump at 'a' is better.];W[pj]LB[ph:a]C[The attachment of W34 is beautiful tesuji! To connect at 'a' is too heavy and can't be considered.];B[qj];W[oi];B[pk];W[oj];B[ph]C[B39: Black can only elect to exchange.];W[pg];B[qi];W[of];B[qg];W[oe]C[W44: White connects together, four black stones float in the center, White succeeds in the fight, it is all due to the good attachment of W34.];B[mg];W[nf];B[if];W[hf];B[hg];W[gf];B[en]C[B51 is overplay.];W[fk]LB[ih:a]C[However W52 is slow, since the left side has no life-and-death problem, White should attack the big black dragon at 'a'.];B[ih]C[After Black reinforces with B53, White instead appears weak and shows defect.];W[jq];B[gg];W[ff];B[el]LB[dm:a][cm:b][ek:c]C[The attacking power of B57 is not strong enough. Black should first make diagonal at 'a', after W 'b', then B 'c', White is difficult to resist.];W[ek];B[dl];W[bj];B[ei];W[dk];B[bm];W[cm];B[bn];W[cl];B[co]C[From B57 to B67 Black is busy for a while but the profit is limited.];W[oq]LB[fh:a]C[W68: For White to reinforce the left side at 'a' is relatively better, the bottom is not urgent.];B[hk];W[gm];B[hm]LB[im:a]C[The attachment of B71 is overplay, to attack slowly at 'a' is better.];W[fn]C[W72 is a good move.];B[fo];W[go];B[fm];W[gn];B[gl];W[fl];B[em];W[eo];B[do];W[fp]C[W82: White takes ponnuki in sente and gains a big profit, Black's attack easily comes to nothing.];B[dn];W[fi]LB[hj:a]C[W84: For White to attach at 'a' is the strongest move, the living result is better than the real game.];B[gj];W[di];B[dh];W[eh];B[eg];W[ej];B[fg];W[gi];B[hj];W[bl];B[ef];W[aj];B[fr];W[il];B[hl];W[jo]C[W100 is loose.];B[gq]C[After the diagonal of B101, White is painful.];W[io];B[jm];W[kd];B[fe];W[gd];B[fd];W[fc];B[ge];W[he];B[ee];W[gc];B[kc];W[jd];B[le];W[mf];B[lg];W[ob]LB[mb:a]C[W118 is to guard against Black's tactic at 'a', so far the situation is close and slightly to White's advantage.];B[ln];W[lp];B[mi];W[ll]LB[im:a][km:b]C[W122 is the losing move. White should probe Black by pushing at 'a' and aim at the tactic at 'b'.];B[nm]C[B123: Black counterattacks strongly, White can't connect with the top big group.];W[nl];B[pn];W[qo];B[pm];W[lf];B[kf];W[mj];B[lj];W[li];B[mk];W[mh];B[nj];W[lh];B[ok];W[kg];B[np];W[nq];B[ki]C[Through B141, all white stones are dead, White incurs big loss.];W[qb];B[kh];W[ng];B[cb];W[hr];B[hq];W[ir];B[eb];W[ec];B[db];W[mn];B[mo];W[kj]C[W154: White messes up the situation.];B[lo]C[B155: Black wants to capture all.];W[lk]C[W156: Although White makes a ko, White clearly has no enough ko threats, Black wins by a big margin.];B[jj];W[mj];B[kp];W[lq];B[lj];W[ci];B[bh];W[mj];B[ko];W[jp];B[lj];W[jg];B[ig];W[mj];B[mq];W[kq];B[lj];W[re];B[rd];W[mj];B[qq];W[ni];B[pq];W[op];B[qp];W[ro];B[rp];W[rr];B[qr];W[sp];B[sq];W[sn];B[so];W[de];B[hn];W[ho];B[po];W[km];B[jn];W[kn];B[cd];W[dd];B[kl];W[lm];B[jk];W[sp];B[mr])

Kang Doonyoon    Jo HanSeung
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