(;CA[UTF-8]SZ[19]C[Copyright by gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com.When it was still in the middle game, everybody thought Shusaku, who took Black, would lose the game, but one doctor said: "Although I don't know how to play Go, but my medical knowledge is just fine. Soon after Shusaku released his last move (Black 127), although Gennan seems calm, however his ears suddenly got red. This is a natural response from human body when one is panic, Black must have played an outstanding move, and White feels very hard to deal with it, so I conclude Black will win the game."]PW[Gennan Inseki]RE[B+3]PB[Honinbo Shusaku]PC[Japan]WR[8p]BR[4p]DT[1846-7-25]EV[Japan Famous Ear-reddening Game];B[qd]C[Shusaku (1829-1862) is the 14th Honinbo, he together with Honinbo Dosaku is acknowledged as "Kisei", his play is clever, temperate and refined, and he was also the originator the "Shusaku Opening" which had a big impact on Go's revolution.];W[dc]C[Gennan Inseki is the 11th head of Inoue.];B[pq]C[At the game time, Shusaku was only 17 years' old, his strength was 4p.];W[oc]C[This was the second game between them, Shusaku was allowed to take Black without giving any komi. The first game was Shusaku's two stone handicap, but that game had never been finished (suspended forever).];B[cp]C[Black takes three small-points in a row, this is "Shusaku's Opening" .];W[cf];B[ep];W[qo];B[pe]C[The diagonal is Shusaku's proud move, and it is also the pivotal move in the "Shusaku's opening".];W[np]LB[qj:a][qi:b]C[The "great slant" of W10 is a positive move, seeking variations, normally White would make an extension at 'a' or 'b'.];B[po];W[pp];B[op];W[qp];B[oq];W[oo];B[pn];W[qq];B[nq];W[on];B[pm];W[om]C[W20 and W22 were novel plays at that time.];B[pl];W[mp];B[mq]LB[lr:a]C[B25 is not good, Black should make the knight's move at 'a', this is the direct reason why Black is at a disadvantage in the opening.];W[ol]C[White elects to first press with W26.];B[pk];W[lq];B[lr];W[kr]C[Next the double hane of W28 and W30 is severe. Black's mistake is: If the original B25 was played at 29, then when White makes the diagonal extension at 28, Black certainly would extend at 30 instead of playing at 25.];B[lp];W[kq];B[qr];W[rr];B[rs]C[Black first plays the atari at 31 and then makes a ko with B33 and B35, it is a good sequence play.];W[mr];B[nr]C[White first plays atari to exchange W36 for B37.];W[pr]C[Then starts the ko with W38, the order is correct.];B[ps];W[qs];B[no]C[B41 is the only ko threat.];W[mo];B[qr];W[rm];B[rl];W[qs];B[lo];W[mn];B[qr];W[qm];B[or];W[ql];B[qj]C[B53 is the right move.];W[rj];B[ri];W[rk];B[ln];W[mm];B[qi];W[rq]C[After this move, the local exchange comes to an end, locally White has taken a little advantage, Black's effect of playing first is already not obvious.];B[jn];W[ls];B[ns];W[gq];B[go]C[The sequence from B61 to B65 is inevitable.];W[ck];B[kc]C[W66 and B67 are all big miai points.];W[ic];B[pc];W[nj]C[Strengthening the center is the key in this situation.];B[ke];W[og]LB[oe:a][qg:b]C[W72 is Gennan's top-rated conception, next White would be left with the attachment at 'a' and the jump at 'b'.];B[oh];W[pb];B[qb];W[ng];B[mi]C[B77 is a play to attack in order to defend.];W[mj];B[nd]LB[qg:a][ph:b]C[After White blocks with W78, Black gets to strengthen first at 79, now White already can't directly jump to 'a', otherwise B 'b' is sente, White would be unreasonable to initiate a fight.];W[ph];B[qg];W[pg]C[W80 and W82 are very thick moves, White's center potential is huge.];B[hq];W[hr];B[ir];W[iq];B[hp];W[jr];B[fc];W[lc]C[As to the invasion of B89, the play of W90 is clever.];B[ld];W[mc];B[lb];W[mb];B[md];W[qf]C[With the sequence after W96, White first reduces liberties on the right, its timing is perfect.];B[pf];W[qh];B[rg];W[rh];B[sh];W[rf];B[sg];W[pj]C[W104 is an excellent move to reduce liberties.];B[pi];W[oi];B[oj];W[ni];B[qk];W[ok];B[qe];W[kb];B[jb];W[ka];B[jc];W[ob];B[ja];W[la]C[After this move, the fight at the top comes to an end, White's reduction is very brilliant, the outcome of the game is still unclear.];B[db];W[cc];B[fe]C[B121 is the vital point for both sides.];W[cn];B[gr]C[W122 and B123 are all big points, each side gets to play one.];W[is];B[fq];W[io]C[W126 is a mistake. The purpose of this move is to pound at Black's weakness, but Black released ......];B[ji]C[...... B127, an excellent move. It was said that at the game time most people thought the game was already in the bag for White, but one doctor said Black would win, the reason was that when Black played B127, Gennan's ears suddenly got red, so B127 is praised as "Ear-reddening move". Notes from American Go Journal: It (B127) kills four birds with one stone by 1: reducing the influence of White's thickness on the right; 2: increasing the potential of Black's position at the top; 3: helping Black's four stones below; 4: aiming at a reduction of White's position on the left.];W[eb];B[fb];W[eg];B[dj]C[The shoulder-hit of B131 is a superb point.];W[dk];B[ej];W[cj];B[dh];W[ij]C[W136: White aims to create complications, the following variation is complicated.];B[hm];W[gj];B[eh];W[fl];B[fg];W[er]C[W142 is an asking move.];B[dm]LB[gs:a][bp:b][do:c]C[Black counterattacks fiercely with B143, if Black descends at 'a', then White can take advantage by the attachment at 'b' and the diagonal at 'c'.];W[fn];B[dn];W[gn];B[jj]C[Black already has assurance of success with B147.];W[jk];B[kk];W[ii];B[ik];W[jl];B[kl];W[il];B[jh];W[co];B[do];W[ih];B[hn];W[hl];B[bl]C[B161 is a big move.];W[dg];B[gh];W[ch]C[W162 and W164: White can only settle the shape this way.];B[ig]C[After the middle game fight comes to an end, the situation is clear, Black is a little favorable.];W[ec]C[W166 is a big endgame worth about 20 points.];B[cr]C[After Black strengthens with B167, Black wins the game for sure.];W[fd];B[gd];W[ed];B[gc];W[bk];B[cm];W[gs];B[gp];W[li];B[kg];W[in];B[lj];W[lg];B[gm];W[jf];B[jg];W[im];B[fm];W[kf];B[lf];W[mf];B[le];W[gf]C[W190 a tesuji for reduction.];B[hf]LB[ff:a][hg:b]C[Black can only answer with the diagonal of B191, if Black connects at 'a', then White will play the hane at 'b', White would break through Black's territory.];W[ff];B[gg];W[lk];B[kj];W[km];B[lm];W[ll];B[jm];W[ge];B[he];W[ee];B[ea];W[cb];B[fr];W[fs];B[dr]C[B205 and B207: The outcome of the game has been already decided.];W[qa];B[ra];W[pa];B[rb];W[da];B[gi];W[fj];B[fi];W[fa];B[ga];W[gl];B[ek];W[em];B[ho];W[el];B[en];W[jo];B[kn];W[ci];B[lh];W[mh];B[mg];W[di];B[ei];W[lg];B[qn];W[rn];B[re];W[sl];B[mg];W[bm];B[am];W[lg];B[eq];W[es];B[mg];W[ha];B[gb];W[lg];B[ds];W[hs];B[mg];W[sj];B[si];W[lg];B[sr];W[sq];B[mg];W[hd];B[hb];W[lg];B[ro];W[so];B[mg];W[ss];B[qs];W[lg];B[sn];W[rp];B[mg];W[cl];B[bn];W[lg];B[ml];W[mk];B[mg];W[pj];B[sf];W[lg];B[nn];W[nl];B[mg];W[ib];B[ia];W[lg];B[nc];W[nb];B[mg];W[jd];B[kd];W[lg];B[ma];W[na];B[mg];W[qc];B[rc];W[lg];B[js];W[ks];B[mg];W[hc];B[id];W[lg];B[fk];W[hj];B[mg];W[hh];B[hg];W[lg];B[gk];W[hk];B[mg];W[ak];B[lg];W[al];B[bm];W[nf];B[od];W[ki];B[ms];W[kp];B[ip];W[jp];B[lr];W[oj];B[mr];W[ea];B[sr]C[Black wins by 3 points in the end. ])

Gennan Inseki    Honinbo Shusaku
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