(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[5400]OT[15/600 Canadian]PW[DexMorgan]PB[elh]WR[7d]BR[4d]DT[2011-11-08]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[DexMorgan [7d]: suerteelh [4d]: buen juego]RE[W+Resign];B[pd]BL[5386.789];W[dd]WL[5392.772];B[pp]BL[5381.911]C[Darius00 [3d?]: omg 90 minutes each Minirock [1d?]: + 10 min * 15horacio [4k?]: fujitsu rulesMinirock [1d?]: oh 10min/15Minirock [1d?]: let's play "guess the next move"Minirock [1d?]: d3Goprince [3d]: d3Goprince [3d]: dam];W[dq]WL[5136.814];B[cn]BL[5374.524];W[cp]WL[5110.272]C[Goprince [3d]: c4WhatsAGo [18k]: Why do they take so much time to think of the first few moves?miao [6d]: w+ 7.5];B[ck]BL[5368.26]C[Goprince [3d]: ugh so slow =(];W[ci]WL[5105.956]C[Goprince [3d]: lol miaomiao [6d]: :DHoangVu [-]: funny if it became trueHoangVu [-]: Let's make him 9d or ban himHoangVu [-]: 8DMinirock [1d?]: omg omg read to the end of the game already :/iamcrazy1 [2k]: yeahWhatsAGo [18k]: How far are they reading?iamcrazy1 [2k]: pro styleiamcrazy1 [2k]: like meFRANKXU [4k]: they have much timeFRANKXU [4k]: no stressMagRock [3k]: se juega algun torneo?santiago [-]: selección para la fujitsuMinirock [1d?]: e10 would be zen styleiamcrazy1 [2k]: we have plenty of time to chat as wellMagRock [3k]: aha];B[fc]BL[5187.347]C[miao [6d]: as b i would have played o17];W[dc]WL[5043.879]C[Goprince [3d]: h17?];B[ic]BL[5173.827]C[iamcrazy1 [2k]: no stress for chat];W[ei]WL[5018.326]C[WhatsAGo [18k]: Can they see what we say?Goprince [3d]: noWhatsAGo [18k]: okGoprince [3d]: well unless they have a secret acc ^^miao [6d]: hm e11Minirock [1d?]: if pincer at h17 and black 33, doesn't c11 feels a bit awkwardGoprince [3d]: e11 felt normal];B[en]BL[5072.177];W[dm]WL[5011.654]C[Goprince [3d]: peepmiao [6d]: i feel not positive about w devolopementWhatsAGo [18k]: D7 looks kinda surrounded by black stonesGoprince [3d]: so you feel negative?Goprince [3d]: =Pmiao [6d]: either that or neutralmiao [6d]: :PGoprince [3d]: lolMinirock [1d?]: but white will win by 7.5... i believe in you ^^miao [6d]: ofcWhatsAGo [18k]: why 7.5?moonscar [-]: Wooo dani.bzzzorp: it has been written.];B[dn]BL[4879.616];W[gq]WL[5002.768];B[ek]BL[4871.643];W[fd]WL[4994.244]C[Minirock [1d?]: play something pretty... like j14!];B[gd]BL[4826.28];W[ge]WL[4984.398]C[Minirock [1d?]: need to stop watching zen games :/miao [6d]: i totally dislike thisMinirock [1d?]: as white or black?miao [6d]: maybe h16 would be propermiao [6d]: white](;B[hd]BL[4676.977]C[moonscar [-]: ( Hi miao, by the way, hope things have been well for you)WhatsAGo [18k]: Is there any remote possibility that one of them wins through time?clockwork [?]: quien es dexmorgan?horacio [4k?]: Gabriel Bermenguiclockwork [?]: de que pais?horacio [4k?]: Argentinaclockwork [?]: gracias horaciohoracio [4k?]: Un placerclockwork [?]: :)];W[qj]WL[4871.939];B[qh]BL[4627.425]C[Goprince [3d]: jejeelh [4d]: :-)];W[qn]WL[4858.843];B[nq]BL[4613.141]C[miao [6d]: sureOnlyTenuki [4k]: p10];W[oj]WL[4693.137]C[OnlyTenuki [4k]: =)];B[oh]BL[4584.79]C[OnlyTenuki [4k]: q17markjgc [6k]: what's with the time limits?clockwork [?]: its a pre selection for the fujitsuVicious703 [9k]: They probably wanted a slow gameUkasuhs [3d]: time limits? i wasnt awar this game had anyUkasuhs [3d]: aware*Vicious703 [9k]: And just didn't want to set no-time];W[pc]WL[4583.949]C[OnlyTenuki [4k]: =)];B[qc]BL[4573.619]C[OnlyTenuki [4k]: 9D feeling ];W[oc]WL[4581.287]C[clockwork [?]: its a mini tournament for the fujitsu cupVicious703 [9k]: Or this could be some tournament qualifications I"m unaware of];B[qd]BL[4567.183]C[Vicious703 [9k]: Oh, well- ok then.];W[lc]WL[4573.515];B[fe]BL[4563.392];W[ff]WL[4451.712];B[ed]BL[4558.633];W[ee]WL[4449.173];B[fd]BL[4556.583];W[ef]WL[4423.77](;B[bi]BL[4537.343](;W[bh]WL[4401.436];B[bj]BL[4534.435]C[miao [6d]: b12 seems badclockwork [?]: why?OnlyTenuki [4k]: gote i guessclockwork [?]: nice call in q17 btwk0n0 [?]: i dont understand h16 now - W would connect if B played F15 immedietely, without H16?OnlyTenuki [4k]: tyGoprince [3d]: right is gote](;W[qq]WL[4260.42]C[DexMorgan [7d]: i think san san is overplayDexMorgan [7d]: but..DexMorgan [7d]: san san es overplayDexMorgan [7d]: no me gustaba pero no considere r4DexMorgan [7d]: estaba jugando muy rapido];B[qp]BL[4525.216];W[rp]WL[4258.116]C[indianayk [4d]: b10 was slow and small at this timeOnlyTenuki [4k]: s5];B[ro]BL[4404.781];W[rq]WL[4256.205];B[qo]BL[4401.959];W[or]WL[4255.372](;B[nr]BL[4398.394]C[Goprince [3d]: i often see pros ignore p3 ^^DexMorgan [7d]: bueon y aca me senti bien..];W[oq]WL[4253.238];B[op]BL[4396.545];W[np]WL[4249.878]C[guiguistar [3d]: i sense b regrets his choiceOnlyTenuki [4k]: m3 ?DrMagaiver [7k]: r1 ?guiguistar [3d]: s5];B[lq]BL[4219.589]C[cmkl: playing q3 instead of s5 would be like resigningDrMagaiver [7k]: tenuki 4dDrMagaiver [7k]: ?];W[on]WL[4156.114]C[Waikato [2k]: could w really capture fast enough to not die..Slug [1d?]: where?guiguistar [3d]: b's lost sente forevercurtisw [3k]: loljokep [5k]: big eye vs no eyeSlug [1d?]: hah true];B[no]BL[4128.084]C[Waikato [2k]: isn't R3 dead until w plays Q3?];W[mp]WL[4148.623];B[oo]BL[4125.816]C[bzzzorp: yes it isOnlyTenuki [4k]: nobzzzorp: eventually white has to come backWaikato [2k]: yeahSlug [1d?]: yes it isOnlyTenuki [4k]: si saves OnlyTenuki [4k]: s1Slug [1d?]: i can be killed using a tesujicmkl: no tesuji needed, p1 killsjokep [5k]: how?bzzzorp: p1 kills, yesWaikato [2k]: it seems so risky to play this wayMinirock [1d?]: any one happens to know how many liberty r3 group has from both side?infiniti [6d?]: what is with this game? is it for a tournament or something?Waikato [2k]: I'd hav eto count i guess you can assume p1 q1 then count];W[lp]WL[4039.815]C[AroundOneD [2d]: free and relax game];B[kq]BL[4121.707]C[RobertT [-]: p1 is killing move in that corner shapeOnlyTenuki [4k]: s6Waikato [2k]: i think w could have played this way if g3 was at k 3Waikato [2k]: you need the close support dont you?Uberdude [5d?]: infiniti, maybe south american qualifier for fujitsusantiago [-]: it's the argentinian qualifier for fujitsuinfiniti [6d?]: oh okayinfiniti [6d?]: thank youWhatsAGo [18k]: white's bottem right lives?Uberdude [5d?]: there is then argentina vs other countries?Ootakamoku [2d]: can w play more outside moves, or does he need to protect the corner already_Ootakamoku [2d]: ?Uberdude [5d?]: it seems argentina usually sends the south american repclockwork [?]: argentina internal eliminationAroundOneD [2d]: s6 not bad and then q3jokep [5k]: p1 killssantiago [-]: yes, after this comes the s. american qualifierOotakamoku [2d]: jokep, p1 does not kill if q4 dies firstWhatsAGo [18k]: But q4 has so many libertiesRobertT [-]: q4 isnt what black has to worry about, its his m3 groupjokep [5k]: okUberdude [5d?]: any other strong counties?RobertT [-]: brazil maybeMinirock [1d?]: the corner seems to have about 6 liberties... but i am weak ^^Waikato [2k]: i think w ha to play Q3 now no?];W[kp]WL[3747.669]C[Uberdude [5d?]: can play s6Uberdude [5d?]: its a probeUberdude [5d?]: if b answer at t6 then t3 is w sente so corner already aliveUberdude [5d?]: *t4Ootakamoku [2d]: can w rly kill m3 in time if b playes p1 now?RobertT [-]: seems like itWaikato [2k]: well if w dan eat P2oesnt answer p1 though he cWaikato [2k]: wow what happened there...Waikato [2k]: if w doesnt answer p1 b eats p2WhatsAGo [18k]: what will happen if black p1's? will white q1?Ootakamoku [2d]: yesOotakamoku [2d]: hmm, no, cantRobertT [-]: p1 s1Waikato [2k]: q2 for libsLynx [4k?]: w shape beautifulWaikato [2k]: where lynx?RobertT [-]: corner is alive because of n3 push I thinkUberdude [5d?]: p1 s1 q3 woopsOotakamoku [2d]: imo they are competing whos shape is uglierLynx [4k?]: everywherecrazytony [3k]: b lacks shapeWhatsAGo [18k]: I think q4 isnt a pretty shapeWaikato [2k]: what crack are you guys on hahacrazytony [3k]: the good kind ^^crazytony [3k]: the one that makes u smarter lolWaikato [2k]: this is l and d races for libs and choosing where to playcrazytony [3k]: not really..Ootakamoku [2d]: I rly want to see b play p1, regardless if it works or notOotakamoku [2d]: just to see how it plays outcrazytony [3k]: its not a race for likbs yet];B[jq]BL[3785.086]C[Waikato [2k]: w is trying to get as amny good moves as posible before playign Q3Ootakamoku [2d]: s6 looks like only move nowcrazytony [3k]: p1 r1?Lynx [4k?]: s6 weak imoLynx [4k?]: something like j5Lynx [4k?]: but prettierUberdude [5d?]: p1 kills this corner locally, its a very common shape that's good to knowWhatsAGo [18k]: if white plays o1, then black can just snap-back?Ootakamoku [2d]: something like j5 and corner dies for sureWaikato [2k]: you still schooling everyone uberdude?crazytony [3k]: are u sure p1 kills?Uberdude [5d?]: yesUberdude [5d?]: 100%crazytony [3k]: p1 r1 s2 t2 t4 Waikato [2k]: you used to play me years ago when i was santigre [4d]Ootakamoku [2d]: yes, p1 is very common in this shape to killWaikato [2k]: have me 2 stones and still owned me if i rememberWaikato [2k]: gave*Waikato [2k]: I'm just getting bck intoa few gamesWhatsAGo [18k]: what if white responds with q1? will black have to play q3?crazytony [3k]: p1 r1 q3 q2 s2 t2 s1 Uberdude [5d?]: i don't recally beating 4dds on 2 stonesWaikato [2k]: hmm last time i played was in 2008 maybe?crazytony [3k]: p1 r1 t2 s2 q2 q3 ](;W[mq]WL[3598.322];B[mr]BL[3779.493];W[ns]WL[3596.485]C[crazytony [3k]: i guess it does killOotakamoku [2d]: poor bWhatsAGo [18k]: cant b just snapback now?Ootakamoku [2d]: nice way for w to secure corner in sente];B[ls]BL[3754.332];W[rn]WL[3594.22]C[OnlyTenuki [4k]: corner is not secured yetUberdude [5d?]: o1 does help it iircVicious703 [9k]: What do you mean, WhatsAGo?Ootakamoku [2d]: corner is 10k year ko now if b plays next move? (assuming w didnt have s6)wuwei [4k]: O6Achiles [3k?]: there was no go 10k years agoVicious703 [9k]: That's not the pointwuwei [4k]: you don't know thatcrazytony [3k]: ?WhatsAGo [18k]: right now, what if black plays n1?crazytony [3k]: noone knows the real past hahacrazytony [3k]: 10k years ago could be lies hahaWaikato [2k]: hmm I wanted to see p1 from b a move ago too :(Achiles [3k?]: or maybe thats where the dark joseki come fromcrazytony [3k]: m6?Mendieta [9k]: hola todosUberdude [5d?]: ah, interesting from SLpranayama [-]: hola gerardoUberdude [5d?]: after w p5, b q6wuwei [4k]: go is life, go is 4 billion years oldUberdude [5d?]: is tesujiUberdude [5d?]: q6 q7 o6 n4 m4 Vicious703 [9k]: Go is how the universe was createdAchiles [3k?]: if b lets connect he might as well resignUberdude [5d?]: http://senseis.xmp.net/?44PointLowApproachLowExtension33InvasionVicious703 [9k]: lulwutcrazytony [3k]: n7?WhatsAGo [18k]: As a scenario, what would happen if black plays n1?crazytony [3k]: nothingVicious703 [9k]: Not muchWhatsAGo [18k]: o1 doesnt matter?crazytony [3k]: nopranayama [-]: clono la partida..WhatsAGo [18k]: why not?Mendieta [9k]: daleAchiles [3k?]: n1 --> tenukiVicious703 [9k]: It kinda matters, but n1 wouldn't threaten it too muchVicious703 [9k]: q1 to start a ko is what white would do probablytempolimit [11k]: t5WhatsAGo [18k]: if white plays q1 to start a ko, then black captures o1, how will white respond if there are no ko threats?Uberdude [5d?]: white wouldn't q1Uberdude [5d?]: if black plays n1, white might t5 to connectUberdude [5d?]: o1 is not an important stoneUberdude [5d?]: what is important is white;s corner being alive and connecting to s6Vicious703 [9k]: I think he means just for the local corner, how would be respondVicious703 [9k]: But yes, that is correctUberdude [5d?]: if you want to answer n1, q3 is betterWhatsAGo [18k]: Do p2 or p3 matter?Uberdude [5d?]: yesUberdude [5d?]: absoultelyUberdude [5d?]: they cut p4 group fron o3 groupjavaman [2k]: n1,L1,p1,Q1,Uberdude [5d?]: white is hoping to attack the p4 groupjavaman [2k]: white lives on cornerUberdude [5d?]: no javaman, that is not locally alive, only alive because of s5Uberdude [5d?]: *s6WhatsAGo [18k]: java, after q1, what would happen if black plays q3?Slug [1d?]: if w goes first he livesVicious703 [9k]: White would respond to n1 to q3, according to UberdudeSlug [1d?]: but its not locally alive until he doesVicious703 [9k]: And I'm in no position to argue with himUberdude [5d?]: err nahRobertT [-]: how would you kill the corner if white didnt have s6?Uberdude [5d?]: if you want to play a move in the corner q3 is better than q1Achiles [3k?]: this position should be in a joseki bookSlug [1d?]: it is achilesUberdude [5d?]: robertt, t4Uberdude [5d?]: (in the suggested sequence of white l1, which means o1 is as though not there)clockwork [?]: O_o];B[nn]BL[2943.779]C[WhatsAGo [18k]: Cant black just T5 to cut them?Uberdude [5d?]: p1 q2 t4 is L groupSlug [1d?]: took so long to make this moveclockwork [?]: i like that move xDSlug [1d?]: it looked like best move to me a looong time agoUberdude [5d?]: m6 was another choiceclockwork [?]: isnt o6 more... ummm flexible?Slug [1d?]: its better slightlyUberdude [5d?]: more solidclockwork [?]: i seecharkysan [-]: if m6 instead of o6, m6 n5 n6 o6 ];W[jp]WL[3409.478]C[Uberdude [5d?]: yeah i'm not saying m6 bestUberdude [5d?]: just another move to think aboutUberdude [5d?]: justifying time useclockwork [?]: b can chase?charkysan [-]: it would be a good shape destroying point, if it workedSlug [1d?]: m6 was more complex than I could read];B[ip]BL[2861.411]C[charkysan [-]: when slug has a big fight on the goban, is it a slugfest?Goprince [3d]: cut...Uberdude [5d?]: m6 n5 o6 n6 n7 m7 k4 Uberdude [5d?]: then what?Uberdude [5d?]: quite some reading there with a snapbackNation [3k]: lolSlug [1d?]: heheUberdude [5d?]: k4 l5 l7 and w can't extendUberdude [5d?]: or k5 munches];W[km]WL[3253.223];B[io]BL[2833.654]C[charkysan [-]: wow, that was like blitz speed for this gameUberdude [5d?]: w probably has to push at k4 in answer to m6, but b block taking liberty is pleasingWaikato [2k]: m6 j4?santiago [-]: n7 now?Uberdude [5d?]: waikato, then push thoughGoprince [3d]: yea n7];W[mm]WL[3119.615]C[santiago [-]: 7d moves are so easy to predictUberdude [5d?]: i am not yet convinced this is better for black than m6];B[pn]BL[2803.558]C[santiago [-]: now w needs to livesantiago [-]: ie. t5 Slug [1d?]: uberdude, I dont think white would n5 to m6Steaddevel [3k]: b m6 can do something?Uberdude [5d?]: indeed not, but that was charksan's refutationGoprince [3d]: m6 l6Uberdude [5d?]: which i seem to have refutedWhatsAGo [18k]: How would white respond if black plays L5?Slug [1d?]: ah okUberdude [5d?]: gopronce, we are talking about instead of o6charkysan [-]: is a refutation of a refutation like a double ko?Goprince [3d]: ah nvmSlug [1d?]: no charkysan lolsantiago [-]: l5 k5 whatsagoUberdude [5d?]: remember white ignored b10WhatsAGo [18k]: then if black plays m6?Uberdude [5d?]: still owes a move there in large yose if wants those pointssantiago [-]: then k6 WhatsAGo [18k]: but then wouldnt black n5 and take?Achiles [3k?]: I think w can t5 in sente and then start settling the boardwuwei [4k]: J3Uberdude [5d?]: t5 probably not senteanapazapa [1d]: What tournament is this?charkysan [-]: in some variations i'm looking at, all groups liveAchiles [3k?]: i thought p5 necessary for bUberdude [5d?]: argentina fujitsu qualifiersantiago [-]: argentinian qualifiers for toyotasantiago [-]: fujitsuwuwei [4k]: it is a tournament for kids under 5 (sse b's pic?)];W[so]WL[2774.55]C[Slug [1d?]: hm.. maybe m6 was better lolUberdude [5d?]: =)whuang [1d]: Congratulation on being 5d, Uberdude!anapazapa [1d]: thx guysAroundOneD [2d]: p7wuwei [4k]: Gabriel es 7d...WhatsAGo [18k]: what about b, l5, l6, k5?Uberdude [5d?]: it's fake :pAroundOneD [2d]: clearUberdude [5d?]: kgs floatywuwei [4k]: the LR is colder nowDrMagaiver [7k]: why t5?santiago [-]: because w needs to live...DrMagaiver [7k]: s4 group or r6?Achiles [3k?]: and decent cashsantiago [-]: corner isn't alive as isUberdude [5d?]: bothDrMagaiver [7k]: hmmDrMagaiver [7k]: thanksAroundOneD [2d]: p7 clear and more optionsUberdude [5d?]: black t5 is sente to kill corner i think];B[ln]BL[2563.918]C[Slug [1d?]: lol];W[kn]WL[2764.065]C[Steaddevel [3k]: deadPampero [3k?]: "Al que nace barrigón es al ñudo que lo fajen"DexMorgan [7d]: no me sentia muy bien acaelh [4d]: aca pense que era una lucha razonableDexMorgan [7d]: por alguna extrania razonDexMorgan [7d]: negro vivio muy facil, capaz deberia contestar O6elh [4d]: nada extranio :)DexMorgan [7d]: voy a hacer que kim seung jun la ocmenteDexMorgan [7d]: y despues te voy a revender los comentarios por oroGoprince [3d]: jaja quieres matar a negro ? que malo ereselh [4d]: ah, barbarogeyingbin [1d]: dfasdfasdfasgeyingbin [1d]: adfasdfasgeyingbin [1d]: asdfasdfasgeyingbin [1d]: adsfasdfgeyingbin [1d]: adsfasdfgeyingbin [1d]: sdfasdfaDexMorgan [7d]: lolgeyingbin [1d]: sdfasdMendieta [9k]: ?];B[nk]BL[2551.207]C[Uberdude [5d?]: then b can attack w outside gorupsSlug [1d?]: too little too late :(];W[hr]WL[2756.702]C[Uberdude [5d?]: with a split around o9 or o8Achiles [3k?]: there we goSteaddevel [3k]: what is p9?Uberdude [5d?]: black still splits, but this only attacking 1 group, r6 safe nowmiao [6d]: no idea];B[hq]BL[2502.482]C[Steaddevel [3k]: is p9 block the road of l7 group?OnlyTenuki [4k]: m9Steaddevel [3k]: o9 sorryDexMorgan [7d]: me sorprendio esto no lo esperabaDexMorgan [7d]: no se si es mejor en este caso..elh [4d]: digo, para que M5 sea senteDexMorgan [7d]: noDexMorgan [7d]: no me gusta para nadaelh [4d]: bueno, a mi tampoco, pero igual pregunto];W[ir]WL[2710.926];B[iq]BL[2499.492]C[Uberdude [5d?]: h3 is rather strangeSteaddevel [3k]: j3 is not first hand sadUberdude [5d?]: if you answer h2 at j3, and white j2, would you h3 now?AroundOneD [2d]: o7 seals bAchiles [3k?]: j2 maybeGoprince [3d]: if j2 then l2 m2 and b still has 1 eyeGoprince [3d]: b traded points forst security i guessSteaddevel [3k]: but more pointsSteaddevel [3k]: h3 less pointsGoprince [3d]: pienso que si];W[gp]WL[2623.058]C[miao [6d]: good choiceGoprince [3d]: i agreeSolbanca [6d]: i think h3 means w j6 not sentesantiago [-]: i though j2 first for w, but this is betterGoprince [3d]: g6wuwei [4k]: that is not good for bmiao [6d]: h6 enaugh no?Goprince [3d]: probly bad style tho ^^DexMorgan [7d]: me termino dando recursos estoelh [4d]: pense que cualquier piedra que ayudara en el centro valia mas que puntitos de yoseDexMorgan [7d]: fernando jugaria G4DexMorgan [7d]: "comeme"elh [4d]: si, seguroGoprince [3d]: si muy grande g4DexMorgan [7d]: no puedo permitir negro g4 :SDexMorgan [7d]: yo miraba que esto hace M5 goteclockwork [?]: tan grande es g4 para negro?DexMorgan [7d]: y por lo tanto me da recursos por el lado derecho y por el centroGoprince [3d]: el turn a k9 es demasiado grandeDexMorgan [7d]: es sente, ojoso y conectaDexMorgan [7d]: y hace puntosclockwork [?]: ya veoDexMorgan [7d]: si blanco no puede jugar g4, no puede jugar h2](;B[im]BL[2432.186]C[Uberdude [5d?]: j7 Uberdude [5d?]: attack middlesantiago [-]: g6 leaves a nasty cutVicious703 [9k]: Heh, niceUberdude [5d?]: g6 shape badSteaddevel [3k]: does not w p8 ok?AroundOneD [2d]: h6Goprince [3d]: not really a cut since k6 is snete but tihnner i guesUberdude [5d?]: rather not use k6 sente];W[kk]WL[2578.05]C[Uberdude [5d?]: losing m6Goprince [3d]: trueDrMagaiver [7k]: w strongerDexMorgan [7d]: el peep creo que puede esperarMendieta [9k]: j9 no era mejor?DexMorgan [7d]: porque miraba a negro M8 tambien];B[jl]BL[2384.434]C[AroundOneD [2d]: sure, 7-4=3Uberdude [5d?]: w is rather thin, n9 rsistance can crumpleKamill [5k]: i wanat to see a fight in n13 area.];W[kl]WL[2546.942]C[Uberdude [5d?]: as b has m5];B[nj]BL[2370.771]C[Steaddevel [3k]: 11Steaddevel [3k]: l11Achiles [3k?]: its not fun to run aloneAroundOneD [2d]: q8AroundOneD [2d]: q8 is a stone hitting 2 birds];W[jk]WL[2437.892]C[Steaddevel [3k]: q8nocharkysan [-]: m5 l5 m7 n8 m8 Steaddevel [3k]: q8 black will not respond i thiinkrayheart [1k?]: esta es la fujitsu de argentina?AroundOneD [2d]: q8 is sentesantiago [-]: siMendieta [9k]: aca is acá without tilde.DexMorgan [7d]: para mi no hay mucho ataque](;B[ik]BL[2292.295]C[AroundOneD [2d]: or p7 kills];W[ij]WL[2391.638]C[elh [4d]: no me gustaba blanco J8];B[jj]BL[2243.158]C[Lynx [4k?]: el!DexMorgan [7d]: que poco edu-likeelh [4d]: tengo muchas caras :)Steaddevel [3k]: h1-Steaddevel [3k]: 10rayheart [1k?]: esta es la ultima ronda santiago o queda otro partido?Mendieta [9k]: por qué permitir que blanco se deslice por debajo con la boca de dragón hacia abajo?elh [4d]: porque no esperaba G4DexMorgan [7d]: para conseguir sente, Mendietaelh [4d]: entonces negro H6 era una opcion?Goprince [3d]: o10 a j10?DexMorgan [7d]: si entiendoMendieta [9k]: me refiero j9 en lugar del peep.DexMorgan [7d]: pero bien fernandescoDexMorgan [7d]: tenia muchas ganas de que me cortes aca];W[hk]WL[2339.922];B[il]BL[2239.323];W[li]WL[2333.204];B[ji]BL[2229.467]C[santiago [-]: falta el ganador de esta vs. aguilarLynx [4k?]: b has lost the gam epretty muchSteaddevel [3k]: m12Pampero [3k?]: bien, lo hizo enojarsantiago [-]: why do you think b is already lost, Lynx?Steaddevel [3k]: but i think p8 work-.-Achiles [3k?]: k12 rawrsantiago [-]: b will probably lean on m17 group to attack centerAroundOneD [2d]: h10Steaddevel [3k]: w just p16 is ok hahaSteaddevel [3k]: m13 may be better :)Kamill [5k]: no n13 WINNING MOVEKamill [5k]: ^^Steaddevel [3k]: i think m13 can for run and attack at p8reprisal [4d]: yes, ty];W[ni]WL[1915.225];B[oi]BL[2218.545];W[ol]WL[1912.307]C[Kamill [5k]: n13 point is the winner in my heart :)Steaddevel [3k]: m13 first can connect with o11 then...Pampero [3k?]: most 3k cant see beyond their nosecharkysan [-]: speaking for yourself, pinnochio?Pampero [3k?]: i wish i were pinocchiocharkysan [-]: pinnochio good at lie-ght playAchiles [3k?]: pinnochio had a hard time playing goAchiles [3k?]: he was messing the stones with the nosejavaman [2k]: P7, no brainer nowSteaddevel [3k]: m5 firstSteaddevel [3k]: and m7santiago [-]: m5 is gotejavaman [2k]: m5 is not goodcharkysan [-]: o8 o7 p9 m5 l5 m7 n8 m8 n9 m9 and w must give up one group or the otherjavaman [2k]: i am going to havemy breakfast and then will comeback];B[om]BL[1784.168]C[aussiemate [8k]: hurry backsantiago [-]: charkysan m5 k6 ...Pampero [3k?]: hola aussiemataussiemate [8k]: Grabbles!Steaddevel [3k]: m5 k6 right-3-charkysan [-]: right you arePampero [3k?]: :-)Pampero [3k?]: look , im 3k? now];W[hn]WL[1798.254]C[clockwork [?]: breadfruit lol];B[in]BL[1736.843]C[aussiemate [8k]: so you are!Steaddevel [3k]: n11Pampero [3k?]: some KGS error, i guessaussiemate [8k]: How did that happen?Pampero [3k?]: some player hit resign button by mistakeAchiles [3k?]: or someone you beat way back grewSteaddevel [3k]: some player u mean there are lots of player but only one person?Steaddevel [3k]: that is why u can 3k? Steaddevel [3k]: =)aussiemate [8k]: sudden increase in strength or were you boring him?Mendieta [9k]: doesn't w g7 cut connection?Achiles [3k?]: thats my favourite tactic to bore the opponent :pPampero [3k?]: boring the opponent is the only way to winSteaddevel [3k]: but the next move is for baussiemate [8k]: works every time!];W[hj]WL[1547.884]C[Mendieta [9k]: mmmKamill [5k]: nice movePampero [3k?]: im tired, im gonna take off my shoesjavaman [2k]: m5Pampero [3k?]: g7 elh [4d]: cual es la alternativa?];B[lo]BL[1646.009]C[Steaddevel [3k]: just g6 is okjavaman [2k]: then g8Kamill [5k]: b g7 is bad imojavaman [2k]: white probably wants to play J14 to kill K10Achiles [3k?]: whats the point of m5 0_oSteaddevel [3k]: save m6 and prepare for m10santiago [-]: allows m10 cutSteaddevel [3k]: same as me santiagoAchiles [3k?]: m10 gets o10 captured as isKamill [5k]: g6 or h7 for b ?Achiles [3k?]: i like g6];W[ko]WL[1230.484]C[santiago [-]: well, then it makes w heavier and saves m6 before conecting at g7 javaman [2k]: o8 o7 Q8 R9,n11,o11,n12, o13m10santiago [-]: otherwise later w might ignore m5 javaman [2k]: g7 is not necessary nowsantiago [-]: it isnt?javaman [2k]: o8 is better than g7Kamill [5k]: what does o8?Kamill [5k]: oh for b okMendieta [9k]: welcomeDexMorgan [7d]: aca..DexMorgan [7d]: le tenia pavor](;B[gl]BL[1487.036];W[nl]WL[1218.006]C[Kamill [5k]: finally is h8 for not dying :)Kamill [5k]: nice call javamanjavaman [2k]: sometimes, one or two moves, i am better than a 4d,javaman [2k]: lolwuwei [4k]: elh is better than 4dGoprince [3d]: no rlh is 4dGoprince [3d]: elhKamill [5k]: save those two stones or save the other two stones ? :)Goprince [3d]: w is clearly leadingsantiago [-]: according to his graph elh is an above average 4dpaar [1d?]: above average 4d = 4d];B[qm]BL[1133.098]C[Goprince [3d]: ooh ko!];W[rm]WL[1169.575]C[Goprince [3d]: do it!Corvin [3k]: Bacardi and coke, do it, do itmw [2k]: 50% of 4 dans are above averagereprisal [4d]: nahAchiles [3k?]: youre thinking of the median :0reprisal [4d]: 20 or 30% are right on averageMendieta [9k]: Do they follow Poisson or Gauss distribution?DexMorgan [7d]: but maybe black can waitGoprince [3d]: ya esta bastante ne retraso no?DexMorgan [7d]: do nothing and wait for itfalfan1 [2k]: esto es para ver quien se va a japon?DexMorgan [7d]: white preventing the ko is gote](;B[pl]BL[1034.703]C[paar [1d?]: b needs a kill. only w group in top right is killable];W[ql]WL[1158.444]C[mw [2k]: it's a joke. laugh or not then move on, christ almighty.santiago [-]: i think there are more below average 4 dans than strong 4 dansreprisal [4d]: neither, it is a nontrivial distributionDarick [11k]: q7Achiles [3k?]: i refuse to laugh at incorrect jokesOotakamoku [2d]: which ko should b play?wuwei [4k]: the game is about to be fun];B[pm]BL[971.124]C[reprisal [4d]: all of temmw [2k]: it's not incorrect, actuallymw [2k]: but i refuse to discuss a joke further...];W[qk]WL[1146.07];B[ok]BL[960.257]C[Darick [11k]: p9];W[kh]WL[1125.023]C[reprisal [4d]: b averted disasterreprisal [4d]: but all that gets him is the right to keep playing an unfavorable game longerSteaddevel [3k]: still has chancesantiago [-]: not really, k11 stones are a disasterwuwei [4k]: b lives, but trailsMendieta [9k]: b is low on territory and has no center.AroundOneD [2d]: b did not play well hereSteaddevel [3k]: still can use k11 to enhance landAroundOneD [2d]: w gainedpaar [1d?]: sac k11 to build power to attack the topreprisal [4d]: b13 and attack on m17...two options to complicate onlyreprisal [4d]: have to find something fastjavaman [2k]: black might need work on P17 group nowMendieta [9k]: what maneuver would let k11 gain more territory for b Steaddevel?reprisal [4d]: maybe try and split l12 from m17\AroundOneD [2d]: b does not have enough roomreprisal [4d]: with hope to move the cutting stones and get an attackreprisal [4d]: no idea where to start thoughSteaddevel [3k]: still can k12 firstreprisal [4d]: it's a move i'd be loathe to play without a planreprisal [4d]: very expensive kind of moveMendieta [9k]: and then Steaddevel?AroundOneD [2d]: n16 1stSteaddevel [3k]: ?AroundOneD [2d]: then k12 tofightSteaddevel [3k]: no la very bigMendieta [9k]: ok.reprisal [4d]: its really hard for me to decide if n16 is the right pressSteaddevel [3k]: ifn16> j14reprisal [4d]: i think b has basically one shot to get things rightAroundOneD [2d]: then n17 too bigreprisal [4d]: my worry is n16 n17 and that's all i getreprisal [4d]: and b m16 won't be senteAroundOneD [2d]: you will get one sidereprisal [4d]: without m16 i dont think i can block the connectionreprisal [4d]: maybe starting at m16 is betterAroundOneD [2d]: w owns c12, so j14 ok for bKamill [5k]: how powerfull is h16 group ?reprisal [4d]: ehhreprisal [4d]: it'll have to dodarwold [1k]: if b can't win without these two stones... j12?];B[ld]BL[486.601]C[reprisal [4d]: answer is not all that powerfulreprisal [4d]: but you go to war with the army you have :)Kamill [5k]: okreprisal [4d]: and its still stronger than m17 groupOotakamoku [2d]: seems like b is comitting to killing l4 with m16reprisal [4d]: well one halfreprisal [4d]: or at least severely damagemiao [6d]: n16?reprisal [4d]: any opinion on m16 miao?miao [6d]: it is propably a bad move but also a gamblereprisal [4d]: i didnt have any better ideasSteaddevel [3k]: n16 rightmiao [6d]: so it is reasonablereprisal [4d]: you have any better ideas?miao [6d]: hmmiao [6d]: not easyreprisal [4d]: yeah :)];W[mc]WL[972.464];B[jh]BL[482.664]C[miao [6d]: m16 seems ok for now];W[jg]WL[967.049]C[miao [6d]: huh];B[ig]BL[478.634]C[reprisal [4d]: well i'd rather m16 n17 then n16 n17miao [6d]: i thought maybe kosumi works but this?reprisal [4d]: i didnt read itmiao [6d]: it dependsmiao [6d]: i want to attack j17 a bit latermiao [6d]: so i consider l16 and n16Steaddevel [3k]: i think k14miao [6d]: l16 is too much of a gamblesantiago [-]: double hane?miao [6d]: whichmiao [6d]: ?Ootakamoku [2d]: cant double hanesantiago [-]: j14 Ootakamoku [2d]: at j14 if thats what you meanpaar [1d?]: what was m16 for?Ootakamoku [2d]: unless Im missreadingmiao [6d]: m16 seperates m11 and n17 for nowAroundOneD [2d]: no j14reprisal [4d]: yesreprisal [4d]: about all you can ask of one kikashi stone :)AroundOneD [2d]: h12 for j14AroundOneD [2d]: w has troublepaar [1d?]: kikashi isn't supposed to result in a loss. m16 solidifies n17santiago [-]: but b gains m16 paarmiao [6d]: kikashi is supposed to just be kikkashiAchiles [3k?]: k14 doesnt connect?miao [6d]: :P];W[jf]WL[677.369]C[mw [2k]: kikashi usually strengthens your opponent and should be something that can be sacrificedSteaddevel [3k]: seems g14 small but,,bzzzorp: h];B[gi]BL[380.15]C[AroundOneD [2d]: in fact, j12 cut and give up h10 3 stones is not bad ideaxhucia [1k]: g11 good moveSteaddevel [3k]: so g11 bad move?Kamill [5k]: wowOotakamoku [2d]: g11 looks honte, but b behind so can he afford honte?Kamill [5k]: i thought k12 was deadxhucia [1k]: protect j12 cut pointSteaddevel [3k]: but seem g14 small tooSteaddevel [3k]: i cant think other alternative move laAchiles [3k?]: thats also 8 ptsSteaddevel [3k]: so g11 is right i thinksantiago [-]: losing j10 weakens l9 around1dOotakamoku [2d]: I belive the idea here is that w cannot escape with h10 stones, without making k11 storng enough to rly threatten the w dragonxhucia [1k]: w must think about H8xhucia [1k]: H8 and thenSteaddevel [3k]: too smallSteaddevel [3k]: if i were w i am thinking of how to kill m16xhucia [1k]: what about m16xhucia [1k]: h8 is strategy w but g11 protect all of them..so g11 good moveSteaddevel [3k]: maybe j14 but too normal-.-paar [1d?]: try h13? cut off j17];W[eb]WL[397.635]C[paar [1d?]: or this is pretty blunt too :)Steaddevel [3k]: g14paar [1d?]: maybe w figures dragon lives and he has enoughRookwood [2k]: p16Achiles [3k?]: cant you see e18 is the hot point on the tableSteaddevel [3k]: p16........but w has already alive and l16 seems can escapeshinobi90 [7d]: nah over playAroundOneD [2d]: j14rayheart [1k?]: it doesn't feels good xhucia [1k]: j14 correct shapereprisal [4d]: have to consider h14 to locallyAroundOneD [2d]: connnection and keep attackingSteaddevel [3k]: how about l17];B[kd]BL[173.215]C[shinobi90 [7d]: L16 too seperate the two groupes is better//shinobi90 [7d]: oh he played...xhucia [1k]: l17 sente but risky planAroundOneD [2d]: yreprisal [4d]: risky plan is all b can doxhucia [1k]: yes :)reprisal [4d]: there is no clear road to victory for himreprisal [4d]: but still chances to pull something off hereSteaddevel [3k]: how about h18 nowAroundOneD [2d]: m14xhucia [1k]: i have no idea for h18...:pSteaddevel [3k]: but w p17 group is going to deadclockwork [?]: the kill of l4 is still posible?Kamill [5k]: why i think about h12; im outpaar [1d?]: would try k18 instead of h18 to keep w's weak group safeAroundOneD [2d]: somehow has to protect the cutxhucia [1k]: yes k18 Achiles [3k?]: o15 shape then j14];W[kc]WL[98.014]C[AroundOneD [2d]: w has weak link around l12Steaddevel [3k]: l17 seem for h18xhucia [1k]: l12 ladderelh [4d]: K17 mejor?](;B[jd]BL[112.216]C[Achiles [3k?]: only insurance is that k12 in dangerSteaddevel [3k]: maybe j14 first ?clockwork [?]: una lastima eduardoDexMorgan [7d]: cuando jugaste k16, senti que no podia perderDexMorgan [7d]: la ventaja territorial de blanco aca se siente suficiente..elh [4d]: leiste mi ultimo comentario?DexMorgan [7d]: repetilo porque lei muchos elh [4d]: decia que no le veo tantas libertadores a negro en el semeai de marrasDexMorgan [7d]: ah siDexMorgan [7d]: pero yo tampoco a blancoDexMorgan [7d]: y las 3 compartidaselh [4d]: algo lei durante la partida (un poquito)DexMorgan [7d]: puede ser sekiDexMorgan [7d]: yo no me puse a leer el semeai porqu eno queria angustiarmeelh [4d]: ja jaDexMorgan [7d]: tenia fe en que al final de todo ibas a jugar la jugada eduDexMorgan [7d]: :)DexMorgan [7d]: con 1 hora mas de reloj capaz me ponia];W[if]WL[74.546];B[hh]BL[107.277];W[hg]WL[71.74];B[ih]BL[104.703](;W[mk]WL[69.474]C[paar [1d?]: awful for bAroundOneD [2d]: now seems okxhucia [1k]: b lost chance hereshinobi90 [7d]: YEPshinobi90 [7d]: tought gabi might lose.Steaddevel [3k]: maybe m13Steaddevel [3k]: l13xhucia [1k]: l13 too latexhucia [1k]: maybe n11paar [1d?]: b has to think about not dying nowxhucia [1k]: lolxhucia [1k]: h13 KOxhucia [1k]: i thinkSteaddevel [3k]: if b cut at h13 i think w will n14Steaddevel [3k]: and ko-3- maybexhucia [1k]: yepAroundOneD [2d]: n16xhucia [1k]: think about m10 group firstEddy [2d]: maybe m14AroundOneD [2d]: harder and harder for bleo2011liu [3d]: n10leo2011liu [3d]: or n16paar [1d?]: k18 maybe?](;B[bg]BL[312.539]OB[14]C[xhucia [1k]: o_0xhucia [1k]: tennukipaar [1d?]: timesuji :)clockwork [?]: ಠ_ಠshinobi90 [7d]: big.. but timing not good i thinkclockwork [?]: b is giving up in th e center?radishimo [1d]: what part of the center is there for him to give up?xhucia [1k]: b already to fight...maybe KO fight at h13 for protect j17 grouppaar [1d?]: b still trying to thik of a planAroundOneD [2d]: c12 and then n15darwold [1k]: b must think upper is alive anywaybzzzorp: n14 VitalY [?]: g5 looks big leo2011liu [3d]: very slow gamen16 will end the game nowelh [4d]: claro];W[me]WL[545.79]OW[14]C[xhucia [1k]: yeahhhhhxhucia [1k]: he playedxhucia [1k]: ko fightdarwold [1k]: h15 is an eye for bleo2011liu [3d]: m14 the only moveradishimo [1d]: except it does nothingxhucia [1k]: n16 cut pointxhucia [1k]: kill or is killed];B[md]BL[151.704]OB[13];W[oe]WL[540.046]OW[13]C[xhucia [1k]: o15];B[mf]BL[109.792]OB[12]C[shinobi90 [7d]: ggxhucia [1k]: timesuji];W[ne]WL[523.396]OW[12]C[xhucia [1k]: o15 vitalxhucia [1k]: >...<];W[qb]WL[455.898]OW[13];B[rb]BL[389.987]OB[12]C[Mendieta [9k]: better not to :)];W[pb]WL[439.884]OW[12]C[phonika: FUCK YOU Kamill [5k]: ?shinobi90 [7d]: he's still here?Steaddevel [3k]: u is girl and u has no penis u cant fuckFedora [8k]: Children, come nowCato [-]: lolVicious703 [9k]: Such a rebeVicious703 [9k]: rebel*Achiles [3k?]: no its an automated message at regular intervalsMendieta [9k]: that's not rebelion. that's stupidityxhucia [1k]: LOLleo2011liu [3d]: k17Vicious703 [9k]: Sarcasmphonika: FUCK MExhucia [1k]: its just automated massage.Achiles [3k?]: gender?xhucia [1k]: lolJinni [1d?]: aslxhucia [1k]: phonika is robot];B[pf]BL[268.889]OB[11];W[jc]WL[432.002]OW[11]C[mw [2k]: guests really shouldn't be allowed to chatradishimo [1d]: i could use a good automated massage right nowMendieta [9k]: I agreeradishimo [1d]: my back is stiffMendieta [9k]: with mwAchiles [3k?]: w stopped fantasizingpaar [1d?]: w cruise to winradishimo [1d]: b15 looks workyxhucia [1k]: I want to go to college now .. bye bye all...nice to meet youMendieta [9k]: why doesn't b resign? isn't the difference huge in points?];B[cg]BL[86.636]OB[10]C[Vicious703 [9k]: Not too huge, but White is leading by a comfortable margin from what I can tell.Mendieta [9k]: It's nice to read somebody "wants" (doesn't "have to") go to college. :-)];W[be]WL[349.203]OW[10]C[Vicious703 [9k]: I can't imagine not wanting to go];B[eg]BL[73.905]OB[9];W[fh]WL[338.412]OW[9];B[fg]BL[57.328]OB[8];W[gg]WL[333.146]OW[8];B[eh]BL[55.091]OB[7]C[Achiles [3k?]: oh noes wat a messAroundOneD [2d]: g12AroundOneD [2d]: w can gain sth backclockwork [?]: w + 25?](;W[gh]WL[187.338]OW[7];B[fi]BL[51.237]OB[6]C[Goprince [3d]: stong];W[hi]WL[185.172]OW[6]C[Achiles [3k?]: lolelh [4d]: graciasDexMorgan [7d]: gracias])(;W[dg];B[dh];W[ch];B[df];W[di](;B[de])(;B[dg];W[fi];B[gh];W[gj];B[fj]C[elh [4d]: en mi mejor estilo, me quede din tiempo cuando mas lo necesitaba :)];W[kj];B[gk];W[ki];B[hl];W[ag]C[elh [4d]: sin];B[af];W[ah]C[KORTAZAR [8k?]: h14 AroundOneD [2d]: h14];B[de];W[bf]C[Mendieta [9k]: g14 DexMorgan [7d]: no se cual es mejoy yoseDexMorgan [7d]: pero capturar parecia simple])))(;B[ne])(;B[md]C[elh [4d]: estuve por jugar ahi];W[od];B[oe];W[cg]C[DexMorgan [7d]: blanco deberia vivir](;B[pb])(;B[qb];W[nd];B[ne];W[nb])(;B[ib])(;B[jb];W[kb];B[pb]C[elh [4d]: L 13?];W[ob];B[qb];W[nd];B[ne](;W[nb])(;W[mb];B[kg]C[DexMorgan [7d]: blanco vive](;W[mj];B[pk];W[lg];B[kf];W[lf];B[ke];W[nh])(;W[pk](;B[mj];W[lj];B[pj];W[mi];B[oj];W[lf])(;B[pj];W[mj];B[oj];W[lg];B[kf];W[nh]C[DexMorgan [7d]: y asi hasta con followup de yoseelh [4d]: ta]))))))(;W[ne]C[DexMorgan [7d]: pero fue otra jugada de la queme arrepentiDexMorgan [7d]: deberia haber jugado este sente primeroDexMorgan [7d]: creo que negro merece morir :)clockwork [?]: :Selh [4d]: parace el nombre de un westernDexMorgan [7d]: seguro habian variaciones mas peligrosas para negroDexMorgan [7d]: pero la captura de las 3 piedras fue tan yose-thick que ni me importoDexMorgan [7d]: ademas tampoco tenia mucho tiempoDexMorgan [7d]: estabamos los 2 bajo presionelh [4d]: otra idea era jugar algo por M14 o M13]))(;B[jc]C[DexMorgan [7d]: mas fighting spirit me pareceGoprince [3d]: no podia tratar el ko a s8?DexMorgan [7d]: goprince its not a verynice ko]))(;B[jg];W[ql];B[kb]C[DexMorgan [7d]: i expected something like thisKORTAZAR [8k?]: DESDE DONDE QUEDARON CON REPASO, h14 era la proxima...DexMorgan [7d]: the cut in the game is not good, the white kosumi at l12 makes white the attacker in the positionelh [4d]: parece que siGoprince [3d]: yea cut def oveprlay]))(;B[nl]C[DexMorgan [7d]: a esta jugadaelh [4d]: si defendes en L10?DexMorgan [7d]: se activa el corteelh [4d]: yo no le veo tantas libertades a Negro, pero vaya a saber];W[kj]C[DexMorgan [7d]: era mi planelh [4d]: ahora tengo que defender];B[kh];W[lh];B[kf]C[elh [4d]: ya sabe que no me gusta leer esas secuencias :)DexMorgan [7d]: i dont knowDexMorgan [7d]: too many liberties to risky it like this](;W[mf];B[gm]C[DexMorgan [7d]: asi?DexMorgan [7d]: me parec emejor que el partidoelh [4d]: temia al semeai DexMorgan [7d]: tenies muchas mas libertadoesDexMorgan [7d]: y tenes ojoGoprince [3d]: seguramente que blano no necesita n14])(;W[gm]C[DexMorgan [7d]: this is all in GoprinceDexMorgan [7d]: u win or u lose nowMendieta [9k]: los dejo gente. buena partida. espero que queden los comentarios grabados.elh [4d]: no, juga pegaditoGoprince [3d]: m13 no?DexMorgan [7d]: u have to know the result beforehand];B[mf]C[DexMorgan [7d]: maybe hereGoprince [3d]: w m13 before i tihnk])(;W[lg];B[gl]C[DexMorgan [7d]: this can ignoreGoprince [3d]: k12elh [4d]: H7 en vez de G7?];W[jh]C[DexMorgan [7d]: im not convinced by thisGoprince [3d]: looks good])(;W[hm];B[hl];W[gl];B[gk];W[gm])))(;B[hk]C[DexMorgan [7d]: aca ?Goprince [3d]: o10 a j10?reprisal [4d]: aca = ?elh [4d]: H10?];W[hj];B[gj]C[Mendieta [9k]: acá = here reprisalreprisal [4d]: babelfish translates it as breadfruit :)Goprince [3d]: lolelh [4d]: no veo mucho ataque, no seMendieta [9k]: and means here]))(;B[hn];W[im]C[elh [4d]: empujoDexMorgan [7d]: ahora m5 sigue siendo gote];B[hm];W[ik]C[elh [4d]: mucho aire para blanco, si]))(;W[ns];B[mq]C[DexMorgan [7d]: debati mucho que es mejorDexMorgan [7d]: pero no se]))(;B[oq];W[nr];B[pn];W[mq];B[mp];W[lq];B[mj]C[DexMorgan [7d]: muucho miedo a esto le teniaGoprince [3d]: mejor no p3?elh [4d]: se ve bien pero no me gustaba darte tanto territorioDexMorgan [7d]: fernando capaz se siente comodo pero yo noGoprince [3d]: drectamente q6])(;B[pn];W[oq]C[DexMorgan [7d]: locally speakingDexMorgan [7d]: w can push ];B[op]CR[np][mq]C[elh [4d]: por ahi es la costumbre de jugar con Fernando :)clockwork [?]: jajaDexMorgan [7d]: cut or tesuji, usually p3 is good GoprinceGoprince [3d]: w too weak aorund thoDexMorgan [7d]: andi dont hink this is an exception]))(;W[qp];B[qq];W[rq];B[pq];W[ro];B[kq];W[jb]C[DexMorgan [7d]: i feel good for whiteGoprince [3d]: slide with keima instead?DexMorgan [7d]: i think b11 was slowDexMorgan [7d]: keima i dont like])(;W[rp];B[qq]C[DexMorgan [7d]: what nowGoprince [3d]: m3DexMorgan [7d]: nah];W[lq]C[elh [4d]: s4 en vez de b11?];B[kb]C[DexMorgan [7d]: siGoprince [3d]: yes l18 too bigDexMorgan [7d]: esperaba eso]))(;W[bj]C[DexMorgan [7d]: :SDexMorgan [7d]: i should play like thisDexMorgan [7d]: played too hastily];B[cj];W[bh];B[di];W[ch];B[dh](;W[eg])(;W[dg]C[DexMorgan [7d]: b doesnt get much..Goprince [3d]: game was ok sente is big];B[eh]C[DexMorgan [7d]: still sente if b plays hereDexMorgan [7d]: if b doesnt play it, then the exchanges are badDexMorgan [7d]: i think i played some dubious moves in the opening])))(;B[rp]TR[hd]C[DexMorgan [7d]: pero no es lo unico dudoso de negro hasta ahoraelh [4d]: si, parece mas grandeDexMorgan [7d]: esta jugada sobra]))(;B[fe]C[DexMorgan [7d]: me hubieses puesto en un dilema :)DexMorgan [7d]: Kim seung jun una vez conecto acaDexMorgan [7d]: y despues dijo "generalmente la piedra se sacrifica"DexMorgan [7d]: conclusion : no se](;W[ff];B[ed];W[ee];B[fd];W[ef]C[elh [4d]: cierto])(;W[ed]C[DexMorgan [7d]: pense en conectar];B[hd](;W[ff]C[elh [4d]: claro, es otra partida :)DexMorgan [7d]: pero si asi negro esta mejor])(;W[gf];B[fh]C[DexMorgan [7d]: asi tengo mal ajielh [4d]: por eso pense que el tewari no era absoluto]))))

DexMorgan    elh
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