(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[依利亚西克西]PB[Catalin Taranu]EV[EGC-2010]RE[白胜2.50];B[qd];W[dd];B[pp];W[dp];B[oc];W[qn];B[qk]C[this fuseki is very popular nowadays];W[np];B[pn];W[qq];B[pq];W[pm](;B[po]LB[on:A][qo:B]C[recently there are all kind of developments for this move, A or B are often seen in recent pro games. probably my move surprised Ilya];W[ql]C[this move is usually not good for white, the shape is good for black];B[pk];W[om](;B[rp];W[nn]LB[pk:B][ql:A][nr:C]C[A-B exchange was bad but because of it white manages to confine black in the corner. the sente moves around C are annoying for black. ];B[mk]C[this shape is a bit thin but black is taking the risk in exchange for speed in the center. O9 was natural];W[jd];B[jp](;W[hq];B[nq]C[because white omitted the kikashi, black got the opportunity to counterattack];W[mq];B[mp];W[lp];B[mo];W[no];B[mr]C[this move is painful but unavoidable, the ladder is good for white ];W[lq];B[lo];W[jq];B[or]C[coming back here with good shape is nice feeling for black, the corner aji is removed , also the vital extension at L5 will be sente later. Also, the 14 secure points in the corner are big];W[ok]LB[ko:A]C[white would very much like to play at A, but then the left side group is in danger. the real game moves are painful for white];B[oj];W[rk];B[rj];W[pj]C[Q10 is a tesuji that skillfully exploits the thinnes of black's shape](;B[rl]C[this is fighting spirit, white loses big on the left side];W[nj];B[oi];W[nk];B[ko];W[kq]LB[ip:A]C[this is a serious mistake , L2 is much better shape.. now black A becomes sente];B[kk]C[i felt very good in this position];W[ml];B[ll];W[mj];B[nh]C[this move has also very nice feeling, the game continues to deteriorate for white];W[kj];B[jj];W[jk]C[the cut is extremely severe, but it maybe also an overplay that speeds up the end of the game. but white feels behind and tries very hard];B[lj];W[kl];B[ki]C[this ponnuki is great feeling for black];W[lk];B[iq];W[kj];B[ir](;W[ip]C[white 60 is again an overplay];B[kk];W[lm]C[to be forced to capture here is very painful for white , this is really the end of this game];B[hp];W[io];B[jr];W[hr];B[kp];W[dj]C[white cannot afford to play on the lower side, if black gets C10 the game finishes whitout a fight];B[ho]C[at this point i positively thought the game is over];W[qe];B[pd];W[rd];B[rc];W[qi]C[this move was resourceful and provoked my first serious mistake];B[qh];W[rh](;B[qg]C[the move that changed the flow of the game];W[ri];B[rg];W[sk]C[T9 was the goal of the kosumi at R11, in my hurry to win quickly i overlooked this move](;B[qj]LB[hd:A][ik:B]C[this moves shows that i was already upset by my mistake, it was wiser here to stop fighting and switch to a severe attack at A. Also, the atari in sente at B is extremely big and could truly end the game, so is a good timing to play it now];W[pi];B[sj];W[ph];B[rm]C[black's teritory on the lower right increased, but the loss incured on the other side is really big. black lost a lot here];W[pg];B[re];W[pf];B[pe];W[nf]C[black is still leading but the game is unclear now, i lost the chances to win safely](;B[in]C[this move is very big];W[ij]C[this counter is severe, now black may not easily get the atari in sente at J9](;B[ke];W[je];B[kg];W[mh](;B[cc]C[this sansan is a declaration of victory, but it may be in fact a dangerous road to walk];W[dc];B[cd];W[cf];B[bf];W[jf]C[this is the vital point in this fighting];B[ii](;W[kj];B[mg];W[ng];B[kk];W[qm]C[this move was played before jumping to O14];B[ro];W[nr]C[this ko threat loses one point];B[oq];W[kj];B[mi];W[ji]C[white goes all out];B[lh];W[le];B[jh];W[ih]C[this is really too much, but white is out of options];B[jj];W[rn];B[sn];W[ji](;B[mf];W[me];B[jj];W[so];B[sp];W[ji];B[ne];W[hi];B[oh];W[ni];B[mh];W[lf];B[qf];W[lg]LB[ld:B][kf:A]C[at this point i started to have hallucinations. my reading before was that i win the semeai with the move at A. it was correct reading, but when we reached this point the fatigue of the game got me. I thought the answer at B is ok for white, which of course is a rather funny hallucination](;B[sh];W[oe];B[nd];W[li]C[white was lucky to get this ko, but he is still very far from winning];B[ce];W[kh];B[de];W[fd];B[ki];W[jg]C[in the center white wins with a double ko, which makes any other ko for black easy to win](;B[ld]C[this move gets some profit on the side but loses the double ko aji, so it should be saved for later];W[kf];B[fe]C[this is a risky move, of course white is losing so he is not going to answer in a normal way];W[bg];B[gd];W[fc](;B[ed]C[strange move, there must have been many lights in my head at that time, the combination of age, short time, fatigue and heat must have gotten me good];W[ec];B[cg];W[ee];B[ef];W[ge];B[ff];W[ch];B[df]C[black is losing with each move, already white got to play two large moves and still black's attack is doing nothing];W[cb];B[bb];W[cn]C[white gets chances now to make the game close];B[gc];W[gb];B[hb];W[ga](;B[ic]C[this is again a terrible mistake due to time trouble];W[jc]C[black is in damezumari so he cannot play semeai];B[jb];W[kb];B[lb];W[ja];B[ia];W[ib];B[si];W[kh];B[jb];W[hd];B[hc];W[ib]LB[gf:A]C[black lost these stones already, but the atari at A would make about 2 points difference](;B[dq];W[eq];B[jb];W[ha]LB[gf:A];B[ka];W[id];B[kc];W[ib](;B[cp];W[cq];B[dr];W[er];B[do];W[ep];B[co];W[bq](;B[eo];W[dm];B[fp];W[fq];B[em];W[el];B[bh]C[still, even if the game became very close, switching to this capture still means a victory for black];W[bi];B[ag](;W[fm](;B[fn];W[en];B[gm];W[gl];B[ci];W[cj];B[dh];W[bj];B[bp];W[bn];B[db];W[eb];B[ca];W[md];B[mc];W[kd];B[lc];W[hm];B[gn];W[fi];B[br];W[cr];B[aq];W[ds];B[im];W[gp];B[fo];W[gg];B[hs];W[gs];B[is];W[gq];B[dn];W[em];B[hl];W[hk];B[ap]C[this is the last losing move, if black connected in the center it would still be black's win. ];W[il]C[with this move finally white got the win . For me it was a shocking loss, probably the worst way to lose from my entire career. For Ilya, congratulations for the incredible mental power and endurance that led him to this important win, a win that certainly affected very much the outcome of this year's european championship. white won by 2.5 points. end of comment])(;B[en]C[connecting is dangerous];W[gp];B[gn];W[go];B[hn];W[fn];B[fo];W[gq];B[fl];W[gm];B[dl];W[ek];B[cm];W[bn];B[dn];W[bo]C[black gets captured]))(;W[gp];B[gn]C[the cut doesn't work]))(;B[cm]C[another big chance to finish the game];W[dn];B[bn];W[eo];B[ck]C[living on the side is enough]))(;B[er]C[even now if black plays here the game is still clearly a win];W[dr];B[cq];W[cr];B[ep];W[fq];B[cp];W[do];B[br];W[fr];B[cs];W[es];B[aq]C[living in the corner is enough]))(;B[gf];W[he];B[jb];W[ha];B[ka];W[id];B[kc];W[ib];B[eq];W[dq];B[dr];W[cr];B[er];W[ep];B[fp];W[fo];B[gp]C[black lost a lot on the upper side but if he calms down he can still easily win this game]))(;B[hc]C[the correct shape, after this the game is clearly over];W[ca];B[ba];W[ea];B[dh]LB[kc:B][he:A]C[A and B are miai for black so the four stones are not in danger];W[eq];B[ci];W[cj];B[bj];W[bk];B[bi]C[black is safely ahead]))(;B[cg]C[black should still play normal moves];W[ch];B[df]))(;B[cq]C[at this time i entered byoyomi. I am very weak in byoyomi and i lost many good games because of time shortage. This is why i should have played safe and easy to understand moves. The sansan is a move that wins easy this game and in a very clear way];W[cp];B[dq];W[eq];B[er];W[fr];B[ep];W[fq];B[bp];W[bo];B[bq];W[cn];B[dr];W[fo];B[ld];W[kf];B[cg]C[if black played like this there would be no way to turn the game for white]))(;B[kf]C[with this black wins semeai and the game is over];W[kd];B[of];W[og];B[ld];W[md];B[sh];W[oe];B[nd];W[mc];B[si]))(;B[hi]C[black should have extended, white cannot continue this fight ](;W[jg];B[jj];W[so];B[sp];W[ji];B[me];W[mf];B[jj];W[sm];B[sl];W[ji];B[lf];W[ld];B[jj]C[after this there are no ko threats left];W[be];B[ji];W[ce];B[kf];W[kd];B[ne]C[game over])(;W[jj];B[ig];W[hh];B[jg]C[white cannot kill this black group])))(;W[hj]C[if white plays normal moves he will lose instantly. his only chance is to resist in the ko fight];B[mg];W[ng];B[mi];W[lh];B[lg];W[ni];B[me]C[after this white is way behind in teritory and there is no place left to fight]))(;B[ik];W[kj];B[jf];W[ji];B[hf]C[according to Saijo sensei this is the true feeling. During the game i considered this variation but i didnt play it because it seemed weak to lose the ko fight. But in fact this was the safe way to victory]))(;B[me]C[the corect way as Saijo sensei showed me after the game. white is at a loss how to continue]))(;B[ik]C[this atari is very important, but i hesitated a lot to play it . in the end not playing it maybe one of the reasons for losing this game];W[kj];B[me];W[li];B[lh]C[this continuation was interesting to try]))(;B[ik];W[kj];B[qj]))(;B[ri]C[if black played here the game would have probably ended in a safe victory for him.];W[qg];B[ph];W[rf];B[ik];W[kj];B[pf];W[pg];B[og];W[pe];B[kk];W[jl];B[oe];W[sc];B[rb];W[sg];B[hd]C[on top of largely leading in teritory, black has the initiative and is very thick. white stands no chance]))(;W[li]C[white has no choice but to finish the sequence];B[hp];W[dj]C[black gets good shape but white still can stake the game on the center teritory]))(;B[qj];W[nj];B[ol];W[oi];B[nl];W[rm]C[black would have liked to resist here, but the result seems unclear, if white lives the center capture may prove to big]))(;W[nr]C[considering the later development it was probably better to play this kikashi first];B[mq];W[nq];B[qr];W[hq];B[lm]C[black intended to attack like this, the continuation is difficult for both]))(;B[no];W[rp];B[mp]LB[rm:E][qo:B][ro:A][qp:C][rq:D]C[this variation looks better than the real game, later the sequence from A to E is painful for white]))(;B[on];W[qp];B[qm];W[qo];B[op]C[a possible continuation])(;B[qo];W[on];B[po];W[rm];B[om];W[pl];B[rn]C[this shape is most natural, it is interesting to notice the timing of the atari at S6]))

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