(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2013-02-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pc];W[pe];B[qg];W[qc](;B[ob]LB[qb:A][pd:C][qd:B]C[A and B are common and C is played against weaker players because many mistakes can be made, or you can start a fight (trick move ?)](;W[pd](;B[lc](;W[qb]C[finally this forcing move is bad];B[ic]C[extending the single stone is better. Both groups would be safe and black keima can threaten white life];W[qi]C[not a good move];B[og];W[nd]TR[pj]C[if we change the order of moves, the pincer white stone would be better at the marked intersection.])(;W[pj]C[pincer directly is better](;B[og];W[nd];B[mc];W[pb];B[oc];W[rd]C[now white is alive])(;B[re];W[rd];B[qe];W[qd];B[og];W[ne]C[good for black])(;B[qb];W[oc];B[pb];W[og]C[good for white])))(;B[qd];W[qb];B[qe];AW[dp][ep][cq]AB[cp][dq][eq][gq]LB[cp:1][dp:6][ep:2][bq:B][cq:4][dq:5][eq:7][fq:A][gq:3]C[compared to the joseki, white would play at A, not at B. So white is disadvantaged];W[oc];B[pb];W[nc];B[nb];W[mb];B[mc];W[pf];B[qf];W[lb];B[md];W[ne];B[rb];W[rc];B[qa]))(;W[qd];B[lc]LB[qb:A]C[black would not play at A because we go back to original shape. And it's painfull for one black side]))(;B[mc];W[pd];B[pb];W[re];B[qb]C[black can choose to defend his single stone and white will push];W[qi]))

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