(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]PW[崔哲瀚]PB[赵汉乘]WR[九段]BR[九段]DT[2011-11-16]EV[55th Kuksu Final]RO[Game 5]PC[Seoul, Korea ]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]C[This is the 5th and deciding game from the 55th Kuksu title match in Korea.Cho Hanseung (9p) won the first and third games, and Choi Cheolhan (9p) won second and forth.]RE[黑胜1.50];B[pd]C[Choi won the Kuksu title three times, in 2004, 2005 and 2010. His opponent in each of the finals was Lee Changho.];W[dc]C[On the other hand, this is Cho's second time in the Kuksu Final.];B[qp];W[dq];B[de];W[co];B[oq];W[ce];B[cf];W[cd];B[dg];W[fc];B[ck];W[qj]C[Peaceful opening so far. ];B[ql]C[Choi is fond of fighting, but Cho's style of play is calm and smooth. ];W[qf]EV[1];B[qh];W[rh];B[mc]LB[nc:A][jq:B]C[A is common, but if B plays at A, W'd play at around B. ](;W[qc]C[W comes into the corner right away. This is Choi's typical style. ];B[qd];W[pc];B[rc]C[Locally, there's no reason for B to avoid this fight as there're more of B stones around. ];W[nc]C[Good move. ];B[nd];W[od];B[oe];W[oc];B[ne];W[pe]C[Complicated fighting has begun. This sort of battle is Choi's favorite. ](;B[qe]C[Right move. ];W[pf](;B[rf]C[Right sequence. ](;W[rb]C[Right answer for W. ];B[qg]C[This variation looks as if W is in trouble, but B's shape isn't perfect either. ];W[og];B[rd]LB[rg:A]C[This connection prevents W's cut at A. ];W[md]C[Counter attack. The game is getting more complicated. ];B[lc];W[ld];B[mf]C[Both players are playing the best moves.];W[kc];B[kb];W[kd](;B[nb]C[It's important to hane here. ];W[ob];B[mb]C[Strong move. ];W[jb];B[pa]C[Good timing for this exchange. ];W[qb]LB[pa:1][qb:2];B[la]LB[na:A]C[B is alive with this as W can't kill black with the hane at A.];W[nh];B[lg];W[oa]C[It's the best way for W, and the result is both that live. Top players are very good at compromise in any circumstance. ];B[na];W[sb];B[oi]C[A new fight begins. ];W[ni];B[oj]C[So far, the game is going well for B because W can't look after his right side stones.];W[li];B[jg];W[ml];B[ol]C[The flow of the game is better for B. In addition, Cho is very good at this sort of calm and territorial game. ];W[nk];B[ok];W[kh];B[kg];W[ii]LB[kh:B][nk:A]C[Generally, pros hesitate to peep like A & B, but Choi doesn't care if he thinks it's the best in that situation. ];B[hg];W[hd];B[gi]C[Very good move. B is ahead. ];W[qq]C[Probing. ](;B[hk]C[Cho's style of play is creative and free. It's not easy to think about ignoring the corner. ];W[rp]C[Answering to B73 is what B wants, so W ignores the center, but continues the corner. ];B[pp];W[qo];B[po];W[qn]C[As W takes the corner, B has to attack W's center severely. ];B[kl]C[Vital point. ];W[rr]C[W doesn't even answer B's attack. The corner is complete with this reinforcement, and Choi is very confident at life & death. ];B[lk]C[If I were B, I'd be very upset, and try to kill the whole W group, but Cho keeps his cool. That is one of his strong points. ];W[nj];B[ln];W[mn];B[mo]C[B's outside is getting stronger and thicker as W has to exchange some bad moves in order to live. ];W[jk];B[jl];W[mg];B[lf];W[jh]LB[hf:E][if:D][gg:B][ig:C][hh:A]C[There're some bad aji. W can make it ko fight with A-E if B doesn't answer here. ];B[ic]C[A beneficial exchange. ];W[id];B[hi]C[Solid move. The game is still favorable for B, but it's getting closer.];W[lm];B[kn];W[no];B[mp]LB[nm:B][nn:A]C[Right answer. If B cuts at A, W'd make it ko with B. ];W[pn];B[nm];W[kk];B[ll];W[mm];B[nn];W[lj]C[W is alive. ];B[fq]C[Biggest move on the board. ];W[km]C[Probing. ](;B[jn]C[Proper answer. ];W[jm];B[im];W[il]C[W captures B's four stones in the center. ];B[hl];W[ik]LB[in:A]C[The game is getting closer, and there's some aji from A. ];B[dr];W[cq];B[eq];W[cl]C[A practical move. ];B[dl];W[cm];B[bk];W[fn]C[Good move to reduce B's lower side. ];B[cr]LB[go:A]C[A wrong move. It should be at about A. ];W[in];B[hm];W[go]C[Now the game becomes even. ];B[dn]C[Vital point. W's connection isn't yet complite. ];W[dm];B[do];W[en];B[ep];W[el];B[dk];W[bp]C[Good shape. ];B[gn]LB[fo:A][io:C][hp:B]C[Very good move! If W connects at A, B'd save the lower side with B. If B just goes at B, W's C'd be annoying later. ];W[br]C[Right answer. This W group is fine now.];B[fo];W[hq]C[This is typical of Choi's style. He never stops fighting. As you might know, his nickname is 'venomous snake'. ];B[dp]C[On the other hand, Cho's nickname is 'pretty boy on the board'. ];W[cp];B[hp];W[ip];B[ho]C[B connects his group first. Actually, it's not that easy for W to make life inside. ](;W[gp]C[Good idea. ](;B[nl];W[mk];B[iq]C[This cut is correct, and it's still hard for W. ];W[pq];B[oo];W[jq];B[ir];W[kp]C[Good move. W makes it a ko fight. ];B[io];W[jo];B[jp];W[hf];B[gf];W[ip]C[This ko is very important for both sides. ];B[hn];W[hr];B[jp];W[or]C[W lacks ko threats. ];B[jr];W[cs]LB[bs:A]C[Big reverse endgame move. B should play at A instead of 161. ];B[rm]LB[ri:B][rj:C][rl:A]C[Big endgame. It prevents W's A. (B or C is sente for W) ];W[ja];B[ka];W[jd]C[The game is very close. ];B[bl];W[bm];B[nr];W[nq];B[mq];W[er];B[fr];W[ds];B[ed];W[ge];B[if];W[ff];B[he];W[fd];B[be]C[Sharp endgame. If B doesn't play here, W'd go here with sente. ];W[bd];B[fg];W[rg];B[ri];W[op];B[np];W[oq];B[af]LB[bf:A]C[This is better than A. You will soon see why.];W[ek];B[ej];W[sc];B[re];W[qi]C[Good move to reduce B's right side. ];B[sh];W[ph];B[sg];W[pi];B[ad];W[bc];B[ef];W[fe];B[rn];W[ro];B[pg];W[oh];B[of]C[The game is very close. ];W[mr];B[lr];W[ns];B[rj];W[ee];B[ac];W[ab];B[ae];W[dd];B[df];W[bg];B[bf];W[bb]C[Both players' endgame are kind of perfect under the time pressure. ];B[ih];W[dj];B[di];W[ij];B[fs];W[ie];B[hf];W[am];B[fk];W[fl];B[gk];W[qk];B[rk];W[on];B[no];W[hj];B[gj];W[al];B[ak];W[ls];B[ks];W[lq]C[Good move. ];B[ms];W[eo];B[gq];W[ls];B[kr];W[lh]LB[ms:A]C[If W just connects at A, W'd win by half a point. Choi must have thought W had more ko threats. ];B[ms];W[fp];B[fo];W[ls];B[ng];W[nf]LB[mh:A]C[If W connects at A, W'd still win the game. ];B[ms];W[ng]LB[mr:A]C[W gains two points here, but the problem is the ko at A. I guess Choi wasn't confident of whether he was winning or not, because he was in time trouble. ];B[nr];W[cj]C[It looks as if W has more ko threats, but not really. ];B[bj];W[mr];B[cn];W[bn];B[nr];W[ci];B[bi];W[mr];B[jc];W[ib];B[nr];W[ch];B[bh];W[mr];B[hc];W[hb];B[nr];W[ei];B[fj];W[mr];B[gc]C[This move is minus one point, but winning move. ];W[gd]LB[gb:A]C[Even if W answers at A, B'd have one more ko threat. ];B[nr]C[But, this ko worths more than that. ];W[os];B[gb];W[fb];B[mr]LB[gd:B][ng:A]C[As B wins the ko, B gains 5 points here, but W gains only three points; 2 points at A, one point at B. The game's decided here. ];W[dh];B[cg];W[sn];B[sm];W[so];B[es];W[dr];B[sd];W[ke];B[jf];W[qm];B[pl]LB[hk:A][gp:F][ip:F][rp:D][qq:B][mr:C][rr:E]C[B wins 1.5 points. Cho won the Kuksu title for the first time. Kuksu is the oldest major title in Korea, so pros regards this one very special. Cho's playing in this game was so impressive especially A ignoring W B. It was lucky to win the game with C, but as you can see, he managed the game beautifully against Choi's never ending fighting style. Choi, on the other hand, showed his unique moves with his spirit and confidence especially with D, E and F. The fighting on the lower side was exciting to watch, and I hope you to feel both players' spirit and energy through the whole game. Thanks An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;B[gq]C[If B cuts here, ];W[io];B[hn];W[lo]C[Good move. ];B[ko];W[lp];B[kp];W[lq];B[kq];W[mq];B[np];W[kr];B[jr];W[or]LB[lr:A][mr:B]C[W can connect with this as either A or B is sente for W. ]))(;W[io]C[If W connects here first, ];B[jq]C[This is a good answer, and it's not easy for W. ];W[iq];B[jr];W[gp];B[hn];W[gq];B[gr];W[hr];B[fr](;W[es];B[hs];W[is];B[gs];W[ir];B[jp]C[B wins the capturing race. ])(;W[gs];B[es];W[hs];B[fs];W[cs];B[jp]C[B has more liberties than W. ])(;W[kp];B[jp];W[jo];B[lo];W[ko];B[lq]C[W can't get more liberties. ])))(;B[jm]C[If B blocks here, ];W[jn]C[W can cut and fight here. It's risky for B because if W lives, B's bottom area would be destroyed. ]))(;B[pp]C[If B answers here, ];W[rn]LB[ri:C][rl:B][rp:A]C[W can aim at this move. A and B are miai, so there's some bad aji on the right side. (moves like C are also sente for W) ]))(;B[jb]C[If B just extends here, ];W[nb];B[lb];W[ic]C[B is in deep trouble. ]))(;W[rg]C[If W answers here, ];B[rb]LB[re:A]C[B can extend here now. Connecting at A is also possible. ]))(;B[rb]C[If B just extends here, ];W[rf];B[sd];W[se];B[rd];W[mb]C[B can't fight anymore. ]))(;B[re]C[If B makes the hanging connection here,];W[rb];B[sb];W[qb];B[rf];W[qe];B[rd];W[qg]C[B is in trouble. ]))(;W[jq]C[If W plays here, ];B[qd]LB[mc:B][nc:A]C[B is happy with this. B is better placed than A. ]))

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