(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Jiang-Weijie-vs-Lee-Changho-20120213]PW[李昌镐]PB[江维杰]WR[九段]BR[五段]DT[2012-02-13]EV[16th LG Cup]RO[Final]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Jiang Weijie vs Lee Changho – 16th LG Cup]RE[黑胜白];B[pd]C[This is the first game of the 16th LG Cup final, between Jiang Weijie (5p) and Lee Changho (9p).];W[dd]C[Lee Changho used to be number 1 in the world for a very long time - more than 10 years. ];B[qp]C[Jiang Weijie is a rising star in China. He won the Mingren (Chinese Meijin) title, defeating Gu Li and Kong Jie in 2010 and 2011 respectively. That was very sensational in China, because Gu Li and Kong Jie are two of the best players in the world.];W[dq]C[Jiang is currently ranked number 4 in China. He's very good at fighting like Gu Li, and very good at endgame like Kong Jie. :)];B[oq]C[This is Lee Changho's 10th final match in a row where he's been the runner up. :(];W[qj]LB[qf:A][qj:B]C[This splitting play is rarely played in pros' games recently. A is far more popular. I've talked about the local differences between A and B in previous commentaries. For example in this game:http://gogameguru.com/commentary-sedol-lee-changho-lee-prices-information-cup/and this one: http://gogameguru.com/commentary-hane-naoki-yamashita-keigo-66th-honinbo/ though the opening was slightly different.];B[co]C[Lee Changho is still the most popular player in Korea, even if he's not perfect anymore. It's because Baduk fans admire and respect Lee for his attitude and spirit towards Go.];W[dl]LB[co:A]C[One of the most popular pincers against A. ];B[ep]LB[cj:F][dn:A][fo:B][gp:D][fq:C][gq:E]C[For this black move, the variations are relatively simple. In addition to this pressing move, A to F are all possible.](;W[dp];B[do];W[eo]C[This is right for white. ];B[dm]C[Tesuji. ](;W[fo]C[Right move. ](;B[el]C[This is also possible. ](;W[dk];B[en];W[gq]C[Jiang wouldn't care whether the variation was complicated or not as he's young! ];B[ek];W[di];B[dj]LB[fc:B][bl:A]C[B could also play at A here. Then white would play at B next. ];W[cj];B[ej];W[ci];B[fc]LB[dj:B][bl:A]C[Speedy. Jiang might have thought this was better than playing at A instead of B. ];W[df]LB[dc:A]C[A is also possible for white, but Lee's play in this game is quite solid. ];B[qh]C[Right direction. The upper side is more important than lower side in this position. ](;W[qo]LB[qm:A]C[This is a kind of a modern joseki. A is more common. ];B[qm]C[This variation could be pretty new to your eyes, because it's a kind of new joseki. ];W[pp];B[pq];W[qn];B[rp]LB[pm:A][qq:B]C[Inevitable. If black extends at A, white would cut at B and capture black's single stone. ];W[pm]C[The game's still even and black has sente again. ];B[jd]LB[qh:A]C[A good place. Black has been planning to play here since A.];W[qf]LB[nc:A][pc:B][qc:C]C[There are several other options for white too. A to C for example.](;B[qd]C[This move is unusual in this situation. It looks as if Jiang wants to fight here as the game's been too simple so far.];W[mc]C[This move looks ambiguous. ];B[kc]LB[jb:B][oc:A]C[Right direction. If black answers at A, white would slide at B. ];W[oc]C[Good exchange before running away. ];B[pc];W[me]LB[oc:A][pc:B][nd:C]C[If white didn't exchange A for B, black would peep at C to make white heavy. ];B[pf];W[pg]C[Good move. ](;B[of]C[Right move. ];W[qg];B[nd];W[md];B[ng];W[ke]LB[lf:A]C[A nice jump. If white doesn't play this area, black would cap at A and white would be in trouble. ];B[pl]LB[qh:A]C[Good timing. Black is planning to move the stone A. ](;W[rm]C[Right answer. When there's some bad aji in your area, you'd better play safely. ];B[ql];W[rl];B[qi]C[A bad aji still remains.](;W[rj]C[Right answer. ];B[oh];W[rh]C[White survives, but right side becomes too thin. The game's slightly favorable for black now.];B[je];W[kd]C[Good exchange. ];B[jc];W[kg];B[db]C[Biggest move on the board. ];W[cm]C[Good point. ];B[bm];W[bl];B[cn];W[cl];B[bq]LB[cm:A]C[This slide is miai with A. ];W[ob]C[Big. This move helps this white group while also weakening black's eyespace in the corner. ];B[pj]C[Good move. Jiang seems to have a good sense in the center. ];W[ph]C[Poke here to make black's stones heavy. ];B[pi];W[ri]LB[ph:A][oi:B]C[If white played this move and then tried A later, black might just answer at B.];B[om]C[Good place. black's center becomes thick and he can expect some points later. ];W[jq]LB[ho:A][fp:B][iq:C]C[Big and nice. Black could play moves like A to C if white didn't play here.];B[cc];W[rc]LB[nf:B][og:A][nh:C]C[Good timing! Black has to reinforce in the center, or white would play A to C. ];B[pb];W[rd];B[ni]C[This move looks slow, but it's necessary. ];W[cd];B[ki];W[lb];B[ho];W[fp];B[jp]LB[ki:A][ho:B][jp:C]C[Those three moves are great combiation. (A, B and C) ](;W[kq]C[Right answer for white, but the center is getting very black. ];B[iq];W[ir];B[hq]LB[kp:A]C[Black doesn't need to exchange here now. It fills black's liberty. Black should just play at A. ];W[hr];B[kp];W[gn];B[hn];W[gm]C[Black is still in the lead, but it's very close. Lee Changho was regarded as the god of endgame back when he was invincible. ];B[cr]LB[hm:A]C[Lee's endgame isn't perfect anymore, but Jiang would still be concerned about it. This move is big, but black should keep pushing at A. ];W[dc];B[bb];W[bc];B[cb];W[lp]TR[jp][kp][hq][iq]C[Good move. It's not easy for black to fight here because black's shape isn't good (marked stones) ](;B[lo]C[Right answer, but black's shape in the center isn't good. ];W[mp];B[mo];W[ko]C[A probing move. ];B[jo];W[mr]C[Calm and nice. White caught up. It's very close now. ];B[il]LB[kn:A]C[Proper move. It's more efficient than A. ];W[nn]C[Annoying for black. ];B[kn]C[Right answer. You can't get a good result with a bad shape. ];W[bd]C[Big endgame. The game's slightly better for white now.];B[qe];W[re];B[nf]C[Black tries to go all out against white's top group. Jiang might have felt the game wasn't so good anymore, so he goes extreme.];W[jf];B[if];W[ig];B[jh]C[Black is serious. ];W[hf];B[ie];W[jg];B[lf];W[lh];B[lg];W[kf];B[hg]C[White can't live inside, so Lee's trying to get out. ];W[ih];B[gg];W[ij];B[ji]C[It's the most important moment of this game. Both Lee and Jiang are in byoyomi, so they have to play a move a minute.This move is not a good shape, but when there's a real fight like this, shape doesn't really matter.](;W[gk]C[Losing move. ];B[hj]C[Vital point, and white is suddenly in deep trouble. It seems as if Lee missed this attachment. ](;W[od];B[ne];W[ii];B[hk];W[jl];B[li]C[Black's outside has no holes.];W[jj];B[kk];W[kj];B[lk];W[lj];B[mj]LB[gi:E][hj:B][gk:A][lp:C][mr:D]C[White resigned here.The game was still going and was full of tension. However, white made a mistake, and the game suddenly ended. A was simply a losing move, and B is the finishing blow.Jiang Weijie showed his outstanding sense in the center, and he didn't miss the chance to finish the game. On the otherhand, Lee Changho managed the game very well, and he caught up with C and D, but in the end, he missed the exchange of a move at E before playing A, and it cost him the game. After this game, Jiang won the second game as well, and won the 16th LG Cup. He made a new record as the youngest player to win the LG Cup.He was also promoted directly to 9p from 5p, as a special case for winning an international title. Congratulations Jiang Weijie!An Younggil 8p http://gogameguru.com/])(;W[hi]C[If white plays here, ];B[gi]C[Black blocks. ];W[gj];B[hk];W[gh];B[fi]C[No way to escape. ]))(;W[gi]C[This knight's move must be first. ];B[fh];W[gk]C[Now, the big group's connected. ];B[hj]C[If black tries to cut. ];W[hi];B[ii];W[hh];B[gj];W[fj];B[hk];W[fi]C[White can connect here, and ];B[ei];W[eh]C[This cut is sente too. ];B[eg];W[dh];B[fe]LB[ff:A]C[If black doesn't play here, white would peep at A. ];W[fk];B[dr];W[er];B[bn];W[li]C[White is ahead by a little bit. ]))(;B[lq]C[If black cuts here, ];W[mp];B[lr];W[kr];B[ks];W[jr];B[nq];W[ko];B[jo];W[jn]TR[jo][jp][kp][hq][iq]C[This double hane is good. Black's shape is short of liberties and black is in trouble. ]))(;W[kp]C[White wants to play here, but ];B[iq]C[Good response. ];W[ip];B[hp];W[jo];B[hq]C[White is in trouble. ]))(;W[pj]C[This extension looks alright, but];B[oh];W[ph];B[pi];W[oi];B[oj];W[ni];B[rj]C[White can't fight anymore. ]))(;W[ql]C[If white cuts here, ];B[qk]C[This atari is good, ];W[rm];B[rk]C[Black can divide white in two. ];W[pk];B[pj];W[ol];B[rj];W[oj];B[pi]TR[qf][pg][qg]C[White is in trouble now. ]))(;B[qg]C[This cut isn't good. ];W[of];B[pe];W[ph];B[rf];W[qi]C[It's too easy for white. ]))(;B[pf]C[If black attaches here, ];W[qc]LB[pc:A]C[White would come into the corner (or attach at A).];B[pc];W[qd];B[pe];W[rf]C[Another game. ]))(;W[qm]C[This move is also possible, but ];B[pl]C[Later, black can play like this to build potential in the center.];W[ql];B[pj];W[pk];B[ok];W[qk];B[pi];W[ol];B[nk]LB[om:A]C[Up to here, black's right side is good, and lower right corner is safe too. But A would annoy white later, so white sometimes plays like the actual game. ]))(;W[em]C[White can cut here, but it's not Lee Changho's style either. ];B[en];W[fm];B[fn];W[gn];B[dn]LB[gm:B][go:A]C[There're two options for white, A and B. Either one would result in a long and complicated variation. ]))(;B[em]C[This is more common. ](;W[gq];B[cl]C[Simple. ];W[cf]C[Even. ])(;W[cl]C[White can also descend here. ];B[er]C[A nice tesuji. ];W[eq];B[fp];W[fr];B[gp];W[go];B[hp];W[ho];B[ip];W[io];B[jp];W[cm];B[cn];W[fl]LB[bq:A][br:B]C[It's very complicated. Black can play A or B next. Lee Changho doesn't like this sort of big, complicated variation. He prefers simple ones.])))(;W[en]C[This is wrong. ];B[em];W[fp];B[cl]LB[dl:A]C[This result is a bit better for black as white A is damaged. ]))(;W[eq]C[This is no good in this situation. ];B[fp];W[gq];B[cq]C[This attachment is good, and];W[gp];B[dp];W[gn];B[fq];W[fr];B[cr]LB[dl:A]TR[qp][oq]C[Locally, it's ok for both, but black already has a nice enclosure in the lower right corner, and white's A is too close to black's safe stones. That's why this isn't a good choice for white in this opening.]))

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