(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]GN[Xie-Erhao-vs-Li-Kang-20120823]PW[李康]PB[谢尔豪]WR[六段]BR[一段]DT[2012-08-23]EV[1st Bailing Cup]RO[Quarter final]PC[Beijing]SO[http://gogameguru.com/]AN[An Younggil 8p]C[Xie Erhao vs Li Kang – 1st Bailing Cup]RE[黑胜白];B[pd]C[This game is from the quarter finals of the 1st Bailing Cup. It's between Li Kang (6p) and Xie Erhao (1p).Li Kang was born in 1987, and became a pro in 1998. He won second place in the 4th Qiwang title in 2008 and he made it to the quarter final of the 17th LG Cup this year. He's ranked number 27 in China.On the other hand, Xie Erhao was born in 1998, and became a pro in 2011. This is Xie's first international tournament, but he already beat Yamashita Keigo (9p) from Japan and Kim Hyunchan (2p) from Korea before this game.];W[dd];B[pq];W[cp]C[The aim of this move is to prevent black from playing the Chinese opening. ](;B[ep]LB[eq:A]C[Playingf this approach or the approach at A are both are common.];W[qn]C[White wants to lead things towards a peaceful game with this loose approach move.];B[qp]LB[ql:B][po:A]C[This answer is the most common. A and B are also possible instead. ](;W[pj]LB[qk:A]C[This extension is more active than A.];B[qh]LB[qf:A]C[Black must play here right away. If black doesn't play here, white can approach at A in sente.];W[on];B[mp](;W[eq]C[White chose a normal joseki, but it was questionable. ];B[fq];W[dq];B[gp];W[cn](;B[pl]C[It's unusual to see this invasion, but it seems to be the proper move in this case.](;W[ol]C[Therefore white attaches on the top (see the variations).];B[pm];W[pn]LB[om:A][pn:B][po:C][qo:D]C[If white connects at A, black can come through and cut with B to D.];B[om];W[nm](;B[rm]C[This jump is right. ](;W[qm]C[Right sequence. ];B[ql];W[rn];B[ok];W[nl];B[pk];W[nk]LB[pj:A]C[The stone at A is already damaged, and it's hard for white to move that stone out, so white decides to sacrifice A, and it was a good decision. ];B[oj];W[nj];B[oi](;W[jp]C[This move looks natural, but it was a mistake for white.];B[ko]C[This is a good response.];W[op]C[This jump is a bit too late. ];B[nr]C[Black can answer here now. ](;W[np]LB[nn:A]C[White tries to prevent black from cutting at A in sente,];B[mo]LB[nn:A][jo:B]C[But this extension is a good response. If white connects at A now, black will play at B and it's too bad for white.];W[or]C[White has to fight here, even though white's position isn't good for fighting. ];B[oq];W[nq];B[mr];W[pp]C[This is sente.];B[qq];W[mq];B[lq];W[lp]C[White eventually cut black off,](;B[kr]C[But this is a good answer, and the flow of the game is still better for black.];W[kp](;B[mn]C[This move looks a bit strange, but it's a good move. ];W[kn]LB[km:B][nn:A]C[This is a good tesuji. If white just connects at A, black would jump at B. ];B[lm];W[nn];B[lk]TR[jp][kp][lp]C[White's marked stones are still weak, so black is still in the lead. ];W[in];B[li];W[kl];B[ll];W[ni];B[nh];W[mh];B[mi]LB[nn:A]C[Black can play strongly like this, because the group a A isn't alive yet.];W[rl];B[rk];W[sm];B[ng]LB[oh:A]C[This extension is necessary, because of the cutting point at A. ];W[jc]C[White got to play at the top first, but as you can see, white is still very short of territory.];B[sk]C[This is sente. ];W[qo];B[rp];W[sl];B[oc]C[Black encloses the corner and the game is still good for black.];W[qc]C[This is a probe, seeing how black will answer.];B[qd];W[ob]C[White doesn't need to attach here now. It's not a good time to probe like this.];B[nb](;W[ji]C[This cap shows good sense. The center is white's only hope.];B[iq]LB[ji:A][hq:B]C[Black takes care of this group. If black doesn't connect, white can attack with B, and it would be different to the previous variation because white has an extra stone at A.];W[ip];B[hq];W[kj];B[lj](;W[pb]C[Living in the corner is big, but it was still a bit too early.];B[mc];W[rd];B[re];W[rb];B[sd];W[rc]C[White lives in the corner easily, but black takes sente, and that was more important. ];B[fc]CR[dd]TR[ji][kj][kl][in][kn][ip][jp][kp][lp]SQ[jc]C[Black is still in a good mood with this approach move.];W[kg]TR[jc][kg][ji];B[lh];W[ec];B[fd];W[df];B[id]LB[hc:A]C[Good sense of play. It's better than playing at A in this case.];W[ke](;B[if]C[This is a mistake.];W[ic];B[hc];W[lc]LB[hb:B][md:A]C[White's shape suddenly becomes active and flexible. A and B are both good followups for white.];B[lf]LB[md:A][mh:B]C[Black doesn't want to peep here, but after white's hane at A, white can aim to save the stone at B.];W[je];B[ch]C[Black comes in here, but it's an overplay. Black doesn't seem to play that well around here.];W[hb]C[White starts to attack black's top group. It's a very good opportunity for white to catch up.];B[cc]C[Black even comes into the corner. ](;W[dc]C[This answer is also fine. Black isn't in a good mood anymore. ];B[be];W[cd];B[cf](;W[bd]C[It's a crucial mistake, and white misses a very good chance.It seems as if white misjudged the game. Li might have thought the game was ok for white, so he chose a calm and safe move, but it was wrong.];B[fg]C[Black was very lucky that he got to play here first.];W[dh];B[ci];W[md];B[nd];W[ck]C[It's already too late for this.];B[bj]LB[fg:A]TR[fd][id][if]C[Black's left side is safe, and it's not that hard for black to manage a single weak group now. Notice how A created potential eye shape for black's group at the top.];W[hh]C[White tries to attack, but it was too late. ];B[fi];W[di];B[cg]C[Black's left side group is completely alive now.];W[ff];B[gf];W[ef];B[gg];W[me]LB[mg:A]C[This extension is sente, because it aims at A. ];B[km];W[jl];B[jm];W[im];B[jg]LB[mh:A]C[This attachment is very sharp. It's excellent timing before taking the stone at A.];W[jh];B[kf];W[jf];B[ig];W[kh];B[lg]LB[jf:B][kg:A]C[White's center groups are divided in two, and it's even harder for white to attack black's top group properly now.];W[gi]LB[ih:A][hi:C][ii:B]C[White has to play here, otherwise black can push and cut with A to C.];B[fj];W[eh];B[fh];W[gk];B[fk];W[fl]C[White's center group becomes thin and weak.];B[el];W[fm];B[gj];W[hj];B[gb]C[Black eventually comes back here and white is in trouble now.];W[hd];B[gc];W[ie];B[he];W[jd];B[fe];W[hg];B[hf];W[ib];B[lb]LB[bd:A]C[It's very painful for white. White would be regretting the move A, but it's too late now.];W[kb];B[ld];W[kc];B[gl];W[hk];B[le]TR[md][me]C[Black captures two stones in sente. ];W[la]LB[na:B][mb:A]C[White's top group is alive now (if black plays A, white can connect at B), but black doesn't care.];B[cj]C[This is the finishing blow. Black can easily connect the big group with this move.](;W[mb];B[nc]LB[bd:B][if:A][op:C]C[White resigned here. It was amazing to see this 13 year old boy's wonderful game. Xie managed the game perfectly until he jumped at A. There were some dangerous moments for black after that, but white made a crucial mistake at B. White couldn't get any good chances after that. In the opening, Li should have played at C earlier, but he missed his chance, and the game became good for black.However, after black made some mistakes like A, white had a very good opportunity to reverse the game, but he missed the chance.Xie has already broken a record by becoming the youngest player to reach an international semifinal. I'm happy to see this very young talented player, and let's see how far he can fly in the future.I hope you enjoy this game and the commentary. If you have any questions about the game, feel free to leave a comment.Thanks, An Younggil 8phttp://gogameguru.com/])(;W[dk]C[If white plays here,];B[dj];W[ek];B[ej]LB[el:A]C[White can't catch up just by cutting off A. ])(;W[dj]C[If white keeps going like this,];B[dk];W[cl];B[em];W[fn];B[en];W[fo];B[eo]LB[gm:B][fp:A]C[White can't cut at A, because then black would capture white's cutting stones with B.]))(;W[dg]LB[gf:A][cj:B]C[White must extend here. Now white is the one who controls the game. For white, A and B are miai next.]))(;W[eb]C[White could also descend here.];B[ce];W[de];B[bf]C[Black can get the side, but ];W[gg]C[White can try to swallow black's stones at the top. ];B[ih];W[jg]C[It's not easy for black to save these stones, and the game is about even now. Which means white has caught up, because black was leading earlier.]))(;B[ic]LB[cc:B][ch:A][jh:C]TR[ke][kg][ji][kj][kl]C[Black should block here and the game is good enough for black.White can't develop the left side very much because black of A and B.In addition, black can attach at C and fight later. As you can see, white's center group is thin and fragile.]))(;W[cf]LB[kg:A][fm:B]C[White should play around here. Jumping to B is very urgent for black, but then white can develop the top. A is sente for white.White's still behind, but this way it's still a long game.]))(;W[hq]C[If white starts to attack black's these stones, ];B[gr];W[jr];B[fm]TR[kl][in][kn][jp][kp][lp][hq][jr]C[It's not easy for white to attack this black group, because white's marked stones aren't strong enough.]))(;B[lo]C[It's easy to connect here, but];W[jo]C[Pushing up here is good, and];B[km];W[jn];B[ll];W[il];B[lj];W[kk];B[lk];W[mn]LB[ni:B][lm:A]C[It's ok for white, because A and B are miai next.];B[ni]C[For example, if black plays here,];W[lm]LB[kl:B][kn:A]TR[ko][lo][mo][mp]C[Now A and B are miai, so the marked cutting stones are in trouble.]))(;B[kp]C[This atari doesn't work,];W[lr]LB[kq:A][ms:B]C[Because white can cut here and A and B are miai. ]))(;W[jo]C[If white tries to fight,];B[jn];W[ho];B[kp];W[hp];B[nn]LB[nm:B][on:A]C[This cut is severe. White can somehow save the group at A, but the group at B would be still in trouble.]))(;W[op]C[White should still play here first.](;B[oq]C[If black answers here, ];W[jp]LB[nn:A][np:B]C[Then white can play here. Black can't cut at A because B is always sente for white.])(;B[nr]C[If black answers like this, as in the actual game, ];W[lo]C[This shoulder hit is very good, ];B[kq];W[jo];B[iq]LB[ip:A]C[There would be some bad aji left if black answered at A. ];W[qc]C[Coming into the corner is proper now,];B[qd];W[pc];B[nc];W[nb]C[Up to here, the game seems to be still playable for both. ])))(;W[rn]C[If white just blocks here, ];B[ok];W[nl];B[pk];W[qm]LB[ql:B][rl:A]C[Black can answer at A instead of B. ]))(;B[ok]C[This atari would be careless.];W[pk]C[This cut is good. ](;B[nl];W[ql];B[qm];W[rm];B[ol];W[rk]C[Black's shape is terrible. ])(;B[rm]C[This jump doesn't work very well anymore. ];W[nl];B[rn];W[qm]TR[pl][om][pm]C[Black's marked stones are captured...];B[ql];W[rl];B[qk];W[rk];B[qj];W[qi];B[rj];W[ri])))(;W[ql]C[If white attaches underneath,];B[pm];W[qm];B[pn];W[po];B[qo];W[pk];B[ol]C[This fight is good for black. ];W[qi];B[ph];W[op]C[This move isn't sente anymore, so];B[no]C[Black will resist white's plan.];W[oo];B[nm];W[oq];B[mq]C[This white group is in danger. ]))(;B[mn]C[This is also conceivable,];W[jc]C[But then white wouldn't answer on the right side. ];B[pl]C[This invasion is a bit too late because];W[ql]C[White would attach underneath, and];B[pm];W[qm];B[pn];W[po];B[qo];W[pk];B[ol];W[rj]LB[qf:D][qi:C][rj:B][mn:A]C[The result up to here is better for white, because the stone A doesn't work efficiently. White doesn't need to keep sente like she did in some of the previous variations, so defending solidly with B instead of C is better. This way, white can aim to invade at D later.])(;B[pm]C[This is more common, ];W[pn];B[qk]C[It's a vital point];W[pk];B[qj];W[pi];B[qi];W[pl]LB[jp:A]C[However, black doesn't want white to be solid in this game, because then black needs to spend one more move around A.]))(;W[op]C[It was the right time to play here. ](;B[oq]C[If black just answers, ];W[eq];B[fq];W[dq];B[gp];W[cn]C[White can play as in the actual game,];B[pl]C[If black comes in,];W[ql]C[White can attach under and fight. ];B[pm];W[qm];B[pn];W[po];B[qo];W[pk]LB[op:A][oq:B]C[White can fight like this, because of the exchange of A and B.];B[ol];W[qi];B[ph];W[np];B[nq];W[mo]LB[nk:B][lp:A]C[White is fine, because A and B are miai next.];B[lp]C[For example, if black plays here,];W[nk](;B[nm]C[This is black's trickiest reply, and];W[mm]C[White can attach here.];B[pp]C[Black can play atari here to try to reduce white's liberties, but](;W[no]C[White can make a ko. White's stones here are light, so the ko is ok for white.];B[oo]C[Black takes the ko and white will get two moves in a row somewhere else.];W[qd];B[po];W[pe]C[This result would be better for white.])(;W[oo]C[If white connects,];B[nn];W[no];B[mn]C[White can't stop black from escaping and it's bad for white.]))(;B[nl];W[ml](;B[mm]C[Black can't hane, because];W[nm]C[White's cut works.](;B[nn];W[ok]C[It's a snapback.];B[om];W[nm])(;B[mk];W[ll];B[ok];W[nj];B[oj];W[oi]C[Black doesn't have enough liberties to escape, he's already in atari.]))(;B[nm];W[mm];B[pp];W[no]C[This ko would be similar to the one in the other variation.])))(;B[po]C[If black peeps here, to try to take sente. ];W[oo];B[oq];W[pp]C[It's a good tesuji. ];B[qq];W[kq]C[This approach becomes very good, so black shouldn't play like this. ])))(;W[qk]C[This is also possible, then ];B[qi];W[on];B[pm]C[It's a good time for black to peep now, before playing on the lower side.];W[pn];B[mp];W[ok]LB[rl:A]C[White normally answers here. If white doesn't jump, black can play at A, and it would annoy white.];B[cq]C[This is another game, but white looks slow. ]))(;B[qk]C[If black still plays the Chinese opening, ];W[eq]C[It's regarded as good for white, so it's very rare to see this opening in pros' games. ]))

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