(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[NZ]SZ[19]KM[7.00]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]DT[2013-07-07]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/];B[pd];W[dc];B[qp];W[dp];B[op];W[qj](;B[ql]C[this would be good if black shimari would be a keima];W[qg]LB[mq:A]C[if white plays at A, black would be small];B[qe](;W[ce]TR[mc]C[marked intersection is important for both, white should have played there];B[fq]C[top side is more important];W[hq];B[cn](;W[dn](;B[cq](;W[dq](;B[dr]C[this was black mistake](;W[cp]C[both hane are fine for white];B[br];W[bq];B[cr];W[kq]LB[fp:A]C[white should have played A to enclose black and keep his influence];B[fp];W[cm];B[jc])(;W[er];B[cr];W[eq];B[bo];W[dm]C[good for white compare to the joseki where black invade san san after the kakari]))(;B[cp];W[co];B[bo];W[do](;B[cm];W[bn];B[bp];W[cl]C[if white save his single stone, he would have many stones on the second line](;B[dm];W[bm];B[dl];W[ck];B[dr];W[er];B[cr];W[eq]C[good for white because black does not have eye shape with his four stones])(;B[bm];W[dm]))(;B[bn]C[best for black. Tigger mouth would end with black on the second line];W[dl]C[d];B[jc];W[mq]C[two last moves are miai so it's fine for white])))(;W[cp];B[dq];W[ep];B[fr];W[fp];B[cl]LB[dm:A][dn:B]C[good for black : compare to san san invasion after the kakari , white would want to have his B stone on A]))(;B[dm];W[en](;B[cp](;W[cq];B[co];W[dq];B[ck](;W[fp];B[jc])(;W[mc];B[oc];W[jd];B[gp]))(;W[co];B[bo];W[do];B[bm];W[cq];B[bp];W[em];B[dl];W[fk]LB[kq:A]C[white can play A but black can reduce playing this keima or take top side or cut to get the corner];B[jq]LB[dq:C][fr:D][hr:B]C[if white tenuki, D is terrible because B and C are miai]))(;B[cq](;W[dq];B[cp];W[co];B[bo];W[do];B[bm];W[em];B[dl]C[good for black compare to joseki where white has his stone on san san point])(;W[co];B[dq];W[cm]LB[er:A]C[black has a problem on A because he forced white to play the nobi after his hane]))))(;W[fp];B[gp];W[gq];B[cq];W[cp];B[ep];W[fo];B[eo];W[eq];B[dq];W[fr];B[er];W[fq];B[do];W[mq]))(;W[mc]C[if black does not want this variation, he should have played this ogeima and let white live easially instead of the kosumi];B[nd];W[md];B[me];W[nc];B[oc];W[le];B[ne]))(;B[qh]C[usual opening];W[qm];B[pl];W[ql];B[pj];W[pk];B[ok];W[qk];B[pi]LB[pc:D][nk:B][ol:A][om:C]C[A to D continuation possible]))

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