(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[0]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]PW[RoseDuke]PB[supertjc]WR[九段]BR[八段]DT[2010-03-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[supertjc [8d]: hi]RE[黑胜12.50];B[pd]BL[60]OB[5];W[pp]WL[60]OW[5]C[RoseDuke [9d]: hi];B[dp]BL[60]OB[5];W[dd]WL[60]OW[5];B[cf]BL[60]OB[5];W[cj]WL[60]OW[5];B[fc]BL[60]OB[5];W[fd]WL[60]OW[5];B[gd]BL[60]OB[5];W[fe]WL[60]OW[5];B[cc]BL[60]OB[5];W[ec]WL[60]OW[5];B[cd]BL[60]OB[5];W[gc]WL[60]OW[5];B[cn]BL[60]OB[5];W[jq]WL[60]OW[5];B[qn]BL[60]OB[5];W[ro]WL[60]OW[5];B[rn]BL[60]OB[5];W[qk]WL[60]OW[5];B[qp]BL[60]OB[5];W[qq]WL[60]OW[5];B[qo]BL[60]OB[5];W[pq]WL[60]OW[5];B[rq]BL[60]OB[5];W[rr]WL[60]OW[5];B[sr]BL[60]OB[5];W[rp]WL[60]OW[5];B[sq]BL[60]OB[5];W[rs]WL[60]OW[5];B[qr]BL[60]OB[5];W[pr]WL[60]OW[5];B[qi]BL[60]OB[5];W[qf]WL[60]OW[5];B[pf]BL[60]OB[5];W[pg]WL[60]OW[5];B[qg]BL[60]OB[5];W[pe]WL[60]OW[5];B[of]BL[60]OB[5];W[qd]WL[60]OW[5];B[oe]BL[60]OB[5];W[qe]WL[60]OW[5];B[qc]BL[60]OB[5];W[rg]WL[60]OW[5];B[qh]BL[60]OB[5];W[pc]WL[60]OW[5];B[od]BL[60]OB[5];W[qb]WL[60]OW[5];B[rc]BL[60]OB[5];W[rb]WL[60]OW[5];B[oc]BL[60]OB[5];W[pb]WL[60]OW[5];B[rh]BL[60]OB[5];W[sf]WL[60]OW[5];B[pl]BL[60]OB[5];W[dr]WL[60]OW[5];B[cq]BL[60]OB[5];W[gq]WL[60]OW[5];B[ch]BL[60]OB[5];W[cr]WL[60]OW[5];B[cl]BL[60]OB[5];W[dg]WL[60]OW[5];B[dh]BL[60]OB[5];W[cg]WL[60]OW[5];B[bg]BL[60]OB[5];W[bh]WL[60]OW[5]C[jamal [2k]: p9 bad?];B[eg]BL[60]OB[5];W[df]WL[60]OW[5]C[Jyao [1d]: it's a quiet game];B[bf]BL[60]OB[5];W[bi]WL[60]OW[5];B[ej]BL[60]OB[5]C[pulsar [3d]: p9 gives black a target to attack right now];W[dk]WL[60]OW[5];B[kp]BL[60]OB[5];W[kq]WL[60]OW[5];B[mp]BL[60]OB[5];W[ko]WL[60]OW[5]C[skrood [5k]: not quite so quiet any more];B[lo]BL[60]OB[5];W[jp]WL[60]OW[5];B[kn]BL[60]OB[5];W[lp]WL[60]OW[5];B[ln]BL[60]OB[5];W[mq]WL[60]OW[5]C[plein [1d]: I like b but somehow I think w will win ^^];B[fb]BL[60]OB[5]C[skrood [5k]: it's the "9" before the "d", plein];W[eb]WL[60]OW[5]C[plein [1d]: haha, yes that s it :D];B[ge]BL[60]OB[5]C[jamal [2k]: what do you mean?];W[ff]WL[60]OW[5];B[hc]BL[60]OB[5];W[gb]WL[60]OW[5];B[hb]BL[60]OB[5];W[fa]WL[60]OW[5];B[fh]BL[60]OB[5];W[dm]WL[60]OW[5];B[cm]BL[60]OB[5];W[hd]WL[60]OW[5]C[Locomoti3: b has huge center and side moyos];B[fl]BL[60]OB[5]C[plein [1d]: but w wanted to play the game like thisskrood [5k]: b has weak groups];W[ek]WL[60]OW[5];B[fk]BL[60]OB[5];W[em]WL[60]OW[5];B[fn]BL[60]OB[5]C[Zalasha [?]: cant really talk about proper moyo before b settles his groupsplein [1d]: I ve seen him before, pretty good at crushing a moyo];W[eo]WL[60]OW[5]C[mccrusty [1d]: b will be in so much pain pretty soonskrood [5k]: p9 is ladder breaker for g15 now];B[en]BL[60]OB[5]C[Finn [1d]: p8?];W[dn]WL[60]OW[5];B[do]BL[60]OB[5];W[fm]WL[60]OW[5]C[Finn [1d]: q8*];B[gm]BL[60]OB[5];W[gn]WL[60]OW[5];B[fo]BL[60]OB[5];W[ep]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: dont think this works];B[eq]BL[60]OB[5];W[fp]WL[60]OW[5];B[dq]BL[60]OB[5];W[go]WL[60]OW[5]C[indianayk [4d]: e6 was too crude];B[hm]BL[60]OB[5]C[Jyao [1d]: h7];W[id]WL[60]OW[5]C[Madarame [2d]: no moyo for black];B[jg]BL[60]OB[5]C[DoubleLion [1k]: looks like a moyo to meczy1985 [1k]: who said no moyo for black?plein [1d]: moyo but would that be enough in the endplein [1d]: that s more what mattersFinn [1d]: just a few points yesmccrusty [1d]: i like b's style, i hope he can hold it together];W[gi]WL[60]OW[5]C[mccrusty [1d]: but i am not optimistic about his chances];B[gh]BL[60]OB[5];W[hi]WL[60]OW[5]C[Jyao [1d]: i bet on b];B[hh]BL[60]OB[5];W[fj]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: it doesnt look bad for either yetmccrusty [1d]: ok, 1000 kgs pts jyao];B[dj]BL[60]OB[5]C[Walmart [7k]: w going to win this fight just like all the others];W[gl]WL[60]OW[5];B[gk]BL[60]OB[5];W[hl]WL[60]OW[5]C[Jyao [1d]: oops i don't sign yet :)];B[hk]BL[60]OB[5];W[il]WL[60]OW[5]C[plein [1d]: looks like b already failed];B[ik]BL[60]OB[5]C[mccrusty [1d]: oro and tygem have very popular betting systems, i wonder if wms has considered adding that feature to kgsjamal [2k]: but compensation on the leftFinn [1d]: b has b9Isobeutel [5k]: w walking ahead cant be good for b];W[jl]WL[60]OW[5]C[Finn [1d]: *c9];B[jk]BL[60]OB[5]C[Zalasha [?]: bye to moyo];W[kl]WL[60]OW[5]C[brooks [1k]: b9 really small compared to what b was going for in the center];B[ck]BL[60]OB[5];W[kk]WL[60]OW[5];B[kj]BL[60]OB[5];W[mk]WL[60]OW[5]C[Finn [1d]: b has E2Finn [1d]: ^^kuikentje [2d]: still that cut must be almost 20 pointsbrooks [1k]: f2];B[jc]BL[60]OB[5]C[Zalasha [?]: yeah but w will get sente to play e2 soon];W[jd]WL[60]OW[5]C[Finn [1d]: hehe];B[kc]BL[60]OB[5];W[kd]WL[60]OW[5]C[cepstruma [2d]: B is losing imo];B[lc]BL[60]OB[5];W[hf]WL[60]OW[5];B[oj]BL[60]OB[5]C[plein [1d]: e2 huge thoughbobstep [?]: m5 in major danger too];W[lj]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: m10 and then e2?];B[ki]BL[60]OB[5];W[ok]WL[60]OW[5];B[pk]BL[60]OB[5]C[plein [1d]: p6];W[er]WL[60]OW[5]C[cepstruma [2d]: O6Finn [1d]: erh];B[oo]BL[60]OB[5]C[plein [1d]: o6 better?];W[np]WL[60]OW[5];B[mo]BL[60]OB[5]C[Shadowplay [6k]: I don't understand the purpose of P9 if w did not intend to follow up.Zalasha [?]: o18];W[nj]WL[60]OW[5];B[ol]BL[60]OB[5];W[oi]WL[60]OW[5];B[nk]BL[60]OB[5]C[Finn [1d]: just blocking potential?];W[pj]WL[60]OW[5];B[ok]BL[60]OB[5]C[cepstruma [2d]: B3 is huge. No so much value in the middle any more];W[qj]WL[60]OW[5];B[pi]BL[60]OB[5]C[Zalasha [?]: b2 bigger?];W[oh]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: its sente, b3 is notcepstruma [2d]: I mean if it is W's turn];B[rj]BL[60]OB[5]C[celebi: prolly b2 a2 better];W[li]WL[60]OW[5]C[celebi: b2 a3 imeanCLaser [9k]: blackened picture];B[jo]BL[60]OB[5]C[skrood [5k]: i like w sacrificesFinn [1d]: no sacrifice, he just had a blunder!;PZalasha [?]: l12cepstruma [2d]: K5 won't get an answer from Wjamal [2k]: w shape defect on h16 was very bad];W[ii]WL[60]OW[5];B[fi]BL[60]OB[5]C[bobstep [?]: h16 connectedcepstruma [2d]: K12cepstruma [2d]: L12?Jyao [1d]: l12mrglitch [2d]: just L12 would work, but its gote?];W[ih]WL[60]OW[5];B[ig]BL[60]OB[5]C[zum [?]: l12];W[jh]WL[60]OW[5]C[zum [?]: gotecepstruma [2d]: This one is high risk];B[kh]BL[60]OB[5];W[kg]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: nice reading];B[hg]BL[60]OB[5]C[cepstruma [2d]: why W want to take such a risk?Zalasha [?]: didnt even consider this];W[lh]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: its not a risk];B[kf]BL[60]OB[5];W[lg]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: he read itcepstruma [2d]: B G14];B[gj]BL[60]OB[5]C[zum [?]: b g14 works nowZalasha [?]: horrible for b];W[jj]WL[60]OW[5];B[gf]BL[60]OB[5]C[Piemuo [1k]: why g10?Wojciech [3k]: k14 thenShadowplay [6k]: G14 pointless since M14 connects.cepstruma [2d]: oops, just 6 points, not big dealjamal [2k]: not 6 pointsGoprince [3d]: m15?MilanChe [-]: much morezum [?]: m14 connects??? :)jamal [2k]: it was b territoryjorgin: m15];W[he]WL[60]OW[5]C[Wojciech [3k]: m15 seems to connect];B[gg]BL[60]OB[5]C[Locomoti3: m17 alive?twc [-]: m14 may not connectmrglitch [2d]: m16 bro...jorgin: but m15 shouldGoprince [3d]: m14 is iffycepstruma [2d]: can't understand W's latest movesGoprince [3d]: ya m15 seems solidIsobeutel [5k]: thats the dukes zomie style];W[ld]WL[60]OW[5]C[Zalasha [?]: hmm...Isobeutel [5k]: making dead groups walkingyun85 [3k]: b is destoryed as long as m16 lives...mccrusty [1d]: no doubtMilanChe [-]: w is necromancercepstruma [2d]: P18czy1985 [1k]: lolczy1985 [1k]: zyczy1985 [1k]: den is m16 dead or alive?yun85 [3k]: dunnoe :)];B[ob]BL[60]OB[4]C[Zalasha [?]: resignjamal [2k]: unsettledOpul3nce [-]: m14 cepstruma [2d]: cheersmccrusty [1d]: alivezum [?]: and kickingmccrusty [1d]: nice w];W[ha]WL[60]OW[5]C[NschoTschi [-]: konekt now];B[ib]BL[60]OB[4]C[Locomoti3: n18celebi: connect 4Zalasha [?]: whats the best move to connect?];W[mc]WL[60]OW[5]C[zum [?]: simplestcelebi: m14 g enough nowFinn [1d]: just wait a few secondsShadowplay [6k]: N17 obviously. :)Zalasha [?]: nah];B[mb]BL[60]OB[4]C[czy1985 [1k]: up down left right, A B C select start];W[md]WL[60]OW[5]C[czy1985 [1k]: tats the best combiRadian [12k]: I dont understand if the stones at J16 are dead what does it matter to black czy1985 [1k]: and u can unlock a secret characterFinn [1d]: wasnt it out of street fighter?NschoTschi [-]: d15 ?Goprince [3d]: o13skrood [5k]: w can connect j16, radian];B[kb]BL[60]OB[4]C[cepstruma [2d]: B O18 not good enoughcepstruma [2d]: N 18 is a painmccrusty [1d]: b2];W[jf]WL[60]OW[5]C[celebi: c18];B[ef]BL[60]OB[4]C[imagine [5k]: b e15cepstruma [2d]: not big againGoprince [3d]: very big...];W[cb]WL[60]OW[5]C[cepstruma [2d]: B3yun85 [3k]: erm does w s9 wrk?];B[bb]BL[60]OB[4];W[dc]WL[60]OW[5]C[skrood [5k]: s9 s8Locomoti3: c19];B[ca]BL[60]OB[4];W[da]WL[60]OW[5]C[Opul3nce [-]: ko];B[db]BL[60]OB[4]C[Opul3nce [-]: or w could just e15Zalasha [?]: did w need to do this to win?zum [?]: noplein [1d]: w will e15Zalasha [?]: was he behind in territory?`Locomoti3: s9zum [?]: but w not in dangercepstruma [2d]: W is in trouble];W[nb]WL[60]OW[5]C[Goprince [3d]: ...];B[nc]BL[60]OB[4]C[Shadowplay [6k]: D15 is a ko threat.];W[cb]WL[60]OW[5]C[Goprince [3d]: e15 anytime];B[lf]BL[60]OB[4];W[mf]WL[60]OW[5]C[zum [?]: w has e15];B[db]BL[60]OB[4]C[zum [?]: go princeLocomoti3: n19];W[de]WL[60]OW[5]C[Goprince [3d]: hm?czy1985 [1k]: a duke is not a prince rite?];B[ee]BL[60]OB[4];W[cb]WL[60]OW[5];B[me]BL[60]OB[4];W[le]WL[60]OW[5];B[db]BL[60]OB[4]C[Opul3nce [-]: no a duke is a duke];W[ce]WL[60]OW[5]C[Opul3nce [-]: lolVinata [5d]: not e15?];B[be]BL[60]OB[4]C[cepstruma [2d]: it is a matter of death or life];W[cb]WL[60]OW[5]C[Goprince [3d]: d15 is cocky];B[mg]BL[60]OB[4];W[ke]WL[60]OW[5]C[plein [1d]: a duke likes risk!Goprince [3d]: i hope he read his threas];B[db]BL[60]OB[4];W[lb]WL[60]OW[5];B[la]BL[60]OB[4]C[Opul3nce [-]: d15 is 9d aragonce];W[cb]WL[60]OW[5];B[rd]BL[60]OB[4]C[bobstep [?]: b3 good for wZalasha [?]: going to laugh if he loses because of d15zum [?]: what is aragonce?plein [1d]: yeah, but that s why I m still 1d, I would never play d15!cepstruma [2d]: opportunity for tradingcelebi: lol dont worry for 9d. heOpul3nce [-]: arrogant*celebi: will be fineGoprince [3d]: hmskrood [5k]: aragon is a province of spainlooneytune [4k]: why w fight this ko?Zalasha [?]: trade?skrood [5k]: once = 11Goprince [3d]: to maybe kill bdounde [1d]: takeWalmart [7k]: a duke is noble of the highest heriditary rank, so yes usually a duke is a princecepstruma [2d]: W can't answer S16Opul3nce [-]: b f17 is a nice ko local threatFajnymis [3d]: w countingZalasha [?]: yeah but if w just takes he cant kill whole groupVinata [5d]: w has one more ko at n19Vinata [5d]: b has morekilroy [3d]: f17 is a nice local threat if you want nothing in return];W[re]WL[60]OW[4];B[db]BL[60]OB[4];W[ma]WL[60]OW[4];B[na]BL[60]OB[4];W[cb]WL[60]OW[4];B[se]BL[60]OB[4]C[Zalasha [?]: what does w do after running out of threats?Zalasha [?]: resign?celebi: buys newOpul3nce [-]: w does what 9ds do...cryblab: b19zum [?]: ruuning out of timeKarkr [3k]: o5plein [1d]: I still don t get d15mypod [2d]: f17 pants b19skrood [5k]: kill f12, probably :pmrglitch [2d]: d15 is pointwise and groupfoolishwwwww [9k]: why not w just e15 before?looneytune [4k]: w could have given up 3 stones and lived];W[sd]WL[60]OW[4];B[db]BL[60]OB[4]C[kinglao298 [2k?]: s9 works?sadesade [1k]: b9?cepstruma [2d]: what is next then?Vinata [5d]: so d15 bad 9d moveyun85 [3k]: no idea if big enough for threatyun85 [3k]: s9bobstep [?]: b3Finn [1d]: its the so called "fierce play"^^wwwww [9k]: s9 too small?wwwww [9k]: that group is much biggermap [9k]: d11?vlt [1d]: t12Zalasha [?]: yeah s9 too smallcepstruma [2d]: at the value of 40 pointssadesade [1k]: ok b9 not working, so is d11cepstruma [2d]: right tmie to resignOpul3nce [-]: does f12 die..i mean can b12 do it?zoom [4k]: o6?soducls [3d]: resign probLocomoti3: e11?Zalasha [?]: pretty sad way to loseCLaser [9k]: ko is painful systemShadowplay [6k]: Would b2 or b3 be a reasonable ko threat?Opul3nce [-]: d15 was arroganceTalamasca [2k]: t12?Finn [1d]: no arogonceFeGo [4d?]: d15 greedysoducls [3d]: b2 terrible.. doesnt do anythingVinata [5d]: ddddd w is deadyun85 [3k]: though white can try d11 and see can kill first anot?yun85 [3k]: lolplein [1d]: d15 was 1d move :Pmrglitch [2d]: just s9];W[bo]WL[60]OW[3]C[Vinata [5d]: ignoreGoprince [3d]: fakecepstruma [2d]: not counterpartcelebi: luwlZalasha [?]: good example from how to lose a won game];B[cb]BL[60]OB[4];W[co]WL[60]OW[3]C[celebi: wth is this?sadesade [1k]: this is big actuallyTalamasca [2k]: if it works b doesn't have to ignoreVinata [5d]: b6CBlue [3d?]: -_-soducls [3d]: b4..?wwwww [9k]: b10Talamasca [2k]: he is not losing anything and have threats stillVinata [5d]: b4];B[bn]BL[60]OB[4]C[soducls [3d]: ah b4 would effect with b9];W[bq]WL[60]OW[3];B[ao]BL[60]OB[4]C[Zalasha [?]: this is enough for b];W[ap]WL[60]OW[3]C[Goprince [3d]: s9 was bigger =/];B[an]BL[60]OB[4]C[Locomoti3: b4cepstruma [2d]: 10 points lesssadesade [1k]: trying to activate b9 ];W[bp]WL[60]OW[3]C[Shadowplay [6k]: f3.wwwww [9k]: now b10Opul3nce [-]: d15 lost a won game];B[ci]BL[60]OB[4]C[wwwww [9k]: e15 could live, celebi: yeah yeah d15 arogance];W[jn]WL[60]OW[3];B[kp]BL[60]OB[4]C[celebi: we seemrglitch [2d]: nobody cares];W[bj]WL[60]OW[3];B[bk]BL[60]OB[4];W[ko]WL[60]OW[3];B[ni]BL[60]OB[4];W[nh]WL[60]OW[3];B[kp]BL[60]OB[4]C[sadesade [1k]: b ahead but still close game];W[rk]WL[60]OW[3]C[plein [1d]: the funny part is that w might still win!];B[rl]BL[60]OB[4];W[ko]WL[60]OW[3];B[nq]BL[60]OB[4]C[Finn [1d]: otherwise he would have resignedmrglitch [2d]: taekcepstruma [2d]: B O13 very smart];W[io]WL[60]OW[3]C[cepstruma [2d]: O3soducls [3d]: the chance of white winning is less than 5%Shadowplay [6k]: se says b+4.];B[mr]BL[60]OB[4];W[lq]WL[60]OW[3]C[Piemuo [1k]: ?];B[op]BL[60]OB[4];W[nr]WL[60]OW[3];B[oq]BL[60]OB[4];W[or]WL[60]OW[3]C[celebi: probability over?];B[ml]BL[60]OB[4]C[Locomoti3: someone set up us the bomb?cowerpow [3k]: w];W[po]WL[60]OW[3]C[cowerpow [3k]: what u say];B[pn]BL[60]OB[4];W[ll]WL[60]OW[3]C[celebi: prob over random bits of white?];B[lm]BL[60]OB[4];W[sh]WL[60]OW[3];B[sk]BL[60]OB[4];W[mi]WL[60]OW[3];B[si]BL[60]OB[4]C[cepstruma [2d]: W have about 92 pointsmrglitch [2d]: yo dog we set us up a meme in your meme];W[mm]WL[60]OW[3]C[cepstruma [2d]: 98 actually];B[nl]BL[60]OB[4]C[Asaliuru [7k]: ko ?];W[sg]WL[60]OW[3]C[soducls [3d]: o13 big];B[ng]BL[60]OB[4]C[cepstruma [2d]: B about 115];W[ne]WL[60]OW[3];B[if]BL[60]OB[4];W[ie]WL[60]OW[3]C[soducls [3d]: q19];B[mh]BL[60]OB[4];W[ph]WL[60]OW[3]C[czy1985 [1k]: black wins?];B[ql]BL[60]OB[4];W[km]WL[60]OW[3];B[pa]BL[60]OB[4]C[Piemuo [1k]: lol];W[qa]WL[60]OW[3]C[CBlue [3d?]: w about 107];B[oa]BL[60]OB[4]C[Pinchilei [2d]: lolPiemuo [1k]: p6];W[qs]WL[60]OW[3];B[so]BL[60]OB[4]C[soducls [3d]: p6 doesnt work];W[ji]WL[60]OW[3];B[sp]BL[60]OB[4];W[el]WL[60]OW[3];B[fj]BL[60]OB[4]C[NschoTschi [-]: p6 o5 o6 p7 NschoTschi [-]: npmonkeyjump [7k]: hihihihihihihihihihiHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIWojciech [3k]: o16];W[eh]WL[60]OW[3];B[ei]BL[60]OB[4];W[fg]WL[60]OW[3];B[ah]BL[60]OB[4];W[ed]WL[60]OW[3];B[eh]BL[60]OB[4];W[nf]WL[60]OW[3];B[og]BL[60]OB[4];W[ni]WL[60]OW[3];B[aj]BL[60]OB[4];W[ic]WL[60]OW[3];B[ai]BL[60]OB[4];W[]WL[60]OW[3];B[]BL[60]OB[4]TW[ra][sa][sb][qc][rc][sc][rd][je][me][se][kf][lf][rf][kh][ki][kj][mj][lk][gm][hm][im][jm][en][fn][hn][in][do][fo][ho][jo][cp][dp][gp][hp][ip][kp][aq][cq][dq][eq][fq][hq][iq][ar][br][fr][gr][hr][ir][jr][kr][lr][mr][qr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs][gs][hs][is][js][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][ps]TB[aa][ba][da][ea][fa][ga][ha][ia][ja][ka][ma][ab][eb][fb][gb][jb][lb][nb][ac][bc][dc][ec][fc][gc][ad][bd][dd][ed][fd][ae][ce][de][fe][af][df][ff][ag][cg][dg][fg][bh][bi][di][ri][bj][cj][pj][qj][sj][ak][qk][rk][al][bl][sl][am][bm][mm][nm][om][pm][qm][rm][sm][mn][nn][on][sn][no][ro][np][rp]C[supertjc [8d]: thxZalasha [?]: rose not happyNschoTschi [-]: rematch?diesel [1d]: c'monmypod [2d]: F11 seemed mistake? how should it go?RoseDuke [9d]: thanksRoseDuke [9d]: nice fightCBlue [3d?]: rose vs hutoshi ?bubo [4k]: what about p6?Geraldines [8d?]: p6 o5 p7 ])

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