1 stone];B[nr];W[pr]C[learyghost [2k]: that was < 1982];B[mq];W[sd];B[sc];W[se];B[rc];W[hc];B[gc];W[fj];B[hk];W[np];B[nq];W[jk];B[hi];W[lk];B[kl];W[ll];B[kk];W[kj];B[lj];W[mj];B[li];W[km];B[jl];W[fp];B[go];W[mm];B[jm];W[fq]C[Uberdude [3d]: what was the w tesuji if black capture f4?Uberdude [3d]: h5?Weishenme [4d]: shishoWeishenme [4d]: then L8 stones will die if f4 captured];B[mi];W[ok];B[pj];W[oj]C[Uberdude [3d]: ah very cuteUberdude [3d]: =)];B[en];W[do];B[hq];W[fr]C[Shadowman [2d]: oh, wowShadowman [2d]: That's a textbook ladder :-)];B[gr];W[es];B[kc];W[kb];B[lb];W[lc];B[kd];W[mb];B[oi];W[pk]C[namtg [2k]: konamtg [2k]: at s12];B[rk];W[rl];B[rj];W[rm]C[Shadowman [2d]: That's a pretty large ko ...namtg [2k]: for black];B[rh];W[sh];B[si];W[ri];B[jb];W[la];B[rh];W[pq];B[op];W[ri];B[ch]C[JeansebL [?]: Could someone tell me who the players are? Can't see the names with the app...Uberdude [3d]: w chan yi tien 7dUberdude [3d]: b shen chin hao 5dUberdude [3d]: w won wagc i believeJeansebL [?]: Thanks a lot];W[bf];B[rh];W[sg]C[namtg [2k]: if w wins this ko than game is over for b];B[ol];W[nk]C[Weishenme [4d]: over? ,W+];B[ic];W[jd];B[oh]C[Weishenme [4d]: i don't get w k16];W[ri];B[je];W[sj];B[id]C[JeansebL [?]: Is pavol's game being broadcast?namtg [2k]: f12 ];W[oc]C[Proucht [2d]: nope];B[eh];W[fh];B[fg];W[eg]C[JeansebL [?]: Thanks];B[fi]C[Proucht [2d]: if b gets gote then f12 was much better](;W[gi]C[Proucht [2d]: yay let's ko again])(;W[gh];B[gi]C[Proucht [2d]: yay let's misclick again ;)];W[ei];B[dh];W[gg];B[ej];W[di];B[hg]C[storn [4k]: Who plays?];W[ek]C[gosei [2d]: can yi tien against shen chin haogosei [2d]: chanProucht [2d]: chan is wstorn [4k]: Thanksgosei [2d]: chan is the very famous ex amateurworldchampiiongosei [2d]: in year 2011];B[gf];W[ff];B[hh];W[fg]C[Kretzsche [1k?]: why famous?U [-]: not everyone can win the WAGC. and it was in 2014U [-]: and the first from taiwan to do itgosei [2d]: sorry];B[kn];W[hr];B[ir];W[gs];B[jq];W[fl];B[gm];W[hp];B[iq];W[fm];B[fn];W[gl];B[hl];W[dl];B[hm];W[pb];B[qb];W[me];B[lf];W[ge];B[pa];W[hf];B[if];W[bd];B[bc]C[KurataSan [2d]: w leadinggosei [2d]: more than 12gosei [2d]: maybe 15];W[hd];B[hb];W[mo];B[nn];W[mn];B[lp];W[ac];B[ab];W[ad];B[bb];W[mf];B[mg];W[le];B[ke];W[no];B[qm];W[rn];B[gj];W[fk];B[on]C[noi [8k?]: sesays 36bert [?]: i sesay 30noi [8k?]: sesay ceecells but i think aanoi [8k?]: maybe pahoehoeGodofGo [6d]: why doesn't b resign..bert [?]: are you not omniscient?learyghost [2k]: he should at least be concerning GoGodofGo [6d]: humans are confusinglearyghost [2k]: cant be that closebert [?]: all b needs is 3 consecutive moves, like t9, t11 and s12, and bang, he's back in the gamelearyghost [2k]: exttremely unlikely, imho];W[nl];B[ed];W[ns];B[ms];W[os];B[oo];W[lo];B[ko];W[om];B[pm];W[nm];B[mp];W[he];B[ld];W[md];B[od];W[nc];B[ja]C[noi [8k?]: w+25];W[na];B[ka];W[lb];B[oa];W[ee];B[fd];W[lg]C[noi [8k?]: 30+ with komi];B[kf];W[mh];B[ng];W[ni];B[nh];W[nj];B[ne];W[lm];B[is];W[cd];B[hs];W[gr];B[fe];W[gf];B[ie];W[ln]C[EGC2 [?]: w+29.5Liso66 [?]: other results in top pls? XXNINJAXX [2d]: f4 was super beauty move])))))" class="wgo_block" style="width : 700px" >

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