(;CA[utf-8]FF[4]ST[2]RU[Japanese]OT[3x60 byo-yomi]AP[CGoban:3]SZ[19]GM[1]DT[2016-11-19]PB[赵治勋]BR[九段]PW[DeepZenGo]KM[6.5]TM[7200]US[Andrew Jackson]MULTIGOGM[1];B[qe];W[pp];B[ec];W[dp];B[cn];W[fq];B[cf];W[pc];B[nc];W[od];B[nd];W[pf];B[qf];W[pg];B[qh];W[qd];B[qg];W[pe];B[qb];W[rc];B[pb];W[qj];B[ph];W[ng];B[nh];W[mh];B[ni];W[lg];B[qn];W[pm];B[pn];W[on];B[oo];W[qm];B[po];W[qp];B[op];W[nn];B[oq];W[lj];B[pj];W[pk];B[mk];W[oj];B[mj];W[mi];B[nj];W[lk];B[mm];W[mn];B[ll];W[nl];B[ml];W[pr];B[or];W[lc];B[ld];W[kd];B[le];W[kc];B[ke];W[je];B[jf];W[kf];B[ne];W[og];B[pi];W[if];B[jd];W[ie];B[ic];W[hc];B[hb];W[gc];B[id];W[hd];B[jb];W[gb];B[kb];W[lb];B[mb];W[ha];B[ib];W[cc];B[ee];W[ce];B[be];W[de];B[df];W[ef];B[ed];W[bd];B[bf];W[db];B[eb];W[bb];B[da];W[kn];B[jl];W[im];B[il];W[hm];B[hl];W[gl];B[gk];W[fk];B[gj];W[ij];B[fj];W[fl];B[rn];W[lq];B[dk];W[pq];B[rq];W[rp];B[rs];W[qr];B[sp];W[so];B[sq]C[USGO2 [-]: commentary will begin in 5 minutes];W[ro];B[rr];W[ej];B[jj];W[ii];B[jm];W[jn];B[ek];W[dm];B[gm];W[gn];B[ei]C[USGO2 [-]: Commentary w/ Myungwan Kim 9p is available on AGA youtube & twitch!USGO2 [-]: youtube.com/c/usgoweb/liveUSGO2 [-]: or twitch.tv/usgoweb];W[ca];B[fm];W[el];B[cp];W[do];B[co];W[cq];B[cm];W[cl];B[ck];W[ka];B[ja];W[la];B[mc];W[ga];B[ma];W[eg];B[cd];W[ea];B[dd];W[dh];B[gg];W[ff];B[di]C[absurdmike [2k]: is this the zen I know and love?];W[ch];B[eh];W[dg];B[bh];W[bi];B[ah];W[ci]C[absurdmike [2k]: the one who played on kgs all the time?Romeda [2d]: W+Kergan [2d]: m4 maybe?Romeda [2d]: b3Kergan [2d]: h15 aji large, how to use?];B[kk];W[fh]C[USSRMan [3d]: h15 almost no ajiUSSRMan [3d]: bc g19 is onnected];B[gh];W[fi];B[dj];W[gi];B[hi];W[fg];B[bl]C[USGO69: hELLO GUYS IM 69 :d];W[fn]C[USGO69: IMA 69USGO69: WHO?NameLess [7k]: me!!!!NameLess [7k]: lets 69NameLess [7k]: :DNameLess [7k]: :DNameLess [7k]: :DNameLess [7k]: :DNameLess [7k]: :DNameLess [7k]: spamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspamspam];B[ih]C[Cannonball: inb4 admin];W[hj];B[ji];W[jh]C[NameLess [7k]: balls!! balls from a cannon];B[hh]C[NameLess [7k]: not bad];W[gf]C[USSRMan [3d]: hard to say black has gained anything if this end in goteUSSRMan [3d]: b3 is probably bigger];B[kh];W[jg];B[mr];W[lr]C[dehuong [1k]: who is DeepZenGo?Romeda [2d]: WhiteRomeda [2d]: see\dehuong [1k]: i knew it];B[bq];W[hg];B[mf];W[mg]C[USGO69: WHO WANT 69 ME??? IM FREE TO 69];B[rm]C[USGO69: WHO?];W[qs]C[USGO69: 69];B[sn]C[SigmaBond [4d]: I think W now has advantage];W[ss];B[qo]C[USGO69: IM SO SEXY];W[cr]C[NameLess [7k]: mememememem lets sexNameLess [7k]: :DNameLess [7k]: 69=sexy naikhongtac [5k]: b n3UrriS [4k]: m5 mb?];B[mq];W[lo]C[NameLess [7k]: sinNameLess [7k]: g the sexing songNameLess [7k]: jingle bell,NameLess [7k]: usgo69 smellstuquedenne [3d]: b2?NameLess [7k]: nameless lay an eggNameLess [7k]: they hv sexNameLess [7k]: they marryRomeda [2d]: m1NameLess [7k]: aNameLess [7k]: nRomeda [2d]: bot win T.TNameLess [7k]: d give birth to babyNameLess [7k]: you guys like my songz?NameLess [7k]: plz replyzzzNameLess [7k]: zzzRushmore [3d]: p7Romeda [2d]: i think m1 first :v];B[hk];W[ig];B[qk]C[USSRMan [3d]: m11 is kind of bigUSSRMan [3d]: bc it stops l11r0n1n [2d]: 9 points so far, maybe r9 and m1 are still biggerRomeda [2d]: r8 s9 l11 :?];W[ql]C[USSRMan [3d]: no];B[rk];W[br]C[USSRMan [3d]: l11 prob not as big as b2Romeda [2d]: b2 bigger :vUSSRMan [3d]: yeah, not sure if r9 was better than b2 tbhRomeda [2d]: hard for bUSSRMan [3d]: there was sente follow up with c1, so this is reverse sente in a senseUSSRMan [3d]: r9 probably worth slightly more, cho was counting the difference between the 2USSRMan [3d]: b4 vs m11?USSRMan [3d]: hard to say];B[dl]C[khongtac [5k]: black m11];W[em];B[li];W[re];B[rf];W[lh];B[ki];W[bp];B[bo];W[oc];B[ob];W[sf];B[sg]C[trap [8k]: who is deepzengo?USSRMan [3d]: zen lostUrriS [4k]: wUSSRMan [3d]: if it plays t14];W[af];B[ae]C[Romeda [2d]: a14 @@!ilansk [?]: Zen is WUrriS [4k]: coolUSSRMan [3d]: damnkkbkkj: a14?USSRMan [3d]: it is so closeFightorDie [8k]: rules? 3x 1 min, 6,5 komi?jhkwa97 [7d]: lolRomeda [2d]: a14 miss click :ojhkwa97 [7d]: implosionilansk [?]: Jap rulesjhkwa97 [7d]: b won already anywayUSSRMan [3d]: by how much?];W[rl];B[sl]C[r0n1n [2d]: by how much, do you think,r0n1n [2d]: ?jhkwa97 [7d]: with this? or originallyUSSRMan [3d]: originallyUSSRMan [3d]: before t14];W[sk];B[sj]C[comfyditch [1k]: does b have it?UrriS [4k]: orig was very close imoUSSRMan [3d]: if white just a3jhkwa97 [7d]: hm around 5 maybeRomeda [2d]: after t14 is...comfyditch [1k]: wait. it's only DeepZenGo. it even lacks a rank];W[ia];B[jc]C[trap [8k]: p7?Romeda [2d]: yupjhkwa97 [7d]: w did decently but no where near AG right nowRomeda [2d]: B+ Res now Z_zterry99 [6d]: b won by rterry99 [6d]: zen try mistake nowkkbkkj: cool game ccjhkwa97 [7d]: perhaps professional strengthtwofort [1k]: still seems close though?jhkwa97 [7d]: nahtwofort [1k]: less than 5 ptsjhkwa97 [7d]: prob more than 5 pts and even if 5 it is hugecomfyditch [1k]: yes. it looks close easydie [2d]: looks like black have 10 pointscomfyditch [1k]: are there other games to watch? I keep losing'.reino [2k?]: is the game over?kkbkkj: yesreino [2k?]: b +?comfyditch [1k]: what event wasit?kkbkkj: b+reino [2k?]: tyterry99 [6d]: yeskhongtac [5k]: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv280070055 (20/11)khongtac [5k]: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv280070087 (23/11)khongtac [5k]: next gameWaiter [3k]: is deepZenGo a robot?UrriS [4k]: formally not ^^UrriS [4k]: * about game's ending, not robotOhYeah [1d]: white winOhYeah [1d]: human lost bot history Lesdol lost Anlpha Go googleXan [-]: y DZG is wasting KoThreat like j19 and before r1 t1 ?UrriS [4k]: w is thinking hardOhYeah [1d]: P7OhYeah [1d]: P7 very big win or lostterry99 [6d]: cho u commented a little OhYeah [1d]: P7?? why not playcomfyditch [1k]: it is big. so maybe b by moreUrriS [4k]: w's movekhongtac [5k]: lolkhongtac [5k]: game endkhongtac [5k]: B+resOhYeah [1d]: thế hảVictor12 [5k]: why did b put k17?OhYeah [1d]: bot đểu rồicomfyditch [1k]: sure but then b plays m1 etc then takes a4OhYeah [1d]: ko = anlpha goVictor12 [5k]: eat?UrriS [4k]: victor, ataritwofort [1k]: Victor: -> options -> view offlineVictor12 [5k]: tyoddalot [5k]: how much time is left for each player?UrriS [4k]: what time remaining?UrriS [4k]: zen is thinkins so hard...UrriS [4k]: думы окаянныяilansk [?]: хто победил?UrriS [4k]: zen думает...olux [5k]: зен сдалсяilansk [?]: пошутил?vaansama [2k?]: ResignUrriS [4k]: а чтоUSGO2 ничего не сказал?olux [5k]: нетolux [5k]: кто его знаетvaansama [2k?]: Zen just resignedolux [5k]: на бадуке закончилась трансляция, победой ЧоOdin [3k]: why did it resign?oddalot [5k]: because it was losing?UrriS [4k]: ну тут собственно потери б видны...vaansama [2k?]: See computer roomUrriS [4k]: ty])