(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]GN[Hochhaus Herrengasse Cup Lisy vs Jabarin]PW[帕沃尔利兹]PB[Ali Jabarin]WR[二段]BR[二段]DT[2018-08-30]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[hvk [-]: How long in this tournament? hvk [-]: ??Hochhaus1 [-]: 1h sudden death];B[dd];W[cp];B[pc];W[qq];B[pf];W[cc];B[cd];W[dc];B[fc];W[fb];B[gb];W[ec];B[fd];W[ed];B[ee];W[fe];B[ef];W[bd];B[be];W[bc]C[eladzap [-]: woweladzap [-]: hard];B[he];W[ce];B[ff];W[pn];B[eq];W[dn];B[ip];W[qh];B[ph]C[Hochhaus1 [-]: So this game features the winners of the first round. It will decide the tournament winner.];W[pi];B[oh];W[pd]C[Omicron [2d]: who's black?eladzap [-]: aliafgani [4d]: nice prizeafgani [4d]: 4000 euroJihad [2k]: holy shit thats good.eladzap [-]: atem hoshvim she hu malim mas?Jihad [2k]: remove kebabeladzap [-]: aize basaeladzap [-]: lizkot be 4000 euro ve az latet 1500 la medina];B[qc]C[Jihad [2k]: remove kebab?];W[qg];B[qf]C[Jihad [2k]: anyway, this seems like a good trend. maybe in a few years living off being pro at go might be viable];W[nd];B[oc];W[jc];B[lc];W[ge];B[gf];W[gd];B[gc];W[hd];B[id];W[hc];B[ic];W[hb];B[ib];W[ga];B[ie];W[oi];B[ni];W[nj];B[mi];W[mj]C[Rocinate [?]: b overconcentrated?];B[lj];W[li]C[Welvang [8d]: I prefer white but both seem playable];B[pg]C[Welvang [8d]: that cut tho...];W[lh];B[mg];W[hg];B[oj];W[ok];B[pj];W[qi];B[pk];W[ol];B[rj];W[hf]C[Song17 [4d]: b looking good];B[lk];W[ml]C[eladzap [-]: is c8 overplay?Song17 [4d]: seems like itSong17 [4d]: left side is weakeladzap [-]: yeah];B[jg];W[ji];B[ih];W[lg];B[lf];W[ri];B[qj];W[rf]C[Song17 [4d]: considering t12 ?Omicron [2d]: was just thinking same thingGOals [3k]: wow t12 is hard to read Aliquid [4d]: s13 maybe];B[rg];W[sg];B[si];W[rh];B[re];W[qe];B[rd];W[mf];B[ng];W[gh]C[RedPanther [6k]: time left?];B[ii]C[Hochhaus1 [-]: W 34, B 29 minSong17 [4d]: easier to sabaki than to defend effectively, I guessSong17 [4d]: on the left];W[kj];B[ij];W[kk];B[ll];W[kl];B[lm];W[fi]C[Jihad [2k]: thats definetly a 3k euro game :P];B[hm];W[km];B[mm];W[mk];B[lo];W[kn];B[pl];W[om]C[Jihad [2k]: is there any outcome outher than catastrophic death for someone?Omicron [2d]: there could beSong17 [4d]: w can most likely get two eyesSong17 [4d]: (unless he's trying to kill more than living)Hochhaus1 [-]: W 29, B 21 min lefteukaryote [?]: who is playing this game? how strongOmicron [2d]: two european prosOmicron [2d]: ali jabarin (B) vs Pavol Lisy (W)];B[no];W[jp]C[Jihad [2k]: question is weather he can afford to live.Jihad [2k]: and the left is still super interesting tooJihad [2k]: Im really enjoying this gameOmicron [2d]: I'm wondering why b didn't play L4 instead of O5Omicron [2d]: I meant N4];B[oq]C[Song17 [4d]: not such a great shapeSong17 [4d]: he's going to lean on the right side nowSong17 [4d]: hope it works out for him];W[pp]C[Omicron [2d]: but with N4 couldn't he seal the lower side?Baby [3k?]: black is in trouble];B[nl];W[nk];B[qr]C[Rasd [4d]: black doesnt need to even gian much here to winRasd [4d]: its enough that he settles and invade the left side probably];W[pr]C[GOals [3k]: b L5 ? ];B[pq];W[op]C[Omicron [2d]: b has 60 points of solidd territoryOmicron [2d]: so agressiveGOals [3k]: ?];B[nq]C[Song17 [4d]: w has potential too];W[rr];B[qp];W[rq]C[Omicron [2d]: how much time they have left?];B[qo]C[yfgfgfsf: q7!Hochhaus1 [-]: W 25 B 14Omicron [2d]: b looking at P6Omicron [2d]: wow only 14 minutesHerod [-]: There is always byo-yomiOmicron [2d]: isn't it sudden death?RedPanther [6k]: not todayRedPanther [6k]: sudden deathafgani [4d]: ohhvk [-]: r6 p6 q7 q5 s5 afgani [4d]: thats why ilya lost on timeafgani [4d]: so its a fast gamafgani [4d]: eHochhaus1 [-]: ilya won the second game, so i guess 3rd place];W[qn];B[on]C[Holub [2d]: sudden death...thats not something you see everyday :D ...];W[pm]C[GOals [3k]: P6];B[po];W[ql];B[sj];W[nm]C[GOals [3k]: N5 ];B[jq];W[kp]C[ewrtyuy: well. w seems winning];B[mo]C[GOals [3k]: ? how so ? ];W[kq];B[rp]C[Omicron [2d]: nice move];W[rk]C[Rasd [4d]: gote..yfgfgfsf: yeahyfgfgfsf: wrong timing it feels likeOmicron [2d]: why goteRasd [4d]: ahBaby [3k?]: not goteRasd [4d]: right];B[iq]C[Omicron [2d]: hmOmicron [2d]: weird time to do the tenukiGOals [3k]: wwwhhhaaatttttHerod [-]: can this be right?fansi [1d]: black want to attack group in center];W[mr]C[afgani [4d]: hes offering an exchangeGOals [3k]: to big of an exchangeOmicron [2d]: oh it was goteBaby [3k?]: white center group is biger so he must be right];B[in]C[Rasd [4d]: its not gote but maybe risky];W[jn];B[nr];W[im];B[sh]C[yfgfgfsf: s4 exchange looks bad nowyfgfgfsf: lmaoSong17 [4d]: no it doesn't];W[io]C[Song17 [4d]: corner can dieyfgfgfsf: it was a gote nowyfgfgfsf: yeah];B[ho]C[yfgfgfsf: but w can safe];W[hn]C[yfgfgfsf: whenever];B[gn]C[yfgfgfsf: and right sideyfgfgfsf: is much biggeryfgfgfsf: left*GOals [3k]: M2 for b ? Sandmann [-]: how much time left?Hochhaus1 [-]: W 16 B 9];W[hl];B[in];W[kf];B[le];W[hn]C[Omicron [2d]: I don't see how it's possible to not lose on time now];B[rm];W[gm];B[rn]C[Song17 [4d]: that's an impressive right sideyfgfgfsf: k14Baby [3k?]: left alsoSong17 [4d]: now b has to make sacrificesGOals [3k]: amm ali has to live in his moyu];W[dq]C[Song17 [4d]: and see what's enoughHerod [-]: 500 seconds many moves can be madeHerod [-]: not necessarily all great moves though];B[dr];W[ep]C[Song17 [4d]: this is good];B[fr];W[fq];B[er];W[jf];B[cj]C[Baby [3k?]: all in];W[ch];B[dh];W[cg];B[ei]C[Rasd [4d]: saving j13 group wouldnt be enough?Mirus [2d]: how much time is left?Hochhaus1 [-]: 11 / 5.5];W[eh];B[fh];W[fg];B[eg]C[Baby [3k?]: how do you save it ?Omicron [2d]: with J14 and squeezeRasd [4d]: i think if w cuts its abit dangerous cause b could g13 and then f12Rasd [4d]: but maybe wouldnt be enough anywayHochhaus1 [-]: as they'll play faster now I won't have time to check the clock anymore];W[if];B[fh];W[mh];B[nh];W[eh]C[Omicron [2d]: b doesn't have ko threatsOmicron [2d]: and no time eitherOmicron [2d]: like meOmicron [2d]: I have to goGOals [3k]: L5 ?];B[cm];W[di];B[fh];W[ej];B[gg];W[gi];B[dj];W[eh];B[cn];W[gq];B[ei];W[ci];B[ek];W[eh];B[gr]C[Song17 [4d]: time?];W[cr];B[bq]C[Sandmann [-]: how much time plsHerod [-]: scribe is too busy for that nowHochhaus1 [-]: B 6 W 2:45Hochhaus1 [-]: stop asking me :)];W[cq];B[bp]C[Song17 [4d]: heheYoungPro [7d]: I thought white had more time?Song17 [4d]: feeling quite pessimistic for b here];W[co];B[bo]C[DaCat [-]: leela zero gives black 80 %Rasd [4d]: i didnt count but b feels really goodGOals [3k]: yup ];W[hp]C[Herod [-]: yes, time before B had less than 6];B[kr]C[Song17 [4d]: Leela zero doesn't know how much time he hasGOals [3k]: b has more time ];W[go];B[jr]C[Song17 [4d]: oh!yfgfgfsf: leela doesnt know by how much];W[cl]C[Song17 [4d]: cool];B[bl]C[DaCat [-]: 80% at this stage is still a tangible lead usuallySong17 [4d]: will be hard to mess it up];W[jb]C[GOals [3k]: indeed Song17 [4d]: seems like w's heading for a time loss anyway];B[em]C[yfgfgfsf: 80 in the endgame can be like 4 pointsyfgfgfsf: lol];W[lb];B[mb];W[kc];B[mc]C[Song17 [4d]: p1?...];W[ld];B[md]C[GOals [3k]: what leela is saing Baby [3k?]: since black lived in white moyo it should be gg for him];W[kd];B[me]C[Baby [3k?]: Surely more than 4 points];W[ma]C[Herod [-]: from earlier it was B who was low on time. possibly colors transposed on last time check];B[na];W[la];B[fk]C[GOals [3k]: K19Herod [-]: But do not bug the scribe pleaseDaCat [-]: 4 points at this stage probably is over for pros no?];W[gk]C[Rasd [4d]: q1 so big];B[ps];W[nb];B[nc];W[oa];B[pb];W[mq];B[bj];W[bi];B[en];W[eo];B[br];W[ds]C[yfgfgfsf: for asian pros maybe :D];B[es]C[DaCat [-]: these guys arent that bad either....];W[cs];B[hq]C[yfgfgfsf: yeah but they r in time trouble];W[pa];B[qa];W[fn];B[do]C[yfgfgfsf: after lower right thoeladzap [-]: m2 ?];W[fl]C[yfgfgfsf: should be gg];B[el];W[fj];B[fp];W[gp]C[GOals [3k]: p18];B[lr]C[GOals [3k]: huge];W[mp];B[np];W[ln];B[mn]C[yfgfgfsf: huge dame];W[ms];B[ke];W[je];B[bs]C[GOals [3k]: naaaa];W[dp];B[ai];W[ah];B[ko];W[jo];B[aj]C[yfgfgfsf: huge ko threat? >];W[ls]C[yfgfgfsf: :>];B[ks]C[Song17 [4d]: time! ];W[ns];B[os];W[fm];B[dm]C[DaCat [-]: b 99%Hochhaus1 [-]: too fast nowHochhaus1 [-]: scribe resignsBaby [3k?]: :)Baby [3k?]: hopes black don't lose on timeSong17 [4d]: you did wellHochhaus1 [-]: game endedHochhaus1 [-]: W 54 secs left; B 7 secsDaCat [-]: thanks for recording for us:)Hochhaus1 [-]: :)Baby [3k?]: 7 seconds :)errsfsi: w wins time gameSong17 [4d]: cruel time systemHochhaus1 [-]: counting nowSandmann [-]: whatSong17 [4d]: oheladzap [-]: really human rights abuseSong17 [4d]: heheHerod [-]: they finished playing with seconds to goeladzap [-]: if black pass does the time keep going?Hochhaus1 [-]: B+10.5eladzap [-]: kolololoGOals [3k]: :)Baby [3k?]: ggSong17 [4d]: :DGOals [3k]: wowoSong17 [4d]: well done Ali!GOals [3k]: great game eladzap [-]: Zayan shel aromot!GOals [3k]: ve le elad yesh bayoteladzap [-]: זה מסדרת טלווזיהeladzap [-]: אם לא ראיתם אז לא תבינו =/GOals [3k]: i know eladzap [-]: אוי שיט שיעור של אפגניeladzap [-]: ביי])

围棋帕沃尔利兹棋谱    围棋Ali Jabarin棋谱
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