NA];B[jl]BL[60]OB[1]C[insei3 [1k]: guys... both are pros :D];W[li]WL[60]OW[2]C[Muttley [-]: ko];B[lm]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: I was hoping for someone to finally initiate the continental conflict @LilouUberdude [6d]: euro pros are more pro likeLaman [1d?]: at least it shows that the training works. a few years back i would definitely bet on the USUberdude [6d]: in that go is actually their job];W[km]WL[60]OW[2]C[Lilou [-]: M7 NA movesUberdude [6d]: andy works in finance afaikUberdude [6d]: gansgeng at med schoolmonk2: w is losingredreoicy [4d]: m7 looks wokringLacan [1d]: i bet black is really ticked off that b4 didn't workxDragon [?]: Ryan is getting PhD, Calvin bio major];B[kl]BL[60]OB[1]C[insei3 [1k]: andy?hopeful [-]: big groups don't dieRaduStefan [1d]: remember the training Ivan Drago got in Rocky IV? Everyone thought that Ivan's training methods were superior but Rocky showed everyone they're wrong!ZeNit [?]: I thought b4 was a timesuji];W[lk]WL[60]OW[2]C[xDragon [?]: Euro pros get so many more benefits than aga pros];B[kj]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: or you couldsay euro pros actually take being pro seriously];W[jk]WL[60]OW[2]C[UMD1 [-]: hahaha];B[hm]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: Instead of just a cool badge and back to normal lifeMuttley [-]: kogyn [3d]: wowgruvik [2k]: how many years have the european pro system and how many the aga?hvk [-]: n10 n9 j11 k12 k13 sprouts [2d]: Lol my Leela just had a strange error. The entire board is filled with 1 playoutConcinnity [2k]: lizza is not happy with these moves :)atarihuana [1d]: casual 150 point koxDragon [?]: Easy to do that when you get offered 6 months training and all these tournaments and opportunities and euro life in general allows for more free time];W[mj]WL[60]OW[2]C[Robin [2d]: This is what happens when you have this serious game on KGS. It turns into a KGS game XD];B[mk]BL[60]OB[1]C[measwel [-]: this is a great gameMXHero [3d]: this ko is so big i bet the game result is the ko wins and they both loseinsei3 [1k]: wwowowowowgyn [3d]: great gameUberdude [6d]: That most euro pros are from counties with low costof living helps in making a few k euro prize money usefulmogget [?]: mateusz abandoned his studies when he became pro. and i think it was nnot easy decisionxDragon [?]: Aga gets nearly 0 support from Korea and we're lucky to get 1 week off work a year for CongressZombi: white J11insei3 [1k]: do you know prize money?qtl [8k?]: europeans and americans got their pro systems in the same year];W[ii]WL[60]OW[2]C[gruvik [2k]: ok ty qtl :Dinsei3 [1k]: kill the dragonnnnnnTlina [-]: le ko de la morthopeful [-]: good luck bMcCormick [2k]: there hasn't been any new american pros for 2 yearsdomie [2k]: how much do they get for this tournament and who pays ?monk2: b messed upTheThe [4k]: epicsprouts [2d]: they get 2 toasts and a wet kiss];B[mr]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: I pay];W[ls]WL[60]OW[2]C[ZeNit [?]: Something is happening but I'm not sure whatLaman [1d?]: not the same year. AGA pros came earlier];B[jh]BL[60]OB[1]C[gyn [3d]: don't understand N2insei3 [1k]: timesuji maybeEXIT [1d?]: good ko for bMuttley [-]: L3 ko thret];W[jg]WL[60]OW[2];B[mi]BL[60]OB[1]C[McCormick [2k]: https://www.eurogofed.orggyn [3d]: yes ok more threats];W[gi]WL[60]OW[2]C[MXHero [3d]: w has G11 etcMcCormick [2k]: the information is there];B[hi]BL[60]OB[1];W[mj]WL[60]OW[2]C[Robin [2d]: Good ko for anyone who wins it :DConcinnity [2k]: takes away a potential eye at m1 maybe?Zombi: very serious komeaswel [-]: whether the ko is good for b depends on the question how much compensation w will get];B[jq]BL[60]OB[1]C[Lilou [-]: andy is playing two other games same time on tygem ZeNit [?]: lol];W[kq]WL[60]OW[2]C[sprouts [2d]: sure ^^];B[mi]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: is j6 bad threatfalafel [8k]: Thansk for the link McCormick! I like the commentary at the linkLilou [-]: and put this goban in onecolorgo modeUberdude [6d]: help b libs outsideredreoicy [4d]: b will play j5 as threat anywayanton007 [-]: h12 redreoicy [4d]: so it's no real difference to black's libsredreoicy [4d]: oh i see what you say];W[hh]WL[60]OW[2];B[gh]BL[60]OB[1];W[hj]WL[60]OW[2];B[fi]BL[60]OB[1];W[mj]WL[60]OW[2];B[om]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: f11 group libsredreoicy [4d]: yeah i didn't understand at firstUberdude [6d]: Some potential danezumsriwade [5d]: g13?redreoicy [4d]: g13 h11redreoicy [4d]: oh right nowMXHero [3d]: i think w has to ignore this threat, but i might just be a huge chickenwade [5d]: yuphvk [-]: k10 q7 f12 redreoicy [4d]: i think w can just answer q7gyn [3d]: yes i would q7Dosai [2k?]: maybe he is counting?sprouts [2d]: wat w thinking about];W[gg]WL[60]OW[1]C[ZeNit [?]: his next threat I guessxDragon [?]: It's important to use your time, you can read other stuffMXHero [3d]: woohooredreoicy [4d]: nope went for the trade];B[pm]BL[60]OB[1]C[gyn [3d]: wooow insei3 [1k]: wowLilou [-]: boom.sprouts [2d]: waaaaaaaahtinsei3 [1k]: whyDosai [2k?]: wowMXHero [3d]: b has more threatsgyn [3d]: i guess top group safer and b had more threatsMXHero [3d]: so w ignored the first one that was not horribleinsei3 [1k]: top group?insei3 [1k]: b top group now attackable?ZeNit [?]: now just kill top and we're good :)sprouts [2d]: bottom right attackable?];W[gf]WL[60]OW[1]C[insei3 [1k]: ahahahahatarihuana [1d]: yes but what can you doinsei3 [1k]: bottom rightinsei3 [1k]: :Dhvk [-]: GGgyn [3d]: beautifulredreoicy [4d]: black just has to live now Lilou [-]: EU why so quiet?Concinnity [2k]: black top group isn't looking healthy];B[he]BL[60]OB[1]C[fekand6 [1k]: k15m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: it is 11 pm here ;)GralAnibal [-]: sureredreoicy [4d]: looks like top is another ko :Dm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: I am almost falling asleep ;)hvk [-]: j14 h14 k15 k16 f12 ZeNit [?]: so many huge end game moves nowRobin [2d]: G18?];W[je]WL[60]OW[1]C[gyn [3d]: white has to kill though now i thinkredreoicy [4d]: j15 heresprouts [2d]: gyn which of all them?wade [5d]: h14 and f12 works for b?];B[hf]BL[60]OB[1]C[hopeful [-]: k16 fekand6 [1k]: k15DarkIBlade [4d]: thats another ko ZeNit [?]: great];W[fh]WL[60]OW[1]C[hvk [-]: GG];B[jd]BL[60]OB[1]C[ZeNit [?]: I was just thinking this game lacked a koveikko [3k]: LZ: 58% for wUberdude [6d]: This is unfortunatehvk [-]: k10 ];W[if]WL[60]OW[1]C[redreoicy [4d]: b didn't go for ko :Oveikko [3k]: w might be winning];B[ie]BL[60]OB[1]C[GralAnibal [-]: now is overMXHero [3d]: it's funny that the size of this first ko had nothing to do with the fate of the five center b stonesUberdude [6d]: is w ok if sente for p11ZeNit [?]: but for who?];W[jf]WL[60]OW[1]C[gyn [3d]: still ko?MXHero [3d]: which are still 1/3 alive :)Zombi: black G18insei3 [1k]: there is still 12 points ko :Predreoicy [4d]: this ko black won't have enough threats though];B[gc]BL[60]OB[1];W[fb]WL[60]OW[1];B[hd]BL[60]OB[1];W[hb]WL[60]OW[1];B[gb]BL[60]OB[1];W[ga]WL[60]OW[1];B[ha]BL[60]OB[1];W[ia]WL[60]OW[1]C[bert [?]: b needs k10 to complete the bomber];B[ps]BL[60]OB[1]C[ZeNit [?]: greatinsei3 [1k]: pofffffffffffgyn [3d]: hahahawade [5d]: wow that was bad by bRaduStefan [1d]: ah, jesysinsei3 [1k]: what a exchangeeegyn [3d]: man sprouts [2d]: it seems they both love playing in the mudfekand6 [1k]: l19jimmy1: Wow.gruvik [2k]: why not g19 instead of g18?Lilou [-]: andy trollingUMD1 [-]: tesuji F18 for blackGralAnibal [-]: k10 and resignRaduStefan [1d]: take the koredreoicy [4d]: k16 was really bad, even if black played j15 b could still move back to k16 ];W[ha]WL[60]OW[1];B[qr]BL[60]OB[1]C[RaduStefan [1d]: and if B plays R2, W can K19Robin [2d]: P11?RaduStefan [1d]: k10 / p11hvk [-]: c2 ZeNit [?]: can we play normal end game now?Aruchu [3d]: ko again ?gyn [3d]: lolinsei3 [1k]: this is such a important champ. nobody is trollinghvk [-]: p11 gyn [3d]: go at the bottom hahagermgo [-]: isnt this still kogyn [3d]: koRaduStefan [1d]: s5 pleaseanton007 [-]: p11 is enough for wgruvik [2k]: i meant g18 instead od g17 but actually is even worse never mind, the ko is best for bhvk [-]: k10 ];W[ro]WL[60]OW[1]C[cloudnotes [2d?]: thanksgyn [3d]: woowmogget [?]: gg Mateuszdrakula [-]: Thank youRaduStefan [1d]: amazing gameZeNit [?]: what a gameAruchu [3d]: oh yeahsprouts [2d]: ggherissondu [4d]: strongUMD1 [-]: ggZeNit [?]: ggm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: gg Mateusz!gyn [3d]: gghvk [-]: GGyuki [5d]: ggMindware [4k]: uffTlina [-]: Mateusz \o/Dosai [2k?]: ggMirus [3d]: gginsei3 [1k]: gganton007 [-]: gggyn [3d]: amazingsprouts [2d]: so excitingDarkIBlade [4d]: ggFern [2k]: super, Mateusz!!gfdhfff [2k]: brawo Mateuszinsei3 [1k]: wpdxxd [1d]: gg Mateusz!savi [1k]: gg Mateusz!Robin [2d]: gg both players!Uberdude [6d]: congratulations mateusz!!!shinobi [3k]: htray!:)Siljan [?]: Congratulations MateuszDosai [2k?]: yey :)urtok [9k]: wow :)Fern [2k]: gratulację!!GoDave89 [4d?]: noice!!!measwel [-]: gg Mateuszjoachim [?]: thx for the trillTlina [-]: amazing gamehotfridge [1k]: AWESOME stuffUMD1 [-]: goofedurtok [9k]: Congratulations Mateusz :)shin0e [1d]: gratki :)shinobi [3k]: great!:)jimmy1: Congrats!Mirus [3d]: great mateuszDream [3d]: Pooolska polskaaaHilm [1d]: Great game, thanks to both.insei3 [1k]: Next player will be?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: Polska, biało - czerwoni :)KyamiRefur [2d]: Gg Mateusz!!!! 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