(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[WebGoBoard:0.10.11]ST[2]RU[japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.5]HA[0]TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]RE[黑胜96.5]DT[2019-05-02]CP[online-go.com]PB[KaladinStormblessed90]BR[26k]PW[Hariyama]WR[30k]PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/17681066]C[Hariyama: ahaHariyama: helloKaladinStormblessed90: Oh hey :)KaladinStormblessed90: What are the odds ];B[dd]C[Hariyama: ahaHariyama: helloKaladinStormblessed90: Oh hey :)KaladinStormblessed90: What are the odds ];W[pc]C[Hariyama: I wasn't planning to get my butt kicked but here e are];B[dq];W[pq];B[co];W[oj]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Aha don't count yourself out too soon ](;B[cg];W[jd];B[mq]C[Hariyama: man how you going to threaten my corner and establish that side influence at the same time];W[jq]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Hmm maybe a double pincer here ](;B[hp];W[kp](;B[mn](;W[np];B[mp](;W[no](;B[kn](;W[lo];B[mo];W[ln];B[lm];W[jn](;B[ko];W[lp];B[km]C[Hariyama: i was hopeful you wouldnt do that :P];W[jo]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Ahah yeah I was tempted to ignore it. But I've been hurt by the cut too much ];B[ip];W[jp](;B[hm](;W[dj](;B[cl];W[mm]C[KaladinStormblessed90: AhahKaladinStormblessed90: Bloody cuts](;B[ml];W[nm](;B[gc](;W[he];B[fj];W[ei](;B[ci];W[gi](;B[ej](;W[dh];B[di](;W[eh];B[dk];W[ef]C[Hariyama: I wonder about that move you just madeKaladinStormblessed90: The atari? Hariyama: yeahHariyama: I realized it had to happenHariyama: perhaps you didn't have to play it...but time iwwll tellHariyama: actually, no you didnt need to];B[cf];MA[dg]W[dg]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah maybe a little bit of a slow move ];B[df];W[gg];B[qe]C[Hariyama: i feel like your iron pillar at H4 is so strongKaladinStormblessed90: An iron pillar? What's that Hariyama: Just two stones together is what ive been calling itHariyama: notice I cannot jump white to the leftKaladinStormblessed90: Oh I see ];W[qf];B[rf]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah ];W[qd];B[qg];W[re];B[pf];W[pe]C[KaladinStormblessed90: They say the shape I just made is worth 30 points Hariyama: koKaladinStormblessed90: In the center Hariyama: I think I have heard that beforeHariyama: still not sure what it means](;B[qi]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Me either. Good shape though aha ];W[ph](;B[qh];W[pg](;B[qk];W[of];B[qf];W[pj](;B[qj];W[om];B[qm]C[Hariyama: aha!Hariyama: i was thinking that was a good spot for each of usHariyama: if only i played it instead of what i did];W[sf]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Definitely, the extension was slow in in comparison ](;B[sg];MA[se]W[se];B[od];MA[rk]W[rk];B[rl];W[sh](;MA[rg]B[rg]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Get out :o];MA[ri]W[ri];MA[rj]B[rj];MA[si]W[si];MA[sj]B[sj];MA[pm]W[pm]C[KaladinStormblessed90: I think this move is big](;MA[rd]B[rd]C[Hariyama: no kiddingHariyama: wish i noticed that];W[rc];B[sd](;MA[se]W[se]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Been there Hariyama: that whole thing is alive now];MA[re]B[re]C[Hariyama: all i can do now is try to contain it so you can cover less territory wiwth it];MA[pk]W[pk];MA[qn]B[qn];W[po]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah unless I mess up ];B[qo];MA[pn]W[pn](;MA[qb]B[qb](;W[qc];MA[pd]B[pd];W[oe];B[oc];W[pb];B[rb];W[ob](;B[mb](;W[nc];B[nd](;MA[ne]W[ne];B[md];W[mc](;B[nb];W[lc]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Bad move I think lol Hariyama: mine maybeHariyama: yours seemed fine to meHariyama: might have been better for me to leave them in atari];MA[oa]B[oa]C[Hariyama: thats exactly whyKaladinStormblessed90: Right yeah ];W[me]C[Hariyama: hm or as itKaladinStormblessed90: Capture races are hard for me to read Hariyama: apparently you don't even need to worry about trying to capture up to like 15 kyu];B[ld];W[kd]C[Hariyama: honestly i'd consider it an acheivement if i made it to 15 kyu lol];MA[kc]B[kc](;MA[kb]W[kb]C[Hariyama: FUCKHariyama: no its fineKaladinStormblessed90: Aha I was curious then Hariyama: jesus i swear every time that count don starts i freak outHariyama: damn that cost everything];B[lb]C[KaladinStormblessed90: You didn't want the undo? Hariyama: THAT was a big moveHariyama: nah that wouldn't be fair];MA[mc]W[mc];MA[lc]B[lc]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Countdown screws me too ];W[le]C[Hariyama: i wonder what happens if i just ignore the countdownHariyama: does it pass];MA[jb]B[jb]C[KaladinStormblessed90: You resign KaladinStormblessed90: If you lose your time ];MA[jc]W[jc]C[Hariyama: geez i cant get over that play];MA[ib]B[ib]C[Hariyama: i have to review that];MA[ke]W[ke]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah it was big];B[mj]C[KaladinStormblessed90: I'm surprised though you gotten a lot more knowledgeable fast ];MA[nj]W[nj];B[mi];MA[mh]W[mh];B[lh];W[mg];B[lg];MA[kf]W[kf];B[ig]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Man the 30 second think time hurts];MA[hg]W[hg];B[jg];MA[la]W[la];MA[pa]B[pa]C[Hariyama: yeah I ought to modify the rules next time];MA[ja]W[ja]C[Hariyama: oh wait thats still gone anyay lol];MA[ka]B[ka]C[Hariyama: ko actually];MA[ge]W[ge];MA[ma]B[ma]C[Hariyama: theres your eyes];MA[ff]W[ff];B[ed];MA[fe]W[fe];MA[ee]B[ee]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah];W[fd];B[fc];MA[hd]W[hd];MA[hc]B[hc];MA[ic]W[ic];MA[hb]B[hb]C[Hariyama: they say line 3 is enough to invade and form eyesHariyama: im not so sure about that];MA[eg]W[eg]C[Hariyama: you actually have no safe line 3 in that corner for me to go on];B[fq];W[ch]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah a lot of support for my stones I think ];B[bh];W[gj]C[Hariyama: 10, 9 , 8 , 7 .....];B[ij]C[Hariyama: that tiime talking to me];W[en];B[gn];MA[in]W[in];B[hn];W[im];B[jl];W[il];B[jk];MA[ik]W[ik];B[jj];MA[gh]W[gh];MA[hj]B[hj];W[gk];B[hk];W[hl]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah it's horrible lol ];B[gl];W[fl];MA[ek]B[ek];W[gm];B[em]C[Hariyama: `good 1];W[el];B[dl];W[fm];B[dm];W[fn]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Thx];B[ep];W[fo];B[gp]C[Hariyama: bad move on meHariyama: perfect move on you again];W[mk];B[lk];W[nk]C[KaladinStormblessed90: A nice connection ahaHariyama: it saves you from atari in botth ays];MA[lf]B[lf];MA[mf]W[mf];MA[kg]B[kg];W[ih];B[jh];W[ii];B[ji]C[KaladinStormblessed90: I want to learn to count ];W[dn]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Not good with maths though ];B[cn]C[Hariyama: man this is going to be a land slide victory for you];W[ni];MA[ki]B[ki];W[lj];B[li]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Think I am quite ahead atm];W[kk]C[Hariyama: no kidding];MA[kl]B[kl];MA[nl]W[nl]C[Hariyama: its alive if you cap the 2];B[ll];W[ir];MA[kj]B[kj];MA[lr]W[lr]C[KaladinStormblessed90: Three eyes now ];B[hr];W[is];B[hs];W[iq];B[hq];MA[mr]W[mr];B[qq];W[qp];B[rp];W[pp];B[qr];MA[nq]W[nq];B[pr];W[or];B[os];W[ns];B[ps];W[io];B[ho];W[do];B[dp];W[fp];B[gq];W[pl];B[ql];W[nn]C[Hariyama: i think thats all there is];B[if]C[Hariyama: i guess you can still decrease my territory a bit];W[ie];B[];W[fi]C[KaladinStormblessed90: I think maybe that's everything Hariyama: still a few contested spots];B[]C[Hariyama: not sure ho the score ill account for them];W[]C[Hariyama: 96 points! nice!!KaladinStormblessed90: Good game KaladinStormblessed90: Couple of make or break moments there Hariyama: im not really sure that upper right hand corner ould have made a differenceHariyama: ill catch up to you eventually though :PKaladinStormblessed90: At this rate KaladinStormblessed90: I look forward to it KaladinStormblessed90: We can push each other to new heights :DHariyama: :) GG and more like ill be chasing your heights at this pointHariyama: surprised you arent like 20kyu yet but i guess you ill be thereKaladinStormblessed90: Would you like me to try to get a high level player to review of possible? Hariyama: hmHariyama: It's worth something for both of usHariyama: im under the impression people dont really bother to do thatKaladinStormblessed90: I've been in work the last five nights for 12 hour shifts, but I have a week off to play after tonight so I hope to rank up a little KaladinStormblessed90: Kgs is best Hariyama: Kgs?KaladinStormblessed90: They have a very good teaching room KaladinStormblessed90: Another older server Hariyama: is thatKaladinStormblessed90: Fewer players than ogs, but they are nice there and offer teaching games Hariyama: the program you downwloadHariyama: i might have thatKaladinStormblessed90: Yeah KaladinStormblessed90: Dshaun is on there KaladinStormblessed90: He gives lectures Hariyama: oh i have cgobanHariyama: wwhich is kgsHariyama: I'll have to keep learning and look out for those lecturesKaladinStormblessed90: Yeah join the teaching room and maybe ask for a review or teaching game :)Hariyama: things dont usually sink in right awayKaladinStormblessed90: Yeah experience is the best teacher like Hariyama: alright ill visit KGS teaching rooms..back to cpa study for a bit! Thank you for the match :)KaladinStormblessed90: LeeGoSam on kgs is very helpful too KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah I really gotta get back to work too! Ahah KaladinStormblessed90: Cya, thanks for the game :)Hariyama: Catch you around most likely :)KaladinStormblessed90: Yeah see you soon battleporridge: [object Object]])(;W[le]))(;B[lc]))(;W[mc]))(;W[mc]))(;B[mc]))(;W[pd]))(;B[oe]))(;W[pd]))(;B[pd]))(;B[rd]))(;B[rd]))(;B[oe]))(;B[of]))(;B[oe]))(;B[qj]))(;W[il]))(;W[di]))(;B[fi]))(;B[gh]))(;W[nn]))(;B[nn];W[po];B[pn]))(;B[nn]))(;B[jm]))(;W[mm]))(;B[mm]))(;B[jm]))(;W[mo]))(;B[mo];W[kn];B[nn]))(;W[mo](;B[lo];W[no];B[lp];W[ln])(;B[no];W[lo];B[op];W[nn];B[nq];W[on];B[pp];W[qn])))(;W[mo])(;W[mp]))(;B[mo]))(;B[jo]))(;B[gc]))

围棋Hariyama棋谱    围棋KaladinStormblessed90棋谱
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