(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[AGA]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[5x40 byo-yomi]GN[4th AGA Pro Qual Finals Elimination round Aaron Ye (W) - Ben Lockhart (B)]PW[Aaron Ye]PB[Ben Lockhart]WR[七段]BR[七段]DT[2016-01-07]RO[1DG3]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Joe Cepiel]C[Direktsaft: b gon' loseataraf [6k]: so we all can go to sleep then?gogonuts [4d]: why don't you cheer for your favorite instead?gogonuts [4d]: are the players already there?JeansebL [3d]: Go Ben, make that epic comeback :DH16 [3d]: how should i intepret the current results? Did ben win his 1st game against Aaron and this is 2nd game in Bo3?YZ1509 [4d]: are they on 1-1 now for the best out of three?YZ1509 [4d]: or is Ben still on matchpoint?JeansebL [3d]: ben lost in the round robinJeansebL [3d]: so 1-0 for aaronodnihs [-]: he won last night JeansebL [3d]: then yesterday, Ben won, so now 1-1gooooo [?]: When is the game scheduled to start?YZ1509 [4d]: nah Aaaron lost yesterday to BenJeansebL [3d]: in 1 minuteJeansebL [3d]: that's what I said YZgooooo [?]: ah, awesome!YZ1509 [4d]: 1-0 for aaron sounds more like aaron won to meYZ1509 [4d]: anyhow , hvae a good broadcast DennisJeansebL [3d]: 1-0 for aaron because he beat ben in the round robinJeansebL [3d]: then yes, ben won yesterday, so 1-1]RE[白胜黑];B[qd];W[dc]C[USGO2 [-]: welcome to the playoff game in this knocout section; the winner goes on to the semi finals];B[pq];W[dq];B[de];W[cg];B[cc];W[gc];B[do];W[cm];B[cq];W[cr];B[cp];W[gq]C[Syxok [3d]: how many pros this year,1 or 2?gosei [1d]: e2....gosei [1d]: orgosei [1d]: attachDalan [-]: it was 2 the first year, and 1 every year after. I would assume it's 1.gosei [1d]: first];B[dm];W[dl];B[er];W[dr];B[eq];W[ep];B[dp];W[fq];B[cl]C[jlm [1k]: Are they really playing this fast and furious?gosei [1d]: I think aaron is young playergosei [1d]: c6 now?USGO1 [-]: You can find the latest results and game records on the AGA website: http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-results-2015Goprince [4d]: c6 f4 e5 d6 ];W[cd]C[Goprince [4d]: wuuut gosei [1d]: yes ,that was my fearGoprince [4d]: w should end ote here...Goprince [4d]: gote*gogonuts [4d]: locally, just c9 and e7 for whumblelife [-]: can w leave it though? c13 feels like a side reduction];B[oc]C[Goprince [4d]: d16 witohut thinkingDirektsaft: seems like a bad idea to play anything without thinkingGoprince [4d]: it sure is :(jlm [1k]: Can we get an entire game of tennuki? gogonuts [4d]: d16 is th eplace to spend the move, but maybe c9 ect firstEgg [11k]: r5 looks very large];W[po];B[qo];W[qn];B[qp];W[rd]C[gogonuts [4d]: they seem to agree that d16 not too important - amazingGoprince [4d]: q5 was nice since b awnsered but s16 imediately d16];B[qe];W[pm];B[ql]C[jlm [1k]: Is it possible our scribe missed something near d16?Goprince [4d]: not lieklyremsleep [?]: count the stones ;-)];W[rn];B[pl]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: ise s6 usually at s7?Egg [11k]: p3 any good here ?gogonuts [4d]: tyta, i think sogogonuts [4d]: looks like r8 paid off for b hereTyTaLuS [1d]: thanksTyTaLuS [1d]: seems like w cant even p3gogonuts [4d]: p o8 is a big point, but w doesn't really want to hane eitherTyTaLuS [1d]: maybe o4?Goprince [4d]: most likely o4];W[np]C[Fredda [7d]: Q4 is correct];B[oo]C[Goprince [4d]: q4?Fredda [7d]: yesEgg [11k]: p4 q4 q6 ?Eowyn [3d]: can w afford a ko here?Goprince [4d]: hm yea q4 was goodFredda [7d]: o4 is a mistakegogonuts [4d]: this p5 gives fredda some credence :-)TyTaLuS [1d]: i seeTyTaLuS [1d]: now w cant q4 in senteTyTaLuS [1d]: and b fixes his shapeFredda [7d]: when ben and i was in korea the kids used to play this trickplay against us:)gogonuts [4d]: normally in this kind of shape w would givwe away q5, but that would create a cut at r7 heregogonuts [4d]: annoying for w to brood for 10 minutes and instantly get slapped with p5Fredda [7d]: white really messed up, this is even worse than the normal trickplay variation];W[ol]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: i dont get why w played s6 thoFredda [7d]: well, S6 is the correct refutation];B[no];W[pj]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: to r8 befire i3?TyTaLuS [1d]: o3 *Fredda [7d]: yesTyTaLuS [1d]: o thankssampo [2k]: just to get it correct. 04 should have been at q4?TyTaLuS [1d]: yeagogonuts [4d]: q10 is powerful, and o5 not so huge because w at g3gogonuts [4d]: i dont believe in o5Fredda [7d]: i think black could have considered to answer o5gogonuts [4d]: rightFredda [7d]: sorry instead of o5 play p9];B[rj]C[Fredda [7d]: that way if white double hane black can play p7TyTaLuS [1d]: yea seems like the top was more importantFredda [7d]: s10 is pretty sandFredda [7d]: sad*kmr [2d]: so this is best of 3, same as Lui plays against Manuel?Or not?Egg [11k]: if black lives, he has the cut at p7 ?TyTaLuS [1d]: but hes already in a very low positionTyTaLuS [1d]: nop kmrTyTaLuS [1d]: i think is only best of 3 if you didnt win against our opponent in the round robinTyTaLuS [1d]: if you did win 1 win is enoughkmr [2d]: Ben won 1, and its not enough? :)gohiontach [6k]: it's best of 3, but games played in the round robin count. so the best of 3 is tied 1-1 (i.e. winner of this game advances)TyTaLuS [1d]: his score was 2 5TyTaLuS [1d]: or somthing like thatTyTaLuS [1d]: quite terriblekmr [2d]: so this rule, is only for player who scored better in RR, am i correct?];W[om];B[qi]C[NeoNemesis [-]: no, the score from the round robin carries overNeoNemesis [-]: for example, even though eric got first in the round robin, he lost to sarah once, so if he were to play sarah in the next round, he would have a 0-1 disadvantageEgg [11k]: so white prevented the cut and black took the right sideEgg [11k]: not bad, since black already has the corner as well];W[op];B[pp];W[mp];B[pn]C[kmr [2d]: Would be nice if the rules would be written precisely then on webpage.Thx NeoNemesis for clarification.];W[rl];B[mo];W[lp]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: seems like w got a really decent result after all];B[lo];W[kp]C[USGO1 [-]: Be sure to check out the short (2-4-minute) video game highlights on the Official AGA YouTube channel (user/USGOWeb). Use this playlist to see them all: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqpN3-2FP-kK76a1Eet50HLq_1vZheSwv];B[qk];W[qm]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: b shape is terrible seems hard to attack];B[pi];W[ck];B[bl];W[em];B[dn];W[dk];B[bm]C[Fredda [7d]: white looks aheadJeansebL [3d]: yeah :(Fredda [7d]: but only slightlyfanweiqi [8d]: d16 is way bigger than any of the last 50 movesFredda [7d]: white should probably play in upperleft and b gets k16];W[qc]C[Fredda [7d]: i think it was incomprehensible that they tenuki both lowerleft and upperleftJeansebL [3d]: mind games :pFredda [7d]: probably b s18 still is ok?TyTaLuS [1d]: does anyone know what happen to yellowbell?];B[rb]C[JeansebL [3d]: B quite thick, this looks promisingFredda [7d]: w p2 will be sente and d16 is so bigNeoNemesis [-]: D16 is huge];W[mc]C[gogonuts [4d]: nice n17Fredda [7d]: why is it niceFredda [7d]: looks quite badgogonuts [4d]: very convincing the moment you see itTyTaLuS [1d]: isnt using one more move inefficient for black?gogonuts [4d]: instead of messing with blacks trapFredda [7d]: you sell all the ajiFredda [7d]: and anyway you need to come back to d16gogonuts [4d]: w is keeping his fingers crossed to get d16 nextFredda [7d]: and then you make a black move around k16 much betterFredda [7d]: so basically n17 makes a heavy groupTyTaLuS [1d]: cant w just give d16 an get k16 for himself?Fredda [7d]: he canFredda [7d]: but d16 is much higher value];B[pc]C[gogonuts [4d]: i think its hard for b to decide how to remove ur ajiFredda [7d]: no thats pretty simple=PEgg [11k]: so q17 is even worse ?Fredda [7d]: locally when white Q17, previously, black will cut at S17Fredda [7d]: so the aji is superbad in this area];W[jd]C[Fredda [7d]: white basically fixed all the aji, is forced to play k16 to justify n17];B[dd]C[gogonuts [4d]: hmFredda [7d]: which gives black d16];W[ce]C[Fredda [7d]: white tricked himselfgogonuts [4d]: agree to that nowTyTaLuS [1d]: did he?gogonuts [4d]: didnt make sense without d16TyTaLuS [1d]: why not?Fredda [7d]: cause it became goteTyTaLuS [1d]: isent d16 weak now?Fredda [7d]: not really it will settle easygogonuts [4d]: e17 d18 f17 c18 g16 Fredda [7d]: first C14];B[cf]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: ohh then its probably bad but isent w ahead anyway after this?Fredda [7d]: i dont knowFredda [7d]: i think game might be even after this sequencegogonuts [4d]: but tenukied ul for a long time, even though it was important - so its b success to come back just in timeTyTaLuS [1d]: d14 possible?gogonuts [4d]: both tenukied i meanFredda [7d]: if they play the normal joseki after D14 then black is very satisfiedFredda [7d]: locally b14 should be at least betterFredda [7d]: but maybe white wanna try something else..TyTaLuS [1d]: seems like b can try to live in the corner to if b14 ];W[bc];B[df];W[cb];B[bg]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: you were right w gonna try somthing crazyFredda [7d]: this is also a joseki locally, a bit unusualNeoNemesis [-]: this feels too comfortable for blackFredda [7d]: rightFredda [7d]: but i think there was no good variation for white];W[ch]C[NeoNemesis [-]: well white could have played D16 insetad of R17Fredda [7d]: only way was to play something "not joseki" but i dunno what that would begogonuts [4d]: w has to attack now just to not get attacked himselfFredda [7d]: well r17 was fine but n17 was the culpritFredda [7d]: i think black D14 at B14 was a bit betterFredda [7d]: white still needs to take and black could D13Fredda [7d]: that way the shape is a bit better on the outsidegogonuts [4d]: i think k16 was the real problemNeoNemesis [-]: Aaron's a fighter thoughGoprince [4d]: wow d16 was so lateNeoNemesis [-]: maybe he prefers thisTyTaLuS [1d]: i still like w more hereTyTaLuS [1d]: seems like he is ahead in pointsTyTaLuS [1d]: if he gets n15 .... guess b will play it first thoFredda [7d]: b need to run for nowTyTaLuS [1d]: maybe m15 for b TyTaLuS [1d]: he cant play the you attack me i live game here?Dantek [1d]: this move looks heavy];B[ec]C[Dantek [1d]: but yes w will get cash on topNeoNemesis [-]: white's top is similar to black's right, but black's right is thickerDantek [1d]: Ladder works?];W[eb];B[eh];W[bh];B[fe]C[Bahamut [2k]: When someone turns pro, do they get paid a salary?];W[bf];B[fc]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: seems very surparisng black allowed w to connect and get even more pointsDantek [1d]: Well b needs eyes first];W[he];B[fb]C[gogonuts [4d]: i though b would push once at b12NeoNemesis [-]: Fredda, what do you think of H15kecleon [2d]: us pro doesn't get a salary, the aga doesn't have enough moneyBahamut [2k]: ok ty Fredda [7d]: seems a bit unrealistic, NNFredda [7d]: maybe white feels he need to attack or he'll be behind?NeoNemesis [-]: well black's groups all seem pretty strong... if anything white's K16 group now seems really thinNeoNemesis [-]: i don't get H15Fredda [7d]: yeah I agree with youDantek [1d]: w top looks ugly nowNeoNemesis [-]: i think white's behidn on territory nowJeansebL [3d]: lol Ben plays so thick, it's really instructive];W[ge]C[fanweiqi [8d]: lol, h15...Tichu [6d?]: yes it makes me really sad :(fanweiqi [8d]: he was winning by too much, he needs to even it upDantek [1d]: he wanted to make b run to center a little moreTichu [6d?]: but he just cut himself and might even get weak later];B[gd]C[Eowyn [3d]: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/pronunciation/english/preogrative :)];W[hd];B[fd]C[Eowyn [3d]: did you mean prerogative? ];W[hb]C[fanweiqi [8d]: G16...];B[gg]C[Fredda [7d]: did you want h17 to create more aji?];W[or];B[pr]C[Galliam [3d]: this game looks very amateurish];W[ne]C[Galliam [3d]: even if one of them gets pro I don't think they could compare to chinese/japanese/korean &pGalliam [3d]: 1p*Galliam [3d]: meanwhile w q7 group is still not aliveJeansebL [3d]: nobody ever presumed they would GalliamGalliam [3d]: well they should, if they have to make a living out of goJeansebL [3d]: It's tivial that they won't, doesn't mean they don't deserve the tileJeansebL [3d]: not at all];B[mb]C[sedgwick [?]: I count w aheadH16 [3d]: how do you count bottom?ddgg: the pro tourney itself is such a joke.];W[lb]C[JeansebL [3d]: why are you watching then?ddgg: watch joke, why not];B[ml]C[JeansebL [3d]: :)NeoNemesis [-]: why is it a joke? or are you just trolling because you canKoyoToya [-]: Go Sarah!!!JeansebL [3d]: XD you guys will never stop lolEowyn [3d]: This Aga pro thing is the first step for improvement of GO. They want to compete with asia in the future and they just want to found its basis hereKoyoToya [-]: Muahahahaddgg: how many strong players in NA? After years and years, a 3d can become a pro if the tourney still wants to contineuTichu [6d?]: right cause nobody ever improvesNeoNemesis [-]: ddgg: just because you can't improve, doesn't mean no one else canJeansebL [3d]: yeah strong players randmoly pop out of thin air, most of the time in asia...];W[nj];B[oi];W[oj]C[ddgg: improve by how much can be a pro? In addition, after becoming Pro, what can they do? Does AGA has enough tournaments for Pro? ddgg: it is just an empty title.Tichu [6d?]: this is only the startGoprince [4d]: its a start... like most things start off small..Tichu [6d?]: in 20 years that might be a lot differentddgg: improving is just one side, what benefit a NA pro can get is another side.quahog [3k?]: it qualifies them to be invited to some tournaments in Asia];B[lj]C[NeoNemesis [-]: for example, an American pro did pretty well in the Kansai pro tournament a couple weeks agosedgwick [?]: That was a special invitation, in general the Nihon Kiin does not allow foreign pros];W[ro];B[rp]C[NeoNemesis [-]: yeah i know, but it's not like we didn't stand our groundsedgwick [?]: But the preliminaries of most big tournaments (MLily, Samsung, etc) would be open to them like any proquahog [3k?]: i don't think any of the N. American pros at this point expect to make a living playing Go...but it gives them more exposure and ability to gain that extra experienceJeansebL [3d]: ddgg, you think those 8 players giving their best are stupid? They know what the title means, and they still decided to spend money and compete. What you think is irrelevantquahog [3k?]: like already stated...it is a startEgg [11k]: s9 r10 t7 makes lifeTyTaLuS [1d]: if they allowed forgein pros japanese players will never win :Dddgg: worth it or not? how much efforts to spend to be a NA pro? Comparing the efforts and the benefits they could get, worth it or not?TyTaLuS [1d]: well maybe Iyama will win TyTaLuS [1d]: depends on how you define worthquahog [3k?]: that would be a decision for the individual...as to whether it is worth it or not\TyTaLuS [1d]: money wise ofc notquahog [3k?]: just as you have deemed that is worth your precious time to watch a jokesedgwick [?]: just take a big pt? If w take sente what is biggest? 018, b3, p4, other?sedgwick [?]: b2 sorrysedgwick [?]: p14TyTaLuS [1d]: i like o 18 alot];W[ni];B[nh]C[NeoNemesis [-]: if an american pro makes it big in an international scene, more people will play it, there will be more media coverage and it will feed back into this pro tournamentwretched [10k]: Looks like R7 group is in trouble right?TyTaLuS [1d]: problem is its kinds of impossible to compete right now with people like ke jie or lee sedolestring: truth hurtsddgg: Is it realistic? how many years and efforts it would take for a NA pro to beat Chinese Pro? Be realistic.ddgg: right.TyTaLuS [1d]: 10 20TyTaLuS [1d]: to competeestring: the problem is in AGA itselfSIscurge [5d]: Somebody estimated that Europe may catch up in 50 years :)TyTaLuS [1d]: china has more people tho so you can never beat themddgg: hahaTyTaLuS [1d]: not even korea can NeoNemesis [-]: well at first, it was unthinkinable to beat the topjapanese pros and the chinese pros eventually caught upNeoNemesis [-]: and then korean prosestring: EGF signed 10 year contract with China to train their top players, very soon EGF tops will be better than AGADrStraw [-]: a NA pro HAS beaten a Chinese pro. TyTaLuS [1d]: yea but china has alot of pleople they win the mathematics olimpics every year in all categoriesestring: work has been done to come up, we don't see work];W[gf];B[ff];W[hg];B[gh]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: isent black really far behind at this point?];W[mh]C[SIscurge [5d]: But the rest of the planet has more population then China right TyTaLuS...Malingo [3d]: but not sure they have more goplayersTyTaLuS [1d]: well its likely then that if all the planet plays go a team of all the world vs china will win :DFredda [7d]: all of the world vs china would be the same as korea vs chinaJeansebL [3d]: XDTyTaLuS [1d]: we just need the entire planet to play goTyTaLuS [1d]: lolTyTaLuS [1d]: right now yeaSIscurge [5d]: which Korea just won right? :P];B[ng]C[Fredda [7d]: no they didntJeansebL [3d]: lostTyTaLuS [1d]: hes trollingSIscurge [5d]: what? They won by half no?Fredda [7d]: in what?SIscurge [5d]: at that ghuanzoestring: it's not about A v.s. B, it's about getting better. How many chance does AGA provide to its top players to let them get better?TyTaLuS [1d]: well sedol did win the jubango];W[li];B[mg]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: o18 !!TyTaLuS [1d]: ok maybe m13 fist];W[nc]C[quahog [3k?]: well...tournament like this help them get better];B[nb]C[estring: yeah, that's good enough.ddgg: I think this is the only value for individual players. But again, the idea of pro tourney is just such a joke.];W[ma];B[ob]C[quahog [3k?]: in your opinionquahog [3k?]: which you have a right toTyTaLuS [1d]: its companies that truly make a pro system possible they will put the money as soon as theres enough people to make profit ......YellowBird [?]: Once go gets broadcast on ESPN, there will be money.Galliam [3d]: isn't it better to just not play there instead of playing thiose forcing moves that lose points ?ddgg: agree. lolTyTaLuS [1d]: why forcing moves?TyTaLuS [1d]: o17?ddgg: right now, I don't think the AGA money they sent out for each player is good enough to cover their flight ticket and hotel expense.Galliam [3d]: because o18 laterGalliam [3d]: it's bigTyTaLuS [1d]: i think w wants to be sure he can connect o 15TyTaLuS [1d]: he must have countedTyTaLuS [1d]: o15 is pretty bigddgg: not mentioning there is still meal money they need to pay out of their own pockets. TyTaLuS [1d]: and he has the threat to close the centerGalliam [3d]: trueGalliam [3d]: but still a weakness at m17TyTaLuS [1d]: yea dont think he can close itTyTaLuS [1d]: but he can get p14TyTaLuS [1d]: not very good butestring: well, it's not our job to fix AGA, not our job to fix Go. just enjoy the game, ddgg, there's nothing you can do:)Galliam [3d]: game seems favorable forwGalliam [3d]: even after h15TyTaLuS [1d]: yea for a long time nowddgg: exactly, that's why I am watching. The game is exciting. But not the ambition of AGATyTaLuS [1d]: the shape at r9 was the problemTyTaLuS [1d]: b just couldnt attack effectively];W[br];B[ic]C[johnny2bad [1k]: Should I assume that most of you have censored ddgg at this point?Galliam [3d]: why did b answer g14 i'll never understandGalliam [3d]: w group was biggerKochKoch [2d]: b2 as fat as bens preference in womenJeansebL [3d]: damn I forgot I can do that, thanks johnny XDTyTaLuS [1d]: but w is aliveTyTaLuS [1d]: if he plays firstjohnny2bad [1k]: I was catching up with the game and noticed he keeps going but noone answers anymoreTyTaLuS [1d]: k17?];W[jc]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: this exchange seems bad for black];B[hc];W[ib];B[gb]C[Goprince [4d]: wat wuuut hes playing thatn ow?TyTaLuS [1d]: very confusing];W[le];B[hq]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: maybe w in countdown?];W[fo]C[JeansebL [3d]: sente?];B[ip]C[Galliam [3d]: game becomes interesting];W[ko]C[Galliam [3d]: m15 looked slack];B[in]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: not sure b can win just saving this];W[ho];B[io]C[Eowyn [3d]: not sure this exchange is needed for w];W[kn]C[Galliam [3d]: looks damaging for himselfTyTaLuS [1d]: maybe he didnt like the 1 point jump];B[jm];W[km]C[Galliam [3d]: lol. Now he's encircledEowyn [3d]: yes. Normally the idea is to make b heavier but right now w doesnt have to kill just to live here. And w could play l7 directly here];B[jk]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: yea i liked the 1 point jump moreTyTaLuS [1d]: b seems to be grasping thoEowyn [3d]: k3 i guessTyTaLuS [1d]: looking for a mistake];W[kl]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: k3 nowEowyn [3d]: w is connected anyway];B[ij]C[Galliam [3d]: before h5 there was still room to capture n8 and m10 while attachink j6Galliam [3d]: wcompletely missed this opportunityTyTaLuS [1d]: maybe he didnt wanted to fightTyTaLuS [1d]: he was aheadEowyn [3d]: hmm p2 now?];W[rr]C[USGO1 [-]: white is in byo-yomi and down to 4 periods nowTyTaLuS [1d]: maybe he still isEowyn [3d]: ah this w is tricky! :DTyTaLuS [1d]: this is ko? or just timesujiTyTaLuS [1d]: look like ko];B[mm]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: yeaUSGO1 [-]: estimating black has nearly 30 mins leftTyTaLuS [1d]: this one was obious];W[lk]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: but then b cant answer k3 right?TyTaLuS [1d]: ooo w cuts in sente?Eowyn [3d]: is w making a trouble for himself?TyTaLuS [1d]: dosent look like he could lose hereTyTaLuS [1d]: only way for black is if cutting can kill q7];B[mk];W[mj];B[kj]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: then w meeds to live firstTyTaLuS [1d]: soo];W[on];B[po]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: yea seems like w made a mistakeTyTaLuS [1d]: or he read it allTyTaLuS [1d]: would be a shame for w to lose this wayGalliam [3d]: there's room for a compromiseTyTaLuS [1d]: o w nvmTyTaLuS [1d]: w can go out or liveGalliam [3d]: w k3 b p1 and w connectsGalliam [3d]: and b livesTyTaLuS [1d]: yea that seems to be the sequence];W[sr]C[Galliam [3d]: if w tries to kill he might end short of libertiesTyTaLuS [1d]: mmGalliam [3d]: ?];B[rq];W[qr];B[nr]C[Galliam [3d]: looks bad];W[oq]C[Galliam [3d]: for w];B[os]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: k3];W[ps]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: plus n2 should make him live];B[qs];W[rs]C[NeoNemesis [-]: this game...TyTaLuS [1d]: there was no need for this..TyTaLuS [1d]: how much time does black haveGalliam [3d]: well it appears o2 was very badGalliam [3d]: q1 was better];B[lr]C[Galliam [3d]: and w would have been in trouble.];W[ps]C[IstvanV [3k]: O1];B[ns]C[Egg [10k]: white dies ?NeoNemesis [-]: how much time does black have?];W[mr]C[Egg [10k]: or black diesGalliam [3d]: looks dangerous for bothLiso66 [?]: loosing in this game = stop in qual? Galliam [3d]: b locally dead but w short of libertiesIstvanV [3k]: M1?parking [3k]: ko is getting bigger...Egg [10k]: maybe both are deadGabriel [1d]: go ben \o/Galliam [3d]: both are going to liveNeoNemesis [-]: USGO2: how much time does black have left?Crazywind [8d]: M15?Crazywind [8d]: ...Galliam [3d]: n3 l2 fanweiqi [8d]: hahCrazywind [8d]: is that a misclickJeansebL [3d]: it reassures me that m15 is not only wierd to me...Galliam [3d]: n3 l2 o3 m1fanweiqi [8d]: m15 is not a misclickFredda [7d]: g18 was so strange so white got scared=)Galliam [3d]: b is in so much troublefanweiqi [8d]: he was winning by too much, he wanted to even it upfanweiqi [8d]: he didn't think it was fairfanweiqi [8d]: to be winning by so much testestest [2k]: that cant be trueLiso66 [?]: from APQF rules: Recorders are NOT to be answering general questions about the game or typing anything beyond the transmission of the moves.Liso66 [?]: or: Broadcasting games on Go servers is permitted, but no chat windows may be visible at any time.Galliam [3d]: o2 losing moveCrazywind [8d]: hes so nice to his opponentCrazywind [8d]: for thinking that wayJeansebL [3d]: is there really no hope for black now?Galliam [3d]: noGalliam [3d]: re in max 3 movesBeefSaku [1k]: Ryan Li, what's your analysis?JeansebL [3d]: m1 and lib race?Galliam [3d]: unless k2 works and w dies beforeGalliam [3d]: m1 l2JeansebL [3d]: n1 ?Galliam [3d]: n1 l2 againJeansebL [3d]: I meant after l2JeansebL [3d]: m1 l2 n1 ];B[kq]C[Galliam [3d]: well then w connectsCrazywind [8d]: complicated but it's better for blackGalliam [3d]: and b diesJeansebL [3d]: waow nice];W[ms]C[BeefSaku [1k]: Our sentiments exactly];B[qs];W[lq];B[kr];W[ps]C[Galliam [3d]: b looks hopeless though];B[ok];W[nk];B[qs];W[jq]C[Crazywind [8d]: L3 was a mistakeGalliam [3d]: k2 better ?];B[jr];W[ps]C[WVoron [5d]: what your turn crazy?];B[gr]C[fanweiqi [8d]: ben is pretty nice tooNeoNemesis [-]: oh];W[nq];B[fr]C[Galliam [3d]: game overfanweiqi [8d]: g16, m15 for example];W[fl]C[fanweiqi [8d]: q11Galliam [3d]: b didn't deserve that. q 1 instead of o2 and the game wd have been reversedfanweiqi [8d]: no he would still loseFredda [7d]: w still s1];B[lh]C[fanweiqi [8d]: w can life and let b play s1];W[rk];B[qj]C[fanweiqi [8d]: q1 would have been NICE];W[sm]C[Galliam [3d]: w s1Galliam [3d]: but b has the initiative to kill thoughGalliam [3d]: capturing raceGalliam [3d]: b o2 and then k3Galliam [3d]: w must be sweating Galliam [3d]: :)TyTaLuS [1d]: why didnt b resing alreadyEgg [10k]: he can't find the resign buttonTyTaLuS [1d]: guees i should put one in my goban to];B[na]C[Egg [10k]: o19 is atari];W[kb]C[Dantek [1d]: I heard you can leave a game irl without resign];B[if];W[hf];B[mi];W[pk]C[Gabriel [1d]: you'll lose on time thoughGabriel [1d]: as your clock keeps ticking when you're not thereGabriel [1d]: so you may as well resign];B[ke]C[Egg [10k]: what if it is a game without time limit ?];W[kf]C[Gabriel [1d]: well someone will eventually die irl and then they lose by forfeit probablyDantek [1d]: then the first who dies loseEgg [10k]: didn't think of that...];B[je];W[ig]C[Dantek [1d]: I got to play irl, it will remember me Hikaru no go and the high school years];B[bj];W[bk];B[cj];W[aj]C[Egg [10k]: if black can somehow kill f8 .....];B[dj];W[ej]C[dogbert [3d]: about time];B[di];W[ak]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: that looks like sente];B[me]C[TyTaLuS [1d]: onvm is notEgg [10k]: tenuki now ?TyTaLuS [1d]: no];W[mf]C[Egg [10k]: hm, that looks like atari];B[lf];W[lg];B[kg];W[lf]C[Egg [10k]: ok, I didn't see m14 comingUSGO2 [-]: White wins by resignationddgg: niceUSGO2 [-]: Thank you for watchingTyTaLuS [1d]: he deserve itAlife361 [5k?]: Bravo Aaron!Egg [10k]: thanks for the relayTyTaLuS [1d]: ggUSGO1 [-]: thanks usgo2ddgg: someone just doesn't know resign!TyTaLuS [1d]: yea thanks usgoAlife361 [5k?]: tydogbert [3d]: crazy fightddgg: Thanks USGO1 and USGO2!stone33 [?]: It's elimination rounds now right?Direktsaft: called it])

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