(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[AGA]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[5400]OT[5x40 byo-yomi]GN[4th AGA Pro Qual Finals Elimination round Ben Lockhart (W) - Jeremy Chiu (B)]PW[Ben Lockhart]PB[Jeremy Chiu]WR[七段]BR[六段]DT[2016-01-08]RO[2DG3]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]US[Joe Cepiel]RE[黑胜白];B[dp];W[pd];B[cd];W[pp];B[ec];W[cn];B[fq];W[ce];B[de];W[cf];B[bd];W[dj];B[nc];W[qf];B[kd];W[ic];B[kc];W[je]C[USGO5 [-]: You can find the latest results and game records on the AGA website: http://www.usgo.org/aga-professional-results-2015];B[di];W[ei];B[dh];W[cj];B[eh];W[fi];B[fh];W[gh];B[gi];W[gg];B[df];W[fk];B[qn];W[pk];B[on];W[nq];B[rp];W[pm];B[pn];W[rm];B[qq];W[rn];B[pq];W[oq];B[ro];W[jp];B[ne];W[oc];B[nb];W[cq];B[cp];W[bp]C[USGO5 [-]: We have some short (2-4-minute) video highlights of the games on the Official AGA YouTube channel (user/USGOWeb). Use this playlist to see them all: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqpN3-2FP-kK76a1Eet50HLq_1vZheSwv];B[lq];W[lp];B[kq];W[jq]C[Nande [2d]: so the two of them are playing for getting a seat next time ?];B[mp];W[lo];B[mq];W[no]C[USGO5 [-]: this match is in the race for 5thUSGO5 [-]: the winner will play Sara Yu for 5thUSGO5 [-]: *Sarah];B[mo]C[Eowyn [2d]: i dont like w's position here. I think b may find to punish it];W[mn];B[nn];W[np];B[ln];W[mm];B[kp];W[ko];B[jo];W[kn];B[jr];W[ir];B[kr];W[hq]C[Hatesphere [2d?]: black is in soooooo much troubleHatesphere [2d?]: gl hfwolokom [5k]: And w??Nande [2d]: Thanks USGO5];B[km];W[jn];B[io];W[hp];B[mr];W[dq]C[Eowyn [2d]: perhaps black reading e3 and then g4. Hard situation];B[in];W[jm];B[fo];W[fr];B[gr];W[gq];B[er];W[fp];B[eq](;W[ep]C[arigatou [3d]: not looking good for b];B[eo];W[gp];B[bo];W[dr];B[fs];W[ds]C[NeoNemesis [-]: this is intersting];B[es];W[hs]C[Eowyn [2d]: i think b got it];B[hr];W[iq]C[kecleon [2d]: whoa w got wreckedkecleon [2d]: or not];B[bq];W[br];B[ap];W[bs]C[Eowyn [2d]: b successfully invaded NeoNemesis [-]: G5 nad H5 are sente too for black];B[go];W[is];B[dm];W[cm]C[bongo [2k]: is b alive?Dantek [1d]: soonmarengo [1k]: b pownedmarengo [1k]: hardlyEowyn [2d]: d7 is suspicious move but b will be alive];B[dl];W[dn]C[Eowyn [2d]: b can even sacrifice c4 if he gets e11 in the exchangemarengo [1k]: b can resignkecleon [2d]: b always CAN resign];B[cl]C[bongo [2k]: everybody has option to resignmarengo [1k]: p3 leave a lot aji that will make w untouchable on right sideEowyn [2d]: d7 was greedy. bongo [2k]: because go rule specified players right to resignkecleon [2d]: fight seems risky for both ];W[bl]C[marengo [1k]: w 1 mor lib but b has stones aroundsEowyn [2d]: b9 is ok for bmarengo [1k]: ymarengo [1k]: it seems marengo [1k]: b9 > b6?Eowyn [2d]: there are still complications here and there];B[bk]C[Eowyn [2d]: e6 first and then b6?];W[bm]C[marengo [1k]: that way w will lose d6 and keep alive f11marengo [1k]: c9 is ok];B[ck]C[marengo [1k]: b10marengo [1k]: a9dffgf: w e6 nowmarengo [1k]: e7Eowyn [2d]: w b10 is needed eventuallymarengo [1k]: the key is a9 a7 for b];W[en];B[fl];W[do]C[dffgf: w can d5 killEowyn [2d]: but it's ok for b to sacrifice d5 if he can live heremarengo [1k]: f11 killable now i think];B[ho];W[co];B[bp];W[gs];B[an]C[Eowyn [2d]: be careful ^_^marengo [1k]: i wonder if k8 good for b?];W[ar];B[fn];W[aq];B[hj]C[Eowyn [2d]: i think the end is near for wEowyn [2d]: g13 k15 stones are alonemarengo [1k]: d6 maybe was greedyEowyn [2d]: yes but it worked out very wellmarengo [1k]: connect f11 was bigger i thinkmarengo [1k]: i would g10 hereSkyWalker [1k]: g10 e10 marengo [1k]: e10 badmarengo [1k]: g10 h11SkyWalker [1k]: m7 marengo [1k]: b can cut later];W[ls];B[nr];W[or];B[pr]C[SkyWalker [1k]: q2 q2 ];W[os];B[ns];W[js];B[oo];W[ks];B[op];W[gj];B[hi];W[hk]C[SkyWalker [1k]: b lose 5 point];B[ej]C[marengo [1k]: e9];W[ms];B[ps]C[Roosta [2d?]: timesuji?marengo [1k]: or resujimarengo [1k]: g8Hobbes [1k]: who is supposed to be winning in this pos?marengo [1k]: bHobbes [1k]: I seemarengo [1k]: 20 ptsmarengo [1k]: f11 was bigEowyn [2d]: W cant make any more points. k15 g13 will be under attack and right side can easily be reduced by bEowyn [2d]: top right corner is also openEowyn [2d]: w will resign soonmarengo [1k]: i think w planed trick him with c13marengo [1k]: buit too late :p];W[nf];B[mf]C[Eowyn [2d]: or no resign :) since this is a pro qual elim :)];W[mg];B[ng];W[of];B[lg];W[mh];B[lf];W[fc];B[fb];W[gc];B[gb];W[ed];B[dc]C[Eowyn [2d]: i hope b didn't forget to read the book "how to win a won game"];W[lh];B[kh];W[ih]C[Hobbes [1k]: depends if he read my book "How to remember to read helpful books"marengo [1k]: become dangerous for k7Goprince [4d]: if b doesnt kill the top he wins by 20Eowyn [2d]: maybe just play something like o8 now. Find a simple move to reduce];B[ji];W[jl];B[jg];W[ig];B[hc];W[hd];B[hb]C[marengo [1k]: if b waant become pro he has to kill that top :)Goprince [4d]: they are both already eliminated from contention for promarengo [1k]: h15?];W[ii]C[Hobbes [1k]: so w will live?];B[ij];W[jj]C[marengo [1k]: probablymarengo [1k]: k14 aji];B[kj];W[jk];B[fj];W[jf];B[ki];W[ff]C[marengo [1k]: h14 for try];B[fd];W[gd];B[ee];W[hf];B[hh]C[Eowyn [2d]: k16 wsn [4k?]: w is sweating :)Eowyn [2d]: even k8 group may die here...Hobbes [1k]: r*kecleon [2d]: k8 seems very safe to mewsn [4k?]: that sinking feeling ...kecleon [2d]: bullied, maybe, but aliveUSGO2 [-]: Black wins by resignationUSGO5 [-]: thanks usgo2USGO2 [-]: Thank you for watchingwsn [4k?]: thx USGO2])(;W[go]))

围棋Ben Lockhart棋谱    围棋Jeremy Chiu棋谱
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