(;CA[UTF-8]CA[gb2312]AP[MultiGo:4.4.3]SZ[19]C[Commentary by Song TaeKon 9p, Copyright by gogameworld.com and weiqi.tom.com.]EV[3rd World BC Card Cup quarter final]DT[2011-04-02]PC[Seoul, South Korea]PB[钟文靖]BR[五段]PW[Heo Youngho]WR[八段]KM[6.5]RE[白胜0.5]SO[weiqi.tom.com]MULTIGOGM[1];B[pd];W[dd];B[qp];W[dp];B[fq];W[cn];B[lq]C[B7: The opening proceeds very fast so far. Next for White to split the right side is simple and clear.];W[qj];B[qf];W[qm];B[pn];W[ro];B[rp];W[pm]C[W14: Heo Youngho's style is, try to play as simply and clearly as possible and don't want to play complicated big-scale variations.];B[om];W[ol];B[nm];W[ip]LB[fo:a]C[W18: Next Black probably will jump ot 'a', White also will jump out.];B[cf]C[B19: Zhong Wenjing first approaches the top left corner, since he thinks that White has no immediate severe tactic in the lower left corner. Next White wants to pincer-attack in the top left corner.];W[ch];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc];W[ed];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[fc]C[B19: Black aims to take territory, but this situation is what White hopes for with the pincer-attack of W20. Next White should play in the lower left corner.];W[dq]C[W30: White is relatively happy in the opening.];B[nl];W[ok]LB[ho:a][oc:b][gp:c]C[B32: Next Black also wants to play in the lower left corner and makes the shoulder-hit out at 'a'. Even if for Black to make diagonal at 'b' in the top right corner is indeed very big, but next if White seals off at 'c', White's moyo in the lower left corner is very promising.];B[di]C[B33: So far Black plays as lightly as possible, it seems that Black tries to avoid fight everywhere.];W[ci];B[dj];W[dh];B[go];W[kp]LB[lp:a][kn:b][gm:c]C[W38: Next B 'a', W 'b' and B 'c' is simple variation.];B[lp];W[kq];B[rn]LB[lo:a]C[B41: Now Zhong Wenjing is still busy to obtain territory. Next if White responds, White may end in gote, White should take tenuki and play hane at 'a' first.];W[lo]C[W42: This hane at the head of two stones is of great momentum.];B[rm];W[nk];B[np]LB[hn:a]C[B45: Next White very wants to attack Black in the lower left corner, the first feeling is to knight-press at 'a'.];W[hn]C[W46: Black can only extend.];B[fm]LB[fp:a][gn:b]C[B47 appears thin. White can first attach at 'a' then push at 'b'.];W[gm]C[W48 is a strong move, next whatever Black does, squeeze, extend or retreat, is all not very appropriate.];B[ho];W[io]LB[fl:a]C[W50: Next Black squeezes, White connects and Black hangs again. For Black to extend at 'a' is unreasonable.];B[eo]LB[gl:a]C[The shape of B51 is good. White is not good to play hane, White still should simply extend at 'a'.];W[dm]LB[fl:a][em:b]C[W52: White continues to attack strongly. White thinks, if Black easily lives, White's situation is not so good. Next Black can extend at 'a' or 'b'.];B[em];W[gk]C[W54: Although the shape is not good, Black still should attach out.];B[fk];W[fj];B[fl];W[gj]C[B59: The variation in the lower left corner basically comes to an end, Black should play the last big point in the top right corner.];B[dl]LB[pb:a]C[B59: Next White strikes at 'a', it is almost the only move.];W[pb]C[W60: For Black to make diagonal at 3-3 is the proper move.];B[qc];W[nc]LB[lc:a][fd:b][ll:c]C[W62: Black can force at 'a', or block at 'b' in the top left corner, or Black can also jump to 'c' in the center.];B[ll]C[W63: Zhong Wenjing elects to play in the center, this way White wants to play at top.];W[hq]C[W64: Ah...Heo Youngho reinforces thickly and worries that Black may cut after the jump of B63.];B[lc]C[B65: Black certainly wants to play at top, this is first feeling move.];W[ne]LB[qb:a]C[W66: Next Black very wants to fight by blocking the corner at 'a'.];B[ic]C[B67: With this shape, it is very difficult to comment, only we can say this move is very practical. Next White must enter into the corner.];W[qb]C[W68: White is very happy. Black can only continue to jump on the right side.];B[qh];W[ck]C[W70 is a strong move. If White can connect all together, White is not trailing in territory.];B[dk];W[cl];B[dn];W[cm];B[do];W[co]C[W76: It forms the imagined variation.];B[gq]LB[rc:a]C[B77: Black prevents White from crossing over again at bottom. Next White wants to play hane at 'a' then hang.];W[rl]C[W78: Ah...White still should play in the top right corner? It seems Heo Youngho feels that his situation is not bad.];B[rb]C[B79: Black gets to play in the top right corner, it is very big, Black also gets the chance to attack White.];W[qn];B[qo];W[on]C[W82: Next Black can't connect and can only allow White take one stone.];B[mo];W[po];B[pp];W[ln];B[lm];W[lr];B[mr];W[kr]LB[le:a]C[W90: White is very happy with this series of endgame. Next Black should respond, or for Black to jump at 'a' to attack White is also very good.];B[le]C[B91: White is risky if taking tenuki from the top right corner.];W[ng]C[W92, jumping out, is the proper move.];B[od];W[mc];B[ld];W[me]LB[fd:a]C[W96: Next Black should reinforce the bottom or attach up at 'a'.];B[oh]C[B97: Black continues to attack, but this white group is clearly not attacking target anymore.];W[lf];B[ri]LB[lk:a][kk:b][lj:c]C[B99 is a very practical move. Next White should stick head out to the center. If White responds here, Black clearly will take advantage. White can attach at 'a', if B 'b' then White retreats at 'c'.];W[mi];B[kf];W[lg];B[nq]LB[rc:a][he:b][hc:c]C[B103: Black encloses big territory in the top right corner. Looking back, White still should play hane at 'a' with W78. Next the obvious move is for White to make the large knight's move at 'b', but it is questionable whether this way White has enough territory. White can attach in strongly at 'c' at top.];W[hc];B[hb]LB[gc:a][fd:b]C[B105: White will be very happy if White can press all the way. However when W 'a', Black can strongly attach out at 'b'.];W[id]LB[jc:a][gc:b]C[W106: Black can't retreat at 'a', if White plays at 'b' next, Black has no follow-up tactic.];B[hd];W[ec];B[eb];W[fb];B[gb];W[jc]C[W112: Next Black must take unconditionally.];B[gc];W[jb];B[kb];W[je]LB[ie:a][jf:b][jd:c][kd:d]C[If B 'a', W 'b', through W 'd', it leads to a ko, Black can only play atari at 'a'.];B[ie]C[B117: If White connects at 'a', it is seki, White gains nothing. White must extend out to initiate ko fight.];W[jf];B[jd];W[kd];B[ke];W[id];B[kg];W[if];B[jd];W[db];B[fa];W[id];B[he];W[jd];B[ki];W[hf]LB[lj:a]C[W132: If Black makes diagonal at 'a', White can't wedge-cut.];B[lj];W[mj];B[gf]C[B135: If Black connects back in sente, White gains nothing in this round.];W[hh];B[gg];W[fe]LB[rj:a]C[W138: If White blocks at 'a', it may form a very close game.];B[fh];W[jj];B[jh]C[W140: Accurately speaking, the situation is very close and Black is slightly thicker.];W[ih];B[kk];W[ra]C[W144: White takes tenuki from the center, no life-and-death problem.];B[rc];W[ad]C[W146 is big, but the right side is also very big.];B[oc];W[bb];B[cb];W[ac];B[da];W[ob];B[mb];W[nb]LB[rj:a]C[W154: The situation is really very close, next Black should crawl at 'a', it is sente.];B[ik];W[gl];B[im]C[B157: Black gains territory in the center, Black should be slightly favorable now.];W[in];B[rj];W[qk];B[hr];W[ir];B[eg]C[B163: Black happily plays sente endgame.];W[ij];B[df];W[bf]LB[er:a]C[W166: Next Black should make diagonal at 'a' in the lower left corner.];B[er];W[dr];B[hp]LB[iq:a][ds:b][cs:c][fs:d]C[B169: Next if White connects at 'a', B 'b', W 'c' and B 'd'.];W[fn];B[iq];W[gn]C[W172: The situation suddenly changes, next White has the tactic of capturing B167 one stone, White has nothing to complain with this result.];B[en];W[fo];B[ep];W[jq];B[hq];W[eq];B[fp];W[fr];B[jn];W[jo];B[kn];W[ko]C[B181: Black is happy with the hane. Zhong Wenjing perhaps sees this hane, therefore he accepts the earlier variation.];B[cg];W[bg]C[W186: It is half-point game.];B[jk];W[og];B[pg];W[pi];B[ph]C[B191: The game is very tight from the beginning to the end, no matter who loses the game, it is very difficult to say which one is the losing move.];W[mn];B[nn];W[oo];B[no];W[is]C[W196 is the biggest endgame on the board.];B[rk]C[B197 is also very big.];W[sm];B[so]LB[oe:a][oi:b]C[B199: White should extend to 'a' then block at 'b'.];W[oe]C[W200: B197 is indeed big, but should Black play in the center instead?];B[oi]LB[pe:a][oj:b]C[B201: Black counterattacks, this is must. White continues to push at 'a' then block at 'b'.];W[pe];B[qe];W[ma];B[lb];W[ge];B[ei];W[ff];B[eh];W[gh]C[W210: It is half-point game...in the end the ko in the top right corner may decide the game.];B[fg];W[oj];B[qi]C[B213: This endgame is really eye-dazzling... Now I feel White will win by half point?];W[pj];B[cj];W[bj];B[ib];W[ab];B[ba];W[gd];B[hc];W[ji];B[op];W[pn]C[W224: Why White doesn't play at top?];B[hk];W[hj];B[ja];W[lh];B[kh]C[W228: White originally can win by half point, now it is not clear. It all depends on the single-ko fight in the top right corner.];W[ej];B[ek];W[mk];B[ae];W[af];B[nh];W[mh];B[ls];W[ks]C[W238: Since White has more ko threats...White perhaps will win.];B[ms];W[il];B[jl];W[hl];B[sk];W[sl];B[kj];W[fs];B[pf];W[of];B[fi];W[gi]C[W250: Heo Youngho is really amazing, his focus is really strong.];B[la];W[na];B[gs];W[pc];B[ni];W[ql];B[sn];W[sb];B[sc];W[qa];B[hg];W[ig];B[fd];W[ee];B[sa];W[ia];B[ha];W[sb];B[gr];W[es];B[sa];W[qd];B[rd];W[sb];B[ca];W[sa];B[jm];W[nd];B[qd];W[bh];B[aa];W[ae]C[W282: This game is really rarely seen exhausted half-point match! Although the half point luck belongs to Heo Youngho, we should also cheer for Zhong Wenjing.];B[lk]C[Overall: In the opening, both sides play simply and clearly to build moyo, it forms a prolonged war. Entering into middle game, although they fight at top and in the center, it is very difficult to say which side gains. Black's regret is, with B197 Black squeezes at second line on the right side instead of playing in the center, otherwise it is very difficult to say who wins by half point in the end. Overall Heo Youngho plays very calmly in the second half of the game and wins by half point.])