(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[3600]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]PW[drakula]PB[cloudnotes]BR[二段]DT[2019-04-07]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[drakula [-]: Have a nice gamecloudnotes [2d?]: Hi, you too!]RE[白胜黑];B[qd]BL[3576.742];W[pp]WL[3592.291];B[dq]BL[3570.495];W[dd]WL[3585.287]C[RaduStefan [1d]: This is Rocky IV all over again.];B[dn]BL[3526.801];W[oc]WL[3579.79];B[pf]BL[3520.111]C[Laman [1d?]: i thought Andy's nick was bigbadwolfRaduStefan [1d]: I can actually hear Survivor's Burning Heart in my ears.RaduStefan [1d]: Used to be bigbadwolf.];W[qn]WL[3468.699]C[trickyruin [-]: c17CatWhite [10k]: Q17 KoreaInsei [8d]: f17 looks goodGrunman [1d]: c14 trifon [8k]: k10 ];B[cf]BL[3459.969]C[mpsd [1d]: what happens if NA wins 5-0?trickyruin [-]: then we get to watch Andy play five timesLice [2k?]: yes, and also wins all 5 of themLaman [1d?]: EU will have to fully submit to the USeladzap [-]: Maayan ya kyu garua];W[fc]WL[3384.779];B[nq]BL[3456.337]C[urtok [9k]: 2019 Transatlantic Professional Go Team Championship - Game 1 - Mateusz Surma 2p, EGF vs. Andy Liu 1p, AGA urtok [9k]: https://www.twitch.tv/usgoweb];W[cl]WL[3351.819]C[mpsd [1d]: I used to think c6 was obligatory here];B[cj]BL[3422.572]C[Grunman [1d]: c6 is too slowlonepeak: bad sound];W[el]WL[3250.879]C[measwel [-]: there is commentary sound in this game?Lice [2k?]: so far both players seem to be equally not using bot assistantkannikka [2k]: measwel, there is commentary on twitchHellhuman [?]: starting in about 10 mintuesmeaswel [-]: twitch?Michel [2k]: Official games on KGS? That's newkannikka [2k]: twitch, a streaming website for mainly videogames, and nowadays many other thingsHellhuman [?]: which plattform did you expect a wastern tournament to be performed on@michel?measwel [-]: url?measwel [-]: to game on twitch?kannikka [2k]: https://www.twitch.tv/usgowebHellhuman [?]: https://www.twitch.tv/usgowebMichel [2k]: IGSmeaswel [-]: thank youkannikka [2k]: no problem :) Lice [2k?]: isn't the jump here making white kinda heavy?Muttley [-]: noHellhuman [?]: keeps c12 dream alive];B[cd]BL[3306.587];W[cc]WL[3234.161];B[bc]BL[3286.329]C[kannikka [2k]: so I am just wondering, how the organizers are preventing cheating or using AI's? or is it up to good will?Lilou [-]: go cloudnotes ur the best!Michel [2k]: Is Andy in good shape? I don't remember him playing since he became pro, at least not muchWelvang [6d]: only 1 hour each :(trickyruin [-]: he beat a 9p at the last Go Congress I believeLaman [1d?]: "Players will be with a proctor during their matches"];W[ce]WL[3119.866];B[bd]BL[3283.657];W[de]WL[3118.065];B[be]BL[3282.615];W[df]WL[3115.861];B[cg]BL[3281.58]C[kannikka [2k]: a proctor? like a person who oversees you playing and prevents cheating?];W[dp]WL[3112.012]C[measwel [-]: so the voice commentary is yet to start?];B[ep]BL[3272.164];W[cp]WL[3100.889];B[cq]BL[3270.58];W[bq]WL[3097.503]C[melkhiresa [1k]: in 4 minsmeaswel [-]: game will be over in 4 minutes :)Lice [2k?]: is d14 c13 really a fine trade here?];B[fq]BL[3230.339]C[measwel [-]: seems favourable to b measwel [-]: as f17 not so strongr0n1n [3d?]: it's a trendy trade, at least, Licempsd [1d]: For how long has black been into sheep.Lice [2k?]: with c10 in place?measwel [-]: sheep?TytanPracy [?]: B5?];W[bo]WL[3019.522]C[TytanPracy [?]: :)Zombi: drakula is a pro ?melkhiresa [1k]: both areGrunman [1d]: 2p EGFsprouts [2d]: how was the playing order decided?measwel [-]: By Russian roulette :)kannikka [2k]: drakula is Mateusz Surma EGF 2p and cloudnotes is Andy Liu AGA 1pshinobi [3k]: :))measwel [-]: Nicemeaswel [-]: Its a money gameGrunman [1d]: q3 kannikka [2k]: yeah, the prize is 10 000€measwel [-]: Winner takes all?bert [?]: drakula could improve his teeth a little, his ears are ok thoRaduStefan [1d]: for the winning team.TytanPracy [?]: Is r3 still popular?Minitaxi [2d]: nokannikka [2k]: no Q3 nowadaysmeaswel [-]: I would not r3mpsd [1d]: we can check itCatWhite [10k]: i am still waiting for Q17mpsd [1d]: I imagine o5 leachy [2k]: myself i cna't see what's wrong with b b6 firstsprouts [2d]: I like q17RaduStefan [1d]: Q3 / M17 both look extremely good for B.measwel [-]: yesRaduStefan [1d]: B Q17 feels a bit too over-concentrated for me.];B[dm]BL[2872.756]C[quotient [2k?]: D7 was LZ's movesprouts [2d]: its to avoid r17 after pincermeaswel [-]: can q18 toomeaswel [-]: for big cornerleachy [2k]: well, at least locally there was clearly more to do with the d6 stoneCatWhite [10k]: D7 is uglyleachy [2k]: trouble though is that you end up undercutting the b c13 group a bitleachy [2k]: for instance, w b9 now];W[dl]WL[2862.393]C[frozensoul [-]: w should hane frozensoul [-]: e5 instead of d8Zombi: if w D8, then b B6];B[fm]BL[2851.512]C[measwel [-]: right now would be the time to ruin the bottom sideleachy [2k]: agreed measwelfrozensoul [-]: g4 b6 frozensoul [-]: seems hardCatWhite [10k]: m3frozensoul [-]: m3 can be met with settling in the corner or possible jumping to fightleachy [2k]: b b6 is answered by w b7, no?trickyruin [-]: b9frozensoul [-]: then nobi downfrozensoul [-]: at a6martin97 [-]: go mateusz \o/frozensoul [-]: w is cutmeaswel [-]: b6 b7KoreaInsei [8d]: c7 is super safe move to protect the cut, but super slow moveKoreaInsei [8d]: i would m3 maybe here leachy [2k]: hmm the clamp answer is less good nowleachy [2k]: but still ok i thinkmeaswel [-]: or maybe just p2ljt: https://share.yikeweiqi.com/golive/detail/id/16957];W[cm]WL[2657.693]C[ljt: the game is braodcasting in 弈客围棋APP,more then 7000+ people are watchingsunbunny6 [4k]: what level is drakula?measwel [-]: the white stones on the left are doing almost nothingljt: https://home.yikeweiqi.com/#/live/room/16957/1/13858629 Muttley [-]: 2p I thinkMagnusC [?]: c7 too weak too slow];B[lc]BL[2805.603]C[sunbunny6 [4k]: thanksmeaswel [-]: little territory and not attacking anythingmeaswel [-]: is b11 dangerous?measwel [-]: guess notleachy [2k]: actually, no....b b6 b7 a6 c6 c7 c5 b8 e5 and white gets squeezed before black does (some more moves there)leachy [2k]: so w needed c7RaduStefan [1d]: M17 wins then.leachy [2k]: it doesn't look good for wCatWhite [10k]: I like B nowmeaswel [-]: Is cloudnotes really 2d on kgs?Zombi: w R17 ?sprouts [2d]: no he is 1kmeaswel [-]: But he is a pro player];W[of]WL[2515.643]C[sprouts [2d]: 1k professionalmelkhiresa [1k]: he hasn't played here for a long timeZombi: cloudnotes was 7d on KGSmeaswel [-]: Any pro player should be high dan on kgs right?sprouts [2d]: 8d if i remember correctlymelkhiresa [1k]: rating system can't give an accurate rank in these conditionsleachy [2k]: was 8d kgs for the longest timemeaswel [-]: this is a very interesting moveleachy [2k]: 9d is practically impossible on kgs nowigaz1: ;melkhiresa [1k]: tell that to basicsmeaswel [-]: because of the bots?sprouts [2d]: no because of sprutsmeaswel [-]: lolleachy [2k]: no, because of where the rating system puts peoplecho7 [14k]: drakula vas perdre une dent.. NoMem [1k]: wouarfsquid [12k?]: 198 observersNoMem [1k]: B J17measwel [-]: for some reason I feel the sequence that will follow here might be game decidingkjh97 [-]: this is standardsprouts [2d]: i have another feeling it will be a 100+ move sequence and at its end won player resignmelkhiresa [1k]: "standard" seems like a stretchmeaswel [-]: big stretchsprouts [2d]: almost tearZombi: black resist by P15 ?measwel [-]: the outcome here decides the upper right corner and the whole upper sidemeaswel [-]: and the right side probably];B[og]BL[2498.617];W[ng]WL[2506.235]C[CatWhite [10k]: really?trifon [8k]: q7 ];B[oh]BL[2465.398]C[trifon [8k]: k3 leachy [2k]: oh...how would w answer b p15?measwel [-]: I don't think w can tenuki the upper side nowleachy [2k]: didn't see a good response to thatCatWhite [10k]: K17measwel [-]: maybe you're right];W[oe]WL[2374.627]C[measwel [-]: so calm];B[ic]BL[2434.187];W[qc]WL[2370.792]C[measwel [-]: f17 now even weakerCatWhite [10k]: F17 is not weak at all];B[rc]BL[2297.605];W[qe]WL[2366.995];B[pe]BL[2293.277];W[pd]WL[2365.86];B[rd]BL[2290.234];W[pg]WL[2364.521]C[insei3 [1k]: I wonder about black's potential moyo at the bottom side. ];B[qf]BL[2287.191]C[domie [2k]: I thought Drakula was Romanianmeaswel [-]: The original is :)measwel [-]: Vlad the impalermeaswel [-]: As legend has it, he impaled 25.000 Turks in a forest.];W[qh]WL[2282.008]C[mpsd [1d]: Is anyone following the LeelaZero Twitch stream?];B[rg]BL[2266.457]C[Mocramis [2k?]: meawell to be more exact he made aforest out of impaled turkLaman [1d?]: which stream?measwel [-]: Yes. According to legend, the Sultan turned around his troops and went home after seeing that, despite having 5 times more soldiers.Siasio [?]: Mateusz Surma EGF 2 dan pro vs. Andy Liu KGS 2 dan with a question markSiasio [?]: (trolling for European pros)domie [2k]: this is quite fast for a pro gamemogget [?]: nice - finally somebode cheering for Europeigaz1: ,DarkIBlade [4d]: i like this time setting actually , its more kgs stylem1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: I am Polish, keeping fingers for Mateusz \(^_^)/insei3 [1k]: Byo yomi is not that fastsprouts [2d]: ofc Europesprouts [2d]: Merkellandia all the waydomie [2k]: number of users is max right nowikiphilia [?]: Cross fingers for Mateuszm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: Yep :)yakcyll [4k]: quite a hype for such an event, ain't itBaymax [?]: B is leading by 2-3 points at the momentm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: is that at that stage already important?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: looks like equal game ;)Baymax [?]: not reallysubsab: by exactly 2.374 points, to be more accuratemogget [?]: Mateusz is preparing somethingmeaswel [-]: I think b is leading by more because of his bottom side potentialBaymax [?]: just a small lead, I would consider this game even as far humans are consernedm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: I would wonder what leezie would say nowm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: let me run it :)measwel [-]: yes please doyakcyll [4k]: whatever it is, it's troubleLaman [1d?]: well, b has to make a 3 point mistake for w to catch upyakcyll [4k]: looks pretty early for troubleinsei3 [1k]: J17 is a big move, but it will cost something on the right sideLaman [1d?]: my Lizzie says 64% for bBaymax [?]: or B can increase the lead and then make a 10 pts blunderDosai [2k?]: so does minemeaswel [-]: any bad move analysis?domie [2k]: as B gets O16 and the cut at O14, W has to be cautiousm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: 42% fror white ;)sprouts [2d]: leela says c4 was badmonk2: FineArt said b 89%m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: let's see, seems Mateusz and Andy are humans ;)measwel [-]: what should c4 be?HajinLee [?]: is that true?sprouts [2d]: c3HajinLee [?]: b 89%?monk2: yesLaman [1d?]: i hope Mateusz will stir the things and the percentages a bitmeaswel [-]: ok, so hane insteadBaymax [?]: probably trolling :)Mocramis [2k?]: where is the live commentary ?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: yesmonk2: EagleEye siad 89% for b tooscurge [1d?]: I agree with Lamanjoachim [?]: 89% with fieart means balanced game to human standardsZombi: monk2 :// How did you get FineArt ???weiqidevil [-]: I have got the impression that percentages don't mean anything with humansHajinLee [?]: twitch.tv/usgoweb];W[jb]WL[1703.531]C[leachy [2k]: you have to have beans to quote FArteladzap [-]: yeah i lost a few 99% win gamesLaman [1d?]: oh, here goes!Mocramis [2k?]: HajinLee: Thanks :)insei3 [1k]: wowowomeaswel [-]: looks like a true bot movempsd [1d]: I wonder what happens if black ignores this moveeladzap [-]: woooootm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: wow, that looks like aiming for scoreinsei3 [1k]: Whats happeningLaman [1d?]: in fact i've learnt this move from Cho Chikunleachy [2k]: this looks more desperation than correct...o14 cutting point is there for blackscurge [1d?]: This kind of move usually played around kyu lvlinsei3 [1k]: wowinsei3 [1k]: this should be badleachy [2k]: well...played when the 2 stones have nowhere to run to...but here with o14 it looks doubtfulUberdude [6d]: was c7 better at b9?DarkIBlade [4d]: w wants to make f17 stronger proactively measwel [-]: yesHellhuman [?]: but weakening o14 cutleachy [2k]: oh so w worried about f17 is the real idea, not attacking?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: leezie says -1%, does not look as totally bad movemeaswel [-]: or p17 if b choses to block j18Baymax [?]: B lost 5+ ptssprouts [2d]: leela thinks w shouldnt answer m17 and instead attack bottom weakness g4, h3Baymax [?]: *Winsei3 [1k]: Leela read many thingsinsei3 [1k]: many variationsZombi: K18 doesn't look a pro's moveinsei3 [1k]: at the human level, situation is differentDosai [2k?]: Baymax: where does your knowledge come from that w lost 5 points?Baymax [?]: Zen7igaz1: ,];B[ib]BL[1929.892]C[sprouts [2d]: leela says this is mistakeleachy [2k]: so much for helping f17sprouts [2d]: should block other wayleachy [2k]: though i would have thought p17 group was weakerinsei3 [1k]: andy wants to attack d16 groupmeaswel [-]: that group can still run out to centermeaswel [-]: maybe w didn't expect the block at this sideinsei3 [1k]: the question is, while running what will black get :D];W[kc]WL[1576.911];B[kd]BL[1926.461]C[measwel [-]: as he is taking quite some time to continue];W[lb]WL[1573.213];B[ld]BL[1911.069];W[mc]WL[1552.466]C[leachy [2k]: this threatens k17leachy [2k]: by protecting n18measwel [-]: yes obviouslymeaswel [-]: butUberdude [6d]: o16 and o14 still weaknesses for Black to aim atBaymax [?]: again appr. B+3 againUberdude [6d]: even that group is not thick from spending a gotemeaswel [-]: what does leela say?Baymax [?]: 58% for BUberdude [6d]: How does leeks lrela compare k18 and n14 honte?measwel [-]: so w improved];B[jc]BL[1734.431];W[kb]WL[1549.289]C[Baymax [?]: I feel like Mateusz plan wasn't to kaketsugi but to make a solid base and then continueleachy [2k]: b c18 first, no?sprouts [2d]: leela wanted n14, k18 -7% ];B[jf]BL[1643.476]C[Baymax [?]: after m13, B will have to connect the lone stone, making second line moves feel badUberdude [6d]: Thanks sproutsinsei3 [1k]: now c18 for w?insei3 [1k]: or runnin?measwel [-]: if c18 b might cut o14?leachy [2k]: yeah...this looks too easy on w....cut o14 still there but that's comparitively smallUberdude [6d]: n14 still looks like a good movemeaswel [-]: yes or n15Baymax [?]: n14 looks slow now, since W is aliveUberdude [6d]: But not as good as beforesprouts [2d]: it wants attack g4/h3 againDarkIBlade [4d]: o14 d17 looks like miai for bMocramis [2k?]: wow !, just saw th twitch chatbox, i'm happy there isn't motes on kgs.measwel [-]: what about m14?insei3 [1k]: I think, b is slightly better on the boardBaymax [?]: yes, b+2Zombi: w C18, or H14measwel [-]: h15 maybemeaswel [-]: or j15Baymax [?]: g4 is hard to spotmeaswel [-]: what does leela suggest for w?sprouts [2d]: i just said itmeaswel [-]: which move?leachy [2k]: j15 is too much....surely b is ok with being cut to counterattack d16measwel [-]: yes you're probably rightmeaswel [-]: w must think about f17 thoughLaman [1d?]: G4leachy [2k]: something more solid can still pressure the black stones, like g14 or something, and can anchor a future j15author [3d]: my bet on w];W[cb]WL[1146.52]C[m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: we should setup as well online bet ^^measwel [-]: solidleachy [2k]: for mine, black missed a trick in not playing c18 instead of k14insei3 [1k]: too solidleachy [2k]: but then, there's a fair rank disparity between andy liu and myselfJupiter15k [4d?]: o3];B[nd]BL[1586.624]C[insei3 [1k]: w has to explode at some pointDarkIBlade [4d]: o16 is so beautifulmeaswel [-]: yes];W[md]WL[1097.046]C[measwel [-]: I am looking at o15 now];B[od]BL[1582.077];W[ne]WL[1092.942];B[pc]BL[1576.837]C[insei3 [1k]: what];W[nc]WL[1091.751]C[domie [2k]: ohsprouts [2d]: wtfdomie [2k]: so crazymeaswel [-]: w wants to attack the top group so badauthor [3d]: I agree w/ w hereZombi: black Q3 or L4 to keep on leadingdomie [2k]: agree what author ?measwel [-]: n15 then n14 I guessauthor [3d]: n16 Hammer: looks like good price for keeping some stones on the outside for whitesprouts [2d]: w is rekt nowinsei3 [1k]: then what :Dsprouts [2d]: v.vLilou [-]: go cloudnotes ur the best!Baymax [?]: W lost some % speaking strategically, but B's lead is still 3 ptssprouts [2d]: 3pt noo waymeaswel [-]: even if w gets to attack b top group, I wonder where he will get his pointsfrozensoul [-]: according to elf, andys wr 93%frozensoul [-]: lolUberdude [6d]: w lost r13 sente which was useful for outside fightwhitebear [3d?]: now O5 and finish gamesprouts [2d]: i never liked o5sprouts [2d]: too wideMuttley [-]: JUST l3];B[gd]BL[1336.633]C[measwel [-]: yesGoDave89 [4d?]: elf gives you 90% if you just play a tad inferior, lolMuttley [-]: gREAT FILMsprouts [2d]: elf always gives me 90%Muttley [-]: oops soz :Ddomie [2k]: who can explain G16 to me ?insei3 [1k]: andyMuttley [-]: "I don't want my top group to die"sprouts [2d]: "just play safe and win"measwel [-]: imagine w h16 insteadBaymax [?]: B might overthink over the position and lose the feel for the directionMuttley [-]: "I want white's top group to die"measwel [-]: yesUberdude [6d]: makes eye space. hurts w top groupredreoicy [4d]: if i live, i winsprouts [2d]: but leela says it lost a few %Muttley [-]: "This move pleases my mother so"insei3 [1k]: "I dont have any idea, this looks nice"measwel [-]: "I want the kibitz to go nuts"Muttley [-]: "Dang this mouse is slippery"sprouts [2d]: xDsprouts [2d]: thats why i watch kgsikiphilia [?]: WeeeeeeeeeellMuttley [-]: "It looks like a fox!"Tollpatsch [4d]: black winning though no?Muttley [-]: good questionkannikka [2k]: yes nomonk2: 84.9% for bsprouts [2d]: yes clear leadMuttley [-]: depends if this is gote, because the bottom is pretty big for whoever plays first there];W[gp]WL[862.103]C[insei3 [1k]: hahhahahaMuttley [-]: there we gomonk2: G4 nice movesprouts [2d]: yay w found itMuttley [-]: j4 as a reply?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: is it not too close?monk2: b H2 is good enoughMuttley [-]: the idea is attack black's shapedomie [2k]: who did organize this tournament ?insei3 [1k]: J4m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: black is strong, G4 looks for me too closesprouts [2d]: me and my friendsmeaswel [-]: Donnald Trump?sprouts [2d]: he's an ole buddy of mine, yashin0e [1d]: wow that looks aggresive :DMuttley [-]: w is not seeking to make anything per se with this moveshin0e [1d]: go Surma!leachy [2k]: not as strong as it looks at first glanceshin0e [1d]: ;)measwel [-]: I thought he is behind everything that happensMuttley [-]: idea e5 f5 f4 for exampleshin0e [1d]: and it potentially works well with m3 :)shin0e [1d]: if W decides to play there :)m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: ok, I get itshin0e [1d]: maybe exchange and m3?insei3 [1k]: do you know if these guys played against each other before?Muttley [-]: given w is behind, w might want to play p3 o4 m5Muttley [-]: m4 I meanm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: they didm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: in the pastZombi: G4 aggressive like Leelashin0e [1d]: maybe in go school?leachy [2k]: b f5 m3frozensoul [-]: h2 seems normal for b hereshin0e [1d]: not sure if they were at the same Go school :)Muttley [-]: I still prefer j4measwel [-]: I prefer f5shin0e [1d]: is K4 an option? or is it too lose pincer?sprouts [2d]: A4 is a ponnuki so then w is 27 aheadfrozensoul [-]: k4 is less pressure than j4m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: based on European Go Database, Surma did not played andym1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: but, it is only European oneLaman [1d?]: ponnuki only good if you captureinsei3 [1k]: if A4, then E2measwel [-]: nobody likes F5?CedAlJaMa [21k]: Ctrl + F5?sprouts [2d]: if w captures, it is 28m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: ALT+F4?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: ;)Tollpatsch [4d]: Surma often messes up the openingUberdude [6d]: surma went to usgc. Maybe he played andy there];B[hr]BL[973.661]C[frozensoul [-]: yay h3frozensoul [-]: h2*frozensoul [-]: im not so bad after allTheThe [4k]: troll move?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: what means troll move ? (bad move???)Hammer: shape move :)Tollpatsch [4d]: h2 is normalDarkIBlade [4d]: i dont think someone would troll when 10k € is on the line frozensoul [-]: h2 is the normal movefrozensoul [-]: lolm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: lolsprouts [2d]: it's a good move, that needs some additional thinking];W[pr]WL[785.255]C[Hammer: lol w getting cash now?];B[qm]BL[955.697]C[m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: ouchTollpatsch [4d]: i wonder if f6 is a move at some pointinsei3 [1k]: wow so fastMcCormick [2k]: so who is cloudnotes?];W[pn]WL[714.3]C[cho003 [3k]: Does the top left corner have two eyes?sprouts [2d]: f6 looks too slowsprouts [2d]: /passive];B[mf]BL[894.874]C[drakula [-]: Sorry, internet disconnectedcloudnotes [2d?]: no problemsprouts [2d]: leela says last moves b lost land];W[pd]WL[618.024];B[od]BL[891.259]C[monk2: N14 bad moveZombi: suresprouts [2d]: R7 lost 10+%Tollpatsch [4d]: wowTollpatsch [4d]: i didn´t think r7 would lose so muchsprouts [2d]: but still aheadr0n1n [3d?]: can you explain why, please ?Hammer: cause leelaUberdude [6d]: was that with w extend in reply?sprouts [2d]: no, w hanesprouts [2d]: but also extend sagesse [-]: what's the percentage now?measwel [-]: r9 seems attractive];W[mg]WL[419.995];B[oj]BL[888.645]C[measwel [-]: but it might be bigger to attack the bottomBaymax [?]: B+4Baymax [?]: nice analysis by Lizzie and 6d egf https://www.twitch.tv/explorebaduk];W[qk]WL[293.383];B[lf]BL[871.184]C[domie [2k]: W may die];W[nf]WL[225.307]C[Concinnity [2k]: Die wher?];B[mi]BL[835.047]C[domie [2k]: N17 not alivemeaswel [-]: yes could be koZombi: N17 aliveJupiter15k [4d?]: if B plays q19?FirePrince [?]: then w n19 is alive rightJupiter15k [4d?]: no, n19 o19FirePrince [?]: ah yeah];W[ok]WL[12.214]C[Muttley [-]: 1 minute byo coming updomie [2k]: W thinks he can make life Zombi: if b N19 then w Q18Concinnity [2k]: For the time being white has m12domie [2k]: so this is koZombi: no komeaswel [-]: q19 killsljt: it's not onehour gameigaz1: ;measwel [-]: will drakula enter byo soon?measwel [-]: how much byo?hopeful [-]: q12 small, right?GoDave89 [4d?]: rightJupiter15k [4d?]: l12 could be a good forcing move to make all his grps 100% aliveConcinnity [2k]: Definitely not the right time for q12Concinnity [2k]: l12 forces white to live at the top ];B[nk]BL[486.898];W[ol]WL[2.721];B[qj]BL[481.611];W[rj]WL[60]OW[5];B[pj]BL[479.727];W[ri]WL[60]OW[5];B[nl]BL[476.689];W[ni]WL[60]OW[5]C[igaz1: ,trifon [8k]: k10 Robin [2d]: ear reddening move XDConcinnity [2k]: black can't play away from thisFirePrince [?]: n10 probablytrifon [8k]: q12 Concinnity [2k]: o10 is better than n10FirePrince [?]: oh yeah meant o10 not n10Lovepove [4k]: Why not o12?Concinnity [2k]: o12 gives white n12 and m11 in senteConcinnity [2k]: then white can play something like l13 and the group at the top is fine and puts a bit of pressure back on blackLovepove [4k]: Makes sense, thanks!trifon [8k]: q12 r13 o10 hopeful [-]: p7 ?Concinnity [2k]: Just o10 without q12.];B[pk]BL[52.374]C[shin0e [1d]: Surma god of war :pConcinnity [2k]: Black plays the leela move :)sprouts [2d]: hes a 25% god nowConcinnity [2k]: p7 loses aji because it gets r7 killed basically];W[pl]WL[60]OW[5];B[nj]BL[38.152];W[lg]WL[60]OW[5];B[ki]BL[27.601]C[insei3 [1k]: ouchinsei3 [1k]: I support egf but andy will win this gamegfdhfff [2k]: Hi];W[kh]WL[60]OW[4];B[ji]BL[2.216]C[McCormick [2k]: w needs to j4 or o5McCormick [2k]: soonhopeful [-]: koRobin [2d]: Black is getting really thick at the bottom...McCormick [2k]: b o6 threatens r8];W[nn]WL[60]OW[4]C[MagnusC [?]: q19 now'monk2: 5.26% for winsei3 [1k]: he thinks he is aliveTollpatsch [4d]: surma means war in finnishSiasio [?]: liu means tumour in Chinesesprouts [2d]: niceRobin [2d]: lolSiasio [?]: (trolling for european pros)Siasio [?]: this liu: 瘤clunker [2d?]: b is diconnected?];B[kp]BL[60]OB[2]C[shin0e [1d]: hehetrifon [8k]: s4 igaz1: ,trifon [8k]: s6 trifon [8k]: s2 insei3 [1k]: what is g4 now :Dinsei3 [1k]: any good aji?];W[eo]WL[60]OW[3]C[insei3 [1k]: hmmmMocramis [2k?]: W needs to invade , but black seems solid :sbowke [5k]: Great move... up to Leela ;) ...but W still far behindMocramis [2k?]: wouldn't b f4 w f5 g5 g6 h5 f6 be fine for black ?Tollpatsch [4d]: lol];B[fo]BL[60]OB[1]C[bowke [5k]: and mistake for Bbowke [5k]: up to Leela again ;)trifon [8k]: g10 Lambic12 [1k]: Leela is brain negation... just think insteadRobin [2d]: F5 looked like the only move to me];W[fp]WL[60]OW[3]C[trifon [8k]: f13 sprouts [2d]: go w go...backwards];B[eq]BL[60]OB[1]C[McCormick [2k]: leela can be from 10k up to 10p depending on the hardware, right?];W[fn]WL[60]OW[3];B[go]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: with a current net not below 3d or soExplO [1d]: no, unless you can abuse laddersZombi: G6 againRobin [2d]: H5?];W[gn]WL[60]OW[3];B[ho]BL[60]OB[1];W[gm]WL[60]OW[3]C[Uberdude [6d]: h7trolololZombi: a little compensated for w];B[oq]BL[60]OB[1]C[McCormick [2k]: j6];W[pq]WL[60]OW[3]C[insei3 [1k]: Q19 for black?];B[nm]BL[60]OB[1]C[insei3 [1k]: top w gorup alive?CedAlJaMa [21k]: BarelyMcCormick [2k]: if w built up around l6, j13 could have meant something];W[on]WL[60]OW[3];B[im]BL[60]OB[1];W[hl]WL[60]OW[3]C[Uberdude [6d]: hard to find a place mateusz can create chaos for a chance to win. andy plays so sensibly.sprouts [2d]: j7 slack];B[rk]BL[60]OB[1]C[MagnusC [?]: j7 is safe winningUberdude [6d]: Any ideas siasio?];W[ql]WL[60]OW[3]C[mogget [?]: little time trouble];B[rl]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: get m6 and then aim m3?Concinnity [2k]: can w ignore this and play l14?veikko [3k]: LZ: 45% for wsprouts [2d]: go wfekand6 [1k]: k9];W[rm]WL[60]OW[2]C[RaduStefan [1d]: a close game is everything we could have hoped for.];B[br]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: no];W[ar]WL[60]OW[2]C[sprouts [2d]: we hope for b destroyalsprouts [2d]: :3veikko [3k]: w leading if L14Concinnity [2k]: black seems to be flailing around a bitConcinnity [2k]: Do you think black feels behind and is struggling to figure out what to do?sprouts [2d]: b2 is weird];B[ig]BL[60]OB[1]C[veikko [3k]: 58% for L14sprouts [2d]: now w can get g18];W[kf]WL[60]OW[2];B[ke]BL[60]OB[1];W[kg]WL[60]OW[2]C[Concinnity [2k]: yeah, leela wanted l14/l13 for a while];B[le]BL[60]OB[1]C[Concinnity [2k]: b l13 would've made a big difference to the situation at the topUberdude [6d]: b2 purpose is to ensure w move there is goteigaz1: ;];W[pb]WL[60]OW[2];B[qb]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: Ah, I see];W[pa]WL[60]OW[2]C[qtl [8k?]: so b2 was double sente?];B[bb]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: noUberdude [6d]: Not clearly sent for w];W[eh]WL[60]OW[2]C[Uberdude [6d]: but might be a good moveqtl [8k?]: ah oksprouts [2d]: w+ *wiggles*atarihuana [1d]: its the weirdness of the corner that makes b2 good for b but c2 bad for w ( if he were to leave it) ?Concinnity [2k]: the game hangs in the balance now];B[rh]BL[60]OB[1];W[qi]WL[60]OW[2];B[il]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: c2 is better for whirr now than it was beforeUberdude [6d]: point is w has no choiceRaduStefan [1d]: B9 first maybe?Zombi: w N1 big and senteDosai [2k?]: h14Concinnity [2k]: doesn't look like senteatarihuana [1d]: n1? m3 ^^Uberdude [6d]: n1 aji keshi];W[lq]WL[60]OW[2]C[McCormick [2k]: n6 is an easy way to make points for bUberdude [6d]: qatarihuana [1d]: there ya goUberdude [6d]: w had bigger plans thereRobin [2d]: Black: *sweating nervously*fekand6 [1k]: n4veikko [3k]: so exciting :o];B[ja]BL[60]OB[1]C[RaduStefan [1d]: n4 bad.Dosai [2k?]: really excitingLacan [1d]: i think i might just changemy underwearinsei3 [1k]: wowatarihuana [1d]: b is playing all his ko threats for time];W[nb]WL[60]OW[2]C[squid [12k?]: 252 observers];B[bp]BL[60]OB[1];W[ap]WL[60]OW[2]C[Welvang [6d]: + Twitch + youtubeatarihuana [1d]: gotta punish w somehow in the top after w connects in gote on bottomMcCormick [2k]: this is a casual game or some kind of official competition?];B[mp]BL[60]OB[1];W[lp]WL[60]OW[2]C[atarihuana [1d]: twtich is 1k];B[mo]BL[60]OB[1]C[comeon [6d]: b4 such a royal loss MaAaN!RaduStefan [1d]: SHITatarihuana [1d]: its american vs european pros for 10k bucks a gameConcinnity [2k]: looks like the deciding fight starts nowWelvang [6d]: Going for the kill];W[lo]WL[60]OW[2];B[mn]BL[60]OB[1];W[mq]WL[60]OW[2]C[lodestone [4k]: Is there a webpage tracking the results of the contest? I don't see anything on the AGA page.atarihuana [1d]: w is just ... safe?sprouts [2d]: w lost concentrationinsei3 [1k]: big kosprouts [2d]: b*Welvang [6d]: HaneZeNit [?]: looks scary];B[mr]BL[60]OB[1]C[McCormick [2k]: who is putting up the 10 dollars];W[lr]WL[60]OW[2];B[np]BL[60]OB[1]C[Concinnity [2k]: would not want to be white here, but I guess he's got it readWelvang [6d]: Black last chanceWelvang [6d]: Now it's all in for bothZombi: 10k dollars for this game?KlausF [1d]: lodestone, webpage is https://www.eurogofed.org/index.html?id=246lodestone [4k]: Thanks, KlausF.Uberdude [6d]: This is mateusz specialty];W[nr]WL[60]OW[2];B[or]BL[60]OB[1]C[Robin [2d]: Couldn't white O2 instead of M2?Robin [2d]: No, I'm probably wrong .)fekand6 [1k]: o2];W[ms]WL[60]OW[2];B[os]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: robin it revertsMcCormick [2k]: thanks klaus. we even get commentary thereinsei3 [1k]: j5 :PRobin [2d]: My though was that if b P2 white cutsPoloco1 [21k]: why i there 254 observersatarihuana [1d]: o2 first is same result or worse if you resist];W[jr]WL[60]OW[2];B[ns]BL[60]OB[1]C[Robin [2d]: So no revertMXHero [3d]: in that case, better to try O4 than O2, but that doesn't workatarihuana [1d]: m2 o4 still miai for bZeNit [?]: This is where I'd like some time :)Robin [2d]: H4? ^^];W[ip]WL[60]OW[2]C[fekand6 [1k]: j3];B[en]BL[60]OB[1]C[Concinnity [2k]: horrible situation for byosprouts [2d]: exciting gameinsei3 [1k]: go mate goqtl [8k?]: how is that a threat];W[jn]WL[60]OW[2]C[insei3 [1k]: yesssprouts [2d]: oh godZeNit [?]: cool... is it alive now? Uberdude [6d]: fun times];B[iq]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: Surma deserves winning a lost game after having lost a won final game last tournamentKlausF [1d]: in Jena, Surma lost in Byoyomi against Kim Seong-Jinatarihuana [1d]: k4 looks like istant life?];W[jp]WL[60]OW[2]C[insei3 [1k]: what kind of justice is that :DUberdude [6d]: k4?mogget [?]: surma deserves a win because he is strongConcinnity [2k]: Hard to see how black can kill thatZeNit [?]: now it has to be aliveZombi: now that looks aliveAruchu [3d]: good idea, I'd be 5d with that kind of justice !Concinnity [2k]: d5 now?measwel [-]: it's called 'social justice'. Which is either just justice or it is injustice.Uberdude [6d]: sprouts, but theyat game lost karma for winning lost game vs youngsan :)];B[do]BL[60]OB[1]C[insei3 [1k]: no choiceConcinnity [2k]: Now white needs to sort out d15RaduStefan [1d]: my brain is mushy.ZeNit [?]: back to yose I guessML [2d]: w ahead I thinkmogget [?]: wasn'tit very good for white?];W[ln]WL[60]OW[2];B[fl]BL[60]OB[1]C[Concinnity [2k]: lizzy suggests that white is ahead];W[fk]WL[60]OW[2]C[MXHero [3d]: b is really strong for a 2d];B[gk]BL[60]OB[1]C[ZeNit [?]: hahahML [2d]: no 2dZombi: b still aheadMXHero [3d]: :)hopeful [-]: o7 ];W[ll]WL[60]OW[2];B[mm]BL[60]OB[1]C[hopeful [-]: sryinsei3 [1k]: kill the dragon :PConcinnity [2k]: It's probably still complicated for humans with 60s SD to say who's winning];W[em]WL[60]OW[2];B[gl]BL[60]OB[1];W[kk]WL[60]OW[2]C[xDragon [?]: Everyone in this chat hate Andy, feels badLilou [-]: i love andy !Robin [2d]: White should be ahead now. Black has so many stones on the board that doesnt take any points now];B[fj]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: lol nobody hates andysprouts [2d]: we are just all european :Pqtl [8k?]: europeans just run their mouths morebert [?]: we need that moneybunk [3k]: that's called cheeringinsei3 [1k]: ddfdsfsdEXIT [1d?]: i am britishbunk [3k]: erf lol @Bert];W[li]WL[60]OW[2];B[lj]BL[60]OB[1];W[mh]WL[60]OW[2];B[lh]BL[60]OB[1]C[xDragon [?]: Euro pros don't need that money man];W[ih]WL[60]OW[2]C[Uberdude [6d]: Both left white groups not totally alive];B[hg]BL[60]OB[1]C[RaduStefan [1d]: from a guy that likes them both, I am surprised by Surma's level in this game. W played a good game and if he wins against bigbadwolf, that would be incredible.comeon [6d]: would];W[hk]WL[60]OW[2];B[gj]BL[60]OB[1];W[ik]WL[60]OW[2]C[insei3 [1k]: kill the dragonLacan [1d]: if andy loses, north america may as well just quitdomie [2k]: who is bigbadwolf ?RaduStefan [1d]: AndyZeNit [?]: this looks very ambitiousRaduStefan [1d]: that's his stage name a few years backxDragon [?]: Yeah it helps when euro pros get all this training from China, aga pros get almost no supportLilou [-]: EU>NA];B[jl]BL[60]OB[1]C[insei3 [1k]: guys... both are pros :D];W[li]WL[60]OW[2]C[Muttley [-]: ko];B[lm]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: I was hoping for someone to finally initiate the continental conflict @LilouUberdude [6d]: euro pros are more pro likeLaman [1d?]: at least it shows that the training works. a few years back i would definitely bet on the USUberdude [6d]: in that go is actually their job];W[km]WL[60]OW[2]C[Lilou [-]: M7 NA movesUberdude [6d]: andy works in finance afaikUberdude [6d]: gansgeng at med schoolmonk2: w is losingredreoicy [4d]: m7 looks wokringLacan [1d]: i bet black is really ticked off that b4 didn't workxDragon [?]: Ryan is getting PhD, Calvin bio major];B[kl]BL[60]OB[1]C[insei3 [1k]: andy?hopeful [-]: big groups don't dieRaduStefan [1d]: remember the training Ivan Drago got in Rocky IV? Everyone thought that Ivan's training methods were superior but Rocky showed everyone they're wrong!ZeNit [?]: I thought b4 was a timesuji];W[lk]WL[60]OW[2]C[xDragon [?]: Euro pros get so many more benefits than aga pros];B[kj]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: or you couldsay euro pros actually take being pro seriously];W[jk]WL[60]OW[2]C[UMD1 [-]: hahaha];B[hm]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: Instead of just a cool badge and back to normal lifeMuttley [-]: kogyn [3d]: wowgruvik [2k]: how many years have the european pro system and how many the aga?hvk [-]: n10 n9 j11 k12 k13 sprouts [2d]: Lol my Leela just had a strange error. The entire board is filled with 1 playoutConcinnity [2k]: lizza is not happy with these moves :)atarihuana [1d]: casual 150 point koxDragon [?]: Easy to do that when you get offered 6 months training and all these tournaments and opportunities and euro life in general allows for more free time];W[mj]WL[60]OW[2]C[Robin [2d]: This is what happens when you have this serious game on KGS. It turns into a KGS game XD];B[mk]BL[60]OB[1]C[measwel [-]: this is a great gameMXHero [3d]: this ko is so big i bet the game result is the ko wins and they both loseinsei3 [1k]: wwowowowowgyn [3d]: great gameUberdude [6d]: That most euro pros are from counties with low costof living helps in making a few k euro prize money usefulmogget [?]: mateusz abandoned his studies when he became pro. and i think it was nnot easy decisionxDragon [?]: Aga gets nearly 0 support from Korea and we're lucky to get 1 week off work a year for CongressZombi: white J11insei3 [1k]: do you know prize money?qtl [8k?]: europeans and americans got their pro systems in the same year];W[ii]WL[60]OW[2]C[gruvik [2k]: ok ty qtl :Dinsei3 [1k]: kill the dragonnnnnnTlina [-]: le ko de la morthopeful [-]: good luck bMcCormick [2k]: there hasn't been any new american pros for 2 yearsdomie [2k]: how much do they get for this tournament and who pays ?monk2: b messed upTheThe [4k]: epicsprouts [2d]: they get 2 toasts and a wet kiss];B[mr]BL[60]OB[1]C[sprouts [2d]: I pay];W[ls]WL[60]OW[2]C[ZeNit [?]: Something is happening but I'm not sure whatLaman [1d?]: not the same year. AGA pros came earlier];B[jh]BL[60]OB[1]C[gyn [3d]: don't understand N2insei3 [1k]: timesuji maybeEXIT [1d?]: good ko for bMuttley [-]: L3 ko thret];W[jg]WL[60]OW[2];B[mi]BL[60]OB[1]C[McCormick [2k]: https://www.eurogofed.orggyn [3d]: yes ok more threats];W[gi]WL[60]OW[2]C[MXHero [3d]: w has G11 etcMcCormick [2k]: the information is there];B[hi]BL[60]OB[1];W[mj]WL[60]OW[2]C[Robin [2d]: Good ko for anyone who wins it :DConcinnity [2k]: takes away a potential eye at m1 maybe?Zombi: very serious komeaswel [-]: whether the ko is good for b depends on the question how much compensation w will get];B[jq]BL[60]OB[1]C[Lilou [-]: andy is playing two other games same time on tygem ZeNit [?]: lol];W[kq]WL[60]OW[2]C[sprouts [2d]: sure ^^];B[mi]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: is j6 bad threatfalafel [8k]: Thansk for the link McCormick! I like the commentary at the linkLilou [-]: and put this goban in onecolorgo modeUberdude [6d]: help b libs outsideredreoicy [4d]: b will play j5 as threat anywayanton007 [-]: h12 redreoicy [4d]: so it's no real difference to black's libsredreoicy [4d]: oh i see what you say];W[hh]WL[60]OW[2];B[gh]BL[60]OB[1];W[hj]WL[60]OW[2];B[fi]BL[60]OB[1];W[mj]WL[60]OW[2];B[om]BL[60]OB[1]C[Uberdude [6d]: f11 group libsredreoicy [4d]: yeah i didn't understand at firstUberdude [6d]: Some potential danezumsriwade [5d]: g13?redreoicy [4d]: g13 h11redreoicy [4d]: oh right nowMXHero [3d]: i think w has to ignore this threat, but i might just be a huge chickenwade [5d]: yuphvk [-]: k10 q7 f12 redreoicy [4d]: i think w can just answer q7gyn [3d]: yes i would q7Dosai [2k?]: maybe he is counting?sprouts [2d]: wat w thinking about];W[gg]WL[60]OW[1]C[ZeNit [?]: his next threat I guessxDragon [?]: It's important to use your time, you can read other stuffMXHero [3d]: woohooredreoicy [4d]: nope went for the trade];B[pm]BL[60]OB[1]C[gyn [3d]: wooow insei3 [1k]: wowLilou [-]: boom.sprouts [2d]: waaaaaaaahtinsei3 [1k]: whyDosai [2k?]: wowMXHero [3d]: b has more threatsgyn [3d]: i guess top group safer and b had more threatsMXHero [3d]: so w ignored the first one that was not horribleinsei3 [1k]: top group?insei3 [1k]: b top group now attackable?ZeNit [?]: now just kill top and we're good :)sprouts [2d]: bottom right attackable?];W[gf]WL[60]OW[1]C[insei3 [1k]: ahahahahatarihuana [1d]: yes but what can you doinsei3 [1k]: bottom rightinsei3 [1k]: :Dhvk [-]: GGgyn [3d]: beautifulredreoicy [4d]: black just has to live now Lilou [-]: EU why so quiet?Concinnity [2k]: black top group isn't looking healthy];B[he]BL[60]OB[1]C[fekand6 [1k]: k15m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: it is 11 pm here ;)GralAnibal [-]: sureredreoicy [4d]: looks like top is another ko :Dm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: I am almost falling asleep ;)hvk [-]: j14 h14 k15 k16 f12 ZeNit [?]: so many huge end game moves nowRobin [2d]: G18?];W[je]WL[60]OW[1]C[gyn [3d]: white has to kill though now i thinkredreoicy [4d]: j15 heresprouts [2d]: gyn which of all them?wade [5d]: h14 and f12 works for b?];B[hf]BL[60]OB[1]C[hopeful [-]: k16 fekand6 [1k]: k15DarkIBlade [4d]: thats another ko ZeNit [?]: great];W[fh]WL[60]OW[1]C[hvk [-]: GG];B[jd]BL[60]OB[1]C[ZeNit [?]: I was just thinking this game lacked a koveikko [3k]: LZ: 58% for wUberdude [6d]: This is unfortunatehvk [-]: k10 ];W[if]WL[60]OW[1]C[redreoicy [4d]: b didn't go for ko :Oveikko [3k]: w might be winning];B[ie]BL[60]OB[1]C[GralAnibal [-]: now is overMXHero [3d]: it's funny that the size of this first ko had nothing to do with the fate of the five center b stonesUberdude [6d]: is w ok if sente for p11ZeNit [?]: but for who?];W[jf]WL[60]OW[1]C[gyn [3d]: still ko?MXHero [3d]: which are still 1/3 alive :)Zombi: black G18insei3 [1k]: there is still 12 points ko :Predreoicy [4d]: this ko black won't have enough threats though];B[gc]BL[60]OB[1];W[fb]WL[60]OW[1];B[hd]BL[60]OB[1];W[hb]WL[60]OW[1];B[gb]BL[60]OB[1];W[ga]WL[60]OW[1];B[ha]BL[60]OB[1];W[ia]WL[60]OW[1]C[bert [?]: b needs k10 to complete the bomber];B[ps]BL[60]OB[1]C[ZeNit [?]: greatinsei3 [1k]: pofffffffffffgyn [3d]: hahahawade [5d]: wow that was bad by bRaduStefan [1d]: ah, jesysinsei3 [1k]: what a exchangeeegyn [3d]: man sprouts [2d]: it seems they both love playing in the mudfekand6 [1k]: l19jimmy1: Wow.gruvik [2k]: why not g19 instead of g18?Lilou [-]: andy trollingUMD1 [-]: tesuji F18 for blackGralAnibal [-]: k10 and resignRaduStefan [1d]: take the koredreoicy [4d]: k16 was really bad, even if black played j15 b could still move back to k16 ];W[ha]WL[60]OW[1];B[qr]BL[60]OB[1]C[RaduStefan [1d]: and if B plays R2, W can K19Robin [2d]: P11?RaduStefan [1d]: k10 / p11hvk [-]: c2 ZeNit [?]: can we play normal end game now?Aruchu [3d]: ko again ?gyn [3d]: lolinsei3 [1k]: this is such a important champ. nobody is trollinghvk [-]: p11 gyn [3d]: go at the bottom hahagermgo [-]: isnt this still kogyn [3d]: koRaduStefan [1d]: s5 pleaseanton007 [-]: p11 is enough for wgruvik [2k]: i meant g18 instead od g17 but actually is even worse never mind, the ko is best for bhvk [-]: k10 ];W[ro]WL[60]OW[1]C[cloudnotes [2d?]: thanksgyn [3d]: woowmogget [?]: gg Mateuszdrakula [-]: Thank youRaduStefan [1d]: amazing gameZeNit [?]: what a gameAruchu [3d]: oh yeahsprouts [2d]: ggherissondu [4d]: strongUMD1 [-]: ggZeNit [?]: ggm1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: gg Mateusz!gyn [3d]: gghvk [-]: GGyuki [5d]: ggMindware [4k]: uffTlina [-]: Mateusz \o/Dosai [2k?]: ggMirus [3d]: gginsei3 [1k]: gganton007 [-]: gggyn [3d]: amazingsprouts [2d]: so excitingDarkIBlade [4d]: ggFern [2k]: super, Mateusz!!gfdhfff [2k]: brawo Mateuszinsei3 [1k]: wpdxxd [1d]: gg Mateusz!savi [1k]: gg Mateusz!Robin [2d]: gg both players!Uberdude [6d]: congratulations mateusz!!!shinobi [3k]: htray!:)Siljan [?]: Congratulations MateuszDosai [2k?]: yey :)urtok [9k]: wow :)Fern [2k]: gratulację!!GoDave89 [4d?]: noice!!!measwel [-]: gg Mateuszjoachim [?]: thx for the trillTlina [-]: amazing gamehotfridge [1k]: AWESOME stuffUMD1 [-]: goofedurtok [9k]: Congratulations Mateusz :)shin0e [1d]: gratki :)shinobi [3k]: great!:)jimmy1: Congrats!Mirus [3d]: great mateuszDream [3d]: Pooolska polskaaaHilm [1d]: Great game, thanks to both.insei3 [1k]: Next player will be?m1nd0nf1r3 [4k]: Polska, biało - czerwoni :)KyamiRefur [2d]: Gg Mateusz!!!!

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